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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest lec8504

Hey Guys, I found this and I believe that you guys should definitely read this.

The rumors coming out about the fan meeting are pretty awful and from what I can tell on tumblr and 2OneDay it seems that the rumors of the members being rude or arrogant, or dragging Jay’s name through the mud, are making many fans of 2pm shocked and upset. I want to try to clear these up, just from one fan’s point of view…

I’m Korean-American and have lived and gone to school in both the U.S. and Korea. I live in the U.S. at the moment, but my home is Korea, because that’s where my entire family lives. I downloaded the audio file of the 2pm-JYP-fan conference that’s been going around to hear it for myself, because I was very skeptical of most of the fan accounts that have been floating out. I’m fluent in both languages and so I hope you will trust me when I try to clear up some of the (mis)translations that have been floating about…


The 2pm boys are very respectful throughout the whole fan meeting, as far as I can tell. On the contrary, I think the fans are being unnecessarily rude. The fans spent the first 10 minutes of the meeting arguing that they should have the right to film the meeting, even though the JYP rep told them several times that although he would allow audio recording, he could not allow video footage out of fear that it could later be manipulated by other people to put the 2pm boys in a bad light. On hearing this (perfectly reasonable) request, the fans burst into laughter and made many snide and condescending comments (caught on tape) about how unbelievable the JYP rep’s requests were. I could hardly believe how rude some of their words were. The 2pm boys stayed silent during this exchange, but the JYP rep did not raise his voice, and merely repeated his requests until the fans agreed. As the file went on, some rude fans interrupted the boys several times as they were replying to the fans’ questions.

Junho never said “I honestly hated Jaebeom hyung,” as has been alleged. His words should not be taken out of context. What he did say was, “We were so excited for him to come back, and we worked hard, here in Korea, and so did Jaebeom hyung in the States. We tried to give hints to our fans that he would come back, and we worked hard to make a path so he could return. But when we heard what happened… we, too… for just one moment… we hated Jaebeom-hyung.” He said “we,” not “I” (“저희들” is plural). The way he worded it was to explain that his momentary hatred of Jaebeom was because he was so deeply disappointed that after all of their (mutual) work, Jaebeom wouldn’t be able to return… he did not hate Jaebeom for what he had done (whatever it is), but because what he had done would prevent him from returning. All 6 boys had been waiting for so long until he could return and at the moment their hopes came crashing down they couldn’t help but hate him a little bit.

When Junho said, “We worked so hard to make a path so Jaebeom hyung could return” the fans laughed sarcastically and said, “Who made that path? Who?” And he corrected himself to say, “We all worked, both our precious fans who loved Jaebeom and us members, too, we all worked together to bring him back, didn’t we?” (Just as a personal note… I felt really sorry for Junho here. Ultimately the 2pm boys worked their incredible butts off in order to build up goodwill in the public eye after Jaebeom left, and as he said later, they never stopped thinking about Jaebeom throughout all of their performances, variety shows, etc. And for him to be attacked by the fans for saying that was so disrespectful, I think.)

When Chansung said that they still love Jaebeom hyung, and that in the future if they miss him they think it will be okay to honestly say that they miss him, the fans laughed at him.

One of the loudest fans was a mother (she said multiple times that she had a son around the age of the 2pm boys)—[what?!!! aren’t ajummas a bit too old to be showing up to these kinds of things?]—and she attacked the boys for throwing Jaebeom away “like human trash.” She said that no matter what your family members do, you have to hold them close and not throw them away. And she said for betraying Jaebeom (she said it’s as if they “killed him,” and left him to be the “trash of the nation”), the fans would throw away 2pm. [i’m sorry, but this kind of fan attack is just ridiculous, un-john teshing-believable.] The 2pm boys were extremely respectful in response, and asked her politely when she was finished if she would like to add a question for them to reply to. She said a few more words but again, there was no actual question. But anyway, they responded and said, “We are so sorry to have hurt you. We understand your feelings because we are hurting, too. We honestly think that silence is only way we can protect Jaebeom, and we are telling this to you from our hearts.” They went on to say that it was some issue that, out of their love for Jaebeom, they could not speak of to the fans, and that they want to protect Jaebeom forever. They said that even after they are married and have families, they will always think of themselves—all seven of them—as a part of 2pm, and this is why they must protect him until they die (the “until we die” part sounds less dramatic in Korean, trust me—it’s a more common expression in Korean than English). They repeated that they had to do this because they loved him, and they apologized several times.

