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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest oO__Fantasyy

edit: okay so who would've thought that things will be blown outta proportion..

actually i should've been smart enough to know that some fans are pretty insane..

i shouldnt have expose dj's formspring like that..which made him deleted it..

but like seriously wow ive known of his formspring since day one, cus im into his dance.

just to let everyone know..never once have i asked a question about jay..

it's all about dancing to me and i asked questions relating to dancing.

so when hottest was disputing over if jay really want to come back on not on here..

i thought il printscreen it to try calm the situation..which kinda worked..

i cut out the link part, so hottest wont know his formspring..but i guess people found it oO'

i feel bad that things resulted to dj deleting everything..& i feel that its my fault so im sorry.

one more thing..people here needs to understand that even what dj said MAY NOT BE TRUE..

dj is just a friend of jay..not even tight friends at that..but i posted it because he's view is better than ours..

its funny how just cause dj thinks jay does everyone says it as a fact now..

its just what he thinks..he said i THINK he does..okay? :]

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Guest abcdana

i think there has been plenty of speculation over whether jaebum wants to come back. Logically and emotionally, for me, it makes SENSE that he wants/needs to come back to perform as 2pm.

No one is ever all happy or all sad-- he's probably a bit of both and more. so he looks happy during that 2 hr of bboying with his friends- doesn't mean that he is happy being in seattle for the rest of his life and doesn't want to return to korea...

i do believe he wants to come back and i want to do what i can do help him.

Seeing the twitter trends with jaebum warms my heart more than anything right now, because it shows dedication and faith in hottest and in jaebum! and of course, i got very excited to think that his AOM friends are helping to bring jaebum back also.

please bring jaebum back to 2pm. the group needs their leadja, hottest needs 7, and jaebum needs us to support his return!

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Guest Idemandacookie

@oO__Fantasyy - Oh wow, than you for sharing that. I saw his profile on the AOM facebook XD

Totally agree with you, a lot of Jaebum's friends have voiced that he wants to go back. And yes, smiling doesn't mean he is happy.

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Guest vickysaurus

I am sort of confused... there are some that say they won't post until Jaebeom comes back... or that they won't support a 6PM... So are you guys saying if Jaebeom DOESN'T come back, like they announce that he's DONE with 2PM...

Are you guys gonna drop them? Like no more supporting Woo, Junsu, Khun, Taec, Chansung, and Junho? You guys are done for good with them and Jaebeom was the only thing that made you like 2PM?

I'm not trying to fight or anything, of course! :) I'm just... actually, I don't know what I'm doing. HAHAHA lol.

I don't know, I just feel bad. *sigh*

Don't hate me okay hottest? I guess we all have personal opinions, my opinion is that no matter what happens, these boys deserve our support... They've been through so much, and now they're going to lose support. And I'm sure Jaebeom wouldn't want that. To me, without Jaebeom 2PM will never be 2PM. It's always at least 1:59. I guess the other six... I'll just accept them as a new band... almost like a sub group? hehe I don't know.

Jaebeom, you really need to come back...


So like I previously said... my boyfriend is a b-boy and I've seen Jaebeom around. When I've seen him, he'll look happy and then he'll look sad. He's really reserved actually. I'll see him go the corners and practice and he'll sit quietly and smile.

Sometimes he'll laugh and look around and joke and sometimes he'll take pictures.

But I can never tell whether he's truly happy or not. Well, I'm sure he's HAPPY to be back home with his family and his friends and his town... But for a moment he'll look happy and a moment later, he just looks blank.

I would love to know what he's planning... what he's thinking. I just know we need him back before 2PM self destructs. :)

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Guest fattie8701

Thank you so much for that oO__Fantasyy...

So people still think its him that does not want to go back? Still think its up to him to decide? And to people saying he looks happy, do you want him to look sad.. if he looks sad then what will we read from that? Probably that he is still healing, needs more time for grief and so on..but he comes out frequently to bboy battles and shows that he is healthy and okay and he doesnt mind people taking footage of him. Think about it, the person who uploaded the last bboy battles of Jay was StepRoc, a member of AOM.. Jays good friend...seriously guys what does that say...still think this is someone who is making the choice by himself to stay...? I dont knw though...its up to people i suppose to choose what they want to believe...

To silence:

I realise that alot of your posts dont mean harm, they just come across as rude because even without hearing you, people reading it still feel that your condescending. No offense intended, i have no qualms with what you say but i do have a problem with how you say it. Remember the medium is the message :)

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I'm just going to poke my nose here again, because really I can't help it anymore after reading the last few pages.

I'm not going to side with anyone, because my opinnion is very biased, but I'm just going to point out something very important.

