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Do you ever get your ETHNICITY mistaken...?

Guest eminemjamesuk

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Guest hiphop

a few years back, there were hardly any Koreans in Vancouver (Chinese, Vietnamese, Philp and East Indians were dominants in Vancouver and they still are). Those that were Korean had the typical trait: pale/white skin face. For me, I was the "yellow" Korean. So, all my people thought I was Chinese. And the Chinese people thought I was Philipino.

And now, there are a lot of Koreans and the younger generation are getting out of the norm... they're less "pale" and more tanned. So, I hardly get mistaken by my fellow Koreans ^____^

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Guest the Human Hosepipe

I'm mistaken for a Korean, but that's because I live in Koreatown. So the majority of asians there ARE Korean. ^^;

Otherwise, when I say I'm not Korean... Chinese or Japanese. D:

I'm filipino.

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Guest AniLAttacK

I'm Cambodian and I get mistaken for Chinese and twice people just come up to me speakin spanish thinkin i'm hispanic. being mistaken for Chinese I can understand that but for being hispanic that's just crazy. i do not look hispanic at all.

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Guest Lyrica

I get mistaken for Korean and Japanese...I don't know why though. Haha, I never really thought I looked anything other than Chinese :lol:

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Guest daxeun

I get mistaken as a Chinese all the time. O_o;;

And the mean people talk the fake Chinese trying to be an a-hole and all. -___-;

Another time, while I was in Japan, and old man mistaken me for a Japanese person and started talking about my friend (who's white) and how she's a foreigner and all.

The funny thing is, I didn't really understand him and she understood him and told him in Japanese that I wasn't Japanese.

Then he just made a :blink: face and walked away to talk to someone else.

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Guest Mnemosyne

i get mistaken for being filipino a lot. haha, but i'm vietnamese with a hint of chinese. lol.

maybe it's 'cause i'm dark and my best friend is filipino. the dark rubs off. idk. lol.

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Guest milk tea!

Nope, but what puzzles people is my (natural) eye color lol. It's not brown but hazel...then when there's more light / sun it looks green o_O

I'm 100% chinese too o_oa

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well ...

when i had light orange-brown hair ppl thought, korean .. now i have black hair but they still do.

i get japanese sometimes. lyk once when i was waiting at library these thai backpackers were ther and they wer talkin and i understood them so i asked one girl if she was thai ... wat does she do?? she gets all her friends and saya "omg shes thai too! .... BUT WE THOUGHT U WER JAPANESE".

wtf ... even my own close ethnicity dun realise wat i truly am. (-_-)/

and then ...

sometimes chinese ... but only the non-asian "asian is one county= china" ppl say that. dgdfgjhdgf

*on an overview, we're ASIANS we're gonna have similar features and thers alot of variation between us.

it must be annoyin 4 ppl who have

- dark skin = stereotyped to be philo

- white skin = " " chinese/japanese korean (i used to get annoyed wen i was mistaken these 4 sum reason ... but now its a compliment =)

- small eyes = " " chinese/japanese

and so on.

im not complaining tho hehe. xD

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Guest kimsehyung

at first yes, but my friends could never remember that im korean, so they just call me asian...and they're never wrong... :D

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Chinese chinese chinese. People used to think all asians are chinese. Some people mistakened me for korean but I don't look AT ALL korean.

-- Thao

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Guest sweet_honey

im cantonese and im always mistakien for japanese or korean...even my reletives say i look, non chinese...

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Guest xlemonhedsx

i personally think i look very canto. but i got mistaken for korean by this lady a long time ago and she talked to me in korean. it was raining really hard and i didn't have an umbrella so she was asking me if i had one or where my parents were in KOREAN. i stared at her and she was like "you're not korean?" lol.

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Guest shronie_x3

i`m korean but i get mistaken for chinese or japanese sometimes, not often though. most people say i look korean. my viet friend said she can tell i`m korean by my eyes?

then there are those people who automatically assume you`re either chinese or japanese cause they`re ignorant and have never heard of korea before. it amazes me when i say i`m korean and people are like i never heard of it.

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