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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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All the fresh rumours are making me laugh. If JYPE is trying to insinuate a drug situation, he's right. Jay is definitely on glucosamine and technically those are "drugs."

The events of today and everything that has been said so far can only be summed up as - Someone threw Jay under the bus.

I have nothing else to say really accept I'm going back to western pop for good.

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Guest freezee

i have to congratz jype, their tactics are VERY effective.

more and more ppl are getting knw bout "2pm" by them stepping on jae's reputation.

2pm is relly the HOTTEST topic in kpop world now.

maybe this is how much jae's reputation worth to jype?

seriously, things arent the way they were b4. 2pm will not be the same even if hottest manage to bring jae back.

the damage has already been done, even if a wound heal, there will still be a scar there.

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Guest youngeunn123

Damn, I feel really bad for the 6 members. They must be thinking, "Did we only have fans because of jay? Were we only popular because of him?" They probably feel really hopeless right now.

And to those who believe that the other members really "turned their backs" on jay, you must be really stupid.

this is so true.

i feel so terrible for 6pm. :(

i hope they know why fans are acting like this.

all we want is jay back. thats all.

if not at least we want to hear from jay himself.

poor 6pm i hope they know that the fans dont hate them.

we just want to see 2pm as a whole again and this is all we can do at this time.

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Guest shaghayegh_song

It's obvious: THAT'S A BIG LIE

Jay is so dear to other members how can they say they don't want him anymore?I really don't know how they are feeling now.They are all betrayed by the company.why are they all silent?

Where is Jay?

why isn't he saying anything?

It's so nasty.I don't know why they are doing this

If they don't want him back they ask him say he doesn't want to be a part of the group and I'm sure because of his brothers he would say so.

I really don't know what to do.I hate JYPE but I do feel sorry for the other 6 members.I really want to support them but I don't know how cause in any case JYPE is taking benefit of our support

any idea guys?

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Is it sad to say that I'm not surprised at how low JYPE has sank?

I sincerely think that all they care about is covering their asses.

But one thing I am shocked and appalled by is the reaction of the fans.

Why are we blaming the other members and each other?

We're supposed to hold each other up and support each other...what is this.

How are we supposed to get anything done divided?

It truly breaks my heart to see this happening within our own fanclub...

Somehow, I have more faith than I did September 8th.

I feel like now everyone is opening their eyes to see that there really is something wrong here.

Keep your head up, girls.

We'll get through this, together.


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Guest starlight5

You know, this wouldn't be such a big deal if JYPE had just simply put out that they decided to terminate Jay's contract. Sure, kHottests would be outraged, especially from the BS false hope the last few months, but then they go and add how there was a bigger scandal that Jay did and just happened to feel like confessing out of the blue. Then it doesn't stop and spills onto the other members too by saying they were in on the decision. HELLO, are we stupid?! Since when did the members have ANY say in what's decided by the company?! And if they did have to make up a fake date in which the so-called "meeting" was held, at least do some research and pick a valid date that won't make the Hottests call out your LIE even more with solid friggin' evidence! The boys were scattered across Korea in their hometowns during that time!! Taec was in Boston, for crying out loud!!

CONSPIRACY!! Damn all these rumors destroying Jay's image, is he just some scrapgoat for your stupid "clean" company?! Oh, but I get it, if you can't have him, no one can, right? If you let him go, you have to do it in a way where he has no chance of being accepted by any other entertainment industry, right??? I think the bigger "mistake" Jay made was revealing the slave contract, send you straight to hell!!!!

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Guest musicaholic

In Korea, the media reported that jaebeom and sunmi got kicked out because of sex tape. THE POWER OF JYPE.

it has been said that JYP got really hurt when jaebeom revealed about the JYPE slave contract of 10 years...so now he doesn't give a shhh*t about jae's image and reputation

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Guest dollychelle

In Korea, the media reported that jaebeom and sunmi got kicked out because of sex tape. THE POWER OF JYPE.

it has been said that JYP got really hurt when jaebeom revealed about the JYPE slave contract of 10 years...so now he doesn't give a shhh*t about jae's image and reputation

<_< Probs jyp himself that has put out this "rumour"

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^^ ... that's... low.

