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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest cheezychunnie

first of all..thank u to all hottest for remain to be calm after the announcement..

and to those questioning about whether what certain fans do is not right etc.

i think now its up to individuals..just do what u feels is right..what is happening is not fair to everyone..to jay,to the members and even to us fans..

so,every single person here and around the world have the rights to choose the path

u wanted..no one is right or wrong..because whatever we are doing,it will never be fair to everyone..


and to those asking about the members on daum cafe..it is decreasing the one that is increasing is the NUMBER OF VISITORS not the.number of fans..

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This is probably the wrong time to ask but I'm just really curious. You know, how you guys name all the artists under JYPE who somehow had some controversy going on. Like the dude from G.O.D and something about Rain leaving JYPE too because of some problems with JYPE....

So, how come Rain and JYP are still buddies? Like there was an article on allkpop and pics on JYP's twitter where they were both seen meeting up in clubs. Looking real friendly and all....

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Does JYP/E thinks fans will continue to support 6PM after this mess?

When everyone sees the 6PM perform, they will only feel hurt and betrayed!

2PM was loved by fans because of their bright personalities, dorky antics and overwhelming brotherhood and love among the members... Do they think by letting each member strip over their performances, they can survive and gain fans? you gotta be kidding me! Im so mad now, I cant wait to see the backlash of this stupidity... enough of all this...now its time to go back to the real world!

the official statement stating "even the members agreed that they cant accept Jay anymore" is plain stupid!

they say they are family??? a family wont abandon their family members, even if it committed a crime, used drugs or whatever worse thing a human can imagine... a person only has his family all the way...

is JYPE planning to close down soon? bec they are doing stupid mistakes one after another... first Sunmi and not Jay...

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Only fans react negatively to JYPE. From a normal person's perspectives, everything JYPE said can be trusted and JYPE is now free of any obligations because Jay is the one who committed a despicable crime that he had to be expelled (according to JYPE)

I knew they would come up with some ridiculous reason but this is beyond disgusting, the people over at JYPE PR department certainly know how to mess up a person's life. They managed to silence Park Ji Yoon, Yoon Kye Sang, Rain and Sunmi in the past and now Jay, I am sure any other artists who decide to sign with JYPE should consider being silenced by their company.

Hopefully I am considered a 'normal' person because I've never really been a fan of 2PM (ok lol, I don't even know all of their names. Much less can I tell who is who, aside from Jaebeom). I mean, I saw Again and Again as well as Heartbeat when that girl did the chipmunk version (I lol'd so hard) and I liked the songs, but I never followed 2PM or anything like that. That said, I don't think a non-2PM fan will just blindly believe what is thrown at them unless they literally know nothing about the situation.

I knew about the Myspace controversy since I follow AKP every other day or so, and I thought it was totally ridiculous at the time. Maybe it is because I am from the States so I'm used to people bashing on their own country now and then and I don't know that much about the nuances of Korean culture, but I thought it was particularly harsh to hold him accountable to such a degree for remarks made so far in the past. I couldn't believe his activities would be suspended for something so trivial.

The activity, of course, died down but it was plain to me that they were gearing up for Jaebeom to come back; I never really doubted it in my mind. That is one difference between what I saw and what some others have thought. Things started to die down and I stopped following because the drama was basically over for me (in it for the drama! sorry :(). With that all said, and you know about where I am regarding 2PM, the announcement that he would not be returning was still a big surprise to me. The only way I could have seen Jae not coming back to 2PM was if he personally did not want to.

The more I saw about this current issue, the more the way JYPE handled the situation bothered me because some of the people here are correct, there is something very fishy. Why all the secrecy? If this was decided to early, why was it announced so late? What about all that has happened since the "decision" and the announcement? I'm not saying it's impossible, the situation that they have painted, but there is more to this is what my instincts are saying. Why was the announcement made in such a way, after all the encouraging words they said in the past about JB, why "he is not appropriate for the company"? and what could he have done that was so bad that he has to leave the company, but as far as what we know, has no other repercussions? They only told half a story, which I think was the worst possible thing they could do...either explain everything so you can't be questioned, or explain nothing ("JYPE and JB have developed different views on how to progress...both parties decided it would be best to part ways" or something like that). Saying what they said, I find it totally lacking class, written to incite a response rather than peacefully settle things.

