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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Just wow. I'm not even angry with the fact he's not coming back. I've expected the worst, really.

What makes me angry is their lack of Management/PR skills/technique. From what I can gather from this little "scenario" that they claim is true, the other boys have known of Jay's "big mistake". I feel terribly cheated. All the heartwarming "we're all brothers, we split our income, I miss Jay" seems like one big lie. While I can't really pin this fault on the boys, I just feel like the fans were taken advantage of.

If this was the case, if Park Jaebum had decided not to come back, don't play on these empty words. If you knew of his mistake before his departure, why have an album focus entirely on the concept of "waiting"? Yes, it's good for sales, but the way things are going now... the future doesn't seem too bright. What are you going to do for the next album? The public will just look down and raise eyebrows. What about the rest of the boys? Couldn't you have come up with something better than that? A mistake on his part... so big that it'd prevent him from coming back.. How do you think fans will react to that? "Oh, Jay made a mistake. Let's leave him alone." If anything, JYPE has propelled curiosity and unrest. No one is really satisfied, though the decision has been made.

Excuse or not, this statement is fail. Whether it's true or not, this statement is fail.

It's just such a big fail I can't describe it.

Ugh, whatever. I just hope Jay's alright.

Must be painful for him... actually, all these years must have been painful. So much sacrifice, and this is what happens in the end. Even though he didn't really want to be an idol, he put a lot of effort and time into training. It's not like he did this for fun, he was hoping to get some money out of it. To support his family, who isn't that well off. It's not a rich boy playing and toying in the entertainment industry.

As for me remaining a fan, I'm not too sure. 1:59 is different from 2PM. No one can deny that, right? Perhaps I'm overanalyzing, but I feel like every step that the rest take will be overcalculated and timid. They're under so much scrutiny, it's hard to gain back that reckless, beast image that drew me to them. I don't know.

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Guest PocketWatch

I think the why they've decided to drop this bombshell right before the upcoming fan conference is so that they can anticipate the fans response and any loopholes in their story the khottests might have managed to pick out, just so they can prepare their answers and rebuttals during the conference?

I mean already, the loopholes in JYPE's statement have been detected already. Imagine on the day of the conference, if they announced this news and the fans on the spot noted the discrepancies in their 'statement', how would they be able to provide clear, justified answers the and there?

If thats the case, that's extremely calculating on JYPE's part.

I think I agree with this because the bombshell was dropped just before the fan conference which proves that they might want to hear the fans response to revise their statement and make sure they can fool us. I'm not fooled. I will admit that Jay is a little irresponsible and has made mistakes in the past due to the differences of America and Korea, but seriously, what could be so bad that his whole contract is terminated? I also hope that if he HAS done something wrong that anti's leave him alone because he's only human. They've already ruined him enough.

I for one will continue supporting 2pm because they deserve the support at times like this and they have done nothing wrong. Although in my mind 2pm will always be a seven member group and that will never change, I hope to continue supporting them even with Jaebeom gone. As for Jay,I will make sure to support his future decisions and watch his bboying. It will be tough, because I felt my heart rip out today, but I will always love them and that can push me on.

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Guest hermionee


The general feeling of those who chose to leave the fandom is that 6 members 2PM is not the same as 7 members 2PM. Especially if you take into account the fact that 2PM became national sensation partly thanks to Jay's scandal. In other words, Jay was sacrificed and 2PM got the popularity. Now that 2PM has joined the league of most popular boybands, Jay is removed forever. Try put yourself in Hottests' shoes and understand what they are going through. It's a feeling of being betrayed. All the drama and lies and false hope are probably too exhausting for many Hottests and they have to choose to leave. Fandom is fandom but our personal life depends on our own choice. If the fandom is affecting some of us emotionally, we have to leave and that's totally understandable. If there's anyone to blame for the fail career of the rest of 2PM boys in the future, it's JYPE, not Hottests

am sorry but this is only my opinion. in this kind of situation.. I do believe that NO ONE / NOBODY WANTS THIS TO HAPPEN esp. if you are a 2pm fan..i do enjoy a 7member 2pm and as i was saying that i understand how hottest feels... BUT i also take extra consideration to the remaining members who are suffering alot mentally...in the sense that jaebum wont be with them anymore and another 1 is that their fanclubs is dividing? .... excuses like without jaebum 2pm wont be a successful group etc.. i think every members contributes on how it succeeded.... and the false hopes that the agency was feeding to the fans are a bit over the top and it was seriously the evil side of the game.... everyone can decide on what they need to believe and decide whats best and whats not...BUT.. only i am saying that since they are an Idol, their life depends on the public and if the people who used to support them turn their backs on them and JYPE decided to disband 2pm what will be next? saying that only one person is to blame for the other members fail career is a bit selfish...JYPE can produce another boyband. my point is CANT WE GIVE A BIT SPACE FOR OTHER MEMBERS? THEY ARE 2PM TOO...HONESTLY, I REALLY SALUTE JAY HOW HE SACRIFICED HIS OWN DREAMS FOR THE SAKE OF OTHER MEMBERS DREAM. I do believe that on his next journey not only the doors will be opened for him but also the roof... this is the toughest trial that a person may have but there is always a rainbow after the storm... who knows a GREAT MIRACLE will happen...

