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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest husna_ryu

Hey guys! I have a problem with 2OD's page.

When I click the 'NEWS, it says 'the link seems to be broken or out of date'.

But I can open the 'ANNOUNCEMENT'.

What should I do? I really wanna know the update!

Please help me...

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Guest jelly_pudding

YG ENT. please take Jaebeom in with you!!!!!

Dont need JYPE....

I will always support 2PM......

i was thinking the same thing but didn't want to actually post it..

as in, i wish that jaebum would go to yg ent. instead..

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Guest rawritzcynthia

i am on my toes on 2OD i really need an update =X

and yes i think YGE is the only one of the trinity that is still sitting on on its pedistal >< Jay and E-unnie fighting!

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Hey guys! I have a problem with 2OD's page.

When I click the 'NEWS, it says 'the link seems to be broken or out of date'.

But I can open the 'ANNOUNCEMENT'.

What should I do? I really wanna know the update!

Please help me...

It's because so many people are on.

Try not refresh so much, it will make the forum crash.

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Guest musicaholic

my very last post: THE STORY

JYPE wasn't planning to bring Jaebeom back from the get-go. Particular netizen hacked Jae's xanga and found out about Jaebeom asking his friends advice about JYPE's offer of 10 year contract. The hacker confronted JYPE about this. Jaebeom can't deny that he broke the rule when confronted by Jung Wook. RULE: JYPE Artists are not allowed to reveal their contract to the public. JYPE sent Jaebeom to US after its blown out in the public. JYPE came out in the public to defend that they're a fair company and don't have a slave contract.

JYPE and the other members then used Jaebeom's name to promote the 1:59 Album saying that they were a minute less without Jaebeom (thus, gaining the fans' sympathy). However JYPE heard talks of B----TT and so they were having thoughts of giving Jaebeom a second chance as a marketing tool. But it wasn't powerful enough. The album did okay, lots shows being offered to them and JYPE gained alot from major CFs 2pm endorsed. Park Jaebeom wasn't needed anymore.

Jaebeom wasn't allowed to tell the other members about JYPE's final decision. But don't worry a lot about the other members as JYPE promised each of them separate activities.



KHUN - debut as an ACTOR, and "LET TAKE A BREAK" Thailand trip

JYPE may spread rumours about Jaebeom so the blame's not on them. JYPE used Jaebeom's name to save their reputation by insisting that Jaebeom committed something that they cannot forgive. And that this is all Jaebeom's fault.

JYP couldn't care less about 2 pm anymore. He owns two other companies: cube and big hit. Cube has B2ST whos making waves with their comeback next week. JYPE's also investing in other trainees to debut in 2011. So losing Jaebeom is not a problem for them financially.

Jaebeom is not allowed to talk because debt of training him for 4 years and contract termination fines.

JYPE felt the need to punish Jaebeom for breaking the rule. The punishment is too harsh really.

silence457 already snitched on JYPE and already told you guys all about this in January...Park Jaebeom is not going back to 2pm ever. But don't be surprised if there will be an announcement of 2pm disbandment this year...

my heart breaks for him especially all I can do is PRAY FOR PARK JAEBEOM for his future

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Guest switakaniji

2pmalways said the conf is over .. what will be the result of this conf??

I expect nothing sigh

edit : oops they said not over ..

sorry if it caused confusing.

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Guest Ella_Kwan

I'm just hoping for a MIRACLE also!

like MAYBE IF ONE OF THE BOYS would speak up for JAY!

instead of thinking about themselves and pretending to go along with everything even tho. we know it kills them!

but seriously! 6PM! DO WHAT'S RIGHT!


I SERIOUSLY HOPE SOMEONE IN 6PM HAS A SHRED OF HUMANITY IN THEM LEFT! and that the crazy ape man didnt get to it yet!

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Guest pinkPABOsings

something is not sitting right in my chest about this press conference....

after that last up date on 2OD I have a feeling that things are about to go down hill real fast

what confuses me is one thing and one thing only

Why isn't Chansung there???

I have come to two conclusions

A. Chansung CANNOT lie, I back this up by remembering all the things that happened during Idol Army and a few from WB.

B. Chansung is TOO EMOTIONAL. Even if he COULD lie I don't think he'd be able to make it through the press conference without crying


Other then that there is one thing that I pulled from the updates on 2OD that is sitting more then just a little oddly in my chest...it's the mention of hate from which ever 2PM member said it and the fact that it was used in the PAST TENSE. We HATED Jay....as in were upset but got over the upset....So I don't know WHAT to take from the last updates from E. All I can say is I'm expecting the worst...

