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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest zinnie

This person has really good insight on the actions the SASAENG fans have taken up to.

I don't ask the fans here to support them, but if you would understand them and refrain from calling them ANTIS would be great.

This is the first time fans have taken such measures, but it goes without saying that this is the first time a group has sold out their own member (whether it is scripted or their personal feelings) and the damage has been done.


Since this person has posted this comment on AKP, I am guessing its alright to share here on Soompi.

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I found the conference very interesting from a public relations/marketing standpoint. JYPE is a master of promotion, a master at spinning the media and making events turn so that fans are more willing than ever to shell out cash for what he produces. Look at how well he turned 1:59, which could have been a disaster, into success. It's all about money, and Jay is about to be crushed under the wheels of his PR machine.

The boys don't look too good right now because they were surly and pissed off the fans with how they presented themselves at the conference, but I am sure JYPE is confident that all that will blow off. He got his message out there, the one he continued to reiterate, that 6pm are the poor victims here. Say it long enough, say it loud enough, and people will believe it. Especially if, for whatever reason, they want to believe it. The public is easy to manipulate, and JYPE is good at it.

In this conference, he has carefully planted the seeds. Jay has a dirty personal life, one says. His crime is so bad, it can't pass our lips, another says. They are careful not to use honorifics, to show how low he has sunk. They all say, he has betrayed them and can't be allowed back in the group.

But they refused to be specific, which gives everyone a HUGE thirst to know exactly what Jay's crime was. JYPE gives us some lucious hints: it wasn't a crime (because then people would get distracted by things like police reports, investigations, actual physical evidence, etc.) but it was morally reprehensible. And now the floodgates of speculation are released, and JYPE gets the press in line, pointing them in the right direction for their story. And so the hounds have been unleashed, and they are all on Jay's trail.

I don't care what that boy has done, NO ONE deserves this sort of treatment. And I fear that the worst is still to come, once the press gets in motion. Once again, Jay is going to be hated, pilloried, hounded. They can't force him out of Korea, they've already done that, but they can very well make sure he never works in the business in Asia again. Whatever he did - JYPE assures us it is not a crime - and yet this is considered just?

And I don't care how 6pm was betrayed, they do not have justification for what they have done to their former bandmate. The fact that they can go out and celebrate after that conference - are they made of stone?

I am just preparing myself for endless waves of slime, courtesy of JYPE.

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Brotherhood? Friendship? Cut the krap already...

To a celebrity, image and reputation is their life. Jay obviously messed up somewhere big time and for him to go on in 2pm would be the most selfish act as it may ruin the image and reputation of the whole company, not just 2pm.

JYPE is a business, and businesses always do what will benefit them. Bringing Jay back would have been a hit, a benefit, an asset but unfortunately, Jay has done something wrong enough for him to quit the group and company because it was after all, his fault.

Fans that are complaining, making up their own stories as if this was a fanfic needs to think more realistically and logically to see the bigger picture.

Brotherhood and friendship was an image created by the fans and it was a marketing tactic to use as an advantage for 2pm to generate and maintain their source of income.

True brotherhood and friendship rarely exist in the real world (business, work) and members of 2pm did not train hard and work to make friends. They trained to make a career for themselves and themselves only. Not for eachother, and not for the fans that have no relations with them on a personal level. If you still cannot get your head around this simple fact don't worry, you will learn when you start your own careers.

Jay messed up, and he left for the good of his own, good of his colleagues (2pm), and for his company (JYP). It was his mistake in the first place and it was his faults that lead everything into mess, not JYP or the remaining 2pm members.

Fans, grow a brain and start thinking.

If you are still angry, rob your parents banks and set up your own company and hire Jay...don't just sit around in front of your monitors typing with your fingers. It will not change anything.

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Guest dawnded

I know we've read some rumours about wave #2.

But even if we put the rumours and conspiracy theories aside (because it seems people are so sick of hearing the bad stuff already)...

Let's say if an article about "Jay's dirty social life" does come out.

And if the boys come out crying saying that they are having a hard time because of everything the Jay incident has caused

If JYPE makes a statement that the 6 boys have been victimized because of the horribLe things Jay did....