JYP is a business. And from a business perspective the blame needs to be shifted away from them as much as possible. I believe there is some truth in the article. Sure there is a lot of fluff obviously inserted in it to lessen the blow, and other bullsht, but there is some truth in it. Jay may have done something else. He may have not. But I believe the whole thing about his return is truth, even though the details are a bit dodgy.

What do the Hottests plan to do? And although I understand the boycotts, I fear it hurts both 2am and the existing 2pm, with ones new album, and the others rising success. They must be hurting inside and out.

All in all, I just hope Jay is happy. As a fan, a mediocrely (sp?) devoted one at that, I only hope that Jay is at peace, and that the people who started this in the first place realise they are hurting thousands.

Just my two cents.

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I found this at http://insider2pm.wordpress.com.

Thought everyone should see it:

A lot of people have been asking us what you, as International fans so far away, can do.

1) Post-its: The writers who live in New York go to the JYPE building often to put up post-its. It really helps us a lot when we have messages from fans to write. PLEASE send us any messages of encouragement for Jay at post4jay. It doesn’t take long to write a simple message. I’m sure we all have things we’d want to say to Jay anyway.

2) http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/2pmbeastlyidolsas7/ There are articles in the Korean news about this petition. Our source wants us to spread this so International Hottests can join in the fight. If enough people join, JYPE will monitor it since they monitor the Insider sites. They will see this petition. Again, this doesn’t take a lot of effort and it’s easy to just spread the link to more fans. Please remember to VERIFY your signature through a link which will be sent to your e-mail (remember to check your spam!). YOUR SIGNATURE DOES NOT COUNT IF YOU DO NOT VERIFY.

3) HOLLYWOOD BOWL: Our source said it would be great if the Hottests attending Hollywood Bowl could get a Jay banner, similar to the ones Khottests had hanging in the Dream Concert.

I think the Hollywood Bowl is a very, very good idea!

I saw in the KMF thread that they're also thinking about making a banner.

And I think someone is going to make a thread about it soon.

We can do this!

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Guest mika.16

In Korea, the media reported that jaebeom and sunmi got kicked out because of sex tape. THE POWER OF JYPE.

LOOOL ok so this supposed 'huge mistake' happened during AAA promotions...

so what? Jay & sunmi did it during that time??

LOL that doesnt even make sense...

and why would they TAPE it are they kidding around here, both are at their peak popularity, noone in their right minds would film such a thing, those 2 kids are not stupid mindless idiots omg.

and even hypothetically if it were true, WHY is it such an issue to jype 6 months later???

if it involves 2 artists from their OWN company, its so easy to cover up..

Jay & sunmi is a ridiculous rumor.

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Guest xxxxxxx

In Korea, the media reported that jaebeom and sunmi got kicked out because of sex tape. THE POWER OF JYPE.

it has been said that JYP got really hurt when jaebeom revealed about the JYPE slave contract of 10 years...so now he doesn't give a shhh*t about jae's image and reputation

Thats the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Both of them are smart enough to know what's right and wrong. I can't recall but weren't  the girls in New York? Anyone who read this would know that this rumor is fake. Whoever spread this rumor and the reporter for this article, that's really low. 

I just don't get it. Jyp hurt because Jay revealed the contract? I find JYP to be an emotionally strong man. He got hate from hottests for months and he moved forward. Jay revealing the slave contract has not hurt JYPE's reputation in any way. I mean, thousands of people still dream of entering JYPE and they audition knowing that training life is hard. Also, hasn't sunye and khun openly talk about the strict rules of their contract?

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Guest Rachael08

HONestly I CANNOT bring myself to support 6PM

I feel like i have been cheated and stabbed behind my back...

Jay has been cheated and stabbed behind his back, plus they even set out to ruin his image

Right i only wish to flip JYPE 's foundation upside down

They promote the image of 7 trainees who were as close as brothers and now they come up with nonsense like this...

I hope the worst for them for what they have done to Jay...

I am utterly digusted and amazed by the ridiculousness of the company's decision to release a statement like this.

Honestly how can a company be soooooo stupid???!!!

HaVE they NOT been monitoring Hottests' desire for JAebeom to return....

