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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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*** He looks freaking good and catching. Although, in case we can't see the video of this I guess it continues along with the same pace, meaning - HIP SONG, HIP SONG - hahaha. 



13-04-25 Rain @ Consolatory Train
Credit as tagged // DC / ratoka


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Hi willenette, am glad to see this.  I thought his ad contract with Mentholatum (China) had already expired.   I hope it will be renewed once he is discharged, coz as you say - they are in good hands, heheh.  :))

130427 Mentholatum Men


Credit: Mentholatum @ weibo//vincet57@rain-cloud.co.kr

#曼秀雷敦男士專業護膚# 相信每個男人都曾想能像魔術師一樣有神奇的超能力?現在啞光淨爽控油啫喱為你實現:它採用多種控油成分的星級配方,能即時起效控製油脂分泌,再配合活性礦 物新和吸油粉末,能瞬間吸走油脂,即使是油脂分泌的T區,輕輕一抹,一秒時間就能施展啞光魔法,變走油光恢復清爽。


#曼生活•男士# 連周末都要在上班,今天該用點高科技來犒勞乾燥的皮膚了!納米冰川水,採自瑞士最純淨的礦泉水源,通過的微脂囊技術進行包裹,有效提高水分滲透性,保濕功效更卓越。使用含有納米冰川成分的護膚品,更可24小時長效保濕,使皮膚時刻處於水潤、飽滿的精神狀態


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Another news that makes us happy -  =D>

class="title"[R2B] Return to Base is a hit in Japan and has hit the shelves for rent.

by: Stephe@Cloud USA on April 27, 2013

This according to Cloud Pana, who lives there.

If I’m understanding correctly, Pana also mentions that, rather than being in the rental section for films from Korea, Return to Base on DVD and on Blu-ray was stocked up in the section reserved for new releases from the West. Hmm. Wow. :)  Thanks for sharing, Pana!^^

R2B fighting!

(Image credit: pana0625 @Twitpic / http://twitpic.com/cm14e4)





Source:as tagged

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[04-28] 130426 Mentholatum Men ad on subway train in Beijing

Credit: 韩剧动态 @ Weibo//scorpiola@rain-cloud.co.kr




by raimy@rain-cloud-co.kr



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13-04-28 유니세프 WeAction mention Rain


유니세프 WeAction

짝짝짝! 미국, 중국, 페루, 스페인 등 17개 나라에 있는 비 오빠의 팬들이 오빠의 데뷔 11년을 기념하여 11,370,000원의 후원금을 유니세프에 전달했어요 +_+

비 오빠는 지난 2006년 캄보디아의 어린이 친구들에게 50개의 우물을 선물해준 마음씨 착한 가수라는 사실! 비 오빠의 팬들은 아마 오빠의 착한 마음씨를 닮았나 봐요 @_@

어린이 친구들을 돕기 위해 세계 곳곳에서 모아준 팬들의 정성은 친구들에게도, 비 오빠에게도 정말 값진 선물이에요 :)

source :  https://www.facebook.com/WeActionUNICEF


English Translation
by 화니   2013.04.29

[A post about Cloud fans' donation on UNICEF FACE BOOK] translated into English.

Clap! To celebrate the 11th anniversary of his debut, Rain's fans from 17 nations including the USA, China, Peru, Spain, etc. sent a contribution of ₩ 11,370,000 to UNICEF. +_+
It is true that Rain is a very kind-hearted singer who gave 50 wells to Cambodian children as gifts in 2006. Like him, his fans seem to be big-hearted. @_@
The devotion of his fans from around the world will make a valuable gift for both young friends who need support and Rain. :)


Report on 11th debut anniversary donation


by huhuhuhu@rain-cloud.co.kr

Thank you to all of you who contributed to the donation.  Excluding Japan and Korea,  15 countries, 9 fan sites, and over 70 overseas fans contributed a total of 5,700,000 won for this event.  The Cloud Executive will give a detailed account in due course with all the details. 

