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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest dainanda123

hhmmm about the latest rumor, it can happen in the business world

I don't care which member take JYP's side or whatever, but if we continue discussing this topic

there will be another drama here, so let's it slide...pew~~~

amen to that!!

I believe you Aomenez. I don't think this thread needs anymore drama.

Lets be optimistic and not think about it too much. I feel if we do, it will hurt our brains and make us cranky :P lol.

lets change the topic...

I have a question,What do you think Jay's comeback stage will be like?

Examples: will he be more "built"? llol

What do you think he would say to the fans?

the key to this question is imagination ^_^

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um wtf. Jay can reclaim his spot whenever he wants to by coming back. Right now, he's the most talked about star in Korea. And what's with this pro-JYP crap? JYP hasn't done anything to make themselves out as bad guys. It's only the blinded fans who have to find somebody to point the finger at.

LOL. if only things were this simple. How I wish this was true and us fans who have concerns are truly just conspiracy theorists who have gone over board. Let's be fair here. From those of us who are apprehensive about JYPE, at least we have never pointed fingers at those we disagreed and have decided to taken another course. So please don't make US out to be the bad guys.

If Jay wants to come back, yay! If not, whatever. But all this discussion about the members aiming to take over his fame? What the hell? All of a sudden, they're guilty of receiving popularity that Jay doesn't exactly care for anymore? That's plain bs, IMO.

I actually don't see what's wrong with talking about other members attempting to gain more popularity in Jay's absence. Unless you have something to feel guilty about, ie. you're taking advantage of the system to kick someone while they're down, I don't see what's wrong with other 2PM members ambitiously attempting to continue to garner fans and attention. They have to in order to survive obviously, they are entertainers. When Jay left, he was one of the most popular members of the group along with Khun. Many fans were clearly Jay-biased, and some fans were, to put it bluntly, just Jay fans. If 2PM lost all of the just Jay fans, and the Jay biased fans also began to feel less passionate towards 2PM, the group popularity overall would have dropped. So obviously, someone else has to step up to the plate and carry a bit of the burden. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that if it's all purely for the group's fair survival

And let me just say ONE THING about Taec. In my honest opinion, some of the things he has done lately are going to lose him fans. I'm not talking about the sudden mass exposure, because if it wasn't going to be Taec, it would have been someone else. Taec's image is just more easily marketed so JYPE picked him. But rather his attitude that shows in little things like his CYworld tantrum amongst other things such as claiming "it's just business with Yoona" one day and then the next going to flaunt his closeness with female idol celebs as a "family" the next, I think those are what turn people off.

I mean, just think, Wooyoung stepped up a lot in Jay's absence too, but I don't see as many people saying things about Woo. So regardless of Taec's stance in his company business, obviously he needs to reevaluate his screen persona as well as internet neti-brity (netizen+celebrity? lol) activities..., because if fans have begun to take notice, you can bet that others who look less kindly upon 2PM have too.

Again I'm not discussing the cross-over thing anymore. But I'm talking more about their attitudes toward their work, their fans, and the public.

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Guest avchuck

Here goes JYP and another one of his projects for our boys.... =___________=''

"Due to the Jaebeom incident, things were slowed down a bit..." What the hell. I don't like the way that's put. Maybe it's just me over-reacting... but to me it seems like he's blaming Jaebeom. Oh wait, he is. Agh, I don't know what... but there's something with that statement that just PISSES me off.

No, I agree. That's a pretty pissy statement too, but it was due to Jay's scandal. Poor Junho. :[

Wow ,nice move Khottest (or trouble-makers etc)

It's a really good way to make the 2PM Boys look like evil (because we don't know who is in JYPE side some fans will ''suspect'' all the members). Just 1-2 day after reading some anti-2PM comment by some Jay's fan...Funny and not surprising at all , I wonder why ?=)

I always seen Jay And Taec very close in TV ,so all these ''I'ts Taec'' are strange for me <_<

@ le_maiii : But this is '''''Jay's fault '''''... Junho stopped Dream team because of Jay' scandal.There is nothing wrong with that ,they just said the truth...

Please don't fan the fire. The one major thing that needs to be addressed is you saying that it's "Jay's fault" <---NO, it' is NOT Jay's fault. Jay may have written those words, but if you need to point a finger at anyone: it was the MF that infringed on his privacy, took it out to the public, and everyone going overboard because an idol voiced his complaints about the hardship he had to face in an unfamiliar country (not knowing the language, culture, or able to cope with the food as easily)--that's where the FAULT lies.