Wooyoung said, “Please understand this truly, we have not thrown away Jaebeom hyung in our hearts. Please, let’s make a promise between us. Not between us 6, but between our 7 members and all of you who are here today. No matter what anyone says, we promise that we are protecting him until the end.” In response, some fans laughed and ssunshineed, saying “쳇” on the audio file [in Korean, ”쳇” a common way to say that you don’t believe the other person’s words. It’s very condescending and rude, unless said in a joking way among friends.. which this is clearly not].

There was a question about whether the 2pm boys had heard the news from Jaebeom’s mouth directly, or only through the company. Junsu responded and said that they had first heard the news from their CEO, but afterwards they spoke on the phone with Jaebeom and the seven of them talked it over together, directly.

When the JYP rep was explaining why they wrote that Jaebeom could not return because of a big personal problem (instead of covering it up with a less harmful answer), and he said that he needed to protect the 6 remaining members so that they would not be seen as betrayers/traitors to Jaebeom, many fans interrupted him to say, “But we already think that they are traitors.” [As a personal note, it breaks my heart to think that the boys had to sit there and hear that from their fans without even being able to defend themselves.] The rep went on to finish his answer and did not respond to those accusations.

There are rumors going around that the 2pm boys said they could never forgive Jaebeom. This is patently false. Junho explicitly says, “We have forgiven Jaebeom. But


Please note: this is not a complete translation. These are parts that I personally picked out because I think they help refute some of the awful rumors going around. Also, the file gets grainy and difficult to understand at some points.

And even more than that, I have a huge assignment due next week so I don’t have time to listen to the whole thing right now. This comprises about the FIRST NINETY MINUTES of the audio file… I will listen to more and add more when I get the chance, but I wanted to do this because I think this is really important, on behalf of 2pm fans who don’t understand Korean and can’t read Korean. I hope some of you find it useful. Feel free to re-blog.


P.S. As a quick update, and just to clarify: some of the fan accounts that are going around *are* true. From the first 90 minutes I listened to, the following is true:

All 6 members acknowledged that they agreed to the fact that Jaebeom should not return as a part of 2pm.

One of them (sorry, I can’t identify the voice) did say that what Jaebeom had done “is bad enough that we can’t let it come from our lips and go to our fans” and asked for understanding and forgiveness that they cannot say any more than that.

I’ve been following the rumors on 2OD and I believe these are the only ones I can say I heard on the file, for sure. Please keep i mind that 1) It’s only the first 90 minutes of the 4-hour file; 2) I can’t see their body language, obviously, so there’s nothing I can say about that; and 3) some parts of the file are staticky and difficult to understand, but I’ve done my best.

Credits to fortyninepointfivebananas.tumblr.com

this needs to be reposted again EVERYWHERE...so that "fans" can actually think clearly...there are ALWAYS two side to the story...and stop listening and following just one side.

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Guest moomoocows

Although I am a bit upset at the way the members were pointing their fingers at Jay, I can't seem to give up on them forever. They were quite rude and defamed Jay even more than it was necessary saying things like he had a "dirty social life." They defended themselves the whole way and which only made Jay look bad. Even if they had resentment towards him, there was no purpose to show it at the meeting. They were to clear up misunderstandings and not to make things worse.