A big thank you to all of you again!  We make it a great 11th debut anniversary present for Rain!


[Cloud Notice]UNICEF FB post on 11th debut anniversary donation

by huhuhuhu@rain-cloud.co.kr

Cloud Notice link:


English Translation by 화니:

★ Report on a post about Cloud fan's donation to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Rain's debut on UNICEF's FACE BOOK.★

Hi, I'm am the 8th administration's executive member.

Thanks to your love and concern, we received more than our target in donations we had raised to celebrate the 11th anniversary of Rain's debut and the collection raised a total of ₩15,800,000. Full details of the report on how the project was going, will be noticed after we're granted a testimonial from UNICEF and receive a receipt from it. So please be patient until then.

UNICEF's FACE BOOK : www.facebook.com/WeActionUNICEF

UNICEF posted some earnest words on its FACE BOOK to promote our donation today. We hope many of you'll publicize our work by writing comments on the FACE BOOK.


[A post about Cloud fans' donation on UNICEF FACE BOOK] translated into English.


Clap! To celebrate the 11th anniversary of his debut, Rain's fans from 17 nations including the USA, China, Peru, Spain, etc. sent a contribution of ₩ 11,370,000 to UNICEF. +_+
It is true that Rain is a very kind-hearted singer who gave 50 wells to Cambodian children as gifts in 2006. Like him, his fans seem to be big-hearted. @_@
The devotion of his fans from around the world will make a valuable gift for both young friends who need support and Rain. :)

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Hi willenete, below is an update of a pic earlier posted but now showing a clear view of the four bars/stripes of the military logo in Rain's uniform giving an speculation that he had already been promoted to a sergeant though it was reported that it will be conferred on him on May 1.  Another news to rejoice for him again and I suppose that we can wait for the official announcement -  :)   I wonder what you think about this, dear?

[update]13-04-25 Rain @ Consolatory Train

Credit as tagged // rainangel//ratoka@rain-cloud.co.kr.




[29-Apr-13][allkpop]Se7en to serve out his military service as a celebrity soldier

Posted by memo-rain on April 29, 2013



YG Entertainment announced that singer Se7en, currently serving out his military duty, will be following in the footsteps of celebrities such as Boom, Rain, and Super Junior‘s Leeteuk to join the ‘celebrity soldier’ ranks.

“After completing basic training on the 26th, his status has been changed to a celebrity soldier,” his agency stated.

As a designated celebrity soldier, Se7en will be participating in non-combat areas such as military radio broadcasts and performance tours.

Source: Star News via Nate //allkpop

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anjjo said: Hi willenette, am glad to see this.  I thought his ad contract with Mentholatum (China) had already expired.   I hope it will be renewed once he is discharged, coz as you say - they are in good hands, heheh.  :))

130427 Mentholatum Men


Credit: Mentholatum @ weibo//vincet57@rain-cloud.co.kr

#曼秀雷敦男士專業護膚# 相信每個男人都曾想能像魔術師一樣有神奇的超能力?現在啞光淨爽控油啫喱為你實現:它採用多種控油成分的星級配方,能即時起效控製油脂分泌,再配合活性礦 物新和吸油粉末,能瞬間吸走油脂,即使是油脂分泌的T區,輕輕一抹,一秒時間就能施展啞光魔法,變走油光恢復清爽。

#曼生活•男士# 連周末都要在上班,今天該用點高科技來犒勞乾燥的皮膚了!納米冰川水,採自瑞士最純淨的礦泉水源,通過的微脂囊技術進行包裹,有效提高水分滲透性,保濕功效更卓越。使用含有納米冰川成分的護膚品,更可24小時長效保濕,使皮膚時刻處於水潤、飽滿的精神狀態

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***RAIN is mentioned......................L-)

Se7en Reassigned to Serve as PR Soldier

Although he was initially a general soldier, Se7en has been reassigned to carry out his duties as a celebrity soldier.

