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The Rain is coming down on Ningin

Hoc on Friday, November 13, 2009 8:00PM


Today has definitely been one of those “I love my job” type days. Since most of you guys never had the experience of doing a press junket and interviewing celebs, I thought it would be good to go through my entire three hour experience with Rain and the marketing team at Warner Bros. And what a great team they have at Warner Bros. Everyone was so nice, open and chatty. I wish every studio was like that.

We’re going to divide this interview into three parts:

Part 1: Behind the scene and other side stories

Part 2: Interview with Rain

Part 3: Interview with Ninja Assassin director, James McTeigue

Let’s start this journey from where I was walking to Rain’s hotel from the Mixr office around 1pm EST. Almost immediately it started to rain and my first thought was, “how appropriate to interview Rain today.” The commute included passing through Time Square, aka tourist capital of New York City. There was a big crowd of Asian people massing and I was thinking that can’t be because of Rain, he’s suppose to be doing interviews now.

I think I got to Rain’s hotel at about 1:30pm and just expected a reception area with some chairs. I was quite surprised to see the following gourmet spread: http://blog.ningin.com/wp-content/uploads/...ood-400x300.png

I think I had a few too many of these: http://blog.ningin.com/wp-content/uploads/...ate-400x300.png

As I said in my review, Asian movies or movies starring Asian people don’t really get this kind of big budget treatment. I can’t say this enough, Ninja Assassin is just huge for Asians in mainstream media on many different levels.

After helping myself to the food — mostly the desserts – I sat down at the first open seat. To my great fortune, I was sharing a table with Rain’s personal stylist who I’ll call Jane. Now, Jane is a cool person. In addition to Rain, she’s been the stylist of just about every major celeb. One notable story Jane told me was about her trip to South Korea with Ben Stiller for some movie promo. She said Ben is even funnier in person and that they would spend their free time playing Guitar Hero. Can you imagine how cool is it to play Guitar Hero with Ben Stiller?

Naturally I asked Jane a lot of questions about Rain’s daily routine, hairstyle, etc. Turns out, Rain does most of his hair styling by himself. By the way, Rain cut his hair very short compared to the long locks he had as Raizo in the movie. It’s dyed a warm brown as you can see in my candid photo of him. Jane says that for the most part Rain dresses and styles himself. She just does touch ups and minor tweaks here and there when needed.

Jane was also kind enough to show me Rain’s schedule for today. The poor guy had an early morning TV spot on the Today Show, about six hours of one-on-one interviews with a one-hour lunch break, three hours of TV interviews, dinner, and some local event where he’ll be making an appearance. All in all it was like a 14+ hour schedule. I was looking at the impressive list of magazines and websites that were interviewing Rain. Unfortunately, I don’t have photo recall memory so I can’t really remember the names of all those magazines/websites. One somewhat surprising thing was that Ningin was the only Asian media outlet on that interview list. But hey, I have no problems with that.

About 2:30pm I finally got to go up to Rain’s palace of a hotel room. Rain, however, was not there. His rep told me that he was busy being mobbed in Time Square by adoring fans. I said to the rep escorting me, “You have bodyguards going with him right.” The rep, we’ll call him Bob, said, “no,” and that he really had no idea how popular Rain was globally. I told him Rain is easily the Justin Timberlake of Asia, on his way to the Michael Jackson stratosphere. Bob then said yea, he’s been hearing that a lot lately.

While waiting for Rain, Bob would tell me about how much Rain’s English has approved from Speed Racer to Ninja Assassin. He says the difference is “10 times” better in a one year span. Not only that, but Rain works hard before every interview to make sure he’s composed, relaxed, and natural in his speech. He would talk to Bob after each interview to see what he did good and bad and how he could improve the next time. This is not surprising for the fans that know Rain as the hard-working, perfectionist.

Another Warner Bros rep, we’ll call her Susy, updated us that Rain is on his way back and needs to finish his hot dog. That just made me laugh out loud to think that of all the good (but pricey) restaurants in Time Square, Rain settled for a hot dog street vendor. I guess it was Rain after all, stopping traffic on my walk there. It’s funny that I passed him without knowing it.

