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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest theblazenazn

wow? you serious? OMGAHHH!

those 'confessions' are really WHAO!

omgosh, i am speechless.


But I believe it strangely......... I always thought they have to have girlfriends. And Taec being as popular as he is among girls, especially girl idols.... There has to be something going on.... Maybe not sleep with them since there's no way we can be sure but i think he probably brought some back to the dorm.

On the hand, I feel like I have to defend Jay even though he's not my favorite. He was the only that didn't say anything about his ideal type on Sang Sang Plus but instead said that he would rather concentrate on helping his mom by making money.

Junsu and that Thai singer? Correct if I'm wrong but she had Emails to prove it.

And Junsu seems to just casual acquaintances with G-Dragon, they only met an audition so it makes sense.

"There has to be fire for there to be smoke."

IT WONT BE THE END OF THER CAREER. JYPE won't let that happen.


Lots of fanaccounts say that 6PM went to a noraebang after the conference.

I wonder songs they sang.

*CAN THIS REALLY SCRIPTED??? Junho can't even introduce simple song introductions without holding notes on Inkigayo.

All the MCD guys have trouble introducing songs but they memorize all of this easily?

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wow? you serious? OMGAHHH!

those 'confessions' are really WHAO!

omgosh, i am speechless.

Don't beleive this , it is all lies !!!!!!!!!!!!! lies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who ever wrote these lies is or are very sick person/s !!!!!!!!!!!!

I won't ever beleive this ugly things how those stupid 14, 15, 16, or older girls know for example about Taec's private life???????

I am discusted from this thread this thread has to be called "The Official grave yourd for 2pm fans"!!!!!!!!!

I am really spechless from how LOW people can get to bash and destroy another person/s who they don't know enything about ther private lives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's right for them to do it to Jay but not for the hottest to do it to them!

They clames to the world that jay is a bad boy with a dirty life, do they think about his family!

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Guest smithers

Sorry but why cant Jay talk now?

Its not like Jyp has control over what he says now right?

Why doesnt someone just ask him for the truth?

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ne_ne dont be fooled.listen to the conference video and believe it urself.

something cant be fake when everyone's saying the same thing.

I didn't meen the conference I meant the lies that fans took out of their so called secret files or notes .

and about what have been said by the 2pm members at the conferene I already said 1 page earlier in this thread myu honest opinion.

I am with 2pm 100%.

2pm Fighting !!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry this is my last comment for today.

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Guest mojojoba

HAHA, i am sort of laughing at those secrets revealed!

i mean, obviously some are ridiculous well some looks true to me.

but, i think they saw this coming ever since those words came out of their mouth

end of their career? well, time will tell.

lets see what happens the next few days.

but for sure, i have given up on them.

i do not idolize them anymore, they will just mix in with those boy groups whom i will just watch for seconds and forget about them.

i do not hate them

but i will still support them individually up to a certain level (very low). HAHA

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Guest hellome1992

I'm not saying that 2PM didn't feel some sort of confusion and pain sometime in the past...but honestly right now... it doesn't matter what the 6 2PM members are feeling or have felt. You know why? Because no matter what is said Jaebeom is in the line of fire, he is always the one getting the blame. Yea...of course some accounts from the conference will be strongly biased against 2PM, but it is too idealistic to believe that some harsh words weren't said, because I believe that some members did say their true feelings about Jaebeom. But from what I see, the 6 2PM members are causing most of the suffering upon themselves and to Jay. I understand its a conference to reveal " the truth" but is it really necessary to call out Jaebeom's personal life by saying "his life is dirty..." I thought the reason for not revealing his personal life was to "protect him" but by bringing up stuff like " dirty and bad" that is wrong on their part. Also if they really thought of Jaebeom as their hyung, they would have the strength to calm their feelings of anger and resentment and at least show some signs of sadness towards losing their leader. I'm just saying.

