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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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Guest Naoise

Sam, thanks you so much for the translation. Oh my our JH are just too adorable for words! One of the reasons I love him, he certainly never give out standard boring answers hahahaahha. It is absolutely too funny the way he's complaining about the flourish of rice in his own handmade riceball :lol: Can't wait for the rest ^^

Jin, thanks for the explanation. That explains the dancing - porn moview relation hahahahaha.

Man, he sleeps in his undergarments only? :o I'd better go to bed now before my imagination going further than I can afford :lol:

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Guest charissejeong

They chatted, and Jae Dong asked Jihoon to talk about the backstage ongoings in the course of his work

Jihoon said, when he was in Hong Kong, he stayed in a hotel which has a rooftop swimming pool

That was specially reserved for Jihoon's use.

During that time, he and his male dancers were swimming and drinking...everybody's a little high

One dancer suggested, to swim in nude together

At this moment, the entire place went crazy

Jihoon waved his hands hurriedly and explained, it was only that dancer who swam in nude.

But we shouted "Ee.........Come out with it!"

Another surprise came out in the hall

Jihoon said "Everybody knows that I have confidence, right?"

"I have confidence"

All the fans went mad.

Because a subject not suited for those 19 and below has come up, it was a mess everywhere

Jae Dong is not somebody who lets go of such a topic...

Jae Dong almost lost his breath, laughing extraordinarily, almost collapsing

Jae Dong said, "Exactly what in specific are you confident about?"

Jihoon cleverly turned the subject to the paparazzis

His answer only raises more questions.

Confidence in what JH?

What are you implying?

Aisshhh....this leaves a lot to interpretation and imagination. :vicx:

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Guest QtyAngel29

Sam, if all biers here are angels and you the special one. I don't know

what words to choose can show my appreciation :P

why dancing connect to "porn movie"? Here is my understanding.

When bi was obssessed with dancing, he skipped school a lot and

hung out with those big kids to learn street dance. Comparing with

normal kids, they are recognized as "wild" or "bad" kids by adults.

I believe those kinds of wild kids exist in every countries. They are rebellious,

like to try a lot "dare-not" stuff, such as smoking, watching porn movies,

piecing, taking drugs, fighting a lot.....

Bi is speical and he kept promise to his dad not to be one of them, never

smoking and piecing, has his own boundary not to across...but still he did

something with them together :sweatingbullets: Hearsay, bi was good at

fighting as well :lol:


here is the original source of the fan meeting report:


jin i agree so too...every place has pple like that...so it somewhat has to do with his dancin since before he did like to hang out with pple like that...but it was great that he was able to keep his promise that he made with his dad...becuz i know some pple persoanlly that were not able to keep that promise...at all....glad our rain did

sam thx for the translatin i would wait patiently for the other half...

his words are so funny i bet fans there just had a great time laughing and stuff....

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Guest docirene

after several weeks of d/l lotsa mp3 and vid files, not to mention images from soompi and several rain fansites, my rain folder ate up 18.5GB of memory. so i burned a dvd for the vids, 2 discs at 4.5GB @. it worked fine on my pc, so i already deleted the files from my hard drive. when i popped it in to my dvd player so i could watch it on tv, yikes, it kept on saying NO DISC.what happened there? i only created a dvd that can be read by the pc? sad cuz i would have loved watching it on a bigger medium. imagine all the fanmade vids, docus, interviews, whatchamacallits. sigh. i used Roxio. what should i have used instead? i was so frustrated to say the very least. my pc monitor is only 15inches while the tv set is 25in. nice to have seen rain there.

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Guest docirene

Suffice to say, Jihoon was not the stereotypical good boy when he was growing up...

He had bad grades,

He loved to dance,

He skipped class,

He hang out with the "wild older bunch" and practiced dancing with them instead of going to class,

He used his tuition money to buy a boom box and sojus,

almost got arrested for dancing in a public park,

He ran away from home....