Susy also told me an interesting story in the Washington D.C. airport involving Rain and some overly rambunctious Clouds (fans of Rain). To protect Rain’s travel plans, Susy would book multiple flights during each leg of the Ninja Assassin press junket. That way, people wouldn’t know which flight Rain was leaving on or which gate. Apparently that wasn’t enough as according to Susy, “little Asian girls were chasing Rain wherever he went in the airport!”

Part 2: The Rain finally comes down - coming soon!


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Guest andycat

hi angelordevil - I'm from philippines... :D

I've been a fan of Rain since his Full House stint...

and I've been watching a lot of interviews posted here, and I'm sort of relief that he's trying to speak in English. I can't count though on how many "YOU KNOW?!" he uttered in those interviews. hehehe :) It's kind of awkward... :lol:

but he's getting there, need a lot of improvement, but he's getting there...

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Guest tyty6_7

I really like his trip to interview Rain...with that we know more information about him... Thanks....

Part 2: The Rain finally comes down - coming soon!



Ningin has interviewed BoA, the Wonder Girls, Utada, and many other wonderful Asian celebs. This interview with Rain felt bigger than all of those. For me, part of it is because of what we’re interviewing him for, the Ninja Assassin movie – the first big budget Hollywood film with an Asian male lead and a mostly Asian cast. Plus, it’s Rain. There’s no bigger male Asian pop star in the world! I was actually a little nervous but, more excited than anything else.

I don’t know if the Warner reps picked up on my nervousness or not, but they told me not to worry and that Rain is a great and easy guy to talk to, much easier than a lot of other non-Asian celebs they worked with. I said yea, in general, all the Asian celebs I interviewed before are like that. It’s part of the pop-factory education process over there.

By now, I’m sitting in Rain’s hotel room. Here’s a photo of it:

The room was a lot larger than the photo shows and that red couch was where Rain and I sat for the interview. My actual time with Rain was about 25-30 mins. 10-15 of those minutes was spent listening to Rain and his friends play around with some 3-D camera from Fuji. He was taking pictures of Time Square with it. One of those pictures is a big Ninja Assassin billboard in the middle of Time Square. I can only imagine how cool it is to see a billboard of your movie, with you in it, at the epic center of New York City.

Warning: Parts of this interview contains movie spoilers.

Hoc: Thank you Rain for taking the time to talk to Ningin.com. We have many fans of yours on our site!

Rain: No problem, anytime.

Hoc: Was shooting Ninja Assassin the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

Rain: I trained for 8 months, 6 hours a day. 5 hours were spent on martial arts training and one hour on total body fitness. (looking somewhat sad) The hardest part was the diet where I could only eat chicken and vegetables.

(The press package had a note from the Director saying Rain joked around about eating noodles, drinking beers, and smoking cigars when the shooting was over.)

Hoc: How did you prepare for your role as Raizo? Did you dress up like a ninja for two months and sneak up on people? What was your inspiration?

I think Raizo is a very strong character. He was very fun to play. I watched a lot of ninja movies and cartoons.

Hoc: Like which ones?

Rain: Ninja. That’s the title of the movie and many other samurai shows.

Hoc: Describe how you felt when the Wachowski brothers asked you to play a ninja?

Rain: I love working with the Wachowski brothers; they take good care of me. When they asked me if I wanted to play a ninja, I said, “how could I say no to that.” We have a very good relationship.

Hoc: Do you plan on working with them in the future?

Rain: Yes, I hope so but nothing definite right now.

Hoc: Those weapons in the movie look razor sharp considering they could slice people in half and all. Did you cut yourself or get hurt during the movie?

Rain: Yea I did get hurt a few times.

Hoc: Wait like, broken bones, deep gashes, stuff like that?

Rain: Yes I did get cut a lot; all over my body and even on my nose and my face. But they took good care of me, and I’m fined.

(starring at his face, I don’t see visible scars.)

Hoc: Are you concerned about getting typecast? Or do you only want to do action films. You’ve done two films in the US, Speed Racer and Ninja Assassin. Both are action-oriented movies.

Rain: Speed Racer was fun but very different from Ninja Assassin. The work is much more intense. I did much more training for Ninja Assassin. But I want to do all types of movies — horrors, romance, [and] comedy.

