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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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i never wanted to say anything at first but things are really going out of hand..

im not close to Jay or his family or his friends but my mom is an old friend of Jay's aunt so she know a little bit of whats really happen...im not from the states if you guys find my english is not that accurate i say it again im not from the states...like i said i didnt know Jay personally so that means i dont live near him or his family...my mom ask me to stay away from all these...and i keep my promise until i saw that some fans set-up a formspring using the name of insider2pm..

the only thing i wanted to say is do not think too deeply..its not as complicated as everyone thinks..

Jay is a good person,he knows what he's doing..the reason why the company didnt say anything is because no one will believe them so they decide to keep quite.everytime they made a statement(in fact Jay made a statement) the fans refused to believe and twisted their words.The company also ask Jay to stay away from the net because they know Jay is so worried about public opinion on the company and his 2PM members..

my point is the things is not as complicated as it seems..its Jay that decides what's the best for his company and his 2PM members...he's a very thoughtful person,he know if he stay,things will be much more worst so he want to be a responsible person..that's what he did..he left..i dont know if he will be back to korea or not but he looks happy in seattle,dont you guys think?let him rest for a while,its not easy for him..if he decide to comeback,he will...when he feels the time is right and he is well-prepared to face the world..just keep supporting him no matter what he do,that's what only fan can save him means..only fans can support him,do what you want but hurt no-one..

this is my first and final post..like i said..i dont know him personally so you can believe me or you can ignore my post..


Ok we are not stupid.

You just joined the site and joined this thread in the same day... are you a JYPE staff? Because as Hottest we do know the JYPE staff have been watching us on formspring and soompi.

We know the situation was not complicated before, but it is now because the company is making it complicated, so now they will have to deal with the consequences.


As far as Taec, it is his attitude that changed that people do not like. His shirt ripping is not the biggest thing to have to worry about!

So many of you miss the point... 2PM are better than just shirt ripping. It is not just this performance. This is all they do now. They have talent and they should use it! And shirt ripping and humping is not talent. It was not when CB did it, neither with 2PM doing it!

And those talking about their concept ... shirt ripping and humping is not a concept, but an easy way to get people to notice you and it is not a good way to get people to notice you! Other artists show their talents and they show their chest, is this the best you want for the boys? Wow!

This is just the start and next thing you know they will be pushing the limits and might have to deal with a situation like a certain artist is dealing with now, because of his concert content.

I love 2PM like the rest of Hottest, but I will not live in a delusional bubble, and think they are so above anything from happpening to them. They are not exempt from the dirty side of the music industry and if you think they are, I feel sad for you.

Max23- Who made you queen of the 2PM fanclub or soompi for that matter? Get a grip!

Yeni- AKP is affiliated with JYPE. That is how they get the free 2PM prizes to give to their readers (2PM fans), So expect that they will be saying bad things about Hottest, especially in times to come. So be prepared.

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Guest ilovekpop428

wow, I never post in this thread but CherryBlossom you are by far the most negative 2pm fan if you're even a fan. You just don't have any respect for other people opinion. It seems like all you do is attack any posters in this thread who does not share your opinion. So what if they bump and grind and rip off their shirt? as artists they are free to express themselves however they want to. It's people like you that makes democracy almost impossible. I think as a fan you need to stop being so negative about everything your idols do. If you don't like them, then fine don't be their fan. You didn't have to watch their performance. If you by chance watch it and don't like it, then you can stop being their fan if you want to. What you're doing is spreading negativity about them in their own official fan thread. But if you're gonna be a fan but all you do is criticize and mistrust everything they and their company does then you really shouldn't be a fan. The way you're behaving is even worse than an anti-fan.