p.s. dont know yet to quote your post so instead i copy and paste it

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It would be funny and at the same time not that surprising if that letter from JYPE was the final bang to stir more controversy to really bring Jay back once and for all for even more popularity. It's just a very slight possibility....but don't hope in it because most likely Jay is never ever coming back.

Increase the drama = Increase in tears of fans and their obsession/infatuation = loyalty = long term source of revenue = a story of a huge star that exist in movies is born

scenerio: tell the public that Jay has done something much worse than the korean bashing incident...and later revealed that it isn't too bad and is completely forgiveable and understandable and the story of that incident is infact pretty dramatic...wins over korean publics sympathy, empathy, and at the same time all of Jay's mistakes are completely forgiven and forgotten. Jay makes his final dramatic comeback and becomes the next big thing of korean gayo. JYP will be forgiven by fans and fans will blame themselves for "misunderstanding" JYP's true feelings.

scenerio 2: Jay is in plans for US debut, and this incident will help him get more recognition throughout US and will make more exposure in dance battles, contests etc.

Jay is too much of an asset from a business perspective, I just can't find a good excuse for JYP to truely get rid of him.

Time will tell fans, just do your thing and the truth to all of this will be revealed.

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Guest Soulhead

we should all unite and go SPARTA on JYP/E





Don't you have understand that all is over now ? Jay is no more related to JYPE . It's over for good . You can still fighting for a lost cause because ''No cause is lost if but one fool is left to fight for it'' (sorry, I was too happy because I could said a sentence from Pirate Of The Caribbean XD).But it's still the same,you make things turns more worse than they are now. Support him as an AOM member and support the rest of 2PM too if you want .

We have lost a strong part of the ''war'' ,but if we continue to fight , we will loose everything in this war. We will won the war by making the 2PM's boys and Jay happy . It's useless to said that they will be happy when Jay will return and that's why you're keeping the ''war'' ,because this won't happen . It's time for healing ,not fighting.

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Don't you have understand that all is over now ? Jay is no more related to JYPE . It's over for good . You can still fighting for a lost cause because ''No cause is lost if but one fool is left to fight for it'' (sorry, I was too happy because I could said a sentence from Pirate of the caraïbe XD).But it's still the same,you make things turns more worse than they are now. Support him as an AOM member and support the rest of 2PM too if you want .

We have lost a strong part of the ''war'' ,but if we continue to fight , we will loose everything in this war. We will won the war by making the 2PM's boys and Jay happy . It's useless to said that they will be happy when Jay will return and that's why you're keeping the ''war'' ,because this won't happen . It's time for healing ,not fighting.

It's their choice, let them do what they think is right. Who knows if they are gonna lose everything or not?

On another note, it looks like it's gonna be a big fight scene on the 27th between JYPE and Hottests. I don't know how the other 6 boys will feel but it's probably very awkward and sad to be caught up in this PR disaster.


oh and if I remember correctly, JYP said that he will resign from the producer position soon, which means he will not have any formal connection whatsoever with 2PM except being in the same entertainment company. Just wanna throw it out there, I don't know how it will fit in the picture though.

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right now a lot fans are confused.

and all they could do is wanting to make the statement a fraud.

the statement hurt so many fans and all they could do is cry?

no! this is not the last.. that's not how it goes..

i don't believe a typed message when there is no fact on every

single word that was typed.

the best that the fan could do now is re-act and want to do this and that.

at least they are keeping their hopes that maybe somehow this is all a joke.

all hottest here, you all have the right to re-act w/ this heartbreaking news..

but this shouldn't let you all go down the drain this should make you even stronger..

it's not over until he SAID JAEBEOM HIMSELF it's over.