Hoc: Speaking of comedy, and I know Ninja Assassin isn’t technically a comedy, but you had some really funny one-liners in Ninja Assassin, (doing my best Raizo voice) “I don’t mean to be critical, but you need to finish now.” (This was during a scene where Rain was tied up and Mika was trying as fast as she could to unlock all the restraints on Raizo while a ninja was moments away from slashing Raizo and Mika in half.) I’m wondering if there’s a chance we’ll see you working with Ben Stiller or in some comedy movie soon?

Rain: (Rain didn’t know who Ben Stiller was, his translator had to tell him he was a famous comedian. Sorry Ben if you ever read this!) I would love to do comedies with Ben Stiller or anyone. I have no projects lined up but I’m currently looking at three scripts. I want to do all type of movies. You might see a comedy film very soon! That’s all I can say right now.

Hoc: Well, I’m sure you just made a lot of people happy right about now.

(Rain asks me a question.)

Rain: Have you seen the movie? What did you think of it?

Hoc: (about to say badass, but stopped myself.) I thought it was fantastic. The fighting scenes were so intense and unreal. I especially liked the scene in the bathroom where you were given your first assignment to kill. It may not have all the special effects and choreography, but it was so visceral, like a life-or-death brawl.

Rain: What about the rooftop scene? That’s my favorite scene in the movie.

Hoc: Aw man, that was a great scene too. It’s the one most oft repeated scene in the trailers and at this press junket. It was where Raizo finally decided to betray his father and family. Overall, it was a powerful and sad scene because Raizo nearly died and was the turning point of the story. I half-expected Raizo to killed a few people and run away. I didn’t think he would stay and get cut up like he did.

Rain: (nodding his head as I talked) I really enjoyed shooting that. It was a lot of fun.

(Director James McTeigue goes into more detail about that scene in part 3.)

Hoc: What do you on your days off?

Rain: I would love to sleep. A good day for me is if I can sleep in.

Hoc: Ok, besides sleep, what do you do for fun?

Rain: I like to play sports. I love basketball and baseball and anything where I move around a lot.

Hoc: Oh you like baseball (I’m a huge Yankees fan). What’s your favorite team?

Rain: Lakers. Oh baseball team, I like the Yankees.

Hoc: You’re not just saying that because you’re in New York are you?

Rain: No, I like them a lot.

Hoc: Then you must be happy they won the World Series?

Rain: (smiles) Yes I am.

Hoc: By the way, do you play video games?

Rain: No, I hate games, and never play them.

Hoc: Ok thanks for a great interview, I had a lot of fun!

Rain: No problem, thank you. Bye.

I came in with a bunch more questions for Rain, but unfortunately didn’t get around to asking them. Perhaps next time. He was so easy to talk to, I felt like I could talk for hours. Then again, I’m sure a lot of people (especially girls) would say that in Rain’s presence. Everyone talks about how nice and easy going Rain is. I got to experience that firsthand. And I have to say, it felt pretty good.

Part 3: Interview with the Director, James McTeigue – coming soon!

We talk a lot about Rain too in that part ^_^



I turned 25 and all I got was a birthday card from Rain and a newfound ability to rent cars

JinraIlustrisimo on Friday, NoV

While it’s considered downright rude to be asking a lady her age, I’ll be perfectly honest with you guys: Yesterday, I turned 25. To kick the honesty up a notch, I’d like to make it known that 25 is among the least sexy ages to turn. There’s nothing sexy about being 25. Unlike turning 21 in the US, it’s already been four years since I’ve been allowed to purchase alcohol, go to clubs and partake in sin. There is absolutely no debauchery left at 25 that I haven’t accomplished in my quarter of a century life. Unless you consider a personalized birthday card from my future husband and Ninja Assassin, Rain, the ability to rent cars in the state of California and my new concern for anti-aging beauty products, debaucherous…

Long gone are the days of me going out and partying until sunrise, days of me regretting the days I went out and partied until sunrise and days I wished hot, sexy Kpop stars named Rain would just notice me already and declare an undying love for me:

And just in case any of you can’t read messy Korean handwriting, I’ve taken the liberty of translating what Rain wrote to me on my birthday card.

To be honest, I wasn’t present when Rain signed the card, but I’m pretty sure he sealed it with a kiss. Don’t lie, I know you all had a hard time resisting kissing that ’submit reply’ button when news broke out that it was my birthday yesterday.