Really quite a colorful childhood.

this really proves that the only permanent thing in this world is CHANGE. bi ssure changed a lot. he actually has matured earlier than his years, most esp. after his mom passed away.

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Guest Amy28

Thanks Rayndrop for the translation....so looking forward to reading the next half.

Kim Jae Dong is very funny and I like it when he and Bi are together. Like the interview KJD did with Bi and he was going through Bi's luggage and taking all his undergarments out...haa haa. So cute when Bi was trying to hide them from the camera :blush: . They are also funny together on ysmm shows.

I am glad KJD was a host for Bi's birthday celebration. I was laughing and grinning the whole time reading the post.

His honesty about the "movies" is so adorable :wub:(I think it is just me)

When I was reading the post, I didn't get what dancing had to do with porn. He still dances a lot now...wonder if he still watches.......... :vicx::vicx::phew::P

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Guest brisemarine

OMG! I think that he's not only hot, but he's really a good actor!

I loved him in "Full House"..

and even if I didn't like "A love to kill" too much, I think that Rain was gorgeous!

he can act every role :D

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Guest xxcrazy_onexx

Non-Korean pov, his age is currently 23, and he's turning 24.

In Korea, his age is 24, and he's turning 25.


i dont know why..but that made me SO happy :lol::blink::lol:

Sam, if all biers here are angels and you the special one. I don't know

what words to choose can show my appreciation :P

why dancing connect to "porn movie"? Here is my understanding.

When bi was obssessed with dancing, he skipped school a lot and

hung out with those big kids to learn street dance. Comparing with

normal kids, they are recognized as "wild" or "bad" kids by adults.

I believe those kinds of wild kids exist in every countries. They are rebellious,

like to try a lot "dare-not" stuff, such as smoking, watching porn movies,

piecing, taking drugs, fighting a lot.....

Bi is speical and he kept promise to his dad not to be one of them, never

smoking and piecing, has his own boundary not to across...but still he did

something with them together :sweatingbullets: Hearsay, bi was good at

fighting as well :lol:


here is the original source of the fan meeting report:


ah...thank you so much jin

i like to read what i can in korean..b/c that way i can imagine him really saying it

but thank goodness for Sam :D

b/c without her..it would take me litterally 5 hrs and i'd be using a translater every 10seconds :ph34r:

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[Rayndrop: What has dancing got to do with porn movies, Jihoon? ]

Aish - Seriously?? - You don't get it?? ... those moves on stage.. those looks on stage??

:lol: I don't dare elaborate ... those are soft porn...:vixc: wahahaha...

Cha - confidence?? Confident to swim naked since he knows he has great body...

Bi - how could you deprived other dedicated fans like us this kind of enjoyment.

Pure bliss.. we love you too as much as they love you...

:sigh: .. another drama.. episode one scene one...

But we are lucky coz we have people like Jin and Sam ... and 최강레인 and lovebi_rain... to share all this with us.... cloud -

Sam/Jin kiss both of you for making me stay a bier..

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Guest liu_xing_girl

i just love Bi in suits! he looked like walking in the catwalk at CTH's wedding :P

check this building out!!!

dae han min guk!!!!! *clap*clap*clap*clap*clap*

credits to fan rain


whoa! :w00t: is this for real?! i thought for a moment it was photoshopped. dang! just imagine walking on the street & seeing a building w/ a pic like that!

Sorry...this is really too long. Will post the other half tomorrow...

Hahaha....this is really killing me. Uri Jihoon is just too adorable for words...



28th May Birthday Party cum Fan-Meeting Session

Credit: 최강레인 @ fanrain// baidu.com // jinlees@soompi

Kr to Ch: lovebi_rain

Ch to Eng: Rayndrop


It seems like our Jihoon came prepared.

He wants to say all that he couldn't say before because of the presence of the press and cameras

He said, "Just us, we'll have a happy time today", emphasizing on "Just us", unusally playful

Sigh...those who has not seen it before will not understand. He simply look so adorable.