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Guest Banana Peel

I think it's just a bit too early for us to believe those rumors of 6pm's "girl friends" and those dirty secrets. I'm sure it sounds convincing but it's probably because we're all too DISAPPOINTED in them that we are now willing to believe the dirty secrets that might and might not be true. :( Just saying.

I don't know WHAT to believe in anymore. all I can say is that 6pm members were all surely convincing with their words. -___-

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Guest itszmaeee

Wow. The unhidden fanaccounts was not expected at all. Though I knew something like this would happen. The fans that had been protecting the 6 members and hiding their true colors would come out and reveal everything. Jaebeom is the victim not the attacker. Yes, we should be more caring towards the other 6 members and they are suffering too, but who has to live with a fcked up reputation for the rest of his life whereas the other 6 members' flaws can easily be covered up by JYP/E's help? People need to wake up, seriously. The other 6 members can work for a day but still receives and earn money, but Jae, who's in Seattle, has to work his butt off just to help his parents. JYPE made Jae's dreams come true for a short period of time, but they are the one that ruined it. They started it and they ended it. Anyways, I'm not surprised either with the whole fans are turning into antis. JYPE started it and of course it will backfire. Karma is definitely a b-tch. And let's see who'll survive. JYPE can earn money from his other artists, but losing thousands of fans is like losing thousands of money. If there's any JYP rep. here, are you guys happy now? You ruined a very talented person's life. You only ruined his reputation and name just so that no other companies would take him in. Also as for Jaebeom speaking up matter. I don't he will anytime soon. I'm pretty sure he wants to clear up his name, but there are just things and people that are keeping him from doing so. I feel bad for his family. Who knew this so called "JYP Family" would be the one to put their son on the line. Tsk.

Ok Taecyeon, did money change you that much? Why do you make yourself come out popularity-greedy? Why? Are you holding any grudges from him? [i'm not attacking Taec, but out of all the 5, he seems to be -ugh idk-]

The power of money, really. Can't believe it.

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Guest mojojoba

I think it's just a bit too early for us to believe those rumors of 6pm's "girl friends" and those dirty secrets. I'm sure it sounds convincing but it's probably because we're all too DISAPPOINTED in them that we are now willing to believe the dirty secrets that might and might not be true. :( Just saying.

I don't know WHAT to believe in anymore. all I can say is that 6pm members were all surely convincing with their words. -___-

HAHA, i just saw a picture of seulong and woo with a group of girls in a club/ some smoky place.

anti-fans are releasing "dark"/bad pictures of them.

sounds scary to me, but i laughed a little

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Guest evilishus

This is getting so out of control.

I'm sad over the fact that Jaebum won't be coming back to the group but I still support the 6 remaining members.They have dreams to live and those dreams shouldn't be crumpled up and discarded because of this.What they said in the conference comes off as harsh but with everything in such chaos at the moment I can understand why they might feel so angry/frustrated.

And guys,don't believe everything you read.Anyone can go on the internet and write lies.(This is towards the new comments written up about the boys private live's)

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Guest dollychelle

HAHA, i just saw a picture of seulong and woo with a group of girls in a club/ some smoky place.

anti-fans are releasing "dark"/bad pictures of them.

sounds scary to me, but i laughed a little

:o where?

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I have always been a silence reader but this is just to much to handle alone :angry: one of the things that make me fall in love completely with 2pm was their reaction after the whole Jay situation how they dedicated him every award ... things like that I feel like they were being sincere but after this I can tell anymore what was an act to gain sympathy and what was true I don´t hate them I´ll never do that but is really heartbreaking when you feel cheated, why they bring jay name so low ??? for what, I can´t really see the reason behind all of this... I wish the best for them but I can see myself as a hottest anymore I´m sorry and Jay I hope the best for you you´re young and any mistake that you have made you still have the time to erase them :) and you´ll be fine cuz you have a lot people getting your back

