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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest dawnded

oh my god.

we are so stupid.

perhaps they are doing this on purpose so that they can get rid of all of us

so that we'll all be angry and leave once and for all.

start a whole new fanclub

so that they don't need to deal with all the muddy and murky troublesome stuff of angry fans anymore.

Just a thought.

Because that's the only reason I can think of to support the boys' sudden change in attitude.

and that JYPE instructed them to do this.

And at the same time the boys are also frustrated with everything.

Honestly, the way I read it. I don't believe this is their true personality, though it may come across as unscripted

their answer are filled with too much complex bitterness.

Get rid of the old lot of fans...keep the accepting fans.

That's the only way 6PM can move on.


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Guest everybodyshout

I think JYPE needs a reason to bring Jay back and the people are it. They can't bring him back simply because they and a Jay few fans want to since all the people who were hurt by his ancient comments would only call JYPE anti-nationalists and all that, but, if enough people demand it (more than enough to overpower the people opposed), it'll be like JYPE had no choice but to bring Jay back because they are only doing what the people want them to do. I think this is what JYPE is (and if not, should be) setting up to do with their vague comments. They need to rile up and outrage enough Jay and 2PM fans, and hopefully non-fans, to create this overwhelming (and it has to be overwhelming) demand. If the news outlets and media see and report all this commotion in favor of Jay and not against, then it'll essentially be like the nation is giving JYPE permission to bring Jay back, that they have forgiven him. Until there is this kind of action and response, JYPE can't/won't do anything because they can't really gauge how many people have forgiven Jay and how many haven't and they are nothing without consumers. So I guess it all comes down to this for fans - prove that the rest of Korea has forgiven Jay and that they wouldn't mind having him back. They don't have to welcome him with open arms, but they have to be willing to give him a chance, just as if he were a rookie.

I just felt that this needs to be bumped! There is a possibility that JYPE could be testing the waters again and I really really hope that this is what they're aiming at, even though it sounds too good to be true.

Like releasing news that Jay is officially withdrawn, he did something even worse, there'd be a conference etc, when at the back of JYPE's mind, they're thinking "Actually we're all acting mean and stuff. Jay really is coming back, it's just that we want to know how the public would react if we officially announced that he won't return. And holy they're REALLY hurt and angry - this will give more support to why Jay needs to come back." Wow, it seems a little risky to find out the reactions of the fans and public through such methods, because you know how extremely far emotions can take us. (Like NoHow's said, yeah I can't think of any other way to observe the public's reactions either) And... isn't it obvious that the public (and not just a few fans) want Jay back?

Perhaps solid evidence would do the trick - but vandalising and ripping 2pm CDs? That goes so much to show how much pain these fans have felt. Some might think that it's extremely rude and they've gone way too far, and that this doesn't help at all. I do agree but at the same time (cue, contradictary self) do we really think they'd want to do that? That would be the last thing they'd wish to do. (Their hard-earned money and their knowledge that they'd really hurt the boys' feelings, for instance.) Even though it hurts the boys to see those actions themselves first-hand, these fans want to get the message across that they hate being betrayed, fooled, etc. Just trying to put myself in their shoes.

On the other hand, we are naive fans who don't want to believe that the boys are angry at Jay, which is a possibility. There's a post upthere by iforgotwhosorry! which sounds logical. We keep demanding stuff as if we're.. well.. higher than them? If there was no 2pm there wouldn't be fans. But vice versa too.

So that's the umm ideal side of the picture. If JYPE's just fooling us again. But if Jay's really really not coming back... Imperfect knowledge we all have! Paramount to this is the boys' feelings and what their hearts truly want. This is the suckiest part of idol life; all they wanted to do was to sing, dance, make money, share their performances with the world, etc. The last place they'd like to be is in this mess, the unnecessary blown-up mess. They've lost a member they really still love (somehow I just don't doubt their love) and worst, they have to continue working because they're under contract and their years of hard work would disappear as well.

If the boys want to continue this life, it's your choice to support them or not. I'd still listen to 2pm's music but I wouldn't be so eager to watch videos of them, knowing the fact that Jay will never be back together with them again. (Prior to this, I always watched 6pm videos because I knew that Jay would be back. Now, it's otherwise...) I still love them very much but my music taste comes in phases so I think I'd be moving back to trance for a while.

If Jay's happy in Seattle, let him be. We can't force him to come back, he doesn't owe any of us a living. No doubt that most would think it a pity for 4 years of hard training, all gone down the drain like that; it was, a "life-changing experience" for Jay like he had said to JYP. So it wasn't wasted at all - he gained acrobatic skills, made great friends with his Korean pals - plus he got to learn about Korean culture, oogle at pretty girls, etc. Haha okay I know it isn't as simple as that. But the bottomline is that... Those years are over but those memories will stay with him. It's time to move on. Another part of his life to catch up on - Bboying with his crew, studying, being with his family and friends, back to being American, etc...