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i think u need to calm down , b4 anything , each person is entitled to their own opinion , if yeni doesnt feel or see the things that u do , it is not her fault , who said if this is a 2pm's thread then u can only love everything that 2pm do ???

there r things called constructive critism , u take it or leave it , we dont owe to the boys to love every performance they do

fans doesnt always have to see everything that idols do as right , but fans r the ones sticking there even through the wrongs cuz they understand n r willing to give idols room to improve , it doesnt mean that if we dont like one of their perf then we become antis

n why the spotlight last year was on Jay ?? bcuz he ripped his shirt ?? well Taec ripped too ,i think it's time to face the truth here , Jay is the one that has the best stage presence in the group , whether u love him or not , it is a fact that u cant deny , if the others has the same thing that Jay has , i dont see any problem why cant the spotlight be on them , if they've got the skill , there r always chances to show it , problem is they have or not

i dont want to argue so if u've got problems wif me , feel free to pm

@edit : n about Taec getting all the hate , u gotta know hate comes wif fame , n honestly i dont see anyone in the group besides taec getting the hate , so why ?? if there's no fire how can there be smoke , if Taec wasnt the one who tick fans off esp during this sensitive time , if he would just stay quite n lay low , would he get all that kind of hate ??

You're right. Hate comes with fame. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

But what's more depressing is that all this HATE is evoked amongst HOTTEST themselves. For those who compared it to the Jae incident...that really got me thinking.

In Jae's case, it was those ANTIs and NETIZENs who were trying to bring him down , who bashed on him.

In this case, it's even SADDER because it's HOTTESTS themselves, FANS OF 2PM...who are bashing on another member of 2PM.

I really had to point out the fact that you actually claimed that Taec 'ticked fans off'? I REALLY doubt he did anything to PURPOSELY richard simmons fans off. It's just that everyone's not used to what he's doing...I agree. As a huge TAEC fan myself, I'm not used to Taec's performance with all the shirt stripped and all...I miss the dorky fashion terrorist Taec too. But I find it extremely funny how you're claiming that Jay is the only one with the 'best stage presence'. Technically, aren't you just putting down everyone ELSE in 2PM? I just find your comment extremely contradicting, and just really unfair to Taec.

As 2PM fans, shouldn't we learn to like and appreciative of each and everyone of the members? All 7 of them. Sure, maybe everyone will have their favourites, but don't start bashing on one member. Because as Wooyoung said, 2PM is not 7 members, they are ONE. Clearly, bashing on one means you're bashing on the whole of 2PM. And also, at this time of need, when 2PM is still missing Jae, shouldn't all HOTTEST unite and hope that 2PM will be a whole again? And not bash on other members of 2PM?

To keep the peace on this forum, I suggest we make our stance but practise tolerance for those whose views do differ from your own. Just as some of you are feeling overly emotional about criticisms to 2PM's latest activities, outbursts, imaging and perceptions and want to move on from the 7 member 2PM and might also find the rants about bringing Jay back as old, please also respect that there's many of us that still feels deeply attached to 7=1 concept and could miscontrue the moving on by some fans to be an utmost betrayal as well.

Its a forum. Its a discussion about 2PM. Good and bad, we should learn to be tolerant. Let's not curtail the opinions of others by calling them anti-fans, thats not cool at all. Hypocrisy can be based on many definitions, its just a matter of an opinion and the angle which you are seeing things from.

I totally agree. Everyone has their own stance...but I feel that many people are going overboard with their stance. With all the criticism directed towards Taec recently...and knowing that Taec is a computer lurker...we never know. Maybe he's reading all these comments right now. How would he feel? He's just doing his job as a performer. Yes, maybe a bit different from his image before, but does he deserve all this criticism? Has he done anything to offend Jae? No. So seriously, can't we all just get along and be supportive of 2PM at this time?

It's so sad to come into the 2PM thread...hoping to read news and see new cute pictures of 2PM and yet these discussions are all over the place, people bashing here and there.

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I think people like entertainers because they are making us feel happy and fun. I too don't like anything complicated so I try not to think too much on everything. If there are anything that I don't like and if I can't do anything with it, I just leave it there. One of my Korean friends is a big fan of Jay. She also believes that Jay is likely not coming back because she is familiar with Korean culture and entertainment so she understood how big the whole controversy was. Jay's departure has somewhat turned her off from being a hottest even though she still likes all members and continues supporting them. I support her decision. We should think more of ourselves and be happy. It's always your choice to love or not to love someone. However, I'm still holding my hope on this so I don't agree with her. :D

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wow, I never post in this thread but CherryBlossom you are by far the most negative 2pm fan if you're even a fan. You just don't have any respect for other people opinion. It seems like all you do is attack any posters in this thread who does not share your opinion. So what if they bump and grind and rip off their shirt? as artists they are free to express themselves however they want to. It's people like you that makes democracy almost impossible. I think as a fan you need to stop being so negative about everything your idols do. If you don't like them, then fine don't be their fan. You didn't have to watch their performance. If you by chance watch it and don't like it, then you can stop being their fan if you want to. What you're doing is spreading negativity about them in their own official fan thread. But if you're gonna be a fan but all you do is criticize and mistrust everything they and their company does then you really shouldn't be a fan. The way you're behaving is even worse than an anti-fan.