However, there's also another side of the story I want to point out. Did you ever think why the members felt this way? When Jay's myspace controversy came around, they were also hurt and heartbroken. They also face criticism and hatred from antis and those who were offended by his comments. Jay's consequence was to leave the group while the other members were also facing many hardships for just being associated with him under the same group. They were innocent but became the victims too. Just put yourself in their shoes when your best friend just got you in trouble with him, you would be sad for him but you might still be mad for getting you in trouble too.

It seemed like they chose money and fame over brotherhood but they probably couldn't just let their dreams pass by like that either. We never knew if they didn't cry about Jay but people don't sob about it every moment of your day.

What would Jay think about this? How would he feel when his brothers are all losing their shared dream cause the controversy started with him? Wouldn't he feel bad about it? And say they members did treat him poorly, Jay might still treat them like his brothers. It isn't necessary to treat people eye for an eye.

It took Jay years to train to become an artist, but it was all gone in seconds when his comments were made public because people misinterpreted him due to culture conflicts. Weren't there fliers goiing around in Korea about this?

And now the other 6 members are in the same position. They also trained for years to get to where they are now but all their hopes and dreams are slowly fading away in just a day cause of certain articles we read or listened to. We are no different from those netizens who bashed Jay. But what's worse now is coming fromthe people who once adored and loved them. Is it fair to judge them so quickly?

2PM is still a brand, JYPE spends millions of dollars to promote them and they would do anything to benefit the group as a whole. Whether they did or did not consider Jay's real thoughts, they still have to think what is more profitable. Companies don't do things without making a profit.

I do not know them personally to back up my thoughts nor am i trying to persuade anyone into thinking what i think. You are entitled to what you think. I haven't actually picked a side to stand cause I don't believe everything I read and everyone is all at fault. However, I always think there's a two sided story for everything. But try to show some empathy and put yourself in that situation.

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Guest buttcracked

I cant speak nor understand korean, but from what I read of a very kind Korean-American person, the words she translated of the firs nineteen minutes of the conference Q & A compared to what's floating of the boys being rude and sarcastic, it was what was actually being said. The news floating around of the boys is EXAGGERATED and it's not the case at all.

Instead, the fans were the rude ones ssunshineing at the six boys.

I really dont believe anything anymore. U guys dont support them, I do. I will make sure they still have an income.

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This needs to be bumped and reminded over and over again. Fans are always forming their opinions based on what usually isn't legit. AKA fan accounts which are very obviously biased and filled with unnecessary spite.

Thank you 49.5bananas@tumblr for the confirmation that these fan accounts cannot always be trusted.

And this will send many people spiralling into guilt for trusting mistranslations.

It's the same thing happening all over again like Sept. '09 - things being taken out into context and the worst part is that people actually choose to believe it because they're blinded and overwhelmed by their own unhealthy emotions.

Then we can say that we are no different than the netizens who mistranslated Jay's words.

God, I swore to myself. I would not write in this thread but somehow I guess I need to let it out.

Have you seen the khottest reaction? Do you know the staff of the official fanclub (previously accused of working for JYP because they were neutral) resigned because they were in shock about how the boys behaved? They saw the original version of the conference not the translated version so no worries, no chance of any mistranslation.

For all you 6pm supporters, you all are really scary people. How easily you say oh it's all Jay's fault just get over it move and accept 6pm as 2pm. I hope I never end up being a friend to people like you because if I ever made a mistake in my life that impacts you and turn to you for support and forgiveness. Not only will you turn your back and never look at me again you will make sure that you trample over my body and destroy everything I stand for so that I can never come close to you again.

As of now, this fandom is a world where love is meaningless, friendship is meaningless, brotherhood is meaningless and all that is important is greed, self advancement and hatred. How can I still remain a fan? How can you still remain a fan?

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Guest intelligirl

I'm only a casual fan of 2pm. I like watching their performances and I think that they are hilarious in their Dirty Eyed Girls parody :) . So from an outsider's perspective I would like just to say that I think this whole scandal is being blown out of proportion and people are being too quick to draw out conclusions about all the members. Rumors are spreading and people are getting too caught up in them and forgetting that truly their is no way of truly knowing what happened.

