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Jung Ji Hoon * 정지훈 * 鄭智薰 * (aka Rain/Bi / 비 / ピ) I [Upcoming Drama 2024] Red Swan


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Me too.. I was kind of disappointed... I thought more people would appear for his first event in the US.... That's why I am worried for the LA premiere... It will be sad if there is not a real big crowd to cheer him when he goes on the red carpet....

During those interview clips, his answers in the US did not show his humbleness as compared when he is in Asia... I know it was because he couldn't express his ideas properly in English...but hope his English teacher or somebody in the staff of Warner Bros dare to advise him to adjust some wierd actions in his talking or answering to the media....

Anyways, despite of his busy schedule, his English really improves a lot compared to last year.. he is really smart ...but he still have a long way to go for it....

I am sure that his fans (even coming extra from Asia) will be there and cheer him at the premiere. His Clouds won't let him down!

Rain seems not himself in the interviews. He is usually funny at interviews in Asia and he can make a lot of fun but somehow an American audience (not knowing his humble side like we do) might think that he is arrogant and conceived. But he is just kidding and trying to make the interview funny because of the problem of expressing himself in English.

And what disturbs me a lot (please don't throw stones at me :P): he tries too much of acting and talking like an American by using words like "kickass" for example. I don't mind his English that has its mistakes (it only makes him more human and lovable), I love his Korean accent when he speaks English, but I don't like that he tries to be speak (and act) like an American in those interviews. I want him to be himself, to be Rain.

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Guest tyty6_7

I am sure that his fans (even coming extra from Asia) will be there and cheer him at the premiere. His Clouds won't let him down!

Rain seems not himself in the interviews. He is usually funny at interviews in Asia and he can make a lot of fun but somehow an American audience (not knowing his humble side like we do) might think that he is arrogant and conceived. But he is just kidding and trying to make the interview funny because of the problem of expressing himself in English.

And what disturbs me a lot (please don't throw stones at me :P): he tries too much of acting and talking like an American by using words like "kickass" for example. I don't mind his English that has its mistakes (it only makes him more human and lovable), I love his Korean accent when he speaks English, but I don't like that he tries to be speak (and act) like an American in those interviews. I want him to be himself, to be Rain.

You are right...in front of the U.S people, he looks arrogant, conceived, hurried, and impolite which we are sure he is really not like that ...I am just afraid the first impression of U.S audience on him will be bad ...not mention that will cause an increase in his anti-fan base...Whenever I start playing any his interview clips, I am so worried and nervous about the way he will talk and act there...

Maybe I think too much....


since bi is nominated for so many award at the 14th Asian Television Awards for the documentary on him called Hip Korea, Seoul Vibes...do you think he will come to Singapore?! lol...its on the 3rd December :D

I dont think so because one of clear reasons is that he will have his concerts in Jakarta...

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Guest angelordevil

[11-15] The Rain is coming down on Ningin, part 3

Interviewing Director James McTeigue was a challenge of a different sort for me. I didn’t know much about him at first other than that he directed V for Vendetta, which so happens to be one of my favorite films. That’s the only movie that’s he directed prior to Ninja Assassin but he’s been part of the Wachowski’s team for a long time and he’s had a role in the making of Speed Racer as well. I’m starting to see a pattern of Wachowski, James McTeigue, and Rain. I hope those three combine to produce movies forever!

V for Vendetta was a great movie on many levels. I think it’s one of the best political action thriller movies of all time, if not the only one in that genre that I just created. The hero in that movie, a mysterious man named V, played by Hugo Weaving, is essentially a terrorist. When it came out, I wondered if it was going to do well at the US box office when, you know, the US has an issue with terrorists. Plot controversies aside, the movie had really awesome fighting sequences.

Going into the Ninja Assassin screening, I half-expected something similar to V for Vendetta – complex storylines and intense fighting but without the run-on alliterations. I was right about the latter two things, although it would’ve been funny to see Rain tackle run-on alliterations in English. In any case, McTeigue has two movies under his belt now. One stimulates thought and the other stimulates adrenaline. I didn’t get a chance to explore that more with the director, but we did get into more detail with some of the fighting scenes. So again, SPOILER ALERT!!!