I had to laugh!

Out of all the people who are saying the same thing and you only call me out? Democracy? This is a forum, not the next election for presidency.

Funny how I am attacking members (which I did not), but did you talk with Max23, who called us antis? I bet you did not! Oh wait, did you not ever read Silence posts... I bet you did not. But I am negative?

Just because you are not happy with my opinion... too bad! I am not saying your opinion is wrong am I?

You do not know me, so therefore should not be pretending like you do! I also think you as a fan should not be telling me as a fan what not to do!

Anymore problems, you can always pm me!


Hottest we need to vote for Jay he is losing and we do not want JYPE to think we do not want him back!

Go here: http://kr.rival.kids.yahoo.com/rival/scrip...view&cd=285

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Guest CornPOPSat2PM

Please Stop Attacking Each Other :angry:

I, along with others don't mind if you guys DISCUSS/disagree/agree with each other. We are entitled to our own opinions. However, please respect those of us who are not frequent posters but are followers of the thread as it is one of the sources we go to for information and updates.

There's a difference between a discussion and simply attacking each other. It is outright disrespectful when you degrade someone else as a fan/Hottest just because their opinions clashes with yours. To me, if you guys disagree with someone, you should just write your opinion and leave it as it is. You don't have to CALL OTHERS OUT and attack them...calling them this and that.

Seriously, this thread is getting out of hand. There are always arguments every time there is an activity that the boys are working on.

We're all tired of this bull crap and so many times I want to give up... but I'm still holding on because I didn't wait for 5 months for nothing.......

I'm waiting for this precious thing!

100214 2PM JAY poppin'


New video of him :DDDDDDD <333333333333333 I know this video will make some of us happy and sad at the same time <3

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Guest happyberry2007

Max23i think you are pretty rude. Telling people to quit being a 2pm fan just because they are saying that they didnt like their dancing or not agreeing with you is pretty rude and mean. I agree some hottest have been pretty mean with taec lately but what you are posting how is it different from what you are criticizing. Everyone is entitle to their own opinion. We should respect each other.

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Guest pinkPABOsings

Since I have a feeling that this thread is going to be put on hold soon....I just wanted to say my piece

I may have enjoyed this years dance battle, and I wont lie...I did enjoy the hip thrusting and floor humping(i'm a perv), but I have to agree the energy from "LOW" was not in this performance. However, I'm not gonna say it's because Jay was missing....I think it was more then just that because during this performance they weren't down 1 person they were down 2. They looked really UNEVEN.

It's bad enough that they are incomplete without their leader there but missing Khun was another hit for them. I understand he was doing promotions in Thailand...but the stage loooked really empty. So adding that fact to the lack of energy(not that it was really lacking...the performance was just different) I couldn't really watch the whole performance. It gave me odd vibes....

Am I the only one who felt that way?


Aw...I topped a page...well I don't really have anything...but I'll see what I can find...WARNING...it might be all Chan stuff

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Guest thu_trang

You're right. Hate comes with fame. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

But what's more depressing is that all this HATE is evoked amongst HOTTEST themselves. For those who compared it to the Jae incident...that really got me thinking.

In Jae's case, it was those ANTIs and NETIZENs who were trying to bring him down , who bashed on him.

In this case, it's even SADDER because it's HOTTESTS themselves, FANS OF 2PM...who are bashing on another member of 2PM.

I really had to point out the fact that you actually claimed that Taec 'ticked fans off'? I REALLY doubt he did anything to PURPOSELY richard simmons fans off. It's just that everyone's not used to what he's doing...I agree. As a huge TAEC fan myself, I'm not used to Taec's performance with all the shirt stripped and all...I miss the dorky fashion terrorist Taec too. But I find it extremely funny how you're claiming that Jay is the only one with the 'best stage presence'. Technically, aren't you just putting down everyone ELSE in 2PM? I just find your comment extremely contradicting, and just really unfair to Taec.