I think everybody should just go buy ice cream and chill. :lol:

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this needs to be reposted again EVERYWHERE...so that "fans" can actually think clearly...there are ALWAYS two side to the story...and stop listening and following just one side.

^Thank you for sharing that. I really need to get my hands on this audio file and judge clearly myself. I'm still pretty much neutral in stance on this whole situation. ._.

Although, I still feel as if video would have been helpful in determining whether or not they were as illmannered/rude as people are saying. :<

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Guest erroroccurred


i don't know whether u guys believe me or not the truth is,

jype is keeping khun(he's everyone favorite)he's jype goldmine

not the others boy

since jaebeom incident their album sales decreasing,that's why they accept a lot of cf offer

yes they trying to make the boys looks like a richard simmons,jype try to put the blame on other 5

and lastly 2pm will disband soon...broadcasting station considering to kick taecyeon,wooyoung,junho,chansung because of the backlash

p/s:instead spreading the rumors about jaebeom they will spread rumors about other 5 boys.the situation is deeper than that.

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Guest soompi00

I just feel sorry for khun. There are soo many rumours about him purposely being made into the odd one out or a loner bc he was the only one who was against jay being kicked out. Someone associated w/ jype (anonymous of course) stated that he garnered hatred (well maybe not hatred but certainly not love) from the higher ups because of his stance in the situation where every other member wanted jay gone. Hence, he was sent out of korea for "international promotions" and doesnt have a lot of spotlight time in both programs and performances.

subbed video of khun being left out: http://video.nate.com/211002229

there was also another rumour of junho dissing jay...something about his closet space and hours later, a video popped up to prove it but it's not subbed and i forgot the context of the issue. but its really surprising how some of these rumours really are true...


oh yea, and there was speculation that jyp is using the same tactic that he used when he kicked hyunah out. at first, everyone blamed the wondergirls but then ppl who were still fans of the wondergirls started blaming hyunah for everything. What if in 6 months, everyone starts blaming jay for what happened to 2pm? ppl are saying that this is exactly what jyp wants to happen.


lol and someone just said the brotherhood ended in 3 days? so at the meeting, a fan asked "wasnt 3 days too short?" taec said "after thinking about it for 24 hours, that was enough."

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Just read from 2OD that the staffs from the official fan cafe resigned. Wow. This is,....speechless. I'm sorry to say this [though I've been too naive denying it before], this is the end of 2PM. Even the admins admit so. How can all this happen in just one day?? Why?! This is tooo shocking for me. I seriously did not expect EVEN the staffs from their official fancafe, the one that followed them from debut up until now, are all leaving. Good job JYP/E. I applause you for ruining other people's lives and hurting not only the members, but also the fans. You've made the biggest mistake. You definitely did.

-the only lives ruined will be 2pm's...not jyp, or fans.

-fans will just grow up and just live their daily lives or jump to another idol wagon group to obsess over...

-2pm's careers and lives are at stake...u fans are just obsessing to a soap opera as an audience...2pm and their family and close friends are the ones suffering true pain and agony where their own lives can potentially goto ruins in matter of days.

-jyp's company will continue on and will produce bunch more idols to make money.

good job fans...u proved to be the worst enemy of a group u "loved" so much with ur ignorance and stupidity...even worse than the netizens u bashed out back in sept which drove jay out...u killed the whole group. CONGRATULATIONS!

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i am not new here but i dont have an account actually but i want to share my throughts about the situation.

everything have 2 side of course we know, i've listened to the audio of conference, its not a conference or meeting but more like a BATTLE, both the fans and 2PM members are not in good mood. the fans were rude in some questions and yes they did laugh when the answer came out from the boys, thus, the answer or the wordings came from the boys were really upsetting or even disappointing; when the fans ask about if all 6 members think that Jay was no longer SUITABLE as a 2PM member, they answered 'YES' for few times without explaining the reason, the fans keep asking them to explain more details but they didnt, at last the rep of JPYE started to speak but of coz thats not what the fans want to hear from.

and then there was Khun spokes up but the fans didnt really get what he means so they ask him to say it in english for few times, Khun didnt do so and at the end again the rep helped out and said Khun is not good in Korean so thats it.