Hoc: What was the driving force for making this film?

James McTeigue: I guess it was the love of the ninja genre. You know, I guess it became much maligned in the past few years. But it was always been cool. I grew up with TV series that had ninjas in it. There was Samurai Shintaro when I was a kid. There’s famination and a bunch of other stuff. I grew up with a lot of Japanese anime; Marine Boy and Gigantor and a whole bunch of stuff. And I thought it’ll be good to do a mix martial arts film and take it to another level. I did some work with Rain on Speed Racer and thought he’d be the perfect person to be in the vehicle. Yea, I just went about writing a script around the mythology or the folkloric-ness of ninjas and put them in a modern context.

Was it your idea to combine all the different forms of martial arts and create a new hybrid style?

Through discussion with Chad and David, the second unit directors, and the fight coordinators, we thought, there’s all these martial arts films that has done all this stuff. Let’s take it to another level. Let’s make it a mixed-martial arts film. Let’s put elements of papkor in it. It was like a confluence of ideas that takes it to the next level and push forward what’s already been done — change the weaponry up a bit. I mean I don’t think you’ve ever really seen someone use that blade and chain thing because it’s hardly used. You puts elements like that it in. Make the shurikens almost seem like machine guns fire.

Yea, they were faster than bullets, it was incredible.

When the Europol guys attacked the ninjas, at least they had some kind of recourse. In that way, they match up.

Well, ninjas can throw like five at a time. Another thing with combining the various martial art forms, you put into definition how ninjas move and the style of their motion. The final outcome looked incredible and I thought it was especially apparent in the scene where the bad ninjas were chasing Raizo on a German freeway and were hopping cars coming at them at full speed in one fluid motion. The style of motion was something that seems very un-human, more cat-like or beast-like.

I was interested in ninjas having a supernatural aspect and a horror aspect. So when they come out of the darkness, they’re always whispering (doing intangible ninja whisper sounds). To have them evolving out of darkness and then when they get into a street scene and running into traffic, get them to do crazy things like somersaulting over cars and being really stealthy and acting stealthily. Yea it was fun doing that stuff.

It’s funny you should say that because I just interviewed Rain prior to coming here and Rain said he got hurt or cut a few times.

(laughing) Did he?

All over his body, on his nose…

You know it’s hard when you have fighting of that intensity; we were using some of the best stunt guys in the world. But every now and then you can’t dodge everything. Don’t worry we were pretty careful with Rain.

Oh he looks fine, all in one piece.

But yea he really put the hard work in to be that physically adept and fighting a lot of the stunt guys, that’s him fighting the stunt guys as ninjas.

He told me that he’s relatively new to martial arts and picked it just before the filming started. Can you tell us a little bit of what it’s like working with Rain?

Rain is a few things, he has incredible discipline, he has incredible drive, he has great screen presence, and a great physicality which comes from him singing and dancing. When we were teaching him the choreography he fast surpassed anything we would do. Ultimately we would make up more choreography to give to him and was like, “Hey do this,” and he would do it. “That’s great! Ok, do this.” In some ways he kept pushing the bar high. He could get to a level that no other person that we have trained with before could get to. And I’ve trained a lot of people from the Matrix films.

And V from Vendetta which also had great fight scenes.

Yea thanks! He was great to work with.

Would you say that Rain is the only person in the world that could fit that Ninja Assassin role?

I would love to say yes…he’ll be in the top 2%. I think more than anything, there hasn’t been an [new] Asian kind of Jet Li or Jackie Chan. Why not? There should be. We shouldn’t have waited so long. It’s great. Hopefully this will be the movie that crosses Rain over. He’s like the new God. (laughter on both sides) I was totally excited that he wanted to do it. Cause he is. I couldn’t hope for anyone better to tell you the truth.

Are you going to do future projects with him?

Hope so.