We waited for freakin 5 months WAITING FOR JAY...we supported 1:59 because we HOPED Jay would return...

And they give us THIS>!?

are they ouuta their minds?!!

Seeing 6PM will remind me of JAebeom no matter what...and this will absolutely make me an ANti

WOW i still cant believe they terminated Jay's contract

Really scared fr them...cz hell has started to break loose already

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Guest -V-aNiLLa

The whole situation is getting ridiculous, why are the other members being flamed for this and who in their right might would believe these rumors. Fans can be as stifling to an artist as antis.

I don’t know what Jay is thinking right now but from watching him on programs, such as hot blood, I bet he must feel a bit guilty for putting the other members through such a predicament. By no means was this his fault but he must feel like he drag the others into his problem. It must be a huge burden on him.

I don’t think we can blame JPYE for everything, nobody wants to see something/one they’ve invested so much time and effort into fail. But they clearly didn’t manage the situation properly and in my option opted for the easily solution, which is to drop jay. It’s safe to say JPYE hasn’t done enough to help bring jay back. I can’t respect a company that cannot protect and support its employees just because of a few hurdles.

I re-watch the video of 2pm backstage at MAMA again after hearing the news. As much as I LOVE 2PM WITH JAY, seeing Wooyoung crying and running to Khun then Junho and Chansung jumping on them, Khun constantly by Wooyoung rubbing his back/helping Wooyoung up when he couldn’t get up made me realize the other deserve my support as much as Jay.

Kabbler, just like you I see this star quality in Khun and Wooyoung. They can be really big one day with or without 2pm. They really know how to carry themselves as celebrity, especially Khun. The best thing about them is they don’t get caught up in the fandom, they don’t feel the need to over promote themselves.

I know i being really hopeful but for some reason I still think Jay can come back one day. I mean look at all the effort Hottest are putting in to get Jay back, it can't be in vain.

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Guest uh-ohxev

^^^^ I agree with you! : ) And somehow I still have hope in Jays return too. Then again... I'm also in denial.

HA-HA-HA! Sex tape with Sunmi? Are you serious? This is probably the lamest rumor I have ever heard in my life. Both, Sunmi and Jay are smarter than that. I can't believe this mess! I'm assuming it's someone @ JYPE, who is the one that'll put these out in the media. Netizens will speculate, but the ones that appear in articles will be the fabricated lies by JYPE.

About the fans ripping up the photos,etc. It really does make me sad. But, what KILLS ME. And I mean... KILLS ME. It just hurts so much seeing/hearing... is seeing the fans bashing the members. Please. Please, I ask all of you not to put any blame towards these innocent boys. They are victims as well. You mustn't forget. They all love Jay, miss Jay. You think we feel bad? Imagine the feelings of the boys! Who trained so hard together for so many years, who were anticipating to see their leader return with them this year.. now this? They must be crushed and unmotivated knowing they will no longer have their leadja. So, please. The last thing I want to see is bashing of any of the boys. All 7 are hurting right now. I never once questioned the authenticity of their brotherhood. I genuinely, see that these 7 boys care a lot about each other. When 1 cries, they all cry. Himnae boys. I'll continue to fight for all the injustice!

And I know this is probably asking for a lot- but, the boys really should speak out about this. TOGETHER. I don't want 1 or 2 members, speaking out. I'm talking about all 6 remaining members. If they can do it TOGETHER, then it'll be good. Yes, some problems will arise... but, look at G.O.D and what happened to them.

Reading that fan account about fans screaming mean things to Wooyoung while he was crying in the car. I was so upset, I could strangle someone! I couldn't believe what I was reading! How can anyone say those things to Wooyoung? I CARE about his tears. None of the boys deserve this. And to me, it seems that they were in the dark about this all along. Just like the rumor, that the boys didn't know about all of this, and that JYPE would come out with such horrible news today. It breaks my heart. Please, don't bash the boys. Point your arrows to JYPE. That's fine. They deserve it after all they have put us through as a fandom. But, for G*ds sake - the boys don't deserve this kind of treatment. I really just want to hug all 7 of them right now.