Sorry long message. Just want the 7 boys to be alright soon, whenever. They must be feeling like dung.

And somehow I think we'll never know how the boys truly feel. Who are we to judge whether they're acting, or what they portray is real? We do not know them, neither do we know what goes on behind the scenes. I don't think it's fair to pinpoint Taec or Chansung or anyone else, to judge them based on one incident. It's sad. Misunderstood, much?

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Guest mapletree1708

On reading the comment, I was and still upset. Those harsh word will be still lingers in my mind. Even if its scripted how could they, with their heart, say that to fans? Those who love them very much. Although my wishful thinking is Jaebom need to something about this speak up or sue JYPE..I found that Taec's and Chansung's quote surprised me a lot..Hypocrite much after all this time? I dunno what to say anymore..

On the other hand, while reading all those fans account during the conf I was looking at what's Khun will be saying, I felt relief that he didnt say much though, and if its true that Jaebom made so-called-huge-personal-mistake, why he is able to contact Jay and gave advice and such..that when I thought being open-minded and forgiveness are important..such a charm guy he is..I hope people wont change anything that they thought about Khun :D

I just hope that this is just a dream....:(

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Guest lazy_breeze

oh my god.

we are so stupid.

perhaps they are doing this on purpose so that they can get rid of all of us

so that we'll all be angry and leave once and for all.

start a whole new fanclub

so that they don't need to deal with all the muddy and murky troublesome stuff of angry fans anymore.

Just a thought.

Because that's the only reason I can think of to support the boys' sudden change in attitude.

and that JYPE instructed them to do this.

And at the same time the boys are also frustrated with everything.

Honestly, the way I read it. I don't believe this is their true personality, though it may come across as unscripted

their answer are filled with too much complex bitterness.

Get rid of the old lot of fans...keep the accepting fans.

That's the only way 6PM can move on.


i highly doubt that there are enough ppl to create a fanclub just as big.

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Guest lovesong3208

okay...so i was going to give the boys a chance still...but

7. Please explain what the company is doing to handle the mental and physical stress that has been placed upon the members and their families with the various rumors that are circulating.

Jung Wook: JYPE is not responsible for the personal and social lives of the celebrities within our agency. We believe that Park Jaebum must take full responsbility for his actions. The rest of the members are victims to this case, while Park Jaebum is attacker.

#1 bold part: uh huh YEAH RIGHT that's why they can't have girlfriends, party and whatnot yeah?

#2 bold part: oh heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell no manager. you just ....that's a no.

the only person I have a little bit of hope left for is Khun. He's still trying to hold on. hwaiting!!!

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Guest itszmaeee

My respect for Khun just doubled, really. I'm truly disappointed in Taecyeon. Maybe the rumor about him getting cocky is already coming true. Did he really wish for Jaebeom to leave just so that his popularity can skyrocket? I just can't believe the boys said those words. If may not have been said coming out of their mouth but I didn't even know a written statement would hurt too much to even read it. I'm disgusted af. The people behind JYPE amd you fckng gorilla, eff you all!! Good gracious.

7. Please explain what the company is doing to handle the mental and physical stress that has been placed upon the members and their families with the various rumors that are circulating.

Jung Wook: JYPE is not responsible for the personal and social lives of the celebrities within our agency. We believe that Park Jaebum must take full responsbility for his actions. The rest of the members are victims to this case, while Park Jaebum is attacker.

lol. Yeah, they are the victim alright. Face the truth. If it wasn't because of Jaebeom's scandal, they wouldn't be where they are now. Call me arrogant but that's the freaking truth. Their popularity from AAA and IHU days cannot compare to where they are now. They used Jaebeom's name as a freaking bait. To what? To gain publicity. Everyone would get anxious and would wonder what the boys had said in regards of Jaebeom's name coming up. Questions will start popping out and more people would watch it because it's a hot topic from the start.

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Guest eyereejay

We shouldn't attack 2PM, maybe jay really did something really bad that made 2pm change the way they see him. It happens to everyone, including me. I respect 2PM's opinion, just because I truly understand how heartbroken and frustrated they are. But i will always believe that 2PM has 7 amazing members, and not 6. I'll support the 6 members no matter what, because they've gone through rough times, and so many other things. I know that Jay, and 2PM will always keep in touch because their one big family, forever and always. It's heartbreaking hearing that Jay won't be back, but we should respect him and 2pm. 2pm fighting, forever through thick and thin . Saranghae <3

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Guest kpopfanatic07

im really sorry but if these are true, that they became cold or whatever, my image of them seriously changed.

i always thought that they were sharing some brotherly love here. i know Jay did something bad that even caused the hatred of some members, but badmouthing him in front of the fans?! the FANS?! seriously, it's just so =.= can't they just cut him some slack?! or maybe RESPECT? (though i think that's out of the question)

i would really like to think and fool myself to thinking that their answers are scripted but somehow they showed their real colors during this conferecnce. esp Taec and Chan, my two fave members. this is just so saaaad.

im seriously disappointed at what the boys had shown.