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Wow... Left this forum for a bit and came back with the new slew of rumours...

I still think Jay is coming back with the the next album, not going to let any of thee rumours get to me until I see the final annoucement that JYPE is NOT bringing him back. In this circumstance of uncertainty, I will have to use my past information, my perception of the current situation and just sit back and make a rational decision to what I should believe and move on so I stop being so emotionally involved in this fiasco that took a chunk of my time for the past five months.

I'm leaving behind the conspiracies, the theories, the bad, the good and waiting for that one announcement but doing it in good faith. I have ran with hope for the last 5 months, the past few weeks have been awful but I guess its becasue I allowed myself to waver in the face of rumours and hearsays and all of that. The annoucement that will allow me to move on, to support PM further or leave them behin will come and till then I plan to remain neutral.

Their smiles have returned, there is no more heavy hearted-ness in Woo Young during his new show rehearsals. Junho has happy eye smiles again, Teac looks happy with his peanut family and the jokes are rolling again. Nichkhun looks excited to start his movie Junsu is just junsu :) Either the boys have all chosen to move on (which means all have taken "jype stance") or that they are moving ahead knowing that all the plans are intact and what they will need to do till Jay returns.

What do you believe?

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Guest abcdana

i really was trying not to think about this new conspiracy rumor that a 2pm member crossed over to jype side... (because it CANT be true. the boys cant do that to Jaebeom. and i dont want to be a conspiracy crazy fan) but then i suddenly had a horrible flash of something i read before.... and i realized that JYP had an interview with KBS 2TV "sweet nights" where he said that he anticipated Woo young the most out of all the rest of 2pm members... (woo young fans, please dont be mad! i love him too-- the way he used to smile, his ssanti dance, his adorable cheeks!!!

anyway, here comes the horrible part. what if it was woo who crossed over? he took down his me2day (which im sure jype loved cuz then he's not causing all sorts of trouble like taec) and he's being praised by JYP himself on tv (because he's following JYPE like a good boy???)... i mean if he was against JYPE over the jaebeom issue, then would JYP still be praising him out of all the members? if it was woo, then he probably had to be manipulated by JYP to cross over-- maybe a new talk show?

yes, i know woo young hasn't been the same recently (smiling less and looks sad) but is that because jaebeom left or because he's given into jype and he feels guilty toward jaebeom?

then i remember him at MAMA 2009 where he just cried his eyes out (for jaebeom?) so i dunno...

i think im going crazy cuz of all these rumors.

taec was my first guess too... but i dont want to think of taec that way either! but maybe he couldn't help himself either.

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Guest cheezychunnie

LoL...everyone becoming prediction-expert these days..

my biased is Taec..that's the truth but my heart break into pieces when i found out Jay's leaving..

why?becoz i love all seven of them TOGETHER :)

why everyone pointing at Taec?coz he's popular these days?what about Woo?

he's famous as well :)

my point is that was juz a baseless rumor..when people are frustrated they started

to point fingers at someone so that they feel much better..pointing finger at Woo is not

that 'accurate' coz he shows his emotion a lot,right?

if Woo is against JYP and Taec is 'with' jyp then why they

look okay together>>>please look at the latest pic and vid of the boys in Thai for a proof :)

so,let us chill a bit :)

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Guys, I just wannna say.

No one crossed over to any side. They're united as always. This is a concept of the album. Khun and Jay were the spots last promotion and it was set to be Taec this album at the beginning. So without Jay, he gets more attention. Besides, they just work as JYPE's assignment. How they refuse it.

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Guest xclueless

i agree with mikanpuriname, someone has to step up and.. well.. fill in jae's spot. i kinda saw taec coming into his place. either taec or junho, but yea.. taec was more marketable.

Someone has to step up? No, nobody has to step up to take Jay's spot because it'll never be a vacant spot. I think Jay's position is pretty much his forever whether he's physically there or not and none of the boys can fill his spot, sorry.

anyway, here comes the horrible part. what if it was woo who crossed over? he took down his me2day (which im sure jype loved cuz then he's not causing all sorts of trouble like taec) and he's being praised by JYP himself on tv (because he's following JYPE like a good boy???)... i mean if he was against JYPE over the jaebeom issue, then would JYP still be praising him out of all the members? if it was woo, then he probably had to be manipulated by JYP to cross over-- maybe a new talk show?