I love them all and i tried to understand the feelings of them, but it really hard to believe some of the answer came out from the member of 2PM, that shared scared me like they are strangers, i dun actually know who they are...

no matter the whole thing is scripted or not, they are ruining the future of 2PM and Jay, the conference didnt make any better but more worse than we can imagine; it is not about if Jay can come back or not anymore; its about the big difference btw the 2PM we throught we know (we used to know) and the 2PM showed yesterday.

4 years friendship and brother-hood ended in a 3 days desicion which made the boys too cold-blood.

maybe you should listen to the audio before making comments and think in the situation of both side.

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Guys, let's all calm down. It's obviously over. Nothing we

do can change the fact that Jaebeom isn't coming back.

Now that I think about it, I really don't want 2PM to disband.

Despite their attitude and personal matters concerning Jaebeom,

they produce good music.

I don't think it's a good idea to revolt against them.

OiOi is right, in the end, 2PM loses not JYPE.

They will continue to continue to dish out idols while 2PM

is left in the dust like Jaebeom.

I hope Jaebeom will actually fly over to Korea and speak to

the fans publicly. The fans need to know what that mistake is.

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Guest Shira_DBSJ

i think for now, people shouldn't describe who are true fans and who are not.

all of us have different opinions regarding 2pm and anything won't change it.

honestly, i'm really upset about what's happening to 2pm.

2pm, to me, was an awesome group. when they made their debut '10 points out of 10 points' i barely care bout them i wasn't into other groups other than dbsk.

somehow, which i don't how, i accidentally watched idol show and fell in love with their dorkiness, witrh their natural-act, their bond between members, their humors.. that's how i started liking their music.

then again&again came out, and boom! it exploded like crazy and they're becoming more and more popular.

then we watched them in starking, and most fav, wild bunny.but everything disappeared after the issue... hottests were doing flash mobs, supporting jay.. until this, i knew and i was confidence that jaebum will come back. from the boys' speeches during awards show, the hints that they gave to us.. i was really confidence. i really was.

but everything has changed. every single thing that i hoped for. so truthfully, i do understand why most fans were angry at the boys. and me too. when the news about jay is not coming back, i was so..shocked..really, i can't imagine my feelings that time. and i was really really angry how jype made the statement.

and for the past few days, i kept on reading 2od, soompi.. even blogs about it. too many conspiracies, theories, lies, or even truths.. this is why most fans are angry, we're confused, we have no idea what to believe and some hottests are bashing each other.

this is not right.

we don't know the truth. i know deep down inside the boys' hearts they still love jaebum. cos 4 years.. 4 years.. together..

i would be shocked if they decided to erase every single thing about jay in their life. i guess i am. =/

as much as i want to support them, i know things won't be the same anymore.. everything. i love every members in 2pm. maybe after this, i won't be into them like before. not because of losing jay park, but i just know it won't be the same anymore.

so for now, let's move on and decide whether you want to support them as 6 or not.

i think i have accepted the fact jay is not coming back. and i do not want him to come back. cos he deserves so much better than this and i know he will have a better future not as 2pm's jaebum but just jaebum. as jay park.

somehow this just get to me..

"You don't know what it's like... To be like me, To be hurt, To feel lost, To be left out in the dark, To be kicked when you're down, To feel like you've been pushed around, To be on the edge of breaking down, And no one's there to save you...

jay.. i wonder how you're doing right now. and trust me, things will get better for you and you'll have a chance to stand up again. and you'll do 10x better than you did before. i'm all right behind you!

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Guest apricot


I love this girl, Ellie from Seoulbeats. She pretty much summed up everything about what I felt about this issue. They could have made better if they didn't say that Jay did something worse and they couldn't say it. I don't know what will be the reaction of the Korean fans but one thing for sure, fans won't be so freaking angry..

