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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Right now, I feel like everyone needs a break from this topic. Not only has it affected Jay, but it has affected a majority of the people in Korea and internationally as well. For now, everyone should try not to be sad, but hopeful that he will eventually reunite with the people he loves most. Based on what I have seen, he's changed immensely ever since JYP took him in, and I know that he wouldn't be stupid enough to do anything else irrational. The victims, the ones involved, and the ones affected all need alleviation right now. Do yourselves a favor and try not to dwell on this much longer.

Even if it's harder to do than to say, it's much better than not trying at all.

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man... I've been refraining from watching or listening to 2PM clips since this whole thing happened, but I just watched a news clip about Jaebum's leaving that someone posted, and it was basically a collage of Jaebum images and the whole thing made me ache.

I really hope that after a (hopefully not too long) period of cool down time, the kid will get the stage itch and return to the group... because I'm honestly a little frightened about the group's future w/o him. Not like i'm going to stop supporting them, but he really carried a big role in the group.. w/o him, the stage would seem really empty. He really had presence.

I know that he wasn't the only rapper and he wasn't the only vocal, but he was the greatest charisma on stage. No matter how beastly taec is, how cute wooyoung is, how great junho's smile is, how handsome khun is, how angelic junsu can sing, how hot chansung is, there is no charisma like Jay Park in that group, or actually anywhere in Kpop right now. Why do you think he had SO MANY FANS even amongst celebrities? I remember on survivor infinity challenge thing w/ Junsu, when JAebum got voted off, Junho was like.. "hyung! don't go... if you leave what do i do?!" Even though they all say that there's no "order" in 2PM, and Jaebum says that all the kids don't really treat him like a leader, that's really not true. They're able to act wild, because they know he's there.

He carried a HUGE weight in the group and I don't think anyone else in the group, or any other person period could carry it w/ the kind of swagger that he had.

I really hope we can see Jaebum on stage again... preferably with 2PM, but if not.. maybe he can take AOM to ABDC and make it big like Quest Crew... Really, I just don't want him to lose his light... Jaebum really brightened up the screen.

Leadja... come back once you've had your chill time... please? bogoshipda....

... to the girl who now suddenly developed a conscience and wants forgiveness... I think she's a little naive. I mean it's not like I'm hating on her, hunting her down, or posting on her cyworld to tell her to commit suicide but yeah... Truth be told, it could have been anyone that put up those messages. in fact a LOT of people already saw those myspace posts (I saw them like a year ago, around the time they debuted?), and I guess anyone could have done it.

But seriously, that one girl needs to know that life and society aren't all filled with kind people and butterflies, why do you think Jay is leaving Korea? Because mean people who hold onto things excessively exist, and unfortunately, that's the cross that she and Jaebum are going to have to bear.

Whether or not Jay comes back, she looks dumb right now by asking for forgiveness. When the crap hit the fan about Jay's news, he stood up, admitted his wrongdoing, and apologized. He never asked for forgiveness because he couldn't take back what he did, but he promised to be a better, more respectful person, and he actually HAD been for a long time already. But people couldn't accept it, they didn't want to see that he changed. So what makes her think that people will accept her apology and forgive her? This is like one of those situations, where you throw a pencil at someone who flicked a booger at you, and it hits them in the eye and makes them blind. Then you say, "oh i'm sorry i didn't mean for it to hit you there, please forgive me so i can go to sleep at night." You think the blind person or his family is gonna accept that? I really doubt it.

I'm not trying to be unncessarily harsh, but I don't feel like she deserves any forgiveness. This girl probably is going to go on the net tomorrow and reply to a bash post about GD or whoever they decide to pick on next... So to her, I say, live w/ your conscience forever, and you better be really religious or start a vegetarian diet or something from now on b/c you're going to need a LOT of repenting to wash that karma off before judgment day.

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We hottest really NEED to show how we need JAY. Perhaps give him time and he will come back?

Wat do u think?

well...now that he left like this he cant just come back...

"oh yeah sorry guys..im really sorry about my myspace and for leaving and scaring yall and all but now that im back wish me luck ok?"

...somehow i dont think tahts gonna work...

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How do we or you know that Korea has forgiven Jay?

I'm lost...when was this? Someone tell me...if you want me to forgive that person then please show me some proof...

now really has Korea forgiven Jay? if not i don't think i can ever forgive that person ...as of right now no...

He ruin someone that I truly adore and love.

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Guest lovehyuksu

In less than 2 hours Jay arrives in Seattle. =/

This news had me tossing and turning, keeping up all night. I barely got any sleep! ><

The sad thing about everything is, no matter how much we want Jay back, what's done

is done, and we have no idea when or even if he's coming back. But one thing is for sure,

going home is what Jay needs right now so all we can do is support him at this point.

& I know it'll probably be a long time until they're okay again, but I hope the rest of 2PM

are doing better. Our hearts are with each and every one of them.

They aren't seven. They're one. <3

2PM Fighting! Hottest Fighting!

& a quote because it just fits so well:

Mementos of the past…they are an insult to the living things they encompass.

A human being is alive with a life of their own.