Lol, I think Wooyoung is one of the only boys that has stood by Jay from the beginning to now ^^ He's always the one leaving the cryptic messages on his cyworld and he seemed to be the most hurt from this whole fiasco. If this rumor was true, my guess on the two members who are PRO-BOYCOTT will defiantly have to be Woo and Chansung but that's just my take on it.

Guys, I just wannna say.

No one crossed over to any side. They're united as always. This is a concept of the album. Khun and Jay were the spots last promotion and it was set to be Taec this album at the beginning. So without Jay, he gets more attention. Besides, they just work as JYPE's assignment. How they refuse it.

The whole crossing over rumor has nothing to do with who's the most promoted or popular right now. The reason why people think it's Taec isn't because he's gaining the most attention but it's probably because of his attitude towards it all.

I hope this rumor isn't true though because it is extremely heart breaking to fans to hear about how fragile their brotherhood can be. But then again, I won't blame the one who did cross over if it's true because at the end of the day, all relationships aside, you have to think about the business of it and they're all working to gain money. Of course they have a strong brotherhood but it seems apparent that some care less about it than others. I don't want to think it's Taec either but my perspective of him has completely changed since this whole ordeal. He went from my 3rd favorite member to now probably being last only because I think he's getting way too over his head. But that's just my opinion.

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Guest entermuriel

wow... this latest rumor certainly sucks a lot T-T

to be honest, i find it pretty... idk, the word i find it more fitting would be "wrong"

so yeah... i find it pretty wrong that 2PM fans are actually saying such things about the members.

i must admit, i've always been Jay biased but after all that's happened i don't have a bit of resentment or bad thoughts about the other members.

if anything, i have learned to love them even more than before. each one of them have grown more in my heart.

this is a rumor, so take it as a rumor. we will NEVER know if it's true or not. to me, i don't think it's true, but whatever, i'll never know for sure.

one thing i want to say is, we're no one to judge these guys, they've been through a lot worse than we have.

all the emotional pain we've felt, they have felt them 10x worse, yet at the same time they are tasting the sweet taste of victory...

everything for them must be bittersweet right now, winning all these things, but not having their leader there to share the happiness with, not having that one person that took their hand from their debut to this date, the one that's always try to make them push harder knowing that they have more to show and give.

must be so bittersweet.

seriously, if at some point one of them have felt like taking another route and believe differently, i won't judge them, i'll still love them the same. like many of you have said, they are humans after all, and they not in this business just cause they love every single aspect of it, they know what they get in the end. but still, in the end of the day, i'll still believe that they love their leader no matter what. in the end of the day, they'll remember everything they've been through together with him and the small amount of selfishness they had in their heart will go away. i trust every single one of them.


aw man, i just realized i haven't been in this thread in a while... i missed it -hugs thread- lol

so much i had to read *-* so many opinions, so many... things... so interesting haha :D

oh and... check the links in my signature pls ;)

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We’ve been riding a roller coaster since the scandal broke. So many ups and downs, but we must hold on until the end.

If ever the rumor is true, I’d still believe that deep down in their hearts they still long for Jay. How can someone forget their friendship so easily? But I wouldn’t be surprised if they sometimes get pissed on their situation. They’re humans too—they feel what we feel.

Hottests, Taec's seems to be on the hotseat now. Rumors, negative comments, observations-- true or not, this will hurt him and we don't want another bad thing to happen especially now that the Hottests are divided.


This is the closest we can have for now. Spread the Jayness, spread love.




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Guest Eltoshen

LOL. if only things were this simple. How I wish this was true and us fans who have concerns are truly just conspiracy theorists who have gone over board. Let's be fair here. From those of us who are apprehensive about JYPE, at least we have never pointed fingers at those we disagreed and have decided to taken another course. So please don't make US out to be the bad guys.

I actually don't see what's wrong with talking about other members attempting to gain more popularity in Jay's absence. Unless you have something to feel guilty about, ie. you're taking advantage of the system to kick someone while they're down, I don't see what's wrong with other 2PM members ambitiously attempting to continue to garner fans and attention. They have to in order to survive obviously, they are entertainers. When Jay left, he was one of the most popular members of the group along with Khun. Many fans were clearly Jay-biased, and some fans were, to put it bluntly, just Jay fans. If 2PM lost all of the just Jay fans, and the Jay biased fans also began to feel less passionate towards 2PM, the group popularity overall would have dropped. So obviously, someone else has to step up to the plate and carry a bit of the burden. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that if it's all purely for the group's fair survival

And let me just say ONE THING about Taec. In my honest opinion, some of the things he has done lately are going to lose him fans. I'm not talking about the sudden mass exposure, because if it wasn't going to be Taec, it would have been someone else. Taec's image is just more easily marketed so JYPE picked him. But rather his attitude that shows in little things like his CYworld tantrum amongst other things such as claiming "it's just business with Yoona" one day and then the next going to flaunt his closeness with female idol celebs as a "family" the next, I think those are what turn people off.