Am I mini cooperting you? Only about the chicken scratch. Aside from that, I’d just like to give a big shoutout to Rain and say OMG, THANK YOU SO MUCH. BEST BIRTHDAY EVER (!!!)




Heheh...what she translated from his signature is so funny...

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Guest tyty6_7


This is one of the FIRST interviews published from the Ninja Assassin press junket. We interviewed RAIN at The London Hotel in New York and it was a lot of fun meeting him and the director James McTeigue. Rain and James were very personable and when RAIN realized that we were Korean, you could see him instantly relax. He seemed very comfortable with us and quite enthusiastic and did not big time us. After we had interviewed him, RAIN turned to the director and said, “I told you Koreans are humble.” We’re guessing that comment was a reference to how overbearing the American media may be. Afterwards, RAIN followed us out to the waiting area and just hung out next to us while we were packing our stuff. Maybe he wanted to talk to someone in Korean because he was speaking English all day. The funniest comment he made during the interview was that his character is “sexy.” Check out the interview with RAIN.



Rain was really a lot comfortable with the korean interview...and ....I like the way he and Director James McTeigue are friendly with each other...

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Guest angelordevil

091113 Picture of Rain in NY

I just got back from the event at Giant Robot store.

Rain dressed in black suit with jean, black sun glasses, and his spiked up color hair.

Rain looked really handsome, even the store owner praised Rain.

He appeared for about 30 min, he arrived around 8:45pm.

Everyone got free Ninja Assassin poster and Rain autographed all of them.

There were about 60ish people waiting on line for autographs, I saw many Americans.

Rain left after signing for everyone, it was a short appearance.

Many people were blocking inside the store, it's so hard to take pictures. The store is so small too.

This is the only good one I took~

Credits to RainLegend



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Guest adikkeluangman

Advance screening for Ninja Assassin in Malaysia will be held on 24 November 2009 / Tuesday at GSC Mid Valley. I just know about it yesterday and the contest end already.


When he will be in California? Tried to catch a glimpse of Joon Park ke ke ke. So when he will do Asia promo. Hope that he can drop by KL soon. I had all the time in the world to stalk him. La la la...

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Rain in 'Ninja Assassin'


MYFOXNY.COM - Actor Rain visited Good Day New York to talk

about his new action movie "Ninja Assassin." It stars Rain, Naomie Harris, Rick Yune, and

Ben Miles; is directed by James McTeigue; and is produced by Joel Silver, Larry

Wachowski, Andy Wachowski, and Grant Hill.


PLOT SYNOPSIS: Raizo (Rain) is one of the deadliest assassins

in the world. Taken from the streets as a child, he was transformed into a

trained killer by the Ozunu Clan, a secret society whose very existence is

considered a myth. But haunted by the merciless execution of his friend by the

Clan, Raizo breaks free from them…and vanishes.

Now he waits, preparing to exact his revenge. In Berlin,

Europol agent Mika Coretti (Naomie Harris) has stumbled upon a money trail

linking several political murders to an underground network of untraceable

assassins from the Far East. Defying the orders of her superior, Ryan Maslow

(Ben Miles), Mika digs into top secret agency files to learn the truth behind

the murders. Her investigation makes her a target, and the Ozunu Clan sends a

team of killers, led by the lethal Takeshi (Rick Yune), to silence her forever.

Raizo saves Mika from her attackers, but he knows that the Clan will not rest

until they are both eliminated.

Now, entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse through the

streets of Europe, Raizo and Mika must trust one another if they hope to

survive…and finally bring down the elusive Ozunu Clan.

Source: http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/entertainment/m...-ninja-assassin

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[11-14] Ninja Assassin NY promotional event ~Autography party at Giant Robot

Today is Black Friday the 13th and the NY weather was not good. It is very windy, cold and rainy day. However, it still has approximately 60-70 people lining up outside Giant Robot Store which is located in East Village of Manhattan. We all are waiting for Rain. He arrived around at 8:45pm. He wore dark blue jacket and black sunglasses. This is basically an autography party (which we didn't expect at first). Rain arrived and got start immediately. About 5 people at one time entering the store. The store is very small. Rain sat on a chair with a table was decorated with a lot of Ninja Assassin posters. Most of participants were American (White/Black/Korean/Chinese women and guys) and they were not Rain's fans (good news! Rain needs fresh American fans). "Hello" or "Hi" Rain would say to each people, then he signed on the poster and gave to us. Each person would get one poster for sure. Some of them were Rain's fans, they would prepare CD albums for Rain to sign. He was so nice signed all of them slowly. And sometimes he would handshake with fans. My hand was iced cold when he handshaked with me. Sorry! Rain.

