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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest pinkPABOsings

I think this is going to be considered my last post of the day which is fine.

Earlier after I saw what had been posted I said "DON'T SPREAD THIS AROUND" because to be honest...JYP's website has been hacked HOW many times? And now that I'm reading all this stuff that totally feld my mind after reading all the places that so-called official statement has landed I'm going back to fall on the Don't Spread because we don't know. Honestly, I agree with other people now that I've read the posts....this could be a false alarm...


I just wanted to quote this post because these are all good points that were made...The best I can say to all of us iHottests right now is read this post and then THINK about...I know they're speculations...but these are still very good points. And remember for every TEN fans there are TWO anti's....I hope the boys are okay at least.

The following is posted by Miss S from insider2pm. They are SPECULATIONS by the Khottest about JYPE's statement on Jay.

Miss S - continued by itsaconspiracy7

1. the announcement says they decided on december 23rd, but on 31st, jype put up a post calling Jay "our leader"

2. the announcement says the members agreed to drop Jay out on January 6th, but Taec was in boston, Woo, Junho, Junsu were in their hometown. They were not in JYPE office to decide.

3. Just until couple days ago, members talked about Jay in TV shows, radios, interviews as if they knew Jay is coming back for sure. This tells that JYPE decided to drop Jay just now, without telling the rest of the members.

4. The scandalous rumor floating around right now about Jay, JYPE spread it themselves. OF COURSE IT'S A COMPLETE LIE. Jay was too busy to do anything back in AAA days.

5. The reason why JYPE kicked Jay out back in September is because some of his Myspace screen caps mentioned JYPE's slave contract. Back when Jay was a trainee, JYPE offered him a slave contract and Jay had wrote down his dilemma on his myspace. JYPE was afraid for this to spread, so they kicked Jay out of country 4 days after the issue had sparked. And a month after, JYPE released an article saying that JYPE has no slave contract as opposed to other entertainment companies in Korea.

If we think about this...it's like JYPE is trying to turn fans(which they know are going to be PISSED at the boys after reading this statement) against 2PM....their bread and butter right now(outside of 2AM and WG)....WHY ON GODS GREEN EARTH WOULD THEY DO THAT.

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Guest Labacookie

I haven't been on here in a while, but I just want to say that I'm sorry for all the disappointed fans. I'm not shocked people are leaving the fancafe. Those are likely Jay fans and people who are disgusted at how things have ended. I expect a few thousand more to go before the day is over.

In any case, anyone expecting a definite answer can forget it. It's why I never looked to an explanation as closure. Knowing whether or not Jay would come back would be closure for me, because the other stuff is speculative at best, and it doesn't help when you have anonymous people and their stories, various fan theories that cannot be verified, etc. You'll never know the answers to which you seek.

There are only a few things we know now for certain:

1.) Jay is not coming back

2.) The JYPE PR team is the most incompetent group of people to ever hold their positions

3.) Fandom will never be the same

And so I will not waste my time with conspiracies, because you'll never ever know, and why put yourself through that kind of mental anguish?

I sincerely hope that Jay is happy in Seattle, and that fans will not harass him. I hope that the other boys are happy as well, and though some people may be angry at them, I hope those people will at least realize that they have no power in this, and can ultimately only do as they are told. Also, that it's not entirely unfair for someone to consider their own happiness and future, because I imagine their own paths for the most part, to get where they are has not been easy, and that it's not wrong for them to want to be successful and happy.

In any case, I'll probably continue to follow 2PM, but from a distance. Ironically, not because of being disillusioned with the situation and how things turned out (I'm too much of a realist for that), but because of the fandom itself. I half suspect that the behavior of fans helped to inhibit us knowing anything, as each piece of news was twisted by suspicious fans to the point that communication was impossible, and we were flooded with useless rumors by people who honestly thought lying to everyone else would help. And so I think that fandom and the PR team together have helped to make this situation the mess that it is. One can blame the actions of the other, but I see that both sides are at fault.