I mean, just think, Wooyoung stepped up a lot in Jay's absence too, but I don't see as many people saying things about Woo. So regardless of Taec's stance in his company business, obviously he needs to reevaluate his screen persona as well as internet neti-brity (netizen+celebrity? lol) activities..., because if fans have begun to take notice, you can bet that others who look less kindly upon 2PM have too.

Again I'm not discussing the cross-over thing anymore. But I'm talking more about their attitudes toward their work, their fans, and the public.

LOL. You are hilarious. Since when did I ever call anybody in this thread a delusional fan? You gave yourself that label. And by doing so, you're basically admitting to being one of them, according to your logic. This is what you're shoving down my throat, not the other way around.

And you totally misinterpreted the second part of my post because I hold the same opinion. It's every members' right to receive popularity when Jay doesn't want it. Read more closely next time, kthx.

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Guest psylocke119

as much as I would like to believe in the boys...it's been five months of stress for them. people change when they are given opportunities, money, fame...LEADERSHIP!

the one member who has crossed over...i'm sure everyone thought of teac...just admit it, you would be lying if you sit there deny that teac was not the first member that came to mind. he is the one who gained the most from all this...he is sitting higher, doesn't matter if he had to throw away his brother for it. it's the reality of a human being, its just sad to know that it had to happen to 2PM.... <_<

...but at the end of the day, a rumor is just a rumor right...but why would anyone start these accusations if there weren't a little truth in it...we don't know what goes on behind JYPE's doors...as much as I want to believe 6PM...IDK anymore...

JAY COME BACK!!!! anyone need a reminder, watch the video below...


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Guest avchuck


Awhooo! That is one HOT BAMF!! Thank yous!

FYI: The Blackout Project is ON! Click on the banner in my sig to check out the site and leave a message! There's a cool map there that shows where the people who's visited the site are from, and those that are currently on the site--super nifty ^^v

And just because I've seen so many disappointing posts from iHottests lately, I'd like to quote mikanpuriname's signature:

"It amazes me how people can be SO NAIVE. I am not saying that everyone should agree but I truly feel sorrow for those who refuse to do the research before making a decision [opening their mouth]. I guess some just prefer to be ignorant, which is really too bad and so sad, because it's definitely ONE PUFF. 2PM ONEDAY LOVE"

Tweaked it a little, but just sayin'...

EDIT: @mikanpuriname I hope that's alright. I'll remove it if you'd like ^^;; I've seen it so many times and just honestly agree with the statement.

and for those who'd like to know more submit a question here: http://www.formspring.me/itsaconspiracy7 <--although, you have to have pretty thick skin for whatever answers they may provide. What they say are totally up to you to accept as truth or not. And please be kind and not bash them.

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Guest le_maiii


That's a really clear picture!

:DDDD Jaebeom looks so sexy... haha


Though I too have my suspicions... As Hottest, we have to all to have faith not only in Jaebeom but 6PM too!





wooyoung @ tumblr

In the first picture, the Picture frame Khun is holding has a picture of ALL SEVEN members! :D

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Guest switakaniji

The lastest rumor is hurting!!!! i do believe that everything is upto jay's decition. My thought is that jype is willing to has jay back cos he is the money-maker. I'm not talking about how much 6PM can make money from CFs but if jay is back. It will be much more than only 6PM BECAUSE it is completely 2PM and that's it...

I dont mind if everybody carry on their own solo activities. To me, it is a good sign that they can move on and waiting for their leadja to comeback WITH SMILE and sucess :D

One last thing, even though their opinion are devided it doesnt mean that their friendship come to the end.

Plus, taking jype's side is not a wrong since you dunno the official announcment will be. IF jype brings jay back the company will be ANGEL in hottests' eyes! right?

Love&Respect the other members as you respect Jay. Every member is equally important. Let's support all 2PM to grow up together.

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Guest bert263

I remember I wrote a few pages back that if JYPE is a disfuntional family then maybe 2PM might also be disfuncitonal as well. With the new rumors my suspicions might actually be coming true. Take a look at other groups for example "Even an animal doesn't bite the hand that feeds it" comment from you know who. Everyone thought they were a family as well. We don't really know what's going on in their minds. We only know and see what they show us...