HYPOTHETICALLY, if something like that happens in the next couple of days..

I'm just curious.


Because if that happens you can't sit on the fence and be neutral anymore.

Because if you do sympathize with the 6 boys, it means that you believe Jay had "a dirty social life".

And if you don't sympathize the boys, it means you have lost your trust in them.

Because you guys say you will only believe in what is official.

And what if JYPE puts this out as 'official'.

Are you going to believe it?

I'm not trying to add fuel to fire here amongst fans.

I'm just honestly curious..WHAT WOULD EVERYONE DO???

I do hope nothing like this happens.

But if it does, I just want to plead to everyone:

I know Jay's not a Saint, but neither should he be made out as a devil.


Go on supporting 2PM if you will, but please NEVER doubt Jay.

The possibility of that coming true makes me truly scared. JYPE is capable of doing anything.

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Guest Samira Sanches

It' so funny how everyone thinks these boys are wholesome!!! LOL BOYS in general are disgusting... I know cause I am one... LOL... they're just human people!!! They're not perfect and I'm pretty sure they're not virgins LOL!!! S*x, drugs, and alcohol are everywhere, trust me people NO ONE in this world is wholesome, not even priests or nuns and these boys are hot... of course they'll be comfy around pretty females IT'S 2010 NOT 1955! Don't be jealous cause it wasn't you with them at that club or karaoke bar LOL! So stop trying to tarnish their image just because they were having a good time by releasing those pictures!!!!I still love 2pm or is it 6PM now!!! H8TERS BOW DOWN! LOL :D

Me too me too! I wanna do everything I can to support!!!!

LOL I lub u! You're sooo funny!

I don't know why fans expect the boys to be virgins, never been kissed, not going out with girls...come on! They're celebrities, but they have the right to have fun too! They put a lof of effort in every performance and are very respectfull and loving to their fans. It's more then I can say about this haters who released this photos.

Can't wait for the next album!

The boys were very cute today in Inkigayo! Look at them introducing Hyun Ah's C-c-c-change lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn209214ggE

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Guest superBANGxD

now that i've calmed down a bit & stopped believing all these misinterpretations, i can see that 2PM now needs support from their fans more than ever. the fans shouldn't blame the other members of 2PM for jaebum leaving the group. he made his decision back in September and perhaps he did want to come back after that but accusing and harassing the other members for what has happened isn't going to solve anything. the members did nothing but agree with JYP in letting jaebum go. who knows, maybe jaebum changed his mind and didn't really want to come back. he knew that after he came out with the truth, he'd face consequences and he knew that his career with 2PM was on the line. we need to continue supporting the other members because like everyone has said one member does not make a group. they all trained and work hard just as jaebum did to get where they are now and to suffer because of something jaebum did is heartbreaking. before i read what the members really said during the conference (seriously, im american, cant you guys translate properly without manipulating their words?), i thought that the members were really cruel for what they said. i realized though they've been together for so long, it wouldn't make sense for them to turn their backs on their hyung and maybe their words were taken out of context by angry fans. we should not take out our anger on the members or anyone else for that matter (though i'm not a big fan of JYP and i blame them). they've been through so much and seeing that their band is falling apart because of this controversy is most likely really hard on them. let's all just agree that jaebum will forever be a part of 2PM. 2PM Hwaiting.

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I agree with the person on allkpop... at first, I was thinking it's important to protect the remaining members, but their clipped answers revealed in the Q&A session just disappointed me. I'm sure they have reasons for answering like that, perhaps pressure from managers and superiors in JYPE, but I definitely would not be able to sleep at night if I continued working for a company and selling out their own former hyung. Ugh, I'm not even sure how to phrase or properly write this, but at the same time, I'm trying to see why the members would say what they did in the conference... I can only think of company pressures, but then what Junho said about hating Jay after hearing about what he did-- the whole session could have continued without him saying that. What's so unforgivable, I wonder? But then again... that's not really the main issue anymore.

I mean, I saw the "leaked" photos of the other members too--honestly, I'm not too ecstatic about Chansung drinking underage, or the whole scandal with Junsu and the Thai pop singer, but it's all forgivable. By all means, it is not something that one should be proud of or something that is so grave that the company has to take measures to get rid of you. Everyone's gonna make mistakes like Jay did-- I don't think what he did could have been that bad.