Kim Jae Dong was invited. I personally like Kim a lot, so I was very happy

He is as eloquent as before, and can warm up the atmosphere so well


[Jihoon brand rice dumplings]

First part of the activities was to make Jihoon brand rice dumplings!

When the table was brought out, the two was getting ready when the fans sitting at the corner of the stage shouted they can't see

After hearing, the two obediently moved the table in front

He was so cute~~

There were all kinds of ingredients on the table

Jihoon started putting seaweed into the rice bit by bit, but later felt impatient and simply stuffed them all in.

The sesame seeds too. He poured them all in

He also threw in all the chopped carrots, intestines, eggs etc ingredients

Complained that there's too much rice, kept pouting so adorably

Don't know if Jihoon was mixing up the rice or washing clothes :sweatingbullets:

Jae Dong finally couldn't help but made a face to express his skeptism about the taste of the rice dumplings

Perhaps Jihoon detected it, and he said "The rice dumplings taste better with more ingredients!"

He smiled a Sangdoo smile

Sigh, what do we do with this fellow~

Jihoon said as he was making the rice dumplings, "There's too much rice in here" and he kept nagging non-stop.

After hearing this, Jae Dong couldn't resist but added

"I heard all these are prepared by yourself. Shouldn't you be blamed then?"

But in the course of making the dumplings, our Jihoon's constant complaining about the rice being too much

That's really too cute

I personally felt that Jihoon should just mix the rice without the gloves. Wanted to shout out loud, but didn't.

Our Jihoon makes it seem as if making rice dumpling is very difficult

After making three or four, he rolled the rest of the rice into one huge dumpling

That's about three times the size of the first dumpling

Jae Dong laughed and said, is that a rice dumpling or a big head?

Called the fans to the stage and fed them the rice dumpling. I'm so envious I can die

A female fan sitting in front was so envious she couldn't help but shouted jealously

"Be careful when you walk at night" (Actually I felt that way too)

Jihoon retorted

"Wait a minute! If I have a girlfriend in future, then what?"

"When I have a girlfriend, is she going to be treated this way too?"

Because there was no cameras, so our Jihoon was able to say something like that.


[5-words talk]

Clothes that he wears to sleep!

Jihoon said he only wears his undergarments to sleep.

A ridiculous question came from the audience "upper or lower garment!?" Ridiculous~ Jihoon looked momentarily stunt.

Jae Dong said, "what upper or lower garment!" Then he threw back a funny statement

"Isn't it B-cup?" Because of Jae Dong, we had a crazy time laughing that day.

personally i also like it when KJD interviews Bi. they're really hilarious! :lol:

that rice dumpling part was really funny. i could just imagine his face...pouting...acting like a kid...like Lee Young Jae...hehe!

as for the girlfriend part...was kind of surprising. bi mentioning that again. Bi, what are you trying to say? :sweatingbullets: maybe he should hire bodyguards for her girlfriend once he decides to have one :lol:

Suffice to say, Jihoon was not the stereotypical good boy when he was growing up...

He had bad grades,

He loved to dance,

He skipped class,

He hang out with the "wild older bunch" and practiced dancing with them instead of going to class,

He used his tuition money to buy a boom box and sojus,

almost got arrested for dancing in a public park,

He ran away from home....


Really quite a colorful childhood.

not to mention eating paper where he wrote answers for his exams so as not to get caught by his teacher :lol:

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Guest ladypetruci

That's a lovely gift from your friends, Luv. Looks like they put in a lot of effort for this. :)

Welcome ladypetruci!

:) Thanks.....It took me quite a while to read all Biers info. Love what I read and I'm a big fan of BiKyo as well. Never thought that I would be so crazy about Bi. Now I spend everyday surfing for his information.

Love Bi forever!!!!!!!