The only group I really actually follow in kpop is DBSK. and god forbid they can't resolve their legal issues and JCS had to split from HM...it wouldn't feel like DBSK to me. I'd still hold the same love and admiration for all the members, but seeing only part of the members would probably always feel incomplete to me and if they are separate, I cannot think of them as DBSK. I suspect this is how some 2PM fans feel. Love and support the other 6 boys since they deserve it, but is it really '2PM' to you if it's missing such an important piece? Obviously the split isn't as dramatic as I portrayed it, but at what point does a split destroy a group as that group?

JYP has definitely caused me to wrinkle my nose in the past few weeks...I still feel it was a richard simmons decision on behalf of the WG to replace SunMi.

Sorry about the complete essay, but I thought I'd just let you know how I felt on this situation (heh if anyone cares). I don't, and I bet there are many more people like me, just blindly accept what JYP reps might have to say. Stay strong, you guys!!

for my own reference only, ignore if you want.


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This is probably the wrong time to ask but I'm just really curious. You know, how you guys name all the artists under JYPE who somehow had some controversy going on. Like the dude from G.O.D and something about Rain leaving JYPE too because of some problems with JYPE....

So, how come Rain and JYP are still buddies? Like there was an article on allkpop and pics on JYP's twitter where they were both seen meeting up in clubs. Looking real friendly and all....

they all had problems with JYPE the company, not JYP the man himself. JYPE as a company consists of more than just JYP and not everything in JYPE is decided by JYP.

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Sooooooo.....is anyone NOT going to support the 6members at HB concert..? So sad. <=(

They dont deserve to be ignored so I am def going to be there for them. I'll pray for all their minds be at peace, including Jay.

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I had NEVER EVER thought that things will end up this way for Jaebeom.

Seriously, i had always believed that he will definitely return, just a matter of timing. And even if it is finally decided that he is not coming back at all, it won't be in such a way we see today..

And I am having a migraine now. I am not even able to feel sad, angry or anything, I am just NUMB.

And I seriously think that Jay is never ever coming out to tell his side of the story. There will never be a proper closure. Period.

And what is going to happen to the other 6?? I do not know how JYPE is going to promote the 6 boys anymore. I'm afraid that the 6 might be getting backlash from all these too...

Major sadness for such a promising group that we have seen in such a long time..

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I am really shocked like everyone else, I really thought jyp would bring him back sooner or later. But never did I think he would say such bs. this must be the ultimate conspiracy ever. jay you were right, "this is a conspiracy!" it is going to be hell on saturday. i won't believe it until i hear it right out of jay's mouth.

I have a feeling one of the 2am boys are next..... Jinwoon? (just my speculation)

well jype, I have lost my respect for you. I will not support any of your artists anymore.

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Guest jenny_vaj

I don't care if they said that Jaebeom quitted, I'm still gonna believe in him no matter what. *sighs* I really just want to cry and through something at the computer screen, but I can't..cuz I'm at school...2PM lives on no matter what. & stupid netizens need to stop saying that the 2PM members made Jaebeom quit, that's really angering me. In my heart, Jaebeom and 2PM are always together!

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Guest onnetwothreefour

To everyone who is "no longer a fan" "jaebeom is gone / no longer a 2pm fan", you got to be KIDDING me. You are going to forget the rest of the 2pm boys because of a decision the company/or MAYBE one boy has made?! What kind of fans are you if you are going to "not be a fan" anymore and not support the rest of the boys over something like this. Do the rest of the members really deserve losing all of their fans over something they have no control over? I am not saying don't get mad over this or share your feelings but reacting in a sense of not caring about the rest of the members is mest up. Stop being selfish, it isn't just about you guys and your obsession with Jay, like you guys said, there are 7 members of the band. You're totally disregarding the remaining 6.