The entire event lasted about 45 minutes. The black big size bodyguard told all participants stepped aside before Rain left the store. Everybody was so polite amd discipline. (well, this is America) We didn't push each other. We all stepped aside and let him leave. He jumped into his car. wow! Surprised! he took up his sunglasses and lowered the car windows. He even told the driver turned the interior light on. We could see Rain clearly. He waved and said "Good Bye" loudly to us.

It was a happy Black Friday. In the event, Rain smiled lovely and occasionally held conversation with participants such as spelling their names...A,B,C. He was so cute when he spoke English.

by Cuckoo// rainlegend.com


Rain in NY at Giant Robot - fan acct

Hey Everybody! It’s Tatiana. I just got back from the Rain event in NY. I got to meet him :) and get his autograph. He was soooo nice and his hands were sooo soft and warm (what I needed after waiting outside). Here are some pics.






sr: Tatiana// sixtofive1982


11.13.09 Mtv: ‘Ninja Assassin’ Features Both Ninja And A Ninja Assassin

“Ninja Assassin” is badass defined. It delivers on exactly what the title promises. Rain deals out some heavy beatings on ninja, multiple ninja. Any one of whom could single-handedly pick apart a gang of armed Wiseguys. You can’t reason with a ninja, nor can you bargain. You can only hope that 100 pounds of gold has not been spent to ensure your death.

Unless Rain is around to offer protection. Then you’re all good. There are many new “Ninja Assassin” clips, so keep watching after the video below plays or click here to check ‘em all out.

by Adam Rosenberg

src: Mtv Movies Blog



091114 Rain Interview - Access Movie World(SBS)



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Guest angelordevil

Thanks all for sharing

Found another fan account Rain in NY

[Fan Account]091113 Ninja Assassin NYC Autography Event @ Giant Robot

I've just came back from the Ninja Assassin promotional event in NYC. It was an autography party held at the store of Giant Robot Magazine located at lower East side of Manhattan. I met Jeslyn after work and arrived there together at about 7:50pm I guess. Giant Robot put a row of Ninja Assassin posters on the window, which’s the best way for us to recognize that’s the place to meet our man Mr. Rain. There were about 20 people already lining up in front of the store. The first 7 or 8 people were African American, and the rest were Asian. Staff of the Giant Robot gave out posters and they took pictures of people standing in line. We also got some shots by him with a poster holding in my hand. The line kept growing by the time we’re waiting for him and I sometimes looked back to check the people behind me. However, because the store is located in a dark street, I couldn’t really tell how many people behind me and couldn’t even see the end of it. The only thing I could tell is those people within my visible area were about 70% female and 30% male with a mixed of Black, White, and Asian. Rain fans’ ratio is longer 99% female vs. 1% male. Our Rain successfully gains some male fans.

The event was supposed to start at 8:30pm. The lady from WB arrived a bit earlier than that with an Asian guy. I’m not sure if he’s a staff member from WB or J.Tune. Few minutes after, our Rain hasn’t come yet but rain started to fall on us. Yap, it started to shower. You know this always happens, where ever our Rain goes, rain follows. So we stayed in cold, in wind and in moist for another 15 minutes, rain stopped and our Rain finally arrived.