I hope time heals wounds that will likely run deep, and that those who need peace are granted it. Later everyone.

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Guest Nonsense-city

ive been pressing F5 for the past god knows how many minutes.Does JYPE knows how many thousands of people whoa re NOT related to Jay is supporting him??Do they know how many YT vids that support JAY all this while?Does the AOM ppl know what is happpening right now??DOes the 6PM members know what the heck is going on now???Lastly,do JAY himself know what is fishing arond the internet??what about his family?im depressed.

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The world will not always be run by the high handed people.

Many lawyers will take on Jay's case in a heartbeat as it will raise the profile of their law firm so if Jay's friends or family are reading in here, remember that. JYPE might be all powerful but the more powerful a company, the more enemies it has, the situation is actually in your favour.

Unless you feel your four years of tears and sweat has no value, what you have put in no longer matters, if not. FIGHT.

You can win this but first you need to reach out.

The public is in your favor not just in Korea but everywhere that kpop has a presence in. You also have the backing of millions of hottest worldwide. Its scary but if Jay is willing to talk and if there's really a real grievance here,this could actually become the next Erin Brokovich story.

We're behind you Jay Park. One other thing. Theres NO SUCH THING as an iron clad contract or agreement. If its drafted by men, it can be taken apart by men.

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i just back from class just now and saw about this news at lj. i'm speechless. although i kind of expect and already prepared myself to face this when it happens when its seems thing has been prolong for so long. all i want to says is good luck to 1:59 pm. seems like thing getting worser but i hope fans will still support them

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what the hell? this is so wrong.

"JYPE had planned for Jaebeom’s comeback back in November 2009, with the idea of a return in April 2010, to which Jaebeom himself agreed."

yea so ryte,.. i dunno what to believe nemore,..

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Guest froditobolson

We have... we Need, to believe this is a joke and more than ever, stay together

Cassiopeias, ELF, VIP, Clouds... all together to bring back Jaebeom!

Today more than ever, LISTEN OUR HEARTBEAT JAY!


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Guest IamSoKhun

Sorry for all the grammatical mistakes =] As English is not my first language, I think I made lots of mistakes.

JYP's official announcement on Jay's leaving : The whole version

작년 9월, 연습생 시절 인터넷 상에 썼던 글이 논란이 되어 팀에서 탈퇴를 선언하고 미국 시애틀로 돌아간 2PM 멤버 박재범군의 향후 거취에 관해 입장을 밝히려 합니다.

This is an official announcement about Jay's future, who left 2PM and went to back to Seattle, America, in September last year, since the personal accounts that he had written as a trainee brought a lot of controversy.

지난 9월 벌어진 일은 그 글의 내용이 모든 분들께 좋아보이지는 않았지만, 힘들던 연습생 시절에 사적인 공간에 쓴 글이었기에 본사는 자숙의 시간을 가지고 싶다는 박재범군 의견에는 공감하면서도, 그것이 연예 활동을 영구 중지하거나 2PM을 영원히 탈퇴해야 할 정도의 일이라고는 생각하지 않았습니다.

What Jay had written on his personal website did not seem to be right for people. Nevertheless, we did not think this is a serious issue as he should leave the entertainment industry or 2PM for good. That's because the post had been written in a personal place while he had got through difficult time as a trainee. On the other hand, we understood that Jay wanted to have time for confession.

당시 본사는 박재범군의 탈퇴를 만류하고 7명으로 2PM의 활동을 하자고 설득해 볼 수도 있었습니다. 하지만, 박재범군이 썼던 글들은 일부 과장된 네티즌들의 오역이 있었음을 감안한다 하더라도 수 많은 사람들에게 상처를 줄 수도 있는 글이었음은 분명했고, 그런 상황에서 박재범군을 적극 감싸 안고 7인조로 2PM 활동을 하는 것은 박재범군에 대한 일부 대중들의 이미지를 영원히 안 좋게 할 수 있다는 생각에 그의 결정에 동의를 하게 되었습니다.