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Guest cjiahui

I'm newly introduced to kpop, but I really miss the way 2PM used to be...

I'd just like to give my 2 cents worth on this matter. In summary, I feel that JYPE's handling of this matter is just atrocious. .

Firstly, the official statement is not consistent in expression. The phrase "Thankfully enough" and "we would have been able to receive the unified support of the fans again" gives the impression that JYPE is pleased that public opinion of Jay has swerved towards accepting Jay again. But then JYPE goes into attack mode and then states "this problem is even bigger than the problem that caused him to withdraw last September, and is a problem that could cause an even bigger public problem", and even "Park Jaebum goon was not fit to be an affiliated celebrity with them". Hello......? Is JYPE trying to sway public opinion against Jay now that Jay is no longer a JYPE artiste?

Secondly, if the public does not know about the "big personal mistake", why is there a need to announce it to the whole world? JYPE seems to be deliberately trying to further damage (or even destroy?) Jay's reputation by disclosing this "big personal mistake" and causing furor and speculations from fans and non-fans alike on what this "big personal mistake" could be. The speculations are just going to get worse and more exaggerated with every post by any excitable netizen. I'm not sure whether JYPE's intention is to permanently damage Jay's reputation so that he can't show his face in Korea as an artiste under any entertainment company ever again, but I can't help but think that JYPE is really sneaky and despicable in making the statement of a "big personal mistake". For good PR's sake, shouldn't JYPE have chosen to take a more diplomatic tone and state something like Jay's departure is a "mutual decision by JYPE, 6pm members and Jay" or even something like "Jay's personal choice to stay in Seattle because he is happy there"? Even if it is true that there was a "big personal mistake", JYPE appears underhand by publicly damaging Jay's character by stating that Jay is "not fit to be an affiliated celebrity" with JYPE.

Thirdly, although JYPE is aware that many fans support 2PM and 2AM because of the Oneday brotherly love between the boys, JYPE stated that "all 6 members revealed that it would be hard for them to promote as 2PM with Park Jaebum goon". Erm, how are fans, especially pro-Jay fans, going to view 6pm now? They would feel betrayed that the rest of the members seem unwilling to forgive their leadja, and that 6pm would even prefer not to work with Jay anymore. And what about all the tv shows that they appeared in after 6 January 2010 where they gave fans the impression that they missed Jay and wanted Jay to join them again?


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Guest sascha_park

To everyone who is "no longer a fan" "jaebeom is gone / no longer a 2pm fan", you got to be KIDDING me. You are going to forget the rest of the 2pm boys because of a decision the company/or MAYBE one boy has made?! What kind of fans are you if you are going to "not be a fan" anymore and not support the rest of the boys over something like this. Do the rest of the members really deserve losing all of their fans over something they have no control over? I am not saying don't get mad over this or share your feelings but reacting in a sense of not caring about the rest of the members is mest up.


Stop being selfish, it isn't just about you guys and your obsession with Jay,

that's their choice.. they have many reason why resigning as a HOTTEST..

and about the rest.. we can still love them even we are "no longer a fan"... right?? doesn't mean we forget them.

doesn't matter if a person become a HOTTEST because only she/he obsession only with one member who they like..

that's not forbidden..

and jaebum oppa~~

my idol...a boy who become my inspired to dance well...

i'm really getting shock now... hurt..

but i try to calm damn..at least until feb,27

i'm really got angry when jype spreading more lies to HOTTEST...

hope we can see 7 members of 2PM again :-)

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Guest pinkPABOsings

The more I saw about this current issue, the more the way JYPE handled the situation bothered me because some of the people here are correct, there is something very fishy. Why all the secrecy? If this was decided to early, why was it announced so late? What about all that has happened since the "decision" and the announcement? I'm not saying it's impossible, the situation that they have painted, but there is more to this is what my instincts are saying. Why was the announcement made in such a way, after all the encouraging words they said in the past about JB, why "he is not appropriate for the company"? and what could he have done that was so bad that he has to leave the company, but as far as what we know, has no other repercussions? They only told half a story, which I think was the worst possible thing they could do...either explain everything so you can't be questioned, or explain nothing ("JYPE and JB have developed different views on how to progress...both parties decided it would be best to part ways" or something like that). Saying what they said, I find it totally lacking class, written to incite a response rather than peacefully settle things.