But I digress, his "serious wrongdoing" isn't the major problem right now. I cannot believe the words Jay's former "JYP family" has said in the conference. Everything they said protected the company, even though it sacrificed Jay. Some family.

Because of this whole controversy, I seriously am praying that Jay can still pursue and fulfill his dreams of entertaining people on stage wherever he may be and wants to be...

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Guest ilovecute7

I'll support Jay and his AOM activities, i'll still monitor and look over 6pm, although not the same way.. i WAS disappointed (how they acted at that time but they are human too anyone would get frustrated when 100 people are ganging up together in interogation) but watching their old video's I KNOW that the bond they have showed can't be broken just like that. Both sides did what's best for BOTH.

Been watching their variety and reality shows... I miss those days

Wild bunny... i just can't bring myself to let 2pm go when i see these video's.


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HI there...

Just want to give you a heads up that there are JYPE staff in here trying to sway the public opinions at the moment. If I'm not wrong the reps are from their US office being told to do what they need to get done.

From my chats with some people I have also gotten a slight hint to what that supposed crime is... all I can say is that it may be 'behaviorally and morally wrong" but it only affects JYPE and 6PM and if they choose to insist that its a shameful thing for Korea not to even accept, I'm a bit skepticial on the end reason they will use to completely throw Jay under the bus.

In the first place, if Jay really did what I think he did, he only did it because he too like the other boys were looking for survival. If the company chooses to manipulate the emotions of the boys to this matter and make Jay the biggest attacker than all I can say is they are not exactly wrong but 6PM are naive aplenty.

Nichkhun is definitely the smartest one out there. He has left a lifeline for himself as he possibly thought the whole thing through and was able to see the argument from both ends of the spectrum. He needed to do what was needed of him for his contractual obligations but likely also saw the repercussions if the strategy of the company went the other way.

The biggest villian in this whole saga is the company. Don't expect loyalty and respect if you do not deserve it.

Its about time that a saga like this one shakes up the industry so bad that your bad practices can RIP. It is only in shaking up the foundations can change truly take place.

Peace out.

EDIT: The rep Jungwook's replies shows that the man in incompetent in areas of strategy and PR. His classic line of "Why didn't the fans shield him" confirms to me that he is an arrogant unprofessional hotheaded old school industry person who bulldozes thrugh situations HIS WAY. Sad to say such methods will no longer work in an environment where kids are getting smarter these days being better educated, widely read and have the ability to go past herd mentality and analyse situations for themselves.

They say the soldiers take after their general. Its just 6PM's luck to be led by someone like that. Les than 2 years in the business and some of the boys are already displaying potential to becoming divas.

Someone once told me while going up the hill, make sure you are nice to everyone that has given you help on your way up so that someday when you are on the road down, you will find assistance again rather than people who will kick you to help you roll down faster. If there are any 6PM members reading into this forum... being entertainers these people are first your FANS, then the PRODUCERS/DIRECTORS, last priority is your agency as you are financially benefiting them in your hard work with the possibility of them kicking you out if you don't make it. Its transactional more than societal so choose wisely the people you need to have gratitude for.

"We are not idols that do what fans want us to do" a bit too arrogant don't you think. Why didn't you tell the fans that when they were feeding their piggy bank monies into your bank account, or when you are buying that nice Calvin Klein shirt or when you use those expensive gifts they sent you. Its a two way street and never an I TAKE YOU GIVEmindset that forges longevity in this business

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I know we've read some rumours about wave #2.

But even if we put the rumours and conspiracy theories aside (because it seems people are so sick of hearing the bad stuff already)...

Let's say if an article about "Jay's dirty social life" does come out.

And if the boys come out crying saying that they are having a hard time because of everything the Jay incident has caused

If JYPE makes a statement that the 6 boys have been victimized because of the horribLe things Jay did....

HYPOTHETICALLY, if something like that happens in the next couple of days..

I'm just curious.


Because if that happens you can't sit on the fence and be neutral anymore.

Because if you do sympathize with the 6 boys, it means that you believe Jay had "a dirty social life".