He was wearing a dark blue almost black suit with red shirt and had sunglasses on. We said ‘Hi’, screamed, kept calling ‘Rain’ and some ‘Bi’ while he was walking toward the store from his van. Our voices were extremely loud especially in this quiet and dark street. Then the autography started as soon as he was ready. When the African American groups came out, all of them came out with a signed Ninja Assassin poster and I saw one of the guys was holding 3 signed CD’s in his hand. One was Rain’s 3rd album ‘It’s Raining’, one was the 4th one ‘Rain’s World’ according to its size, and the third one I couldn’t tell. Hum, I think he should be a big Rain fan~

Honestly, I didn’t know it would be an autography party. According to the ad of this event, I thought it would be something like Rain showing up in the store, taking pictures and that’s all. Therefore, I bought his Rainism Recollection album and a photo book with me to see if he would have a chance to sign for me. Our Rain is always an angel, he signed everything I gave him and of course I also got his signed poster with my name on it. He was so cute tonight. When I was spelling my name for him, he spelled each of the letters after me. By the time he finished writing the last letter, he said my name out loud. I felt he’s like a little kid learning a new word, after spelling the word then said it out load to proof he knows the word. He’s too adorable! I love to hear him speaking in English. After that, of course I would never miss any chance to have a handshake with him. Last time I got my right hand shook, this time I gave him my left hand. Because I was standing in cold and wind outside for a while, my hand was icy cold, so when he gave me his hand, it was like a heater. His hand was so…warm and soft. This is what I need the most at that time.

Rain stayed there for about 30-45 minutes and signed for everyone. We waited for him outside and stood on both sides by the store’s entrance as per his bodyguard requested. We all said ‘bye’ to him when he was getting into his van. Surprisingly, he took off his sunglasses, lowered the window and waved hand to us in his van. My eyes caught this moment perfectly but my camera was partially blocked by his bodyguard. It was able to capture only part of his waving hand. Too bad~ I can’t keep this lovely moment with my camera.

After Rain left, we went back into the store and one of the staff gave a HUGH signed poster to an African American lady. He also gave me a roll of posters and the sharpie Rain used to sign all the posters tonight Right! That’s the sharpie he held in hand for 30 minutes. When that guy handled it to me, it was un-capped. Dear Mr. Rain, you should cap it after use, otherwise it’ll dry out! Anyway, I will never use it but keeping it as a treasure. Someone asked that guy what Rain said to him when he talked to Rain. He answered “Well, Rain said he would like to look more like me!” (-_-)!!! What a joke! LOL~ Then he added “He’s really handsome, really!”

Then we took a group picture in the store for the magazine with our Rain signed stuff. What a coincidence. Jeslyn brought her Rainism and Rainism Asia Version albums for Rain to sign, and I brought my Rainism Recollection album and a photobook of his concert for his autographs. Therefore, we were holding the full set of Rainism albums, concert photobook, cuckoo’s Rain lightboard, and Ninja Assassin posters in the picture. I feel we’re the best promotional team for Rain, aren’t we?

Alright, that’s all, hope is not too long for you to read~

It’s time for me to continue my sweet dream~

Fan account by scorpiola @ New York (2009/11/13)










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Thanks Thu for sharing! This fan account was really cute ;) Glad to hear that Rain gains more male fans :P

11.13.09 Rain in NewMonday Magazine



source: rainhk / the cloud// sixtofive1982

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091114 Love Movie Interview (KBS)

Part 1/2





This reporter was very intrested in Rain`s abs - he even tried to check them ... twice!

What`s more he convinced him at the end the of the interview to ... wink :lol:

Rain was cracking up during whole of the interview :lol:

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091114 Love Movie Interview (KBS)

Part 1/2





This reporter was very intrested in Rain`s abs - he even tried to check them ... twice!

What`s more he convinced him at the end the of the interview to ... wink :lol:

Rain was cracking up during whole of the interview :lol:

Thanks Kicia for sharing this video....This Love Movie interview is my personal favourites amongst the many that I hv seen

during the NA Press Cons. He smile & laughed a lot.....makes some jokes....pretty much very relax and at ease....I think he really enjoyed doing this interview as much as I do watching......

And I am melting away when he said..'I LOVE YOU' at the end of the interview.......OMG breathless!!!! :o

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Thanks Kicia for sharing this video....This Love Movie interview is my personal favourites amongst the many that I hv seen

during the NA Press Cons. He smile & laughed a lot.....makes some jokes....pretty much very relax and at ease....I think he really enjoyed doing this interview as much as I do watching......