What saddens me the most is the fact that I had hoped that the statement would turn out to be a false statement. It seems all the hope I had turned out to be empty. I hope JYPE has a plan to save their group. If they don't, I don't see 2PM last past this press conference and that hurts me more then anything.

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I'm not sure if this news is legit, but it came out five minutes ago from naver.

Only going to translate few segments... Tried my best to comprehend & translate.



오후 3시부터 서울 송파구 문정동 소재 한 복합쇼핑몰에서 진행 중인 간담회는 당초 2PM 멤버 전원과 JYP 측 관계자, 그리고 팬 대표 10명이 나오기로 했으나 오후 4시 30분 현재 2PM 멤버 중 4사람만 자리에 참석한 것으로 알려졌다.

또한 당초 미리 선정된 팬들만 동석하기로 돼 있었지만 재범의 '영구제명' 소식 이후 JYP 측의 해명을 듣고자 하는 '핫티스트' 소속 회원 등 다수의 팬들이 현장에 방문한 것으로 전해졌다.

모 방송국 피디는 "간담회 현장에 있는 소식통으로부터 문자를 받았다"며 "현재 2PM 멤버 중 4사람만 참석한 가운데 '(지난 25일 공식 발표된)재범 영구탈퇴 방침에 팀 전원이 동의했다'는 소속사의 주장에 일부 이견차를 보이고 있는 것으로 전해졌다"고 밝혔다.

credit newdaily

The conference was held at the Bokhap mall in Seoul, Korea starting from 3:00PM. All members of 2PM, representatives from JYPE, and 10 fan club representatives were suppose to be part of this conference. Currently, it's 4:30PM and it has been told that ONLY 4 MEMBERS FROM 2PM ARE PRESENT IN THE CONFERENCE.

One PD (producer) said that he received a text from a person who is actually at the conference...


(I did not want to translate the rest of the part because it might be misleading. Please understand. I am sorry if this article becomes false. I'm trying my best to look for any new articles regarding the conference.)

edit: the media and people are questioning about the other two members who didn't show up. did they not show up because they don't agree with the withdrawal or is it because they are sad to confront the fans with the news?

edit once more: it has been confirmed that ALL members were there. not really sure though... they said some members came late and what not. however, current state... ALL members are there.

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Guest happyberry2007

I think that this meeting was to confirm the complete withdrawal of jay from the group. I also have feeling that jay is going to be blame so what can i expect from this meeting=nothing just more lies.

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Guest changmin_xiang

I wonder if this is considered a rumour..

But I just read from a korean blog the following:

핫티중에 한명이 준호한테 재범탈퇴 동의했냐고 물었데요!!

그랬더니, 준호가 "7명이아니면 활동 안해요"라고 했데요!!

간담회갔던 팬이 말해줬어요!!!!!!!

[출처] 2pm 간담회 준호!!!|작성자 재범복귀9121

It translates to:

There's a Hottest fan who asked Junho whether he agreed to Jaebum leaving

And then Junho said, "If it's not the 7 of us, (we) will not carry out activities"

This is told by a fan who went for the meeting

Source:재범복귀9121 & 연카 조아라13님의 글

And also, there's apparently rumours that Junsu is the supposed next leader..

Though exact details and whatever else are not specified.

Another fan message account:


Translations: Junho and Taecyeon were late for ten minutes, and the rest of the members arrived (on time), and all of them had stiff expressions; some fans were overly agitated/excited/ and were mad; questioned if Jaebum's leaving was agreed upon and Junsu replied that it's true. There aren't people crying and seems about to end soon. And also, it's said that Junsu's the leader

Source: Naver qkdnffk2

Not trying to cause trouble here~

I'll remove it immediately if anyone wants me to.

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Guest silence457





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Guest lady_bug


My guess is that JUNSU is also not at the conference becuz of some surgery? But I'm not sure either. I'm still waiting like everyone else.

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my very last post: THE STORY

JYPE wasn't planning to bring Jaebeom back from the get-go. Particular netizen hacked Jae's xanga and found out about Jaebeom asking his friends advice about JYPE's offer of 10 year contract. The hacker confronted JYPE about this. Jaebeom can't deny that he broke the rule when confronted by Jung Wook. RULE: JYPE Artists are not allowed to reveal their contract to the public. JYPE sent Jaebeom to US after its blown out in the public. JYPE came out in the public to defend that they're a fair company and don't have a slave contract.