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Guest FraLippoLippi

My opinion about all this thing is:

1) Everything was scripted. I believe that boys were with attitude not because they wanted to oppose Jay. I simply think they told what they have been told to say only that anger which was directed to JYP actually was turned into this mess in order to look convincible that Jay is the bad guy.

2) As a lot of people speculate, I am more than sure that JYP have blackmailed 1:59 guys. Like, "stand against me and Jay will suffer" or smth.

3) There was no "unforgivable mistake". Another dirty lie, an excuse for JYP to kick out Jay permanently out of 2PM.

4) Even if Jaebeom would release personal statement, I doubt he would tell the truth in order to save his "brothers" and their careers. Again, "thanks" to greedy and calculating JYP.

All in all, I think that 1:59 boys are doomed. Seriously, JYP's lack of ability to handle the problems well and simply kicking out members or putting blame on them just because he is afraid to stand up for them, will never improve his company's image. Yes, he is good at finding talents and promoting them but inability to protect them is a huge minus for him. About his lies and forcing withdrawals of other artists, I won't talk it is clear as day that these are his other minuses.

The only thing I don't understand is, how JYP can so coldly destroy the dreams, careers, reputations and break lives of these young boys so easily? How cold-hearted a person must be to stir up so much trouble to 2PM guys..?

I forever will love all seven members of 2PM. As I said long time ago, I will support Jaebeom forever even if everyone will turn their backs on him. Wish I could bring them all back together...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I (2PM) have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha

Deep in my heart and soul, I TRULY do not believe in that “PERSONAL MISTAKE” which is so "severe" that it justifies Jay's removal from the group? HELL NO. I did not believe it in the BS official statement and I do not and will not believe it in this conference. Because the boys and Jung Wook used that “personal mistake” in their reasoning, I will not believe what these boys are spitting off their mouths.

They are trying so hard to place the blame to JAYBUM and formulate a truth which is out of context, which may fool some to believe it but in the end, it's only hurting the company and 6PM more. I am disappointed that the 6 would say those words but at the same time I feel bad for them because they are all being used in this ploy.

Even if they go make a new group or whatnot, JYPE's image is ruined for me. The 7 boys are victims here especially Jaybum. JYPE's gonna go expand internationally, you won't succeed seeing how you played and is playing this game. You don't have our support. >:[ >:[ >:[

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Guest dawnded

i highly doubt that there are enough ppl to create a fanclub just as big.

Yea you're probably right.

Drama getting to my head.

This is bad.

Amidst all these drama. I really miss Park Jaebeom but I can't even bear to watch a single 2PM video now.

Where is Edward? Why am I not caught yet for exceeding post counts! SUSPEND ME so that I can stop checking soompi and go back to my normal life for a while!

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Guest Fae_Min

oh my god.

we are so stupid.

perhaps they are doing this on purpose so that they can get rid of all of us

so that we'll all be angry and leave once and for all.

start a whole new fanclub

so that they don't need to deal with all the muddy and murky troublesome stuff of angry fans anymore.

Just a thought.

Because that's the only reason I can think of to support the boys' sudden change in attitude.

and that JYPE instructed them to do this.

And at the same time the boys are also frustrated with everything.

Honestly, the way I read it. I don't believe this is their true personality, though it may come across as unscripted

their answer are filled with too much complex bitterness.

Get rid of the old lot of fans...keep the accepting fans.

That's the only way 6PM can move on.


WORD. they might be thinking of exterminating bugs like us that keep haunting them with Jay.. Plus I really2 smell CONSPIRACY from the way the boys act today.. JYPE might be doing this to divert hatred from them to the boys. it's like killing two birds with a stone.. If they do, i'm not letting them get away with this BS

WOW JYPE you are a devil genius.. i'm juz speechless

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Guest bless_u

I can't believe thiss.... I'm going crazy....

did the member really say that? are they out of their minds?

Even if it scripted... they should just speak from their hearts...

we fans are all tricked.... sorry... if its all true of what the members

all say then I guess they'll lose their fans now...

I guess now the boys have their popularity and their own

activities... they backstabbed Jay.. this is

really sad......NO SUPPORT!

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Guest elltesro

I [was] angry and sad, but now that I've cooled down a bit, I think I see how silly this thing is.

I mean, what kind of excuse is, "Jaebeom has a 'personal problem'/'mistake' that is SO HORRIBLE, we can't say it."

