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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest happyberry2007

Omg this so heartbreaking. I seriously want to cry but i cant because my family

is right behind me. Somehow i feel so helpless now.

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Guest tikamicizia

at least 3 more weeks we will get the answer.. no more waiting and hoping for uncertainty.. if it's true,, so ashamed jype lose over the knetizens... how weak is that? whatever happens just have a faith,, jay is a religious person,, god will give him the best way and he's the only one who knows the best for jay,,, if it's true, jype will lose their credibility for not able to solve this problem

*I'll see how's wooyoung in today inkigayo,, if he's gloomy, prepare for the worst..

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After visiting 2OD my heart just dropped...

its seems less and less possible for

Jay's return....why?? Jay wants to

return right?? and JYP said he's

willing to help Jay return.....was he

lying to us??? I have a feeling if

Sunmi leaves......it's

going to be hard for her to return too, I

mean, they already have someone to replace

her....this is so depressing!! ahhh....what are

we going to do??? i've been watching 2pm's perf

thinking that jay would come back soon...and now

it's going to so hard for me to watch their perf....

no jay...=[

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Guest Labacookie

Just because it came from 2ONEDAY doesn't mean it's true. To be honest, they post just as many rumors as they do news articles. Just look what happened with the press conference. The fact that they cite them as absolutely true and don't label them as rumors annoys me greatly.

People please. Save your tears for an official statement. What good would it do to cry your eyes about it now, only for it to not be true? :(

And even if it turns out to be true...

Honestly, I'll be grateful to have closure. To know, absolutely, and with a final certainty. I feel like I can move on and find peace. The only thing I fear is that fandom will pull itself apart in the aftermath.

In any case, godspeed 2PM, fighting!

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Guest theblazenazn

Just visited 2OD.

I think my heart just broke into two.

I hear you. I usually don't buy into it too much but I get the feeling this is true. I thought up into this week that they will bring him back and we're just waiting for the announcement but now I get the feeling there's been a swift change in decision. especially after what happened this week with all the rumors and Sunmi laving the WG.

I really underestimated JYPE. I always thought "They wouldn't dare not bring back back Jay..." but they replaced Sunmi with trainee without even blinking!! They had a trainee lined up like what's next for dinner. If they can replace a member of the WG who's the company's biggest asset over the last 3 years like it's no big deal at all, I doubt they care about our reaction to Jay. After all, there's just as much dissension about just not holding a space for Mimi as Jay returning or not.. JYPE isnt the company they are today over the last decade by playing nice, I'm sure they have learned to be ruthless and do whatever they want. Sometimes, I think 2PM would be so big if they were under YG.

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Guest dongsusan

please download music core from cashewmaniakpop for 1/23. last 5 seconds of video. 2PM ad showing 6, repeat SIX members as comeback. I even paused it and there is no Jae in sight.

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Guest entermuriel

seriously... that rumor that just came up. this person is the friend of the JYPE employee's girlfriend? do i find this rumor believable? not at all. this is yet again another she told me that he told hrt that the other person told him etc etc etc, and yeah, this person said that Mimi would leave WG, but there were other rumors about it too from way before this one person talked about it, and when this person posted this was like what... one or two days supposedly? alright, so maybe what he/she about Mimi became true, but the time between the rumor and the actual thing is very short, leaving no room for any changes... whatever he/she said before is also another rumor... and like other people have said before, companies in Korea tend to change their mind quite a lot. they might have changed their mind right now (?) which is still a rumor, but they might change their mind once again. you never know. i still got hope. although this rumor might be credible (?) i'll still wait until an OFFICIAL and LEGIT information regarding this.

plus... didn't Mimi leave to study? is not like JYPE just threw her out, she's still part of JYPE. they probably talked about this for quite a while now... i really don't think that Mimi's situation is the same as Jay's, so comparing them will bring to nothing

honestly, i read some of your reactions towards this rumor that just came up, and i thought it was something horrible hehe i was ready to get my heart broken, but after reading the rumor, i realized there was no point on believing on it. why should i believe the friend of the employee's girlfriend? no thanks.

edit: i find it amusing yet scary how these rumors no longer get a toll of me, when i first read them i get either sad or happy for a few seconds/minutes... but then something stops me from believing them at all. it's like i've built a small shield in my brain/heart against rumors lol okay i'm done.

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Guest badtzmarujung

2OD <_< Another Heart breaker rumors . Hum


I only remember the hidden camera scene when the boys talking about how they share the space of closet with Jay.

Don't loose your hope

Keep Faith & Fighting.

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Guest lee_kim

i still remember the words he said before leaving Korea: "I'll come back as a better person". dont u remember it, Hottest?

it's too early to believe anything

furthermore, there're so many rumours about Jay recently, Just wait for JYP officially annoucement.

There's a case that JYP make this rumour on purpose to improve the surprising effect when Jay come back.

JYP has been using Jay too much to promote 2PM's 1st album.

They released "1:59 pm". if J doent come back, there'll be no "2PM" album.

so that, i think the only way to solve the mess JYP has created is Jay.

i still strongly believe that J will be Back.

i dont know 2PM long enough to be called "hottest". but i understand ur feeling now. Hottest, u must stay strong.

JYP needs to stop playing around with fans' emotions . it's disrespectful

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*sigh* It seems like there's a lot of drama going on with my two favorite groups. 2PM and SS501 right now :///

Although I'm not devastated yet about any of the issues, I'll have hope til the bitter end.

If things don't turn out right, then I will be crushed.

It seems as if a lot of things are going wrong lately...