Sorry to cut your post...but this is officially my LAST post of the day. But I wanted to thank you for your essay. It seems to me that a lot of us if not the majority of us are continuing to freak and I have to say there are some points that you...as well as others have made that is allowing me to stay grounded.

Basically, for me, A Hottest since Dec 2008, this is not adding up. Not in the least bit.

The statement was made in the official format that would cause any and everyone to automatically take to heart. Not to mention that this situation in itself is more then just touchy. This has ultimately affected so many young lives and hearts(as I can tell from reading and being a fan of 2PM). You would think, since JYPE is the company that has to handle the issue, they'd handle it in a way that would cause LESS backfire and less of an uproar. After so many months of having so many of their own statements spit on only to fly back and hit them dead center of the face wouldn't it make LOGICAL since to come out and say point blank "Jay's contract has been annualed and this is why" so there is no room for questioning and frustration.

When the ordeal with SunMi happened (though her's wasn't as contraversial) JYPE handled it in such a way that fans and non-fans could understand and respect. Though, when this thing started, they handled it horribly. There were times when an official statement was made that fans were able to rationalize and understand without it causing such an up roar. So why this sudden statement and why make it so very Vague.

Yes there are a lot of things that were stated that make lots of since. Like the talk of Jay's "return" that had been supposedly set for April. It was ALREADY ANNOUNCED that 2PM's next album was set for April. So it makes since. However, for that to be decided first of all in NOVEMBER, only 2 months, after all of this had happened makes no logical sinces. Also, if this is fact, that would mean it also happened around the same time that the MEDIA FOLLOWED JAY AROUND FOR RATINGS, I believe this happened Nov. 2. If anyone remembers at that time Jay sent the boardcaster a signed CD that said he was not open for discussion at that time. It was "NOT THE RIGHT TIME" I believe were his words. So the decision being made in November doesn't make since to me. Logically, I would think November would have been the worst time and early December definitely would have been bad. Mid to late January makes more since.

That being said...if Jay did to agree in November to return to 2PM in March and return to the public in April ...why agree to something when all you were going to do a few weeks later was call back and say "Hey yea, you know that stuff that came out in September...well that's not the half of it. I've actually done something much worse then that." The time peirod he commited his "crime" just doesn't make SINCE. Why STATE that he admited to doing such things during such a HECTIC time during their career. The entire reason they gained all their success at the end of 09 and beginning of 10 is BECAUSE of the Triple A activies. And we've all heard about their schedules during that time...They barely had time to pee straight, let alone gain enough time to be by themselves to do something NO ONE would know about. There was no time and very little privacy around the AAA days. The only opportunity he would have had was either during or after the IHY but barely or after or before the filming of WB most likely when he went home to America for that one shooting. Their break didn't come until AFTER THAT not before.

ONCE AGAIN I bring up time frame. The statement would make TOTAL since if it wasn't for the time frame.Jay confessed in December...why wait until January to hold a meeting. You would think after the news came out the first people they would confront would be the other six members and their manager. If Jay confessed saying "This is what I did BUT the other memebers and Minjae don't know" who would be the first people you went to asap. The other six members and Minjae right? To see if that's the truth....then why wait so long to hold a meeting...during a time when NO ONE WAS HOME might I add....to say "Should he stay or should he go?"

Management(at least in my world) doesn't run that way. When things happen at my job the top dogs work like CRAZY to get out all the information/find out all the information in order for things to run smooth. And this is ENTERTAINMENT we're talking about...why POST ON A WEBSITE that Jay's doings are "SECRET" but "WORSE THEN THE MYSPACE INCIDIENT" if you want his privacy respected as well as your own image saved. There will be TONS of people, media mostly, trying to find out the truth and even if it's not true they'll take it. They just want something. Does that make SINCE to you? Adding to that...doesn't this TARNISH JYPE'S crediblity. It makes it look like "HEY we have NO CONTROL WHAT SO EVER over not only our Trainees but our Idols as well. We let them bad mouth countries and the company they work for and we don't care." Come on...JYPE's TOP priority is JYPE. If there is one thing Hottests know it's THAT.