On April 28, YG Entertainment announced that Se7en was reassigned as a celebrity soldier after his application was accepted. He will be serving as a PR celebrity soldier for the Ministry of National Defense, along with other stars, such as Rain, Ji Hyung Woo, and Super Junior’s Leeteuk.

The change occured when the Defence Agency for Public Information Services and the military band showed interest in Se7en.

Se7en enlisted in the army on March 19. He will serve for two years. 

Photo Credit: Kim Byung Kwan / enewsworld

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*** Ahhh................UNICEF donation.......................Clouds is just so fantastic for doing such good deeds once again. KUDOS! L-)


13-04-30 @unicefkorea tweet 

credit : ratoka


[English translation] : 

credit : 화니

Including the membership members of Cloud which is Rain's official fan club in Korea, his fans from 17 countries such as Canada, Chile, France, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, etc. have raised funds to make a donation to UNICEF to help poor children.

The coalition of Rain's fans around the world has contributed ₩ 11,370,000 to the Korean Committee for UNICEF to celebrate the 11th anniversary of his debut.

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***I really thought all along that his debut was April 24..............Now, I just realized that this date was his debut on a Cable Music channel but the day itself was April 28............:))


13.04.30[unicef]가수 비 팬들, 데뷔 11주년 기념으로 유니세프에 1137만원 기부
credit : ratoka

가수 비 팬들, 데뷔 11주년 기념으로 유니세프에 1137만원 기부
전세계 17개국 팬들이 연합해 어린이지원금 모아

가수 겸 배우 비의 11주년 데뷔일을 기념해 전세계 비 팬들이 한마음으로 뜻을 모아 유니세프한국위원회에 기부금 11,370,000만 원을 전달했습니다.

현 재 군 복무 중인 비의 데뷔일은 4월 28일. 전세계 팬들은 그의 데뷔일을 기념하는 동시에 의미있는 이벤트를 마련하기 위해 한국 공식 팬클럽인 ‘구름’ 팬들을 시작으로, 캐나다, 칠레, 중국, 프랑스, 홍콩, 헝가리, 인도네시아, 일본, 말레이시아, 페루, 스페인, 대만, 태국, 터키, 미국, 베트남 등 17개국에서 기금을 모아 ‘비 팬 연합’ 명의로 어린이지원금을 기부했습니다.

그 동안 캄보디아의 어려운 식수문제에 관심을 갖고 캄보디아 어린이들을 위해 우물을 기증하는 등 어려움에 처한 이들과 어린이들을 후원해온 비의 뜻을 이어 ‘비 팬 연합’에서는 자신이 좋아하는 가수의 특별한 날도 기념하고, 도움이 필요한 어린이를 위한 기부도 하는 유니세프 기념기부 캠페인에 동참하게 됐습니다.

‘비 팬 연합’은 “전세계에서 고통받는 어린이들의 아픔을 조금이나마 함께 느끼고 이들을 돕고자 유니세프를 통해서 이 기금을 전달합니다. 특히 올해가 세계 물의 해’(물 산업 협력의 해)이고, 비의 데뷔일(4월 28일)과 비슷한 시기인 말라리아 퇴치의 날 (4월 25일)을 고려해 해당 기금이 깨끗한 식수키트, 말라리아 치료제 및 살충처리된 말라리아 예방 모기장을 지원하는 데 사용되었으면 좋겠습니다.”라고 전했습니다.

SOURCE : http://www.unicef.or.kr/unicef/active/kor_view.asp?cidx=31348

English translation :
credit : 화니.

-Singer Rain's fans send a contribution of ₩ 11,370,000 to UNICEF to celebrate his debut 11th anniversary-

Rain who is currently serving in the army, made his debut on April 28th.
To arrange a meaningful event in celebration of the day, Rain's fans from 17 countries including Canada, Chile, China, France, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Peru, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the USA, Vietnam, etc., raised funds to help underprivileged children through UNICEF under the name of the coalition of Rain fans.