I'm neutral about this whole case. I feel sad for the rest of the members, they did worked hard for what they had now. Jay, if he's happy over in US, I feel people should be happy for him too.

This is my personal take, no offence on anyone.

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this is truly officially my last post I am quitting 2PM fandom.

But My last thoughts are these: those 6 members have chosen to protect themselves and their group and sell Jay out.

How can those 6 people trust each other again. How can they go on to sell this image of "brotherhood," where it's one for all and all for one? When those 6 people know themselves that if any one of them makes one slip, that no one will have their back. And if they do continue to try to sell that image, who will believe them. Honestly.

Good luck to what is now 2PM.

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Guest lec8504

^ regarding your signature..I'm still amazed that some people take UNCONFIRMED reports to be facts and the real deal. Just because we don't believe in everything that 2OD or any other gossip site says are 100% real, doesn't mean that we are "sheep" and that we are eating up "everything JYPE is feeding us". We trust our boys...we stand by our boys...not what JYPE says..but OUR BOYS. I personally, can never 100% trust sites that are unconfirmed and who says that they have "inside sources" and can't disclose. Their "inside sources" could be the guy bagging your groceries at the local supermarket...or they could be an assistant to one of the managers at JYP...but WHO KNOWS? All of these "rumors" could be started by a anti or even someone who's bored and who wants to mess with a bunch of "crazy fan girls" (I'm not stating that anyone is....but outsiders might view it as that). All I'm saying is that...unconfirmed sources..need to be taken with a grain of salt.

God, I swore to myself. I would not write in this thread but somehow I guess I need to let it out.

Have you seen the khottest reaction? Do you know the staff of the official fanclub (previously accused of working for JYP because they were neutral) resigned because they were in shock about how the boys behaved? They saw the original version of the conference not the translated version so no worries, no chance of any mistranslation.

For all you 6pm supporters, you all are really scary people. How easily you say oh it's all Jay's fault just get over it move and accept 6pm as 2pm. I hope I never end up being a friend to people like you because if I ever made a mistake in my life that impacts you and turn to you for support and forgiveness. Not only will you turn your back and never look at me again you will make sure that you trample over my body and destroy everything I stand for so that I can never come close to you again.

As of now, this fandom is a world where love is meaningless, friendship is meaningless, brotherhood is meaningless and all that is important is greed, self advancement and hatred. How can I still remain a fan? How can you still remain a fan?

You need to step out of your little box and think from another point of view. Most of the Hottest that are there are the ones that are in favor of the boycott...most wanted Jay back, no ifs or buts about it. How do you think they feel once they heard for sure that Jay isn't coming back? OF COURSE THEY'RE GOING TO BE UPSET...OF COURSE THAT WILL SKEW THEIR PERCEPTION OF EVERYTHING. Nothing that the boys are going to say will make them happy or anything anymore...they're hurt and they're going to lash out...which is understandable. Going and believing words from a bunch of fans who are upset and emotional isn't what most of us believe on doing. This person listened to the whole interview...and from a NEUTRAL STANDPOINT...stated that 2PM wasn't rude....that it was the fans who are rude...I know that it's a hard pill to swallow but YOU GUYS NEED TO TAKE THAT INTO ACCOUNT.

For one we never said it's Jay's fault...some did but most of us don't...most of us still like to believe that NONE of them are at fault..that we want to stand beside our idol instead of turning our back against them the 1st chance we get...which is what a lot of you guys are doing. I'm not going to stop you though.

Also...I hope I don't encounter people like you in my everyday life also....because if I work with you and we got in trouble because of something that YOU DID...and you quit because of that....but later on you'll always hold it over my head that I owe you something for quitting. Think of it from that scenario...does that make sense? Is that FAIR?

