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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest hee_chully

nice one jyp not only have you just royaly messed jay about youve destroyed the careers of six other artists nice going see you in hell you monster

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Guest MR. LEE'S

i didn't believe the statement. it doesn't mean that i DO NOT want to, it's because the statement doesn't make sense. wth does jype mean by saying that they don't want to tell about jay's departure from jype to the other members? they said since the other members are all excited, they want to hide this thing away from them? that's ridiculous. if they really meant it, they won't bother themselves to post a statement stating jay's no longer a part of jype on their official site. i bet this thing will be handed down on the other members in less than 12 hours. i bet they're not stupid, and i bet this thing is ridiculous. sometimes i wonder why jype has to do this to jay, the other members and fans. this is totally not fair.

ahhhhhh i totally hate all of these. can i burn something? maybe jype's building? but i love the other members too. this is ridiculous ridiculous i want my jaebeom! ;____________;


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Guest Samira Sanches

Hey people.This is so sad. I know everyone is upset with this situation, but I don't see any reason to bash JYP. They were dealing as well as they could with this difficult situation. We don't know the cause of this note. We have to wait before jumping to any conclusions. If this note is true and all the members really expressed their opinions about Jay not coming back, it must be something really ground shaking.

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Guest charlene1020

I am very shock to read the news but I see something strange here.

1. Why do they release this "statement" just 1 day before the fan meeting? If this is true, why they don't say it officially at the fan meeting?

2. At the moment, 2OD and 2pmalways don't say anything yet, even 2pmalways leave it as an allkpop source. Why?

It's a conspiracy.

Yes it's true. i smell something fishy about this.

There's gotta be a net under the water. …true , there must be a 'conspiracy' underneath it all.

It’s , but natural for the fans to be outrageous, and say “what the heck is this?” Obviously, all the hate will be directed to JYPE.

No matter what ,this chaos makes the JYP boys affected and miserable at this moment. It's like somebody is toying with them. With all the hard work they have done, it's not fair, no not at all.

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Guest alicelovesbum

they have got to be kidding us! there's no way 2pm is going to be 2pm without Jay!

2pm is preposterous about Jay!

what's up with JYP?? is 2am next victim of his ease of disbanding teams? i hate this B*S!

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if they decided to do that to jay, they could`ve at least says due to personal reason, not ruining jay`s image again and again.

Seriously. WHY would they announce that Jay has done something terrible and therefore is "not appropriate" to stay in JYPE. They've basically destroyed his reputation (and career) now. They could have just said it's over, everybody has agreed, the end. It's just SO suspicious to me that JYPE would actually go out and say to the public that Jay has made a huge personal mistake, it just makes me believe that he HASN'T for some reason.

They've basically screwed over all of 2PM now. I can't tell whether this was a serious miscalculation on their part (failing to realize that it would backfire and how damaged 2PM's image will be even if they put all the blame on Jay) or if they're just plain crazy. :huh:

Jay needs to speak up and give his version of things now more than ever.

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I'm trying to analyse what Jay did which is considered "bad".

A) Jay murdered one of JYP's trainees and stashed his body somewhere in the JYP building.

B ) Jay raped another fellow artist backstage during AAA promotions.

C) Jay is secretly *gasp* gay and has been dating one of the 2AM/2PM members.

D) Jay brought a girl back to the dorms and filmed a certain 18-SX video.

E) Jay bashed up a certain prominent figure in the korean entertainment industry.

F) Jay has been secretly smoking pot back in the dorms.

Anymore to add?

This is freaking ridiculous. Unless he did any of the above, I don't see what could be "worse" than the myspace thing (which is not even a big deal in my opinion. Jay was just simply exercising his own rights.....freedom of speech!).

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please unfollow jype/jyp/2pm anything to do with them from twitter facebook youtube anything pls pls unfollow

if you wish to do something like ask jyp follower to unfollow him ask @x0mi07 or @boiicottJYPE on twitter .

this is taken for insider 2pm

Miss S - continued by itsaconspiracy7

1. the announcement says they decided on december 23rd, but on 31st, jype put up a post calling Jay "our leader"

2. the announcement says the members agreed to drop Jay out on January 6th, but Taec was in boston, Woo, Junho, Junsu were in their hometown. They were not in JYPE office to decide.

3. Just until couple days ago, members talked about Jay in TV shows, radios, interviews as if they knew Jay is coming back for sure. This tells that JYPE decided to drop Jay just now, without telling the rest of the members.

4. The scandalous rumor floating around right now about Jay, JYPE spread it themselves. OF COURSE IT'S A COMPLETE LIE. Jay was too busy to do anything back in AAA days.

5. The reason why JYPE kicked Jay out back in September is because some of his Myspace screen caps mentioned JYPE's slave contract. Back when Jay was a trainee, JYPE offered him a slave contract and Jay had wrote down his dilemma on his myspace. JYPE was afraid for this to spread, so they kicked Jay out of country 4 days after the issue had sparked. And a month after, JYPE released an article saying that JYPE has no slave contract as opposed to other entertainment companies in Korea.