:P BAM, hope you continue with your story ......................... :sweatingbullets:

How you get hook with LYJ just luv reading it. :P

:D WELCOME LADY PETRUCI, nice to know Bi got a new fan and also

from Malaysia.............. :)

:rolleyes: Thanks Kiko. Good to know Rainis big in Malaysia too..anyway, do you know when he'll be coming to Malaysia.

Thanks again..

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measurement related to Bi

these numbers were measured in Janunary 2006.

(I am curious how and who got it :rolleyes: )

height 185 cm

weight 75 kg

head 24.5 inch

face length 22 cm,width 15.5 cm (translator isn't sure about it as bi's face is tiny)

shoulder width 19.5 inch

shirt length 48 cm

waist 32.5 inch

butt 97 cm

arm length 26.5 inch

bicep 14.5 inch

shoe 28.5 cm

*1inch=2.5399998 cm

[from cloud-taiwan]

I wonder why no chest....42inch? :)

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Guest roes_susita



I always saw UriJiHoon very humble expresion whille together other Korean Celeb

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Guest charissejeong

measurement related to Bi

these numbers were measured in Janunary 2006.

(I am curious how and who got it :rolleyes: )

height 185 cm

weight 75 kg

head 24.5 inch

face length 22 cm,width 15.5 cm (translator isn't sure about it as bi's face is tiny)

shoulder width 19.5 inch

shirt length 48 cm

waist 32.5 inch

butt 97 cm

arm length 26.5 inch

bicep 14.5 inch

shoe 28.5 cm

*1inch=2.5399998 cm

[from cloud-taiwan]

I wonder why no chest....42inch? :)

My korean friend said Bi has the "luxury" look (ok, my translation is that he looks classy and rich) because his features are small and his head is tiny and Koreans think that is attractive.

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Guest -angelic-

hellew Bi-ers!!!

I'm new here... well, kinda... coz i have always been reading LATEST info let me stress that again LATEST... ehem... info on Rain here... it's just today that i decided to post something here... hehe ^_^ Good work on all the latest news btw... Lovin it!

and about the measurement thingy... i am also (really!) curious on how they actually got it... i mean, all of them are very-very specific measurements....

measurement related to Bi

these numbers were measured in Janunary 2006.

(I am curious how and who got it )

height 185 cm

weight 75 kg

head 24.5 inch

face length 22 cm,width 15.5 cm (translator isn't sure about it as bi's face is tiny)

shoulder width 19.5 inch

shirt length 48 cm

waist 32.5 inch

butt 97 cm

arm length 26.5 inch

bicep 14.5 inch

shoe 28.5 cm

*1inch=2.5399998 cm

[from cloud-taiwan]

I wonder why no chest....42inch?

haha... nywayz, my siblings are always furious on why do i always waste my money on buying all of his stuff... i mean i'm sure everyone here understands right? it's all worthed! ;)

<3<3<3 Jung Ji Hoon/Bi/Rain

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Guest Omshanti

Thanks so much Sam for the translation. I love the fact that he was so open to them really cool of him :D

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Guest kiko

:) Thanks.....It took me quite a while to read all Biers info. Love what I read and I'm a big fan of BiKyo as well. Never thought that I would be so crazy about Bi. Now I spend everyday surfing for his information.

Love Bi forever!!!!!!!

:rolleyes: Thanks Kiko. Good to know Rainis big in Malaysia too..anyway, do you know when he'll be coming to Malaysia.

Thanks again..


Rain's Asian Tour will start end of this year, by the time Rain had a concert in M'sia most probably will be beginning of 2007 his concert ends May 2007.

Schedule not confirm............ :phew::phew:

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Not sure if you girls have seen this before.. but for those who haven't watch this video, you just gotta watch it!! it's so hilarious :lol:

Bi went to this school in Korea to perform.. and it's supposed to be a surprise, the students don't know that he's coming.. gotta watch it man, it's so funny


and i think it's an all-girls school.

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