Do you have something in mind? Ninja Assassin 2?

(laughs) Yea. Maybe. We were just talking about a project recently that hasn’t come to fruition. But hopefully it will soon.

What was the biggest challenge of directing this film?

I think the biggest challenge is getting the balance of these action pieces and holding onto the thread of the story. Basically, you want a very simple story. This story was, Rain is in the ninja world. There’s a girl investing the ninja world. Both of them collided together in the macrocosm of the ninja world and are now on the run from all ninjas. You want a film that has decent narrative and characterizations but also has great set pieces. It’s just finding that balance which is one of the more difficult things to do sometimes.

I have to say that my favorite scene was in Mika’s bedroom and there were two ninjas fighting in the dark and the only light source was the tiny flashlight that Mika was frantically waving around looking for her potential killer.

Oh cool!

Yea it’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen!

(smiling) Oh good! It was good. Funnily enough, it’s much harder to light something like that. In post-production you tweak it a little more. But it was a cool idea. She got a flashlight pointed straight at them, but like where did they go? Yea it was cool, I’m glad you like that.

How difficult was it to put that together?

Yea it was. Obviously there’s a digital component to that kind of scene. I wanted [Raizo] to be able to move really quick. I also thought it was interesting that she didn’t know who was the good ninja or a bad ninja. Which one was helping her out? Who was she shooting at?

Yea she has no idea what’s going at that point.

Then when the fighting dies down there’s these voices kinda echoing around the room and she doesn’t know where he is.

So was most of that scene finished in post-production with a lot of special effects added to it?

Oh no. In that particular scene, except for a couple instances of the chain and the blade, it was all done practical.

Wow, that’s amazing!

Aww thanks. Yea it was cool. The chain and the blade, that’s such a special weapon that you have to digitally put in later. So that the opponent always acted or responded correctly, Rain would train with a rope dart which is a martial arts weapon. He would swing it at a guy and you would replace it later with a chain.

That’s probably safer that way.

(laughing) Yea it’s better than someone getting their head cut off or something. That’s definitely safer.

I also know that you have a new technology in this movie where you see people get cut in half.


That’s just really cool! Do you foresee this being used in more American movies?

I don’t know you know. It’s nice that you reacted well to it. Other people, it’s not their cup of tea. I made it for guys like you. I hope you got into it.

That’s tame for Asian cinema.

Wow! That’s kinda my point. I was saying this morning to some people; I wanted this movie to be a confluence of Asian cinema and American cinema. Asian cinema is violent and it’s cool. And it looks good. I was trying to bring this anime game feel and have Asian cinema and American cinema cross-pollinate.

I can see why you would like working with the Wachowski brothers.

(laughing) Yea, right. They’re fun to work with those guys.

For all the high-flying acrobatics, advance choreography, and special affects, one of my favorite scenes was the one with Rain in the bathroom fighting that really big guy. It was Raizo’s first kill assignment and he didn’t really learn how to kill efficiently yet. The scene was more a brawl than an assassination and it was the most visceral, most-intense edge-of-your-seat moment in the movie for me.

I’m glad to hear you say that. It’s meant to be like a rite of passage. Up until that point, he’s had doubts about the family. They obviously put him in a situation where they know he’s completely over-matched. The [big] guy is not mucking around. You feel like he might defeat [Raizo]. [Raizo] is like throwing him in the urinal and smashing his head. He’s in the fight of his life. When [Raizo] goes on the rooftop, it’s like, ok, what is this? What’s going on? Are you guys my family? Are you my father? This is ridiculous. That bathroom was meant to be set apart from the others. You’re meant to feel the violence of the fight.

Was that your favorite scene in the movie or do you not have a favorite?

I like the love scene. (laughing) No, kidding. It was one of my favorites. There’s like of other stuff in there that I like. I like the rooftop scene that’s kinda cool. Oh I like the tattoo parlor at the start, it kinda fun and sets the tone of the movie.

The rooftop was Rain’s favorite part according to him.

Yea that was a hard scene to shoot actually. You know it was inside and it was raining for days on end. But it was cool.