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Guest holdfast

whether the conference was scripted or not, it is going to be hard for 6pm to come back from this. i don't know how the fans are going to forgive their coldheartedness and blatant attack against jay.

it just doesn't seem like them at all. maybe it was misdirected anger - maybe they were mad about the things they were supposed to say so they seemed angry at the fans. or maybe they really are angry at the fans for blowing the situation out of proportion. or maybe they are being fed a bunch of lies by the company themselves. we don't know at this time.

either way, i think the way they responded was too harsh. i'm not sure about the language rules in this forum, but i have a comment that only makes sense in korean, so i'm going to write it anyway and then explain it - 이젠 2pm아니고 육피엠도아니고 이젠 욕피엠이 되었나봐~ now they aren't 2pm, they aren't even 6pm(yook-pm), they've become curse-pm (yok-pm: almost the same pronunciation and 6pm).

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Guest lane013

Really? While the rest of 6PM at least gets to continue with their careers and have a source of income. You think they are suffering the most? While, Jay has to deal with these malicious rumors that are extremely tarnishing to his name and image, and further barring any possibility of him even having a career in Korea. Though, I don't want him to come back, because they don't deserve him. Not only are these rumors extremely hurtful to Jay, himself, but it is hurtful to his family and loved ones. While, the rest of 6PM at least gets to say what they want, scripted, or not. Jay has to keep his silence, because he has no other choice. Still, 6PM is suffering the most? Are they dealing with malicious rumors saying that they impregnated a girl, abused drugs, etc?

I'm not saying that 6PM isn't suffering, I'm sure they are. But to say that they are suffering the most, more than Jay, I disagree with that.

And for those that are shocked by the dirty secrets popping up by saseng fans. Brace yourself, because there's gonna be even more coming out within the next few days probably. Fans are going all out now, there's no more protecting the rest of 6PM.

yeah..i know. i was just trying to make a point that people should care about the other members too. and honestly, JAY IS PROBABLY THE MOST LOVED GUY IN KOREA AND EVERYWHERE ELSE! I'll betcha anything that they're more people giving him the benefit of the doubt then there are people who actually believe he did something wrong-er than in september. And i'm sure people are smart enough to know that rumors are just rumors. All of the rumors are just probably making everyone love jay more like ," poor guy!" AND don't forget, rumors are coming out about the other members too!

you know, i love jay too. i'm just trying to be fair bc no one really knows.

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Guest mojojoba

:o where?

its in someone's blog.

not sure whether it is okay to put it up here.

a lot of them are coming out now.

their dirty past.

most of them by se-seasng fans. as in, released by them

some were taken in the club, clubbing.

and stuff

rumors of nickhun are appearing

its is definitely scary.

very scary.

i am not laughing anymore):

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Guest musicaholic


taec loves the spotlight

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Guest starduster34

I think everyone just needs to relax and wait patiently for more information. It's hardly fair to both Jae and the rest of the 2PM crew when fans don't even know what Jae did and why the 2PM members couldn't forgive him. These boys have gone through so much already.. Why can't the fans and netizens just calm down? They are obviously human beings as well, with just as many emotions and you and I, so everyone, just CHILL!

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Guest chopper!

wow the fans are really revealing secrets of 2pm huh? but reading those, it doesn't seem real...

the fans are all on khun and jo kwon's side...just because khun kept silent and jo kwon cried for jay...

dont know if i believe in those words of fans...

i saw this on bestiz...

junsu and that thai singer...

fan comments are saying it's all coming out now...all the rumors...



i'd say this pic is not bad. what...a girl can't take a pic with an idol? >.<

i think khottests are going crazy. reading all those comments scares me. they just wont be satisfied..huh..the war has just begun...and i fear for the next couple of weeks. reporters will have a field day on this one.

sigh, my last post.

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Guest chocolateanh

Although I feel betrayed by what the boys said, but I do not want those rumours are true........I do not want to believe they are do not who we think they are

keep faith! Jay <33

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