We could have persuaded Jay to stay in 2PM as 7 members, not leaving 2PM. However, it was obvious that his posts would have been hurt people, even though there are some mistranslated parts, exaggerated by netizens. At the moment, making an excuse for Jay and remaining as 7 members could harm Jay's personal image for the public. For that reson, we agreed with his decision.

연예인이 대중들에게 실망스러운 실수를 저질렀을 때 본인이 그 잘못을 시인하지 않거나 소속사가 그 연예인을 감싸 안으면 오히려 그 연예인에 대한 여론이 더욱 더 악화되는 경우가 여러 번 있었기에 자진해서 팀을 탈퇴하고 자숙의 시간을 갖는 모습을 보여주는 것이 좋을 수도 있다고 생각했습니다.

There were previous cases that the entertainer himself or his agency didn't admit the fault and the agency tried to justify him. The opinion of the public got worse because of thier attitude. We saw those kinds of cases several times, so we thought it would be better for Jay to leave 2PM voluntarily and have time for confession.

다행스럽게도 박재범군의 탈퇴 이후 그에 대한 동정 여론이 일면서 많은 분들이 다시 한 번 그에게 기회를 주자는 호의적인 마음들을 보여주셨습니다.

Fortunately, the public opinion got better after Jay's leaving on 2PM. Many people thought we should give him another chance.

박재범군에게 일기 시작한 동정여론에 행여 다시 안 좋은 영향을 끼칠까봐 그 동안 외부에 공개하지는 않았지만, 박재범군이 시애틀로 돌아간 직후 본사는 시애틀에 있는 훌륭한 보컬, 춤, 아크로바틱 선생님들을 물색하기 시작했으며 본사 소속 박진영 프로듀서가 작년 9월 29일 시애틀로 찾아가 직접 선생님들과 모의레슨을 실시하며 철저한 교육 프로그램을 완성시켰습니다.

We did not offically announce the fact that we had a plan to have Jay back, because we're afraid that it can have a bad influnece for the public opinion which started to sympathize with Jay. Nevertheless, right after Jay went back to Seattle, we began to find great teachers who could teach Jay singing, dancing and acrobatics. In fact, JinYoung Park, who is the producer of JYP, visited Seattle to meet those teachers and give a pre-lesson, 29th of September last year. We completed a perfect education programme.

현재 2PM이 진행하고 있는 모든 광고, 공연, 행사 등의 계약 역시 계약 대상을 현재 활동 중인 6명으로 제한하지 않고 박재범군 컴백 시 인원이 7명으로 조정될 수 있는 조항을 삽입하여 그의 컴백에 대비하고 있었습니다.

The contracts of every adversitement, event and stage were not limited to 6 members which acts now on. There was always a contract clause that it would change to 7 members after Jay's coming back. We were preparing for Jay's come back to Korea.

그러던 작년 11월 경, 본사는 박재범 군에게 올 4월 발매될 앨범으로 복귀를 제안하였고, 박재범군이 이에 동의함에 따라 구정 직후인 2월 셋째 주 귀국 및 기자회견, 3월 7인조 활동 시작이라는 계획을 확정지었습니다.

In November last year, we suggested Jay to make a comeback in the album which would be released on April, this year. As Jay agreed with this suggestion, we completed a plan for Jay's comeback. We were supposed to hold a press conference in the 3rd week of Feburaury, right after Seol holiday, and 2PM would start again with 7 members on March.

탈퇴 이후 박재범군에게 호의적으로 돌아 선 여론과 박재범군이 돌아 올 경우 팀의 전력 상승, 또 무엇보다도 팬 여러분들의 단합된 지원을 다시 받을 수 있다는 것을 알았기에 본사와 멤버 7명 모두 기대에 부풀어 있었습니다.