JYPE and the other members then used Jaebeom's name to promote the 1:59 Album saying that they were a minute less without Jaebeom (thus, gaining the fans' sympathy). However JYPE heard talks of B----TT and so they were having thoughts of giving Jaebeom a second chance as a marketing tool. But it wasn't powerful enough. The album did okay, lots shows being offered to them and JYPE gained alot from major CFs 2pm endorsed. Park Jaebeom wasn't needed anymore.

Jaebeom wasn't allowed to tell the other members about JYPE's final decision. But don't worry a lot about the other members as JYPE promised each of them separate activities.



KHUN - debut as an ACTOR, and "LET TAKE A BREAK" Thailand trip

JYPE may spread rumours about Jaebeom so the blame's not on them. JYPE used Jaebeom's name to save their reputation by insisting that Jaebeom committed something that they cannot forgive. And that this is all Jaebeom's fault.

JYP couldn't care less about 2 pm anymore. He owns two other companies: cube and big hit. Cube has B2ST whos making waves with their comeback next week. JYPE's also investing in other trainees to debut in 2011. So losing Jaebeom is not a problem for them financially.

Jaebeom is not allowed to talk because debt of training him for 4 years and contract termination fines.

JYPE felt the need to punish Jaebeom for breaking the rule. The punishment is too harsh really.

silence457 already snitched on JYPE and already told you guys all about this in January...Park Jaebeom is not going back to 2pm ever. But don't be surprised if there will be an announcement of 2pm disbandment this year...

my heart breaks for him especially all I can do is PRAY FOR PARK JAEBEOM for his future

All of this, without a proof passes off as a fanfic. Nothing more, or nothing less.


I am not a die-hard fan of 2pm but I do love the song/choreograph of A&A as well as Jay's passion for music and dancing. I acknowledge his talents and is probably the most charsimatic, passionate leader of a idol group in recent times of Korean gayo. I worried for Jay in September just like the rest of you because I couldn't bare the thought of being in his shoes and fully understood what kind of emotional stress he might have gone through.

If you can point out where I'm hating on 2pm or trolling around, I will simply stop doing so but I won't because I know I am not taking sides or bashing in any way. I am trying to see the bigger picture here because I am really interested in JYP's motives behind all this. Instead of jumping into conclusions bashing JYP, please DO REALIZE that YOU FANS ARE THE ONES THAT WILL DISBAND 2PM FOR GOOD if you continue boycotting, hating 2pm, starting false rumors without any evidence what-so-ever, etc.

For God's sake, if you are truely fans of 2pm, stop jumping on the hate wagon and try to protect the other remaining 6 members. You are all just making it harder for Jay and for the rest of the members and increasing more guilt for Jay's original faults and to richard simmons off JYP for good, 2pm will be gone because that is how this whole idol industry works. Once time passes, all of this will be forgotten and JYP knows this very well. So while it lasts for the remaining 6, be supportive IF YOU CANNOT CHANGE ANYTHING AT THE MOMENT.

Brotherhood...friendship...all of it really does not matter much in the real world...you will realize this when you grow up and find real jobs....people at work who you think are your friends and brothers back stab, betray you all the time if their richard simmons is on the line because after all...they are in it for themselves.

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Guest peruviangirl

This is just overwhelming. About the 2pm disbandment...it hurts me and it scares me so much to say it but it might just be come true...why else would jype drag the boys along the controversy saying that they agreed on jays withdrawal, which I do not believe at all, jype is smart to know they would cause chaos among fans and divide them if such statement was released. I don't think they care for 2pm anymore. That is so disgusting, using peolpe is just completely inhumane.

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I wonder if this is considered a rumour..

But I just read from a korean blog the following:

It translates to:

There's a Hottest fan who asked Junho whether he agreed to Jaebum leaving

And then Junho said, "If it's not the 7 of us, (we) will not carry out activities"

This is told by a fan who went for the meeting

Source:재범복귀9121 & 연카 조아라13님의 글

And also, there's apparently rumours that Junsu is the supposed next leader..

Though exact details and whatever else are not specified.

Not trying to cause trouble here~

I'll remove it immediately if anyone wants me to.

This may just be a rumor


credit: naver & itstwopm

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