So all I ask is for all of us to think....read it again....think about it...then ASK QUESTIONS.

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Guest lizramyun

WELL idk what to say def. amm just want to add one thing if jaebum its not coming

why they just say JAEBUM ITS NOT COMING why they have to said that he did another BAD thing just putting him like A

BAD PERSON IN KOREA its soo stupid im sorry but this is not his company i mean how can a company made this to his own performer omg im just idk

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Guest flowerpedals

Im in total shock right now. There must be something more than the statement. Why would they write jay has done something that is worse than his myspace comments? It seems like they are tryin to tarnish his reputation. Hopefully jay gets to speak up his OWN true thoughts soon. I'm still waiting for jay!!

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Jaebum will always be what makes 2PM. But he was a grown man, though the decisions he makes we may not always understand it, but he made it. Now for people who are saying "not a fan anymore" "2PM isn't the same", Jaebum most likely made the decision in the mind frame that he wanted what was best for everyone. Yes it hurts and it's very sad to lose such a talented person.

How can people stop supporting 2PM? Jaebum isn't the only one. 2PM is 7 members . What about the other members? Junsu 4 years of training, think about his sacrifices. Junho's debt to his parents for helping him acheive his dreams? Wooyoung Chansung their hardships ? Taek & Khun being away from their family and home countries? Yeah, it's sad Jay has suffered alot this past year but dont forgot 2PM IS 7 MEMBERS.

it's nice to love 2PM as people but remember they are artists. they do what they do becuase it's their job. Love them as people and care for them but Love their art, their music, their performance first.

Jay goodluck to you as you are a talented person, the korean entertainment industry has lost a great assest. :(

2PM goodluck to you too and hope you grow into great artists.

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This is my first time posting here at the 2PM thread. I honestly thought that the first time I would post would be to congratulate the Hottest and welcoming back Jaebum.

I just read the news article on Allkpop and I was dumbfounded. Almost as in much shock at the state of events that happen when it was first reported that Jaebum had left to go back to Seattle.

My heart goes out to all Hottests who have been patiently waiting for the return of their Leadja.

Though I'm not a huge 2PM fan I have kept myself updated with any new 2PM developments and was filled with just as much hope that Jaebum would one day return to his group.

That dream ended today and I feel the bitter sorrow of reality...of what the Music/Entertainment Industry is like. Although I morn the loss of a very talented and gifted individual from the KPop industry and feel disgusted to the way JYPE has handled the whole situation from the start and the hurt and anger of how cultural misunderstandings has placed a heavy price on an individual...I find myself thinking perhaps this outcome was for the best.

If the company was manipulative and only saw their artists as products then maybe it is better for Jaebum to have left.

If the company doesn't believe in truth or has any integrity then maybe it was better he left.

If the company wasn't willing to stand up for their artists and do right by him/her maybe it is better he left.

A part of me says good riddance to JYPE cause Jaebum may actually have a happy life even after all this mess.

The part wants Jaebum to return on his own two feet with another company and be even bigger and better showing what a stupid move JYPE did letting him go.

The next couple of months are going to be rough for everybody.

K and I Hottest hwaiting!!

The rest of the 2PM boys must be hurting and my hearts go out to them as well and hope they can stay strong.

In the end I doubt 2PM is going to disband as some have been saying...life moves on and things will calm down.

I wish the best of luck to 2PM and Jaebum in their future. They maybe separated by company but they are bounded by friendship and brotherhood. And I think at the end of the day personal relationships are probably one of the most fulfilling things a person can have.

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i have a question

on the daum for 2PM, why is the fan number going up?

last i checked it was on 282,112. when i refreshed the page is was at 282,120

i thought because of the announcement they would've been losing fans for awhile not gaining them?

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