The public opinion became favorble after Jay's leaving. It is expected that Jay's comeback would make a lot of energy. Most importantly, we knew that fans would support us again. For those reasons, our company and all 7 members were excited.

하지만, 이 컴백 소식을 너무 빨리 밝힐 경우 박재범군에게 호의적으로 돌아섰던 여론이 행여 다시 안 좋게 돌아설까봐 팬 여러분들의 거센 비난의 목소리에도 불구하고 컴백 계획을 끝까지 밝히지 않고 있었습니다.

However, we're worried about the public opinion which would change negatively once again, if we announce the news of Jay's comeback. We did not declare this plan despite a lot of criticism of fans.

그러나, 작년 12월 22일 박재범군이 본사의 정욱 대표에게 황급히 전화를 걸어 와 본인이 사적으로 큰 잘못을 저질렀다고 고백해 왔습니다.

However, on 22th of December last year, Jay urgently called Jung-Wook who is the representitive of JYP entertainment. He confessed that he had committed a huge fault privately.

작년 여름 Again and again 활동 시 저지른 잘못이 뒤늦게 불거져 문제가 되었다는 것이었습니다.

The fault, which he had committed while they released Again&Again in the last summer, became a problem.

박재범군 본인의 사생활 문제이므로 그 내용을 밝힐 수는 없지만, 그 문제의 내용은 작년 9월 팀 탈퇴 시의 문제보다도 훨씬 더 안 좋고, 또 사회적으로도 훨씬 더 심각한 문제를 초래할 수 있는 것이었습니다. 이 내용을 멤버 6명과 즉시 상의하고 싶었지만, 당시 그들은 한참 박재범군의 컴백 소식에 들떠 신나게 연말 시상식 무대를 누비고 있던 중이라 그들에게 그 소식을 전할 수가 없었습니다. 따라서 그들의 연말 활동이 모두 끝난 올 해 1월 3일 그 내용을 말해주었고, 이에 큰 충격을 받은 멤버 6명은 고민 끝에 삼일 뒤인 1월 6일 전원 모두 더 이상 박재범군과 함께 2PM 활동을 하기 어려울 것 같다는 의견을 전해왔습니다.

We cannot reveal what exactly the fault is since it's about his privacy. However, it was much worse than the problem of last September. It can bring a more serious problem socially as well. We wanted to discuss about this topic with 2PM members directly, but, since they were really happy witht the news of Jay's comeback plan and had great results in awards, we couldn't let them know at the moment. Therefore, we told them 3th of January, when thier offical activity was finished. 6 members, who were quite shocked, agonized this issue. 6th of January, 3 days after, all the members expressed thier opinion that it would be hard to be with Jay anymore.

본사 역시 박재범군이 본사 소속 연예인으로 더 이상 적합하지 않다는 판단 하에 그와의 연예인 전속계약을 해지하기로 하였습니다.

Our company decided to cancle the contract with Jay, under the decision that he is not appropriate for our company.

이 결정을 여러분들께 바로 말씀드리고 싶었지만, 박재범군의 개인적인 사정으로 부득이하게 이제서야 말씀 드리게 되었음을 양해해주시기 바랍니다.

We wanted to let you know our decision right away. We're sorry to be late to announce it, owing to Jay's personal reason.

위의 모든 내용은 2PM이라는 소중한 가수, 그들을 아끼는 수많은 사람들의 마음, 그리고 수많은 언론과 대중들의 관심이 집중된 사안인 만큼 조금의 거짓도 없이 사실 그대로를 밝힌 것임을 말씀드립니다.

The things that are mentioned so far are all real, not including any false. We should be sincere because this topic influences 2PM, which are valuable singers, the hearts of people who loves them, a lot of presses and the public.

공지문에 사실관계를 이렇게까지 상세히 말씀드린 이유는, 거짓으로 무난한 이유를 만들어 말씀드릴 경우 팬들과 여론의 의혹과 불신이 눈덩이처럼 커질 것이라는 판단 때문이었습니다.