As 2PM fans, shouldn't we learn to like and appreciative of each and everyone of the members? All 7 of them. Sure, maybe everyone will have their favourites, but don't start bashing on one member. Because as Wooyoung said, 2PM is not 7 members, they are ONE. Clearly, bashing on one means you're bashing on the whole of 2PM. And also, at this time of need, when 2PM is still missing Jae, shouldn't all HOTTEST unite and hope that 2PM will be a whole again? And not bash on other members of 2PM?

so what should i say , poor Taec for getting all the attention ?? u see ? even u admit that Taec is not doing what he used to do , esp now when fans r sensitive to changes , it could be a tick off

n how am i contradicting myself , care to explain ? i think it's safe to say that Jay is the all-rounder in the group , he knows what he is doing , this isnt me putting other members down , i never said the other member r not talented but they obviously dont have what Jay has , or else , i dont think we would be fighting so hard to get Jay back

i find k-pop fandom really funny n cheesy at the same time , things like 7=1 , 7-1=0 , for me it's just simple , it's whether u like it or not , if i find myself not interested in 2pm anymore , then i'll step out of the game , it's not an obligation n i dont owe it to the boys to keep liking them forever

since i will NOT be replying in this thread anymore , feel free to pm if u've got problems , n i really do respect ur opinion , but remember that i have mine too

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Guest Rachael08

Okai people....

now lets not fight...Lets all take a deep breathe alright

i know its hard times for all Hottests right now...

coz there seem to be a lotta "insiders" lately...

I believe deep down we all know what we want...what all Hottests want.


Lately i have been loving 2PM's brother group a lot...

Jaebeomiie's Kara-Butt-Dance in one of the bboy battle was soo cute

Sometimes i feel like he is sending us messages through his dances....



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Guest vickysaurus

Seriously, you guys REALLY need to STOP... If the fighting doesn't stop, this thread WILL be closed again for sure.

Everyday everyone finds something new to fight about! This thread is for the sole purpose of expressing our love and support for the boys, if you guys want to argue... then PM each other or figure some other way to do it!

We're falling apart. And if people don't stop bickering and debating, then there's no way Jaebeom can come back.

Remember, it all depends on US to bring him back. Unity is the key. Y'all are NOT united.

By no means do I mean to sound rude, nor I do I mean to butt into your guys' arguments, but this really has to stop. It's sooooooo immature. Like, REALLY immature. Some of you are even worse than seven year old's.

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Guest CornPOPSat2PM

It's sooooooo immature. Like, REALLY immature. Some of you are even worse than seven year old's.
<< I think those words are going to tick more people off :lol:

I'm going to spam jay pics :lol:







I REALLY want to see Jay Park in a drama !!!!!!!

If he could be casted in a drama...... which character do you want him to play as?

For me.....I want to see how Jay would play Tae Kyung from You're Beautiful XDDDDDDDDD BUT I think Jay would match more as Shinwoo :OOOOOOO

For some reason I can only imagine Jay playing as some gangster boy LOL <3333333


I want to see Wooyoung in a drama too....... I can see him playing as Jeremy XDDDDD

Sorry for the You're Beautiful references... I just finished the drama TOT

HOLY @#$@#$ REALLY? Jay as JEREMY? LOL ..... omggggggggg I wouldn't want to see Jay cry like that in Ep 14 though :( <3333333333333333 willl break my heart


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Guest vivacity.

^lol that was a sexy pic spam

i heard a rumor awhile back that the you're beautiful writers wanted jaebum to be jeremy... interesting XD

i think he's too nice to be a gangster... but he'd play one nicely :D

I saw him (Jaeebeom) on Sunday!

There was a battle last night and I tagged along with my boyfriend. I kinda didn't expect to see him there.... Well girls, this event confirms that Jaebeom is indeed SINGLE! (haha, not that there were any rumors that he was dating) A lot of people were complaining the event was on Valentines day so they couldn't make it because their girlfriends wanted to go out on a date. All the people that did go were the "single people that had no girlfriend or boyfriend." Of course that's not entirely true, since my boyfriend and I went... But Jaebeom, yeah, he's single..... very very very single. ;) hehehe

He wore the AOM shirt again that was given by fans. I think that's their like, OFFICIAL 'uniform' but I could be wrong.