Rain's fans have taken part in an international fundraising campaign organized by UNICEF to help children in need and to celebrate their favorite singer's debut anniversary by emulating the virtuous actions of Rain who is also known for his efforts to help children in need (he donated wells to children suffering from water shortages in Cambodia.)

'The coalition of Rain fans' said, "We've come to send our humble contribution to less privileged children all over the world through UNICEF.
Especially, considering that this year is the year of World Water and that April 25th specified around the same time as April 28th (Rain's debut day), is a day of eliminating malaria, we hope that this donation will be used to provide clean drinking water, anti-malaria drugs, and insecticide-treated mosquito nets which help prevent malaria to them."


Rain’s Fans Donate a Large Sum to Celebrate 11th Anniversary

Celebrating his 11th anniversary in the army must be rough, but we bet Rain is smiling up a storm with his fans doing good deeds for the special occasion.


For his 11th anniversary on April 28, Clouds, Rain’s fanclub name, donated a large sum of 11,370,000 won to UNICEF to support children. The donation not only came from the official Cloud fanclub in Korea, but form all around the world, including Canada, Chile, China, France, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Peru, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, USA, Vietnam. The donation was made under the name of ‘Rain Fans United.’

‘Rain Fans United’ stated that it is donating to be even just a little help for children suffering all around the world. 2013 also happens to be United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation, and the fans found it fitting to celebrate Rain’s 11th anniversary, which falls close to World Malaria Day 2013 on April 25.

The fans hoped that the donations will be used to provide clean water as well as medication and supplies for malaria.

Photo Credit: Rainy Entertainment / enewsworld


[30-Apr-13]Only 71days to go before his discharge...Happy Rain who has become a free agent! (FA)



As the day draws near that has been set for him to leave the army, every move by Rain is drawing the attention of the entertainment world.


In October, 2011, Rain's exclusive contract with JYP Entertainment expired, and at the same time he joined the army. And, as he and his management team whom he had been working with since his debut, have decided to go their separate way, he has become a free agent (FA) as they speak. Not surprisingly, the underhanded competition among entertainment agents to get a contract with Rain who is to separate from the army on July 10th, is getting fierce.


Rain's military service has left a vacuum of two years in his career, but he is a major singer representing Korea and actor who is highly regarded in Hollywood.


He became the first Korean to have a concert at Madison Square Garden in New York in 2006, and to star alone in Hollywood major film 'Ninja Assassin' released in 2009. Particularly, because of a scheduling conflict between his enlistment and appearance in films, he had to give up his appearance in several films before his enlistment. He is known to still receive attention from Hollywood.


According to many entertainers and staff of management firms, Rain seems most likely to form a partnership with a major entertainment agent which builds systematic management system, not operating company under his own power.


Rain established his own company JTune Entertainment after he got independence from JYP Entertainment in 2007, but he found operating company a very difficult experience. In addition, even though singer Psy runs his own company, he (Psy) has been on a roll as an international singer since he belonged to YG Entertainment, that is likely to have an impact on Rain's decision to team up with a major agent.


Currently, several major agents which are likely to team up with Rain, are named, but they are very unforthcoming about what happens, "Rain is still serving in the army."



Credit to Sports DongA http://news.nate.com/view/20130430n03328

English translation by 화니.


[info] Consolatory Train guest stars (30 April)

credit : ratoka 

English translation

credit : 화니 

The guest list for 'Consolatory Train' at the 72nd Army Division scheduled for April 30th (Tue)

MCs : Leeteuk & Yun Sung Kyung

Gavy NJ
Kim Kyung-Hyun(The Cross)

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I just watched Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love. This drama starred by Kim Tae Hee. WOW! Ending scene eps 8 made me shocked. Maybe scriptwriter think about what kind of kiss for Yoo Ah In & Kim Tae Hee? And then popped out the idea what about... Kiss in the RAIN...?!! Haha. I'm wondering Rain's face right now to see KTH kiss with another man in the rain. 

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