I became a fan of this group for their wonderful personalities, brotherhood, music, etc. And all of those are lacking right now without all of them together. JYPE, has turned them into a group only recognized for their good looks. It's disappointing, when we all know the talent that is behind those beautiful faces, great bodies! What breaks me, is that their own company did this to them. From the start, this whole thing has been mishandled.

I have followed these boys since their debut, so I can't begin to describe how much is hurts me to see them going through this. And knowing that I will have to become distant, because it hurts too much knowing that they are under such management. It worries me, really. Some days I wonder what it would've been like if 2PM never became as successful as they did during A&A days. The more success an artist has, the more drama/scandal is bound to happen. I miss the 10/10 days, when they were only a few fans (though, I understand that having a smaller amount of fans isn't BETTER...) and everything felt more laid back.

I don't feel happy knowing the boys are under this kind of management. It makes me worry. If this happened to Jaebum, it's definitely not impossible that this would happen to another member. I'm just sick of this treatment from this damn-awful company! The way they're treating the boys and handling all the fans questions, is just ridiculous. SO unprofessional! The boys deserve better. JYPE, doesn't deserve them and their talent.

You know, when I heard the news Jay left officially - I'm more pissed at the fact that JYPE had to drag Jaebum down, one last time, more than being mad that he's officially gone. Though, of course they were equally as bad. I'm still more upset that JYPE would do such a disgusting thing. Stooping to the lowest of lows. It's like spitting in Jaebums, Hottests and 2PMs face. Why did they have to bring 2PM into this as well? I'm starting to believe that JYPE intentionally wants to break 2PM up...

Psh, and to think that even after all this, I still had a little hope in JYPE. What was I thinking? All the respect I had left for them, has gone down the drain completely. Bye bye! :)

I'll say it again - Jay, really should consider hiring a lawyer. Sue for defamation.

My thoughts and prayers are with all 7 of the 2PM boys. They're going through a lot. And I hope that I don't see anymore bashing towards the members.... I apologize for the long post... >___<

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Guest musicaholic

Thats the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Both of them are smart enough to know what's right and wrong. I can't recall but weren't  the girls in New York? Anyone who read this would know that this rumor is fake. Whoever spread this rumor and the reporter for this article, that's really low. 

I just don't get it. Jyp hurt because Jay revealed the contract? I find JYP to be an emotionally strong man. He got hate from hottests for months and he moved forward. Jay revealing the slave contract has not hurt JYPE's reputation in any way. I mean, thousands of people still dream of entering JYPE and they audition knowing that training life is hard. Also, hasn't sunye and khun openly talk about the strict rules of their contract?

After the myspace controversy, the whole slave contract issue also came up. And after that, JYPE kept defending and insisting that they don't have slave contract and that they're a fair company..Obviously rumours such as sex tape and drug use are made so the blame's on jae and the focus is not on JYPE. Media reported the sex tape rumour and JYPE may have something to do with it. Obviously people who follow 2pm would be hesitant to believe these rumours but what about people hearing these rumours and don't really follow 2pm...they might actually believe it.

JYPE doesn't really care about 2pm anymore and there may be plans of 2pm disbandment and 6 members would do separate activities. JYP already gained alot from CFs 2pm endorsed. JYP has lots of other financial sources. JYP OWNS TWO OTHER COMPANIES: CUBE ENTERTAINMENT AND BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT. Cube has 4minute and B2ST

Other head of JYPE, Jung wook, is contemplating whether to cancel the fan meeting on the 27th.....

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Guest nightmare.

i'm disappointed. Why did they say Jaebum will be back before but now they cancel it?

When I saw the pictures of the fans ripping their CDs , it makes me sad.

I know that the hottests want Jaebum back but if they're doing that, they hurt the other 6.

I really hope Jay will be back. 2PM is incomplete without 7.

Hottests HWAITING!


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After crying for Jay, I fell bad for the rest members..