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Guest mrspalmers

i'm pissed off at how non-analytical you guys are.

before you make a statement, you must must know both sides first. how is JYP's attitude like, how 2PM came about, what triggered Jay to say such opinion, was there any similar situations like 2PM in JYPE? how does the entertainment industry in Korea works?

you guys are missing out on everything. whatever you all are saying seems to have loop holes in everything. if you were to read EVERY single evidence and accounts that are valid, you will find that yes! Jay may be wrong but was the procedure given to him tally to what he did? was 6PM answers in the conference too harsh for someone who has work, lead them all this while. And, at the first place, do such actions for JYPE and 6PM correct in the section of human rights. you put yourself in Jay's shoes and you see how you react. don't act as an angel, but being anxious and lost, confused snowballed into one. it becomes worse when your own team mates say such things that degrade you.

read further. whatever you guys are saying need more thinking.

for those who are supporting 6PM, go ahead. you may justify by saying that they are still 2PM and at the end of the day, 2PM is not one member but all. yet remember, buying their merchandise means you are supporting JYPE indirectly. they consume your money not 6PM. you are allowing JYPE to not learn their lesson.

and for those who don't understand the boycott action, let me tell you something. we did it on the basis of 'choking' JYPE financial ability. we care for 2PM but we believe, for a rational, non-emotional businessmen, money is the best target to let them know what is it like to have an incomplete team.

please, think again.

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Guest viviean

i don't know what to say/think about this situation. really confused amd dissappointed.

i'm really speechless. watching taec and woo mcing inkigayo today make me even sadder.

now only one thing i hope is soon 6pm will hold their press conference and reveal that everything they said at the meeting were forced and scripted by jype. actually they really want jay to come back and jay never ever did any mistake in the past.

sigh. this is just my dream.

keep the faith you guys.

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Guest *_SaRangHae

I just find it absolute ridiculous how fans who used to love 2PM are suddenly turning against each other and bashing one another by calling one ' not a true fan'. No one really has the right to say what a true fan is,because with each person becoming a fan of the same group, all have different reasons to why they started liking them in the first place. What ever happened to "united we stand, divided we fall" ?

Sure before when 2PM was whole with Jaebeom, fans stood side by side, again with a certain preference to a member, but all in all , liking the whole overall group. Now that Jay's contract is terminated, it's quite evident that as 'divided', Hottest, fans and Antifans are slowly falling apart.

Like it's been pointed out - 1 person could save 6 people, then why can't 6 people save one person.

I just wish that people would remember ' United we Stand and Divided We Fall" cause from the looks of everything, everyone's judgement is slowly being clouded by the emotions we feel after reading article after article, with nothing but bad news.

These are just my two cents. I'm not saying I'm not pissed at what's happening, just take the time to look at the whole overview. What's really happening? All it is is chaos as of right now. I'm just tired of seeing fans ripping other fans apart because of what they choose to support.

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

this is truly officially my last post I am quitting 2PM fandom.

But My last thoughts are these: those 6 members have chosen to protect themselves and their group and sell Jay out.

How can those 6 people trust each other again. How can they go on to sell this image of "brotherhood," where it's one for all and all for one? When those 6 people know themselves that if any one of them makes one slip, that no one will have their back. And if they do continue to try to sell that image, who will believe them. Honestly.

Good luck to what is now 2PM.

I agree with the above poster that at the end of the day, 2PM (including Jae) are the ones who loses, not JYPE.

I still think that JYPE is the mastermind behind this because they were the ones who mentioned the grave mistake in the first place. I still believe that it was a scheme to mention this grave mistake so that fans will (1) blame Jae for committing this mistake and losing his chance to return and (2) give JYPE a reason to not accept him anymore and to terminate his contract. JYPE also pushed the responsibility of making such a decision on the members so that JYPE won't get blamed/attacked (like what's happening now w/ the members). Bottom line, 2PM is dispensable to JYPE.

And I still believe that the members had no say whatsoever in this situation. If JYPE tells them to either go along w/ everything or lose everything, I can't blame them for choosing their path. Jae sacrificed everything to save them, it'd be a waste to give everything up now when Jae gave up so much for them.

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