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Guest ibabyx3

i competely believe that JYP is overexagerrating or flat-out lying. could jaebeom really have done something wrong during A&A promotions? I think not because he was far too busy to be able to do anything beyond promoting 2pm's album etc etc. (even when they came home from filming, they still had practice and training. could jay's mind be able to wander off from 2pm so much that he would be able to 'do something [terribly, terribly] wrong' on a personal level? am i making sense here?) & I believe that if Jaebeom did do something wrong, his wrong action(s) couldn't possibly be so bad that he would have to permanently leave 2pm & have ALL THE MEMBERS of oneday believe that jaebeom shouldn't come back.

after the success of 2pm's 1:59 album, jyp realized that 2pm can still be successful without jay. of course, i personally believe that 2pm cannot gain that same level of fame and popularity they had when they had 7 members, but 2pm still made headlines and awards during 1:59.

is jyp in for a major business suicide? i doubt anyone trusts jyp anymore. jype is now infamous for being a lousy company that has a manipulative and deceitful ceo.

what will come of jay now? will he continue to live a normal life in seattle, bboying as a hobby and attending uwash as a student? he'd have to get a job though, since he's in his mid twenties. how would he make a living? would he start something new in hollywood or be in a new record company in the united states?

as much as i don't want to believe it, i dont think jyp will be bringing jay back as a 2pm member. jyp seems to have very high confidence in himself and his company; im not sure if he's willing to give in to the fans and create a new contract with jaebeom. the next best thing i could think about jay&jyp is a solo career for jay in KOREA. but, i doubt that would happen. i dont think oneday would be happy AT ALL either.

i see war. hottests will definately not let this go.

time can only tell what will really happen to jaebeom & 2pm.

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Guest lovesong3208

I really saw this coming....but anyways.

not a hottest but I'd like to say

I am more than disappointed in JYP for taking so long to say something about

Jay's situation. It seems like JYPE had decided this a while ago but only decides

to tell people now. Right now...Even though I'm not a Hottest, I feel that JYPE used

this whole "Jay scandal" to keep the Hottests and people's attention on the rest of the 2PM.

just like a business man would do anything for profit. this may not (hopefully is not) true but

this is how it seems like to me...and that is just lower than low.

2PM...I don't know how to even address you guys. You guys are a great group but it just

happens that your management is being so stupid and.....stupid.

JYPE ...and even JYP has lost all of my respect.

but then again. I'm sure it doesn't even matter to them. hmf.


If JYPE ends up saying "no. we lied. we're bringing Jay back now"

...I hope JYP doesn't come to HB because as happy as I would be with Jay's return to 2PM

I would hate the company and the figure that much more.

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i don't believe a typed message when there is no fact on every

single word that was typed.

it's not over until he SAID JAEBEOM HIMSELF it's over.

I totally agree with this. I don't think Hottests and all 2PM fans should take the typed article as a final say. It's not over until the Leadja himself says! Jay fighting! 2PM boys fighting!

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Guest vivacity.

It would be funny and at the same time not that surprising if that letter from JYPE was the final bang to stir more controversy to really bring Jay back once and for all for even more popularity. It's just a very slight possibility....but don't hope in it because most likely Jay is never ever coming back.

Increase the drama = Increase in tears of fans and their obsession/infatuation = loyalty = long term source of revenue = a story of a huge star that exist in movies is born

haha.. that's what i was hoping.

so far, 2pm fan cafe is losing members every minute. who knows though, maybe when this settles down in a few months fans will be even more obsessed.

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Guest iMAGiNATi0NS

...i'm speechless. i don't kno whether i should believe this or not. wat crime did jay commit to make JYPE terminate the contract with him? 2PM without jay...thinking bout it is too saddening. things will be completely different without jay. but if that's wat the company and jay chooses, wat else can we do? although i am depressed bout this news...i won't stop supporting 2PM...but of course, all hottest want 2PM to be forever 7 with jay.

however, i do believe that we shouldn't blame it on anyone as there are many things that we don't kno.

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I refuse to believe anything in JYPE's announcement!! They just shamelessly spoiled Jay's image even more with their lies. I can't believe that they would do that just to save their own company image. I am absolutely disgusted, fed up and pissed off. I feel so betrayed. I am so angry that JYPE never protected Jay in the first place. They were more interested in protecting themselves and their CF contracts, along with anything else that was bringing in money to them. The world of business is dirty.

Jay made some sort of personal mistake that makes it impossible for him to come back?! The members all agreed that it would be better if Jay didn't return to 2PM?! I hope everyone realizes that these are some of the biggest, most BS lies ever.

What is the definition of a true fan? No one has the right to call anyone a true fan or not. It really hurts me to see people telling Hottests that they are not true fans of 2PM because they left their fancafe. They didn't leave because they were all solely pro-Jay supporters. They were "2PM as 7 members" supporters. They left because they are worn out, hurt and they are tired of being played by JYPE. Right now, they all just need a break. JYPE has really put us all through difficult times during these past 6 months. The silence, the lies, the failiure to deal with the situation... Their public relations = fail. And I lost all my respect for JYPE a very, very long time ago because of this.