The Ninja Assassin movie comes out around the same time as Twilight, so if there was ever a fight between ninjas and vampires, who do you think would win?

(laughing) Depends on whether or not they’re vampires from the Twilight movie or not. Those are kinda tame. If it was the vampires from True Blood, it would be more of a fair fight. But definitely ninjas.

I’m not talking about the box office, I’m talking in a fight.

Oh I know you’re not talking the box office. That movie has like a 98% awareness or something.

Well, we’ll recommend to people to watch Ninja Assassin in the theaters because it’ll look better on the big screen and rent Twilight on DVD.

Yea that would be great if you can get those girls going to watch Twilight to watch Ninja Assassin.

We’ll do our best! Thanks again for this interview and I really do love your movie.

It was great talking to you and thanks for your kind words about the movie. Take care, thanks.

Afterwards, since I was the last non-video interview of the day, I was lucky enough to ride the elevator down with the director. Because there’s so many tall buildings in New York, we have speed elevators that can go up and down 50 floors in 10 secs or so. That’s just enough time for one more random question:

Since I have you here, do you think ninjas really exist, or can exist at all in today’s world?

(laughing) No I don’t think so. It would be too hard for them.

I’m a little surprised by that. What about Rain, could he be a secret ninja?

(laughing) Yea I suppose so. If anyone could, it would be him.

That’s all folks! It was an awesome three hours of my life. But that’s not all the Ninja Assassin coverage on Ningin. We have so many other things planned before the movie launches, including more interviews, so be sure to check Ningin often. And if we can’t convince you to watch Ninja Assassin over Twilight, then you should check out our newly launched Vampire lovers site, SwanDiary.com! Here at Mixr Media, we like to appease both the ninja lovers and vampires lovers

http://blog.ningin.com/2009/11/1 ... n-on-ningin-part-3/

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Rain's Documentary up for awards


Remember the Documentary on Rain titled Hip Korea, Seoul Vibes that aired back in February on the Discovery Channel? Well according to Rain's company J. Tune Entertainment, this documentary is up for awards in four categories at the 14th Asian Television Awards (ATA). The categories include: Best Infotainment Program, Best Direction, Best Music Program, and Best Cross-Platform Content.

The show was produced by Singapore-based Bang Productions. I watched the documentary myself and they did a quality job. The documentary covers Rain's life from when he was a young kid all the way up to the filming of Ninja Assassin. I highly recommend people to watch it.

The 14th Asian Television Awards (ATA) will be held in Singapore on December 3rd. Good luck and hopefully they win some awards.


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Guest fatgrrl_slim


since bi is nominated for so many award at the 14th Asian Television Awards for the documentary on him called Hip Korea, Seoul Vibes...do you think he will come to Singapore?! lol...its on the 3rd December :D

Not possible. He's having a concert in Jakarta, Indonesia on December 3rd.

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11.15.09 New Lotte Duty Free Picture


source: ratoka

11.15.09 New Nature Republic Ad


source: the cloud / ratoka

11.15.09 Rain Wearing GUCCI


source: the cloud

credit: ratoka

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Rain Ninja Assassin Interview says he needs a Girlfriend VERY SOON NY Korean Korea


Thanks for angelorevil for sharing.....

I can't help but laughing toward the end of the interview.....Rain...do you really need a girlfriend soon????? You love all sort of gals?????? really??? I thought SHE must have long & straight hair that you can easily hug her on your chest?????

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rain likes portraying Raizo because 'He’s very sexy'

Korean heartthrob Rain (a.k.a Jung Ji-hoon) loves his character Raizo, in Ninja Assassin because “he’s very sexy” thus our favourite Hallyu Star can easily relate to him. Ha ha…cute.

The 27-year-old, along with the movie’s director James McTeigue, talked to the Korean Beacon in New York on Nov 13.


Praises: Rain (right) on McTeigue: 'He's always awesome, he's the best.'