I wonder if this rumor has hit 2oneday yet...everyone there will go crazy...they're a bit much sometimes lol

My guess would be Taec as well. He's the designated replacement leader after all. But who knows...

btw Khun is so sexy with his new short hair cut...I've always loved him with shorter hair. Though I have to admit I love Woo's 1:59 album haircut better. I dunno just makes him more mysterious.

Edit: seems like 2oneday is bashing Taec now...for his lack of thnks to Hottest. More drama!

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Guest un.reachable09

I've never actually posted in this thread before, I've only been stalking around, but I just felt the need to post. About this rumor of them being divided about Jay's situation, I seriously think this is the farthest thing from the truth. Starting from the days of Hotblood they have all had a close bond, not just as friends but as brothers. Not to mention they have all trained with each other for years, aspiring for the same goals and dreams. I doubt that one of them has changed so dramatically that one of them would be against Jay when they know firsthand to how much hardship Jay felt when he first came to Korea. Also, just because Jay isn't in Korea doesn't mean that they have lost all communication with him. They probably all still call him to see how he's doing. Plus, we shouldn't believe every single rumor that pops out. There are tons of anti's and haters who could have made that rumor up. Not every rumor has truth behind it. And why is everyone so quick to put blame on Taec? Yeah he's gained a lot of popularity but that doesn't mean he's just magically changed in personality.

In all those AOM videos Jay looks really happy. But I seriously believe Jay is going to comeback. Being a trainee for 4 years is too much to give up just because of that incident and I think JYP is a person who knows that. But when Jay does comeback I will be overcome with happiness and cry for a few hours!

@talksound: OMG Jay looks mad fine! & fierce! LOL look at his face- it's all like "yeah you don't want none"

Jay in those AOM video is love! He still looks mad buff! I envy all those girls who were at that battle and live in Seattle! I wonder if Jay gets a lot more attention from girls now then before since he's famous ( & like super hot :] ). Oh and I wonder how Jay talks with his friends! Like we have heard him speak in english but not in a normal everyday situation! But him and his friends seem to be mad gansta lol.

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please don't take much the comments @ 2OD to heart, and there's no need to stereotype the whole forum b/c of a few responses. As a member there I for one know that many of the fellow members there have a sarcastic type of humor. Thus much of what is said is said in jest. And of course, there are some who are truly hurt by the way the whole Taec and the Nuts things have turned out.

It should be noted that in the original article, the translator specifically noted that there was distinction between HOTTESTs and netizens. 2OD as a forum is NOT bashing Taec. Some of the members feel disappointed, but personal emotions are to each of their own I think. and 2OD posted that article to let iHOTTESTs know what's going on in the kHOTTESTs community. If you read the translation, they already picked out the mildest stuff to translate and the least bashing comments to translate as well. You can't blame the comments of each individual member reply on the entire forum.

One thing I want to point out. We all used to love 2PM because they were so free in everything, their thoughts their actions and their words. Sometimes they put their foot in their mouth, sometimes they commit faux pas, but we always forgave them, understood them, and supported them for their faults and mistakes in hopes that one day they will grow to be a greater person/idol/celebrity/entertainer. The flip side of that is, because HOTTESTS admit from the beginning that they are not perfect people, we cannot defend their every mistake. A mistake is a mistake, and people should just owe up to it and learn from it. This was why initially Khottest remained silent during Jay's incident. Taec's problems are no where as severe, and they will blow over soon I'm sure. hopefully Taec too, will learn from this and mature as a person for the better.

And just a side note. First, this whole issue was NOT brought up by 2OD or Khottests, it was just korean netizens who pointed out Taec's little blip. Khottests simply didn't jump to Taec's defense because who knows why. And I hate to say it, but seeing as how this whole thing does involve other idol groups, it's probably just silly jealousy going on between the two fan groups. You know, fanboys jealous about Taec, fangirls jealous that they aren't in the nut club either. So that's my defense for Taec, technically he didn't do anything wrong. It's not wrong to have friends.

But his faux pas was forgetting that he's an idol celebrity and his job basically is to please his fans. Showing his close relationship with pretty girls... is probably not going to help very much in that department, which is probably why fans are upset.

No one said it was easy to be a celebrity. You are loved by many but you must carry the burden of that love carefully, because there's a THIN LINE between love and uh. dislike. haha.

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