There's a couple more events coming up soon.... If you guys remember the event Fat Laces, I was able to go and they talked about a Haiti benefit show in a week and half. Some of the AOM members confirmed they'd be there, so I'm sure Jay will be there. If I can make it, I'll for sure let you guys know if he's there.

Oh, is it true that he's actually working at BK?! I overheard people talk about that and then I read it here... and I was like NO WAY. NU UH. THAT BOY DOES NOT DESERVE THAT.

sorry for cutting ur post XD

that is so cool that you got to see jaebum! lol!

who won the 2v2 and the popping battle, do you know?

btw... i guess it doesn't really seem like a 'good' thing to do, work at burger king, but doesn't working to support his family, even if it's just at a restaurant, seem like a jay-ish thing to do?

edit: oh i forgot. i'm new in this thread. hi :)

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Guest babiluxx

it makes me really sad that hottests are fighting with each other. I feel like other idol groups fans are more composed. I know we are all frustrated by this situation but fighting doesn't help.

I barely post anymore because i just dont know what to say anymore. honestly, i feel like everyone is entitled to their opinion. HOWEVER, we must respect each other's opinion. can we leave comments that doesn't sound rude and offensive?

we need to support all of the boys. ITS not their fault of what happened! no one can be blamed. A lot of stuff that the boys does probably is controlled by JYPE. so why are we blaming them and calling each member out??

guys please lets try to discuss things that are positive...


Want to share some of my favorite youtube vidoes ( a little chansung biased)






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Guest onnetwothreefour

can someone link me to the interview where Nichkhun explained how he got scouted into JYP? I clicked on the youtube link from another forum but the video was removed.

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Hostile, huh?

I understand that sometimes people's (much too vocal) comments can stir you up and make you want to fight back, but just leave them alone. Because this is a forum, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Say what you feel, but don't be overly offensive or openly attack someone else.

It's true that this thread is dedicated to 2PM, but it doesn't mean everyone has to agree. We can agree to disagree, right? :)

Regarding Taec, there are obviously Hottests who take different stances. (IMO, there are the radical Hottests, the hopeful Hottests, and the whatever floats Hottests) My personal opinion is that the boy isn't trying to inflict harm. I read some comments on akp and Soompi on his inflating ego that made me feel defensive and protective of him, but that's the price of fame. He has supporters and haters, and that's that.

I believe that his shirt ripping isn't that big of an issue. He's definitely popular right now, but I think everyone in 2PM gets (and deserves) a moment in the spotlight. As Junho said, popularity is like the seasons. There's no direct formula for it... management can't predict how well something sells. Again, him ripping his shirt is just a boy in a boy band appealing to the masses... It sells.

Of course, this is all my opinion.

Let's try to not jump to conclusions. A lot of things aren't as complicated as they seem, yet a lot of things aren't simple as they seem. We can't be innocent and naiive to believe everything that comes out of JYPE's mouths, yet we can't be so extreme to assume that JYPE is some evil evil thing and that it's a big war and there are sides to every issue. Not everything is black and white...

Taking such a stance makes it seem like we'll get nowhere, but I think it's worse to jump to wild conclusions. Patience is a virtue, and in this situation, we can only wait. If we take action, it's going to be based on a lot of assumptions that can't be proven.

Just my personal thoughts. ^o^

Hwaiting, 2PM!



I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but here's a good interview all on Nich. He explains how he got scouted in detail.

There are a total of 4 parts, which can be seen under Related Videos.

Really liked this interview because it shows you another side to Nich. He got casted because of his looks, but his drive and intelligence/vision got him to where he is today :)

A really perceptive boy.

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Guest psylocke119

wow...remember that we all are 2PM fans (7 or 6 member group). we all have a choice whether to love everything that JYPE throws at us labeled as 2PM.

I side with those that choose to not blindly accept everything labeled as 2PM because we know the product is not the best quality....sure it's good, but we know it could be better. some are asking why is the fandom like this because it was never like this before...well, news flash...nothing like this has ever happened to 2PM before. and stop saying stuff like "what if teac sees this..." we all know he has seen/read the comments/articles/blogs about what everyone is disagreeing on...teac even labeled his most recent cyworld entry for "those that love and care for him", something like that...he even feels the need to differentiate between hottest...

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