If a person’s existence is to have memories projected onto them, it is a cruel fate.

No one deserves to be trapped in the past, but running from it wouldn’t make it easier to move on.

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Guest scherzando

So since there have been thoughts and comments about how we should 'wait' instead of 'demand jay back', I'm wondering if we're still sending the petition or are we gonna change it to a new one? (with the 'we will wait' message)

About forgiving the guy, come on, there's no space in our minds right now to be thinking about that. I'm sure Hottests will forgive him.. eventually. Now we're just focusing on other issues. ;p

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Kwon updated his cyworld


(BGM - Only You)

The first song we practiced together..

We felt nervous and excited..

I always pray.

That it won't be such a hard journey..

I believe you will get stronger

because you're my brother.

cr. jo kwon's cyworld

Thx for posting..

When I read this, I cried again.. I came to realized that it's not only 2PM boys but also AM boys suffered from this tragedy. Since they know each other really long time ago it must be not easy letting go someone you thought as blood brothers. What Kwon wrote shows how much Oneday love.. I'm sad that what someone wrote out of anger really affected many people included me.

Today was the day I cried the most for someone other than my family..

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Guest kimchigal

I think the boys are probably feeling really lost and demoralised right now.

Other than petition for jay, maybe it'll be nice for fans in Korea to leave them supportive notes as well. Jay has left to be with his family and loved ones but the 6 boys are left behind in in Seoul without their family digesting everything that's happened... its a terrible time for them too and they must be feeling so devastated now... from "beastly" to feeling like lost sheep... its so so sad for them...

Back to their small apartment, back to their classes, back to everything that was a part of their lives in the last four years but without their team member and with a whole load of questions unanswered .. most of all where do they go from here... sigh

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I think the boys are probably feeling really lost and demoralised right now.

Other than petition for jay, maybe it'll be nice for fans in Korea to leave them supportive notes as well. Jay has left to be with his family and loved ones but the 6 boys are left behind in in Seoul without their family digesting everything that's happened... its a terrible time for them too and they must be feeling so devastated now... from "beastly" to feeling like lost sheep... its so so sad for them...

Back to their small apartment, back to their classes, back to everything that was a part of their lives in the last four years but without their team member and with a whole load of questions unanswered .. most of all where do they go from there... sigh

yeah..did you read aout wooyoung? in the hospital? TT.TT

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I feel you're anger believe me...I've been through the 7 stages of grief....but

"Get mad, then get over it."

Colin Powell

"He who angers you conquers you."

Elizabeth Kenny

"For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sorry for spamming you with all those quotes but i think they fit.

Let's show everybody that we are dedicated fans who will not stoop down to the levels of those we don't like. Let's show them that we are the better people!

Someone said something about "100 reasons why we love Jay" (sorry i forgot which post...this thread is going so fast..) why don't we make it a "100 reasons why we love 2PM"?

The first 7 reasons would be








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Guest FiddyPence
well...now that he left like this he cant just come back...

"oh yeah sorry guys..im really sorry about my myspace and for leaving and scaring yall and all but now that im back wish me luck ok?"

...somehow i dont think tahts gonna work...

That's not true. That's the atittude that amkes it even moe complicated than i needs to be.

He went because he needs to recoup. Last I recall we are notrobots! Once you leave you can come back. You come back with your head held securely on your shoulders and say "this is my dream, it won't be squashed, this is my family, they won't be abandoned" Even if he doesn't come back, he hasn't abandoned them, they'd stay as a family, JYP may even take him under his wing to learn produincg and whatnot. Right now the future is not clear but we can't be so cynical so fast.

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^ shinee fan? ok please direct me where i can read it? thanks.

I'm so heart broken right now.... someone please wake me up from this nightmare ... Jay leaving was the hardest part for me to accept. But no matter what Jay will always be the Jay i love so much!!!

I think that was the same person who was posting on big pink letters at the 2PM thread that was closed last nite. He was extremely happy that Jae left and he posted quite a few times with big pink fonts.

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Guest love4dbsk&suju

i know i should be strong but honestly i cant stop my saddress ever since finding out

i wish jaebum didnt give up so easily and yes i know his intentions were for the group

but honestly i feel that without jaebum there is a huge hole in 2pm

i want him back in korea even though it wont happen

but i miss his jokes, his wit and everything else!


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Guest mizgen17

it's really sad....i'm actually tearing up right now.....

when i saw the video of him on Youtube at the airport leaving to America......the fans were crying and screaming...it just breaks ur heart really...i'm really angry about that suicide petition richard simmons.....it's too much honestly.....

i'm quite speechless.........

i'm also scared for that girl who found his myspace comments...the Hottest fans in korea might beat her up or something...so she better be careful......but there is no doubt that what she did was wrong.....

i hope all the other 2PM/2AM members will be okay.....the fans and of course Jay......

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Guest Cozymilkiss

I'm really sorry to ask this,

But can anyone please tell me where did you get that news?

News about that girl who captured Jay's myspace comes up and asking for forgiveness?

Is that from Korean site? Daum? or whatever?

Can anyone give me a link?