And I am melting away when he said..'I LOVE YOU' at the end of the interview.......OMG breathless!!!! :o

Same here :D His wink reminded me also of SHK at some ceremony during Full House days :lol:

East magazine vol.324




from: rain-cloud

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I don't know where to start: Rain interview with Ningin, Rain on Fox, Rain in Giant Robot Store, Rain everywhere! What thrills so much is how male, non-fans appreciate Rain's personality and how they praise his performance in NA. I don't know but I actually expected more people to show up at the Giant Robot event. What happened to all the Rain fans? But thank you soooo much guys for sharing the pics, your experiences. Rain's "soft and warm hand" ... when I read that, my heart stopped beating for a moment looooool!

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Guest bella_mygga_insek

Hello fellow Cloudies"!

Please cast your vote for Rain on the MAMA-overseas viewers award, I´m doing my best, I´ve been voting for him every single day since a few weeks back. But Rain seriously need more! Even though me may not win over these teen-idols, he still deserve to be on a higher place in the poll! LOL.. so, please cast your vote!

If anyone´s wondering how to register on mnet´s site, I actually don´t know, since I can´t read hangul, someone helped me with that a few years back. If anyone can help out with this then please do so!



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Guest tyty6_7

I don't know but I actually expected more people to show up at the Giant Robot event. What happened to all the Rain fans? But thank you soooo much guys for sharing the pics, your experiences. looooool!

Me too.. I was kind of disappointed... I thought more people would appear for his first event in the US.... That's why I am worried for the LA premiere... It will be sad if there is not a real big crowd to cheer him when he goes on the red carpet....

During those interview clips, his answers in the US did not show his humbleness as compared when he is in Asia... I know it was because he couldn't express his ideas properly in English...but hope his English teacher or somebody in the staff of Warner Bros dare to advise him to adjust some wierd actions in his talking or answering to the media....

Anyways, despite of his busy schedule, his English really improves a lot compared to last year.. he is really smart ...but he still have a long way to go for it....

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Ninja Assassin Exclusive Restricted Music Video

There are a lot of spoilers in here... Prepare yourself for the bloody scenes...Hehehe... I just skipped when I saw a lot of blood which I am very afraid of....


getting from patrice @rain-usa

Here are some caps from Ninja Assassin Exclusive Restricted MV





























Caps by ratoka

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Guest tyty6_7

Four Clips From ‘Ninja Assassin

– by CAM SMITH –

Burning curiosity and lingering question marks have been hanging over James McTeigue’s geek wet-dream epic “Ninja Assassin” for some time now, with early critical response sharply divided — as if by katana blade, waka waka! (I’m here all week, folks!) — between chest-poundingly ecstatic and vengefully bitter.

Personally, I just hope that the flick can deliver some well-shot and cut action. With the majority of recent martial arts pictures looking and feeling like monotonous drunken rides on the Blur-a-Tron 2000, stuffed stupid with epileptic camera-work and incomprehensible editing, it would be refreshing to see an American chop-socky effort match the “Holy crap! I can’t believe what I’m seeing!” clarity and execution of the superior Asian exports.

I also just really want to live in a world where a dude named Rain is a Hollywood superstar. (I’m a simple man with modest dreams.)

Thanks to your friends and ours over at Trailer Addict, we can now hem and haw over four new clips featuring the film’s titular ninja assassin Raizo (Rain) kicking mucho richard simmons. Whether he’s out of bubble gum or not is left ambiguous.

Personally, I’m really digging on the first clip and the last clip, depicting the character’s nifty training regiments. There’s some wonderful sound mixing, with the sharp swishing of the swords and the whooshing of the bladed-chain brought front and centre in the mix to emphasize Raizo’s ultra-heightened senses, and the footage is elegant and appropriately shadowy.

And you’ve got to love random scenes in which ripped men braver than I work beds of nails into their workout routine. Geez, how great a party trick would that be?!

The other two clips, which allow us a peek at the flick’s gruelling ninja vs. ninja combat, I’m a bit iffier on. The choreography is smooth and fluid, and that shot of the gaggle of masked killers hangin’ out on the ceiling is beyond cool, but the inky blackness of the night-time setting makes the unfolding chaos somewhat difficult and frustrating to follow.

But who am I kidding? No amount of quibbling is going to deter me, and likely you, from rushing out to see “Ninja Assassin” when it stealthily drops into theatres on Nov. 25.



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since bi is nominated for so many award at the 14th Asian Television Awards for the documentary on him called Hip Korea, Seoul Vibes...do you think he will come to Singapore?! lol...its on the 3rd December :D

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