Also, there are people telling us to just "move on". That really hurts too. How can we move on if when we just lost our leader through a misunderstanding and through JYPE's lies?! People who are telling us that we should move on are most likely uninformed about the whole situation. Hottests can't just let go of Jay that easily. Hottests will fight for him until the very end. Hottests will do anything to see all 7 members back together.

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Guest abcdana

thank you LT <3 for all your words which reflects my sentiments.

it's hard to wait until saturday (if jype decides they still want to hold the conference) but.. why can't i seem to let go of this stupid foolish hope that they will change their minds about jae's return? i hope jype can see we need 7 back together from all the fans who left the official fancafe because.... well WE JUST NEED ALL OF THEM BACK! together!

im being incoherent. this day is just... wow.

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Guest loikyish.

Game over. Is it really? As much as I would want to say it's not and as much as I would still want to fight and wait for Jay to say it himself, as a fan and a person, I am tired. Tired with all the lies they are throwing at us. Tired from all the waiting that ended up as nothing. I thought I would never get tired but I stand corrected.

Disappointed? Yes. But I would forgive JYPE, just because I want to give the other members a chance. JYPE doesn't exist to attend to the fans' wants and needs. JYPE is a business and all they care for is to make money. Selfish but a mere fact. If all the fans leave and cut their support onto 2PM, the simplest solution is to disband. JYPE could always invest on something else. They'll make 2PM disappear completely. Jay isn't the only member of 2PM who worked hard. Nickhun, Junsu, Junho, Taec, Wooyoung, and Chansung too. Would you want to see their dreams get crashed just like that too? NO.

You can say I'm not a real fan as you please for giving up this easily. I believe no one is a real fan in someone else's view. We all have different standards for what a REAL FAN is. Some would say, a real fan supports Park Jaebum. A real fan would not want a 6-membered 2PM. A real fan would boycott. A real fan would fight. A real fan would support the other 6 members. A real fan would do this and that... isn't it sickening if we get bashed just because we aren't a real fan for doing what the others think is not a doing of a real fan?

I gladly say I AM A REAL FAN because I will support 1:59PM. I AM A REAL FAN because I will let go of Park Jaebum with all my heart without the need of all the crap JYPE had been saying. Whether what has been said is true or not, I believe in Park Jaebum only. If he made a mistake, I forgive him. If he didn't, I will forgive JYPE for all the lies.

It takes time for every wounds to heal, I wouldn't expect all hottests to heal in a short span of time but I hope and pray, we could still stand back for the other members and just think that Jaebum is better off where he is, at the place he calls home.

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Guest dfallentears


Don't you have understand that all is over now ? Jay is no more related to JYPE . It's over for good . You can still fighting for a lost cause because ''No cause is lost if but one fool is left to fight for it'' (sorry, I was too happy because I could said a sentence from Pirate of the caraïbe XD).But it's still the same,you make things turns more worse than they are now. Support him as an AOM member and support the rest of 2PM too if you want .

We have lost a strong part of the ''war'' ,but if we continue to fight , we will loose everything in this war. We will won the war by making the 2PM's boys and Jay happy . It's useless to said that they will be happy when Jay will return and that's why you're keeping the ''war'' ,because this won't happen . It's time for healing ,not fighting.

because i will only believe in Jay ♥

enough said B)

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I am so sickened by everything. Even IF Jay really did something else (and honestly, what could a seemingly good Christian kid who has had no bad things, besides being mouthy, said against him prior to the myspace comments have possibly done?) there is absolutely NO REASON for JYPE to publicize it. If they wanted him out of the company, fine. Leave it at he doesn't want to come back, or JYPE can't accept his mistake. ANYTHING but lie and say he did something else.

Because now? Now everyone who believes in JYPE's statements will be wondering what he could have done. NO COMPANY is going to pick up Jay with that kind of negative assumption overhead. They've ruined his career with JYPE, sure. But they've also gone and ruined any chance he had of living out his dream as an entertainer.

Shame on JYPE. I can't stand to even look in their direction right now, let alone think of supporting them monetarily. How dare they ruin his career like that.

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Jay is gone...

There is no point of hoping for his return, because he is ...GONE.

I can understand how such young fans can overreact and worry about something like this...Seotaiji fans have done it...H.O.T fans have gone through it....Sechskies fans have..G.O.D fans have...and the list goes on. These fans are all now matured and older just living their lives and trust me girls...NONE of this will matter to you when you grow up and face actual challenges in life.

Being upset will get you nowhere...accept the reality that it's too late for Jay to come back and never will come back..at least not in JYPE.

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