Or told me how do you know that.

I'm really curious that is it true? or just some's making.

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Guest lec8504
I'm sorry I might ruin the mood. Jaebum is my one of my fav members in 2PM. I'm really sad that he had to quit 2PM.

But you're asking why can't they just forgive him? You said he made a mistake that he regretted and he already apologized, so you can't understand why people can't just forgive him? But I'd like to ask you, can you forgive the girl who took the screencap of Jaebum's myspace and sent it to the reporter? She said she really regrets it and she deeply apologized for that. She's a 3rd grade high schooler, around the same age as Jaebum when he made his mistake. If you say everyone makes mistake and you can't understand why people can't forgive jaebum, then can you forgive that girl too for her mistake?

All I'm saying is, it's in human nature that we always hold grudge and can't just forgive each other. So don't be too baffled at how unforgiving people are. You and I, too, are like that.

I'm not speaking for everyone here but I could care less for that girl...what she did was wrong..but she was young too..so in a sense I do forgive her. We as humans are NOT perfect, we need to learn and accept flaws within each other. It's because of people who can't see past mistakes and hold grudges, they are the reason why we lost Jae.

What he said was wrong, but for the life of me, I can't understand how/why it blew up into such a big deal. I'm still trying to understand why. Just because of some rash words he wrote to his friends 4 YEARS AGO, is that such a big sin that you are willing to make him give him his career/passion/livelyhood?

I honestly hope and pray that Jae will be allowed to come back. Part of me believes that he left Korea not on his own will but that his management company forced him to. I might be wrong..but that's what I believe now...since he said on more than one occassion that he's working to support his family...and that he doesn't want to let his mom/brother down. I honestly believe that if someone told Jae that he could continue to stay in Korea and be in 2PM still..then he would've taken that chance in a heartbeat. The shady thing is that he's not, and that he's leaving..which makes me believe that there is something that is forcing him to leave.

I hope his management company understands that without Jae..2PM won't be fully 2PM any longer...and that their popularity might be at risk. I will still support 2PM..and I will still wait for the day that Jae returns to the group.

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Guest AzNHeart93

I can forgive the netizen that started all this but I seriously can't forget what they did to Jaebeom :l

"...Forgiving is not having to understand. Understanding may come later, in fragments, an insight here and a glimpse there, after forgiving." Lewis B. Smedes

I worry for the rest of the boys..

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I think that was the same person who was posting on big pink letters at the 2PM thread that was closed last nite. He was extremely happy that Jae left and he posted quite a few times with big pink fonts.

Omg are you sure that was him..I saw that post with big pink fonts also

saying these other artists is better than 2pm..omg are you really sure about

that???How did you know about that??

I'm really sorry to ask this,

But can anyone please tell me where did you get that news?

News about that girl who captured Jay's myspace comes up and asking for forgiveness?

Is that from Korean site? Daum? or whatever?

Can anyone give me a link?

Or told me how do you know that.

I'm really curious that is it true? or just some's making.



I believe it was a male who did this but I really dont know yet

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I'm really sorry to ask this,

But can anyone please tell me where did you get that news?

News about that girl who captured Jay's myspace comes up and asking for forgiveness?

Is that from Korean site? Daum? or whatever?

Can anyone give me a link?

Or told me how do you know that.

I'm really curious that is it true? or just some's making.

if you go to popseoul.com and click on the 2pm link it'll show you all the updates

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Did anyone hold a petition rushing her to commit suicide?

Did anyone make her leave the school, destroy her dream, break her friendship?

Hell no!!

By the way, I'm angry and devastated against crazy stupid netizens rather than her. Those people are so cruel. I understand the pain inside Jay now because I've faced similar situation before. Because of little misunderstanding, some ppl posted in my blog, holding grudge, wishing me to commit suicide. Many years have passed but I never ever forget those pain. There is a sentence that "They might forget what you say to them but they never forget how you make them feel". It's true, painfully true.

With only few friends did that to me, I felt at the end of the world back then. Jay must face with more than 5000 people want him die. This world became so freaking ridiculous.

Jay is a star, a leader of famous idol group but he's just 22. I don't want him to leave but regarding fact that staying in a country where people want him die, bashing him every second must be a nightmare to him, Jay's decision is right.

This incident just makes people love him more while disgracing crazy netizens and current ridiculous power of media in Korean.

The reason that hasn't happened is because the girl's identity hasn't been revealed. If it had been, she would be in a faar worse position then Jaebum, most likely. Since Jay has way more fans, i'm sure her life would be ruined if they were to find out who she was.

anyways, regarding the main issue. I am seriously devastated over this. Everything seems to have happened so fast, all in one week?! How could the netizens trip over a common mistake that happened years ago? I'm sure that even se7en feels alone, and uncomfortable in someplace as big as the US! But then again, because of some koreans who seem to have the need to pick on foreigners. Jay would feel alone. He did come from the US. A place that ranges in different cultures. He wouldn't feel left out here. His home country. Ah, I hope he changes his mind, and reconsiders his decision. This is very heartbreaking. We love you JayBeom <3

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