And if you don't sympathize the boys, it means you have lost your trust in them.

Because you guys say you will only believe in what is official.

And what if JYPE puts this out as 'official'.

Are you going to believe it?

I'm not trying to add fuel to fire here amongst fans.

I'm just honestly curious..WHAT WOULD EVERYONE DO???

I do hope nothing like this happens.

But if it does, I just want to plead to everyone:

I know Jay's not a Saint, but neither should he be made out as a devil.


Go on supporting 2PM if you will, but please NEVER doubt Jay.

The possibility of that coming true makes me truly scared. JYPE is capable of doing anything.

Man, that would be one of the worst case scenarios at this point...

I guess I would support 6pm if Jay did actually do wrongdoing with solid proof... although if JYPE says that 6pm was "victimized" by Jay's actions, I think that's a bit going overboard and just asking for more drama and polarization to emerge from the fans.

Depending on the degree of Jay's wronging, I suppose I'd eventually forgive him. If it's something similar to what Wooyoung, Chansung, or Junsu have "did" in those leaked photos, I would most likely immediately forgive Jay. Every healthy boy has his uncontrollable desires, right? If it's a one-time thing (like underage drinking/a girlfriend scandal), then it's totally forgivable. If it's the occasional underage or drinking clubbing thing, THAT is still forgivable.

However, if what Jay did wrong is what I THINK/hypothesize he did, then I won't support 6pm. If it was an offense only on the company that possibly jeopardizes the members... well, I think Jay must have had good reasons for doing whatever he did then. I've heard the entertainment industry can be especially brutal in Korea from trainee days to post-debut. Jay must have suffered through much with his Myspace comments first, and possibly what I think his offense is.

But really, instead of wondering about "what if" scenarios, the main problem is the conflict between fans, the group, and JYPE. When and how will this ever stop and calm down? Everyone's frazzled by the news that keeps hitting us day by day... Surely, 2PM's release in April cannot be looking too good right now...

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Guest dollychelle

HI there...

Just want to give you a heads up that there are JYPE staff in here trying to sway the public opinions at the moment. If I'm not wrong the reps are from their US office being told to do what they need to get done.

From my chats with some people I have also gotten a slight hint to what that supposed crime is... all I can say is that it may be 'behaviorally and morally wrong" but it only affects JYPE and 6PM and if they choose to insist that its a shameful thing for Korea not to even accept, I'm a bit skepticial on the end reason they will use to completely throw Jay under the bus.

In the first place, if Jay really did what I think he did, he only did it because he too like the other boys were looking for survival. If the company chooses to manipulate the emotions of the boys to this matter and make Jay the biggest attacker than all I can say is they are not exactly wrong but 6PM are naive aplenty.

Nichkhun is definitely the smartest one out there. He has left a lifeline for himself as he possibly thought the whole thing through and was able to see the argument from both ends of the spectrum. He needed to do what was needed of him for his contractual obligations but likely also saw the repercussions if the strategy of the company went the other way.

The biggest villian in this whole saga is the company. Don't expect loyalty and respect if you do not deserve it.

Its about time that a saga like this one shakes up the industry so bad that your bad practices can RIP. It is only in shaking up the foundations can change truly take place.

Peace out.

Knew it :) What do these people think he are "5" and gonna listen to them

YA just get jaebum back and it will be sorted, Your not gonna be able to sort this.

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Guest 2AM-Fan

[NEWS] 2PM to continue with all activities, album still set for April

I don’t know about you guys, but I am glad that the boys are moving on, so is Jay...

I Will wait for the new album : ]

2PM Fighting, Jay Fighting … Be Strong Guys..

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Guest Crocodyle



That user has uploaded the full JYPE and 2PM conference audio clips and put subs/translations into the description boxes up to part 22!

Go read and LISTEN for yourself!

I thought the tones of the fans were a little meaner then the boys. ):

Also, if you want to hear all of the clips go to the user's page:



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Guest santokki82

Just my rant >.<

1) He's human, but it's not LIKELY Jay would've done anything extremely horrendous. His record is pretty clean except for the myspace scandal which wasn't exactly the worst moral judgment ever made. An article I read on 2oneday quotes a reporter saying he/she will put their life on the line to say that Jay never had any social problems. http://www.2oneday.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16409

2) I've read the sasaeng accounts and watched the video where 5PM supposedly leaves Khun out from the group. IDK. They're both really fishy. I highly doubt all the sasaeng accounts are true and Khun might have just been tired in that video.