At first, I couldn't control myself, this's the first time I've cried for a idol so much like this. I really want to know what Jay's thinking, what he's doing, what he wants and I couldn't think about other members, but now, when flood of news about some Hottest have action like that, I'm worried when I think what 6 boys fell when they see them? I understand those Hottest's felling, if they are fault 1, JYP's fault 10, I don't understand why they have to put our boys in that announcement while there are some rumours that they've no ideal about it, and I believe that they never agree with Jay's withdrawal, they're close brothers and I belive in their brotherhood. But however, heart comes before mind, so I hope Hottest won't do anything too bad and I hope 6 boys understand that it's because they don't know what have to do right now, JYP don't give them a choice, so I think they can't controll theirselves before something clearly is released. Take care of yourselves, Hottests and be strong 6 boys.

My friend told me that her relative brother sometimes goes to the area where Jay lives to see b-boy, and he saw Jae Beom, he said that Jay smiled in a way that he has never seen before....Jae Beom was really happy...

I was deep in thought..

From some pictures of Jay was taken in Seattle before, I have to admit that it's real smile of him and I can fell his happy. Of course, if he's happy, we'll happy. But from the bottom of my heart, I really want him to comeback, fulfill the last minute to complete 2PM.

I want to hear thoughts directly from him and his brothers, but yeah, after chatting with my friend, I realize that they can't do whatever they want, contract is still there, they've gone through a hard time to have the position like now, their family is waiting for them and who knows real power of JYP?

I hope the conferrence will break out, 6 boys are too tired of JYP, but they can do nothing, so I hope KHottest and iHottest can unite together and fight till the end, it's not time to blame on the rest of members or criticize each others, we're Hottest cuz we love 2PM, so let's walk together and fight till the end, it's a fight between us and JYP, not between Hottest and Hottest or Hottest and 6PM.

As long as I love Park Jae Bum, Jang Woo Young, Hwang Chan Sung, Lee Jun Su, Lee Jun Ho, Ok Taek Yeon, Nich Khun. I'm a Hottest.

(Really sorry for my bad English)

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JYPE and Kmedia are missing brains.

How can a sex tape be made if the girl was in the US touring with Jobros tour and the guy was in Korea at the time frame they've specified?

What, they doctored footage together to make a sex tape? This has got to be the most ridiculous and stupid rumor i've ever heard.

Seriously, JYPE, at least try harder to cover the loopholes, now you just look elementary.

And yeah, let Sunmi get her name dragged through the mud, that'll be really good for her as she tries to study for college exams. Once again good job protecting her JYPE.

A word of warning. JYPE protects NO ONE. For those of you who are going to remain 2PM fans, make sure your bias never ever steps out of line b/c JYPE will flush him down the toilet too.

If no one from JYPE no one from 2PM stands up to take a stand against this rumor, I am going to hold it against them forever. This is about a woman's reputation and innocence, Obviously, Korea is a conservative nation. Rumors like this will ruin Sunmi's future prospects, not just in entertainment but in marriage, in other possible careers.

I'm not going to go as far as saying JYPE actually put the rumor out themselves, although it's VERY POSSIBLE and ABSOLUTELY COMMON. But even still, JYPE has every right to stop the media from reporting this kind of falsity that is OBVIOUSLY going to ruin not just 1 life but 2 lives!

Some fans and the boys also need to stop hiding behind the whole "their contract prevents them from speaking" defense. It's old and frankly, it is no longer useful. Sure, regarding Jay issues, whatever don't speak. But now this has gone way too far. If members of 2PM stand by while JYPE continues to take down innocent bystanders, I will lose ALL RESPECT for them. There are wrongs that you just cannot commit, no matter how much your hands are forced, and this is one of them.

I just leave you with this Holocaust poem.

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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I guess the fact that Jay isn’t coming back hasn’t sunk in yet. Instead of feeling down, I’m actually very angry and disgusted right now.

I think there’s a much bigger issue here than just JYPE dropping Jay. It’s not even about him coming back to 2PM anymore, as most of us were already well aware of that possibility. We were simply waiting with bated breaths for an official announcement, and most of us were ready to deal.