It's like saying, "Um, the reason why 1+1=2 is a secret because if I tell you, leprechauns won't give me money anymore."

I mean, COME ON. JYPE is just playing with our emotions! It's CLEARLY an excuse to kick Jay out permanently -- and the "excuse" isn't even a good one! We don't even KNOW what the reason is!

Liars! Liars!

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Guest ilovecute7

After the fan accounts... i feel that khun is the only one sticking to his words from day one... the other's have totally turned their back on jay >.<

though there are always 2 sides to the story, two different experiences and two different feelings that day... that of the other 6 member's and the Fans that were present... not to be taking sides but i just thought that Their patience have limits too, and their may have reached it's peak... if you we're being tagged team it's a natural response to defend and get frustrated, it's human nature. Looking into that situation both sides will be hot headed, no person can be level headed and calm all the time, and at those times people tend to not think before they speak which may have happened to chungsun (this guy is not all that mature either, he should have just kept quiet).

But from the fan accounts too many CONTRADITIONS on JYPE and 6pm side >.<

one minute they say the miss jay and look up to him the next they say they HATED him, and seem's like they still do to back on Jay like that, and i say Bash because that what it sounded like to me atleast.

No support for Jay on their side at all, except maybe from Khun who i feel like he really tried.

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Taec's words from the conference (recorded and streamed live by KHottests):

"Its already been decided. We are 6 members." said it twice.

"Noone cared when the myspace comments were out. Noone wrote one supportive comment for Jay. Not one."

credit: 2pneday twitter

ok so first blaming everything on Jay and now blaming Hottests for everything that happened. Good job Taec, now you are clean, you can move on with your newfound popularity, doing MC gigs and acting in that highly anticipated drama.

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Guest Shirubi

Just wanna add my 2 cents... Even if Jay killed someone (off course I'm exaggerating), I don't know how the members (excluding Khun and Woo since they were kinda supportive during the conference) can be all like "we miss him, we support him, we are 7 members" when they knew what he has done, they said it again during Win Win. I personally don't want to comments cause I'm afraid it might create a polemic here in this thread, but I can't see 1:59PM right now. I was thinking that the boy INDEED needed support since it all affected them too, but now...

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Guest hellome1992

How can you write on the 2PM daum cafe fan page? I made an account a long time ago, but I can never be able to write on the letters from fans. I really want to let out my feelings. Can someone help me?


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Guest SpiderMickey

who to believe in now? nobody.

not jay.not the other 6.

people change. people make mistakes.some cant take it.hottest wants honest 2pm.well,just maybe we just received the honest them. it might be scripted it might be real. there's so much room for possibilities..but right now i could see that many hottest has made up their mind thou.

i'm keeping my options open. coz i support 2pm not only Jay. they sure sound cruel rude etc in those fan accounts. but i do believe they have their own feelings.again,nobody knows the truth except them.maybe even them dont know the truth.

thou.. i still hope that everything was scripted .

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Guest falloutjane

I guess my rational mind is able to understand the boys' anger and frustration. I mean to see your own face pasted at your work building with all sorts of nasty remarks must hurt tremendously. So my logical mind understand their anger and annoyance and maybe the boys took this opportunity to tell fans to back off because they aren't going to bend backwards just to please the fans.

However, I am still truly, and extremely disgusted and disappointed at the extent of what had been said. Whether or not Jay did anything is no longer the issue, it was more like, isn't there a little tiny inkling to just protect Jay a little? They didn't have to be so nasty and continue adding fuel to the fire with their remarks of "Jay had always had a bad personal life"- or something to that extent. I mean, come on. Who are they to judge? Sure, I'm pretty certain a part of themselves blame Jay for everything that has happened. And since the sh** just kept on piling up, it probably just annoyed them more. But, it hurts me tremendously to know that there was nothing that they've shared with Jay to reign in those cruel words especially those of Chansung's and Taec's.

It makes me ill when I remember Jay at the airport, head bowed low, looking the worst I've seen him. And to know that he chose to go away because of the benefit of the group. And yet, all he got in the end was this. It was too much to expect them to defend Jay, to be truthful and practical, considering that they are still under JYPE and have to think of their own careers, but THEY DID NOT HAVE TO BE SO CRUEL ABOUT IT.

Their callousness and acrid words make me ill.

And if after tonight, they can still sleep peacefully, their conscience free from guilt, then well good for them. -.-

And Jay, he'll do fine. He'll need time to really just let all of these go. But he'll do fine. And he'll shine just as brightly, if not brighter, than when he was with 2pm.


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This is spiralling way out of control now.

I'm scared for this fandom.

Fans are turning antis.

And Chile just suffered through a major 8.3 on the richter scale earthquake.

I think everyone needs to keep an open mind now and breathe.

The REAL ANTIS who started this whole mess are probably having a field day watching the rate that this fandom is crumbling down.

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