3) Scripted or not, 6PM chose to say the words they did. I believe they could've have come with a whole different tone/attitude at the conference and been MUCH more careful about word choice, but they weren't. (The whole thing about Chansung comparing being friends with Jaebum to a thief having friends o.O ...Wha?) They're very good at maintaining composure (as evidenced by today's Inkigayo with WY and Taec as hosts.)

So... Why? It seems like they almost purposely set themselves up for criticism. Maybe because they're going to gain sympathy after Jay's "problem" is leaked? Maybe because they're committing career suicide? I have no idea.

4) I really don't know if 6PM will garner the legendary status that they once dreamed about. They're talented, but KColdests (I guess) are probably ready to use any means to act like the antis they are. They already have, actually.

5) I just really really really wish we could have 2pm as 7 again. I know that's not possible, especially after this conference. They basically blocked Jay out. Even if they were faking their disgust or past disgust at Jay's "dirty" actions, the public thinks they don't really see eye to eye anymore--however of a "good hyung" Jay might be.

6) JYPE fails on so many levels.

7) Random, but I hope they release Wild Bunny 8.

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Guest hannieoon

How dare Jungwook rep accuse the fans for "not shielding" Jay?

Excuse me but it's not exactly the fan's responsibility to watch out for Jay's image. It's JYPE's responsibility and for that dumba$$ rep to say that just pisses me off and probably pissed off everyone at the press conference. So when Junsu had a scandal with that one singer girl from Thailand, wasn't JYPE the one to cover the "mess"? So why weren't they there for Jay?

Freakin annoyed by JYPE.

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HI there...

Just want to give you a heads up that there are JYPE staff in here trying to sway the public opinions at the moment. If I'm not wrong the reps are from their US office being told to do what they need to get done.

From my chats with some people I have also gotten a slight hint to what that supposed crime is... all I can say is that it may be 'behaviorally and morally wrong" but it only affects JYPE and 6PM and if they choose to insist that its a shameful thing for Korea not to even accept, I'm a bit skepticial on the end reason they will use to completely throw Jay under the bus.

In the first place, if Jay really did what I think he did, he only did it because he too like the other boys were looking for survival. If the company chooses to manipulate the emotions of the boys to this matter and make Jay the biggest attacker than all I can say is they are not exactly wrong but 6PM are naive aplenty.

Nichkhun is definitely the smartest one out there. He has left a lifeline for himself as he possibly thought the whole thing through and was able to see the argument from both ends of the spectrum. He needed to do what was needed of him for his contractual obligations but likely also saw the repercussions if the strategy of the company went the other way.

The biggest villian in this whole saga is the company. Don't expect loyalty and respect if you do not deserve it.

Its about time that a saga like this one shakes up the industry so bad that your bad practices can RIP. It is only in shaking up the foundations can change truly take place.

Peace out.

lol...all i say is that...Karma is coming back to u JYPE!

I have always been Jay's bias from the start, even he really did ......, i definitely forgive him

Business is Business, I do agree on this, but to ruin someone's life without forgiveness is too cruel!

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Guest mariaclaudia

JYPE staff in here trying to sway the public opinions at the moment REALLY !!!!!

So i'm gonna say my opinion

I can't support 6 pm anymore sorry for those who will probably say : you are rude you are stupid naive .......... I don't care

I have my reason like some other people here.

I respect your opinion so respect mine.

I eard the audio of the conference and after this i was so in shock.

Chansung was my bias but not anymore i can't be agree with the way he is now

I think its all jype fault i can't say anything bad here or bashing JYP put what i think about this compagnie and JYP is not pretty but i'm respectful for this thread i don't want to see it closing

AND why why did you say JYPE AND 6pm then Jay did something more wrong then the myspace controversy

It will be more smart to say jay decided by himself to quit then he did dirty thing, that way you will not have tarnished is reputation.

Even if is a lie or not.

I can't support people without good value like brothership

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