If you guys think Jay/his friends don't know what you guys write here in soompi or in the other 2PM major forum and your views and arguments, you are mistaking.

If you guys think JYPE doesn't have people monitoring soompi or the other 2PM major forum, you are mistaking. So every time you write things like 'I want Jay back' or 'If he doesn't comeback I'm going to support the other 6 members' or 'I'm going to leave the thread until jay comes back' as well as 'He's never coming back!!!111!!!!!one!', the company knows what you write.

So I'm really hoping you guys know what you say and what you write, because JYPE cares a lot about international fans, he is trying desperately to break into the international/USA market.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, you should think about it a bit, and support all the members as if they were one, you know how it goes, Divide et impera, right? Don't let others divide you (=

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Guest mika.16

hmm ok my little hope of whats gonna happen (or happened) is this; (PURELY FROM MY IMAGINATION lol totally conspiring here)

Maybe JYPE decided in the VERY beginning to bring Jay back after one year...

and thats why theyre gonna milk out '6pm' with as many CFs and shows and songs and dramas and events and whatnot in the mean time so the CRITICAL public (ie. the people who were 'upset' with Jay) would sort of forget about that side of 2pm, and get totally FLOODED with images of the 'new' 2pm...

In other words, to distract people (the general public, NOT the fans) from what happened in Sept 09...

so then by the time Jay comes back, his incident will be (somewhat) buried down underneath all the new stuff that came out.

maybe all these new cfs/movies/dramas/variety shows/MCing arent to richard simmons off the fans OR purely to get as much money before any real damage occurs... but to quickly build 2pm a new image so that people will be more accepting WHEN (not IF) Jay returns?

maybe thats why jype wont officially declare jay leaving or returning cus they dont want to ruffle any more feathera but keep everything on the down low til he really comes back??

i dont know if that made any sense... but this is what im hoping for.

theres always 1% chance thats its true! lol!

And anyway, lately on Korean tv and news theres been SOO much support for Jay. Whenever theres a chance, there will be a caption saying "we hope to see jay soon" "jay come back" or "forever leadja".

And i dont believe that companies would be weary of using Jay in CFS, if anything Jay would be the BEST thing to have in a cf (atleast for a short time after he returns) cus companies want some quick reactions to their brand names, and i doubt Jay would be associated with any negative images anymore.

I think it was smart of JYPE to send off Jay to the US reaalllyy fast. it was so upsetting and devastating... but it really killed the fire fast, and netizens (like sheep as always) were suddenly supporting Jay saying it went too far.

Now we just need JYPE to be even smarter and bring him back!!

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Guest babiluxx

OK I noticed that no one has mentioned this in the thread.

First may i say that the CASS CF was hot. esp wooyoung and taec. ESP TAEC, he was never my favorite but i gotta admit he looks really goood in there.

but did the end of the storyline remind you guys of anything??

"go back to the US and reflect on your actions..." thats what the president in the drama said to khun when he got into a fight with the people at the club. this storyline to me is kinda ironic because of jaebum's situation. the eng sub is out so hope u guys watch it! and tell me what you think!

so this story line totally reminded me of Jay. I wonder if they did that on purpose.......hmmm

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Guest lady_bug

@oo_fantassy: thank you for sharing. In my heart I've had always believe Jay's desire to come back. He work so hard and shine so bright on stage. It really choke me up seeing his dream shatter by this whole controversy. He and all 2pm members made kpop so honest and fresh. I hope we can continue by the masses to support pink grandpa's return. I want to see all 7 members united.

My last wish: I want infinity challenge survival episode with Jay and Junho subbed as well as Nodaji with Jay. It sucks to not understand korean.



"I guess what I'm trying to say is that, you should think about it a bit, and support all the members as if they were one, you know how it goes, Divide et impera, right? Don't let others divide you (="

Disregard my rant.

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Guest vickysaurus

Wanted to start a new post cuz this is kinda... O_O/ :DDDDD!!!!!

From someone's formspringme.

You were so freaking tight at "Fat Laces" and at Sweet 16! I came from Portland to see them. :) Are you going to be at The Foundation 10yr anniversary? Now is when I turn into a crazy fangirl... do you know if "he" wants to go back...? to Korea.

His answer:

haha thank you!, but I never even heard of that event...maybe? :] As for "him" lol, I think he wants to..it's just the situation won't let him thats all..but yeah thats what I think.

I'd give away the link to his formspringme... but I don't want Hottest like... stalking it and asking him about Jaebeom all the time.

"The situation won't let him..." WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!?!?!?