No, the least JYPE could’ve done was let Jay go with every inch of dignity he had left in the eyes of the general public. Let him walk away with his head held high, because he has every reason to. This isn’t the immature boy they first met 5 years ago; this is the young man who had risen from it all. But apparently, that just wasn’t enough for JYPE. I personally do not believe that Jay scandal for a second. And with the way the company spoke of Jay and that supposed “mistake” he’s committed, you’d think JYPE had displayed perfect behavior since this whole fiasco started. And if you believe in the “goodness” that exists within these people in charge, if you think that they are indeed the “family” they claim, if Jay DID commit an act so grave- is it something you mention to the public? Something you hint about for people to feast on with nasty speculations? Yes, we wanted the truth. But this is something one should be selective about if they truly wanted to protect the person involved. It seems to me that JYPE never cared about Jay or his feelings since day one. If they did, they would’ve chosen to endure the fans’ reactions if it meant that Jay could’ve walked away from all this without adding more to whatever grief he was already carrying for months now (and will probably still do in years to come). At least make the parting pleasant if they had an inch of concern for him, if Jay had shared even one good memory with them, anything. Yes, they are a business first and foremost. I just figured that if Jay left with the members’ sake in mind, that maybe JYPE could do the same thing for him in return. So what does this say about them? How can one support such a company? Remember, if this happened to Jay, it can happen to anyone part of the company too.

Which is why I believe there is a greater fight here than just the whole contract issue concerning Jaebum, the 2PM member. No, how about Jay, the person? How about his dignity and his now-tarnished reputation? How about the lies and the manipulating? How about the his helpless position in this whole fiasco, where he is directly involved but is unable to defend himself? How about the fact that this is something that will be engraved on people’s minds, and something he will have to carry around him for the rest of his life? How about his future? It’s got nothing to do with the group 2PM anymore, but something more serious and personal. I want to appeal to fans (especially those who are in doubt, or who are ready to let this issue just slide) to at least give this a thought. The truth will not always reveal itself so easily, especially when bits and pieces of it are purposely being kept hidden. We need use our heads, take a good look at what’s in front of us, and put two and two together.

Also, people are accusing us left and right for not being true Hottests and only having concern for Jay. That’s not fair. Fighting for Jay is crucial at the moment because it’s an urgent matter. Jay isn’t coming back, so the only chance we have is now. It doesn’t mean we care about the 6 members any less. People are making it sound like it's making a choice when it's not, and it doesn't have to. Try to look at it from a different perspective: it’s not about making a choice between 1 or 6. It’s recognizing that EACH and EVERY member is THAT important, that it could’ve been another member and we would be doing the same thing too. Besides, if you go by that logic, then does that mean those who are supporting the 6 are not concerned about the other one? How about Jay? So I guess that doesn’t make you “true Hottests” either? What is a “true HOTTEST” anyway? Because at this very moment, there are more pressing matters to concern myself with than the fandom. I will fight because I believe in something, with or without the label. I wish we were united now more than ever, but we’ve had months to put our acts together, and sadly, we still haven’t. The time to decide is way past due. I say fight for what you believe in, stick together if you share the same views to make an impact, and if you feel the need to criticize those whom you disagree with, at least try to see things from their perspective first. It’s not a big deal when non-2PM fans do the talking, but when it’s fellow “HOTTESTS” who make the accusations, it's just sad. Weren't we supporting the same group of boys just months ago? And we still are, regardless of bias.

As much as I'd want to look at the bright side of things and celebrate the fact that Jay isn't under JYPE anymore, I look at the 6 (+ 2AM) and I find it hard to do so. This incident reflected what sort of company they are currently under, and it's not the least bit comforting. This issue isn't even solely about money, but also moral character. One can argue that there's no room for that in the world of business, but I beg to differ. There's no excuse for JYPE's actions, especially against a boy in a helpless position as Jay, who's also got everything to lose (which he already did). Remember, being a 2PM member is only secondary to the fact that they are human beings first. It's crossing the line when they are getting manipulated or influenced to become people they are not; that's not something they signed up for.

My heart goes out to the 7, who are merely victims of the cruel world that is business. It’s sad to think that it all started with a dream- to sing, to dance, to act, to perform. Now it’s just turned into one big nightmare. But this isn’t the end, boys. Just keep the faith and keep your dreams alive. Keep fighting.

I hope this also gives something for fans to think about. It isn't going to be all fine and dandy once the issue blows over. Remember, it's not about the boys as 2PM members alone. It's about protecting the people that they are. If they are in no position to fight for it themselves, then who else will?

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