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Guest lilazn04

from the cafe fansite, which number is the one of members?? i cant read koreans but there are like 2 sets of number there but iono which one is for fans number

i woke up to my sister text saying jaebeom is not returning. i was actually not surprised b.c i read an article from their international fansite stating that someone's friends know JYP and his deicison on this was made a long time ago. he was just using jay's departure and hopeful return to promote the heartbeat album. and that person who wrote said jay will not be returning in the mid feb then it is official since the decision was made a while ago.

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i can't really think straight right now.

just got off from my work on my laptop and went straight to allkpop

then bam "jae is not returning to 2pm"

if that's the case JYP you lost one fan.. maybe not only me

but a lot of supporters of Jae and pro-7 as well!

whenever members argue here i can't help but ignore all

because i know Jae was coming back and i know JYP you are a smart man

you won't let your cream of the crop go down just like that!

like what i said i can't support 6! it breaks my heart seeing just six members

on stage! you let one TALENTED AND RESPECTFUL man go!

i hope every fake word that came out from your mouth and every decision

your agency your president made i hope you all go down!

you made a really bad move JYPE!

i hope Jae gets all the fame and glory and when his there above you

and your company i hope his six brothes will join w/ him

and we'll see who'll cry and mourn for forgiveness.

i'm done w/ 2pm! i'm done w/ this! 2pm SADDEST TIME OF THE DAY!!!!!!

ILY jae,junsu,khun,taec,woo,junho,chan

when all of you 7 are together again... i'll come back!

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Yes the numbers ... currently 4116 Fans left. I'm not sure what will happen but i'm NOT accepting the given reason for terminating the contract. JYP ... good luck. Now i will watch how you are going to deal with the consequences which are waiting ahead for you.

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Guest P ri ss `

okay. im officially hating jype for everything.

nice way to ruin jay's image now that he's out of 2pm. seriously. im enraged and annoyed.

and also, my stand is final.. i doubt i can continue liking a 6member 2pm though it was Nickhun and Taecyeon that first got me into 2pm.

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I've been a lurker here for a few months, but today...I can't stay silent anymore, like many fans.

This is such a freakin conspiracy! JYP and JYPE are such liars! They will say anything that makes them look good and throw all poops on Jay. I'm going to make a voodoo doll or something and take my revenge on gorilla.

And I'm so sad for 2PM boys, because I'm sure they didn't agree on this matter, JYP is one sick man.

The only truth can be found in Insider2PM and not in JYPE's words.

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:( :(they make the things worst.... why now revealing that huge fault he did during their promotion..isnt it happened 2008 and now they mentioning that but didtnt want to reveal... and they said they feel sorry for jay etc etc....its all monkey business they wanted to appear as a victim and if u read carefully they say good things about their selves and their company...and eventually at the end of the statement they still wanted to blame it all on jay.... coz he rebels against their LAW so they think he deserved to "reflect and cool down" the issue..and stupid netizens youre so judgmental to him..feel ashamed and sorry to what he did..but when the moment he flew back to US u wanted him back... huh xorry for the wrong grammar hope u can still understand what i wanted to express...plz still support 2PM its also the way we can say we also support jay.. last post

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Guest musicaholic

wow lost 4260 fans just hours after the announcement!

it was already said that jyp wasn't gonna bring jae back from the get-go and that soontimes jyp plans to disband 2pm.

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my last post:

I'm outta here. Good luck to 2PM boys. I will still want to work with Khun or Wooyoung in the future as individual artistes but my bias for 2PM is permanently over.

Even as a business person, I can tell you their handling of this matter is really really bad and a step from being a total disaster. I have lost all respect for JYPE if the main reason for taking Jay out in the end was because JYP can't bring himself to accept the boy again even after all that pressure from the fans, media and clients alike. Yes Jay might have been a very troublesome artiste for the company, still not giving him a second chance after all these months and if it was truly what industry insiders have been saying all along that the biggest problem lies with size of JYP's heart then I'm truly disappointed that he will allow his own emotions to make a business decision

You're not above God and what you do behind closed doors will come back and haunt you down the road. Especially when many ppl are praying for Jay all this time, and if you really wrong him, then beware that the one above who loves him is watching.

I would not worry too much about Jay. There will be many people willing to reach out to him nd help him. Alot of other companies who will be able to do something for this talented kid that is "not fit to be part of the JYPE family"

My offer still stands to help him find legal help - and guarantee no fees involved as well.

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Guest dhnga90

I'm sure that not only me but also lots of people were here, supported and loved 6mems as 2PM just b/c of hoping our leader JaeBeom will be back..sooner or later but it's a hope.

But now, w this announcement, wat can guarantee that we will love them as before?

I really love 2PM! but in the past 2PM w 7mems w our JAY not 2PM w 6mems.

No Jay...2PM is just 01:59PM

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seeing everything in black and white is kinda different. plus, i nurtured a tiny hope in my heart that he'll be back.

i'm tired.

to everyone in this thread, i just want to say how awesome you all have been. everything that you have shared: photos, links and opinions. i value these highly. but this is the end for me. goodbye.

please direct the anger towards the company. thanks :)

i want to see a lawsuit.

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