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Guest abcdana

i hope that all this worrying and controversy is SOON going to lead up to one great moment- jaebum's return. i really truly wish for this scenario to occur...

but i wanna prepare for any jype bombs, just in case. so im going to do the little things to make me feel like i did everything i could for jaebeom and his return.

does anyone else feel like we're at that turning point- fans turning against each other, netizens calling out the fans, drama within 2pm, 2pm vs jype, good rumors, really bad rumors, etc etc etc? what is going to happen if jaebum doesn't come back soon?

i really dont want to know-- just do ONE good thing for us, jype. bring leadja back. that will unite alot of people and bring your fans closer to the boys=more loving fans=more cf, drama, movies=more money for YOU.

is that too dramatic? it probably is... but im too lazy to edit it.

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Guest kimmytnguyen


i was about to say the same thing. the music video concept remind me of jay. going back to the states and crazy fans. the last part remind me of him. =/

if only he was still in the group. i wonder what he would of been? the second body guard?LOL

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Guest lec8504

but what if jay's friend said that they think he wants to come back to?

considering its jay friend..they have more insight of what jay really feels. or atleast more than us.

remember earlier today how we trended "Jaebum" & "We want Jaebum back"..

daniel jerome aka steproc. a bboy thats part of aom. helped trend it..

on his formspring..well yeah you can see from the pic above.

sooo hmmm yeah i think jay wants to come back..just hope.love.respect.

oh wow I never saw this before...this changes things a little.

And thanks for giving actual evidence and supporting what you say...some people I notice just get super defensive...don't give proof or anything and run their mouth on basically rumors and heresay. Anyways I think we can all agree that we want Jay back....I just hope people don't go crazy with trying to get him back and hurt the other 6 in the process.

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese


looks like no really cared for the idea =/

anyways i loved the cass beer drama.

it was perfect. what a twisted ending.

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Guest pyrolicious

babiluxx: yea totally. I noticed this as I was watching it. Made me sad.

There should be a part two where khun and psycho chick end up in seattle and meet up with jay. Jay would already know everything because wooyoung phoned him in, then jay would take psycho chick and throw her down an escalator. He and khun would fly back to korea. The end.

It really is quite hectic right now in here or in the 2pm fandom for that matter. We got people who are anti-JYPE (or jyp himself), people who support the 6 boys together, those that dont, those that do, but wont once its becomes clear jay isn't returning. I for one can't forget the others and I don't like to refer to them as 6pm.

Something I don't understand though is, isn't jyp good friends with his artists? I've seen their interactions, unless they are faking, they all seem quite close. Because it seems like they have a good relaintionship with eachother I find it hard to believe that jyp would be cold as to terminate jays career. And wouldn't the other boys hate him for it? I don't know this whole thing is soooooooooooo confusing. If anybody should hate on someone, it should be on those netizens who made a big deal out of nothing (plus jyp isn't the same as JYPE).

Most importantly wth is going through JYPE's head?????????? They sure as hell aren't ignorant to how much people want, ask, BEG for jay. Are they stupid or what? I can't think of any other way to describe them, seriously.

And of course, jay most likely wants to go back. He's happy bboying because thats his passion. hmmm I like to think he and the other 2pmers have skype chats or whatnot and jay must feel sad and a longing.

Didn't someone in here state that jay and taec would problably appear on some concert thingy in seattle....does anyone know when that concert is suppose to be?

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Oh...so his friend helped us to trend " Jaebum"? lol that's too cute of him doing that

and JYPE staff...if u guys are monitoring this thread...pls know that...we really love Jay~

Seeing the other boys are doing fine in K-ENT...it's good to see...but what about Jay?

Please bring him back...I'm actually still hoping for the miracle to happen

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Guest felish-ugly


i'm really happy seeing people still have a strong believe that Jay wants to come back..

i know i'm not him and i dont live in his mind, but i do believe that he wants to come back, he just cant...

and that's become our job hottest to bring Jay Park, 2pm leader come back to stage with his lovely fellows..

about seperating 6pm thread with 2pm:

i do not agree...

it means erasing Jaebum...

so in 6pm new thread we're not gonna mention Jaebum right?? NO WAY...

he always belong to 2pm, and forever become the leader...

and it's really important for us to keep reminding the new 6pm fans, that 6pm (2pm) is consist of 7 members...

if you make a new thread, then there's a big posibility for a new fans to not recognize who is Jay park....

and for JYPE staff whoever you are that read this thread:



can you pliss say to your GORILLA to bring jay park back and stop making it hard for everybody??

i wonder how JYP can sleep at night, he must having a nightmare every single day coz hundred thousands of people cussing on him, bashing him and want him to go to hell....

so for saving your allmighty gorilla, plissss... i'm begging you plisssss bring jay back and let finish this with a happy ending...

have you ever read or watch any story? the bad guy and the evil ALWAYS got punished in the end... truth will out... no happy ending for bad guy okay.... so plisss...

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