The reason for clarifying what happend between Jay and our company is that it will bring more controversy and suspicion among fans and the press if we make another reason for covering it.

모든 2PM팬 여러분들과, 또 박재범군의 복귀를 기다리셨던 많은 분들께 안타까운 소식을 전해드리게 되어 진심으로 유감스럽게 생각합니다.

We're truly sorry to announce this news for fans and lots of people who have been waiting for Jay's comeback.

본사는 멤버 6명과 함께 더욱 더 열심히 준비하여 더 나아진 모습으로 인사드리겠습니다.

Our company will make more and more efforts with 6 members in order to come with better 2PM.


Thank you.

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so much BS goin around just now its hard to take it all in....

sighs I wonder if even jay knows whats goin on at the moment!

an about the Daum cafe fan count its down even more

its on: 285,805 at the moment an it goes down every time I update....


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Guest zhemeban

"He was permanent expelled from JYP Entertainment on February 25, 2010"

This is what i took from Wikipedia for 2PM :-O

Someone updated it already OMG !!!! It's conspiracy :-(

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Guest 2PMFanatic

From my post #33089

I saw their Manager in the minimart i also asked when will they finish practicing but he said he didn't know.

Another thing Manager came down the building to buy many foods, many times so i thought if they know on this day so how can they still ate a lot?

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Guest kpopmum62

laani, please keep editing your post to keep us updated on the fancafe member count.

I honestly can't believe it, but look beneath the surface something definitely isn't right. Whatever's going on, these rumors are circulating and the result might destroy any chances of Jay ever having a future in Korea again. What could he have possibly done???

Murder/manslaughter - no way he could leave the country, especially with such hush-hush

Got a girl pregnant - during AAA days? Confessing in December?? Makes no sense

Sex tape - during AAA days? Did he even have enough time to sleep??

...I'm out of words. -_-

Well said....I agree with what you are saying...I too beleive that the poor boys didnt have enough time to even scratch their arses let alone do anything bad. I guess Jay just didnt want to play ball, as they say in America, and that can mean a whole bunch of stuff.

Do you think that there will be thousands of Hottests outside JYPE offices on the 27th....as added protest?

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Guest zahieyjunki

the number on 2pm fc's keep decrease.

This gonna make all fans sad but i'm support Jay's decision but someone is being unfair here by taint Jay's name and his reputation.

I'm still wishing there still a twist in this drama.

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i hope mod won't close this thread.

plssssss don't close. this is the best source for this situation

i want to know every friggin thing TT

i understand, totally sgreed with everything u said





edit :

now more than 4100 resigned from an official cafe


check it out yourself if you want

oh my god they're losing so many fans within couple hours

i refreshed the page after like 2 mins and number decresed for like more than 100?

yeah but that's what i expected

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this will be my last post ..

i'm sorry hottest all over the world that disagree with what i'm going to say here

it just what i felt

sorry too cause this is going to be long ..

i just can't support a 6 membered 2pm ..

call me selfish for all i care

i just can't support something that ain't complete , it just defeats the purpose.

rumours of jyp wanting to test water to see how strongly the fans react with 6pm and not 2pm.

we boycotted, we protested, we signed petitions , we flew banners .. what else can we do ?

we are not being heard at all !!

jype is not hearing us at all !

jype lied to us !

he say jay will return ? and now ?!?

wtf ! he just push it all to jaebum

everyone makes mistakes.

i believe that i as a HOTTEST can forgive jaebum no matter what mistake he made

even if it's murder !

everyone deserve a 2nd chance !

i think that we hottest just waste our lives holding up hopes that jaebum will return.

i strongly believe that jyp has it all planned to not bring jaebum back in the first place.

i just can not longer tolerant all the richard simmons jyp throws to us.

once again , i apologize to people who find my post offensive or anything .. i just wanted to post up my 2cents ..

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