Rain spoke a little English and seemed more comfortable with the language than in previous interviews. Nonetheless, he was at his best when conversing in Korean.

Source: http://k-popped.com/search/label/Bi%20(Rain)

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This is one of the FIRST interviews published from the Ninja Assassin press junket. We interviewed RAIN at The London Hotel in New York and it was a lot of fun meeting him and the director James McTeigue. Rain and James were very personable and when RAIN realized that we were Korean, you could see him instantly relax. He seemed very comfortable with us and quite enthusiastic and did not big time us. After we had interviewed him, RAIN turned to the director and said, “I told you Koreans are humble.” We’re guessing that comment was a reference to how overbearing the American media may be. Afterwards, RAIN followed us out to the waiting area and just hung out next to us while we were packing our stuff. Maybe he wanted to talk to someone in Korean because he was speaking English all day. The funniest comment he made during the interview was that his character is “sexy.” Check out the interview with RAIN.



Rain was really a lot comfortable with the korean interview...and ....I like the way he and Director James McTeigue are friendly with each other...

One more time screen caps You just have to smile watching them :D







































caps: ratoka-rain-cloud

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Guest angelordevil

Rain (from Ninja Assassin) signing at Giant Robot NYC!


Thanks ratoka for cap, and thanks Kicia for posting it.

Kicia, you did hard work recently , so did the other Biers , hihi

about the things that tyty6_7 and bbly worry, I can understand

in my opinion Rain in USA is still a new artist.

so it can understand ,just around 60-80 people in the Gian Robot event

We can hope after NA realease, things will change.

about the Premiere in LA, don't wory. I see a lot of Rain's fan have a plan go to LA to support him even they live far away from LA. keke .

I think in LA there are a lot of Asia live and of course will have a lot of Rain's fan,

so maybe that's why the choose LA ?????

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wow... he picked up English really well~ he's on point and everything 0_0 so much better than how he was just a few years back~ lol it's kind of funny when you almost don't pick up on his sarcasm about his character"being sexy" :P people might mistake that as him being into himself >_< ahaha

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That interview with the director and Rain was good. Rain was really relaxed. He is really funny and making a lot of jokes, I hope that people won't take that too serious thinking that he is a bit arrogant.

I like also what the director said about Rain in the Ningin interview part 3. You can really say that without Rain there wouldn't have been Ninja Assassin!

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Guest angelordevil

TaiwanTrendy No.05]Rain Ninja Assassin(SEXY)

Rain Ninja Assassin








credit: sherrysss@rainhk

By the way , here are the info relate the upcoming Ninja Assassin event in Toronto - Canada, hope some Sompier who live in Canada can attend it

The upcoming screening will take place at the AMC Theater Dundas and Yonge on Monday, November 16, 2009 at 6PM in Toronto, Canada. Also, Rain is expected to be at this screening. Ladies, here's your chance to meet him.

AMC Theater Dundas and Yonge,

10 Dundas St. East, Toronto, ON, Canada - (416) 335-5323

taken from : http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=rain&...page=1&bbs=

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Thank you angelordevil for the magazine scans!!!

And hope that a lot of Clouds will be able to see Rain in Toronto. When will he leave NY? Or did he already do?

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[091115] Video Travel (MBC)

Next Korean media coverage of NA (nothing new)




My 20 Seconds with Mr. Ji-Hoon Jeong

Location: Giant Robot [East 9th Street between 1st Avenue & Avenue A]

Date: 2009.11.13

I was in such shock I couldn't speak past, "HI, RAIN~~~" and "THANK YOU SO MUCH~!!!"

It's a shame the security team was a bunch of bubble gums who rushed us out and wouldn't let us take pictures with him...

P.S. - If anyone's curious why my friend is asking, "CD or book?" at the end, it's because I brought all of my CDs to get signed but we decided to split them up among friends so I wouldn't have to bother Rain to sign, like, five things at once. =)

source: NiCo4z3@youtube


Ninja Assassin new pics





The best B)


source and ©:.Warner Bros Pictures

credit: Phoenix-RAIN Germany

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