I really hope that everything will get way better soon.

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Guest sascha_park

i read many rumors these days..

but no one rumor that make me waver and give up....

i still believe with jaebum..

he'll return for sure... ^_^

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Guest psylocke119

rumors are rumors...but there may also be a little truth in it. I don't understand why some people say that 2OD rumors are unreliable...how are they different from the rumors posted here. Being a JAYPM fan, i rather that the rumors are shared whether negative or positive, then not knowing at all...this way i can prepare for the worse. I don't want to feel like the rug was pulled from underneath (what many of the wonderfuls must have felt when JYPE made "that" annoucement).

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I hear you. I usually don't buy into it too much but I get the feeling this is true. I thought up into this week that they will bring him back and we're just waiting for the announcement but now I get the feeling there's been a swift change in decision. especially after what happened this week with all the rumors and Sunmi laving the WG.

I really underestimated JYPE. I always thought "They wouldn't dare not bring back back Jay..." but they replaced Sunmi with trainee without even blinking!! They had a trainee lined up like what's next for dinner. If they can replace a member of the WG who's the company's biggest asset over the last 3 years like it's no big deal at all, I doubt they care about our reaction to Jay. After all, there's just as much dissension about just not holding a space for Mimi as Jay returning or not.. JYPE isnt the company they are today over the last decade by playing nice, I'm sure they have learned to be ruthless and do whatever they want. Sometimes, I think 2PM would be so big if they were under YG.

I think u pretty much said everything im feeling rite now...why does it seem like artists are so easily let go or replaced at jype? the myspace controversy didnt have to blow up like it did if they acted quickly and protected jay. sunmi was homesick and depressed, give the girls some vacation time to spend with family and rest! they worked nonstop, over 50 cities in the US, then to china and korea, back to US for 2 years!!! did they have to replace her? i find it so ironic and sad that both jay and sunmi most likely left a situation that was a result of lonliness, homesickness, and lack of adjustment to their surroundings.

I still believe that jay will be back but if i ever hear jyp mention the words family, hyung, donseng ever again, im gonna hurl. p.s. - i agree with u about yg. at least they take care of their own.

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Guest haiphuong

I just read the article on 2OD and of course you guys know how I feel. I don't know how many times my heart bleeds when seeing the info that Jay might not return. I know that we shouldn't give up until we have the final statement from JYPE. If it's bad, then it's bad. Base on the latest posts of Kabler, I have the the feeling that she started to get confused too (sorry, just my feeling). As she said, the entertainment companies usually change their plans in the last minutes so I still nervous until Feb. I still hope, even just a very little hope because I see that the boys' mood is better recently and I believe them. At this time, I don't believe anyone else, the only reason that makes me still holding on is 2PM. Everyone can lie to us but I think the boys won't do that, right? Is there any of you guys think the same like me? :(

If I were Doraemon, I would use the time machine to go to the Feb. to see what happened. I've never had such a long Jan. like this year.

About the Hope concert cams and pics, I'm glad that JunHo has the new haircut and I love it. It makes me remember AA days and he looks hot in short hair :) The others don't change much but I hope that all of them would go back to the sporty image they used to have before :)


Wow. Another article just came out on 2OD and I think this is the reason why I still have hope in Jay and 2PM like I told above.

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Guest Eltoshen

At the end of the day, I can't get mad at JYP, no matter how much I miss Jay. He really respected Jay's decisions and the fans that were attacking him because of that really annoyed me.

In the end, it's up to Jay, and I'll respect his decision. Remember, it's about what makes him happy, and not his fans. IMO, a person should make sure that they're happy with what their doing before considering what others would think of him/her.

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Guest cheezychunnie


[independent] Seattle Korean American... Please read this.


I’ve always just read things that were written…

There were so many weird things said… I mustered up the courage to write…

Dear Fans… I know it’s been really hard… and because of some ridiculous stories I assume that many must be so confused…

Before I write… I immigrated to Seattle 15 years ago. I lived in Daegu when I lived in Korea. The reason why I’m writing this is to encourage you not to be confused by the strange things that are being said, not to give up, and hope that this will help Jaebum return to Korea. It’s why I wrote this on the net. I’m not a really close friend of Jaebum’s…… we’re close enough for us to call each other. I knew him before he debuted in Korea, and he was a well-mannered and sincere person. I live in Jaebum’s old neighborhood. I also liked B-boying so I used to see him out battling and Jaebum and I would support each other.[

In this past few days, there have been several articles regarding Jaebum.

The articles stated that Jay had received an offer from Hollywood movie. Therefore, I called Jaebum and asked him to confirm this. I asked, “Jaebum, did you receive a call to be in a Hollywood movie?” And Jaebum responded, “No…I’m hearing this for the first time…? It never happened.” So, I said, “There are articles, constantly stating weird news about you.” He replied, “……I don’t like that, but….”

Jaebum never received an offer to do a Hollywood movie and he said it was the first time he heard it… and Jaebum… is about halfway to calling it quits…. He’s really tired of it… obviously, he’s probably not as hurt now, but he doesn’t like that he’s still a popular topic and is even scared of it…

So, please reporters, do not write false articles regarding this and disturb or give the fans a hard time…This is coming from a close friend…There may be people questioning whether I am really his friend or not and would not believe me…However, if that were the case, why would I take time writing this in this early morning? Thinking of Jaebum wanting to be alone has made me worry and sleep deprived.

I can’t do anything to help my friend, Jaebum, so to the fans- I’m placing Jaebum’s heart in your hands…even like this…

I can’t do anything about the fans who won’t believe me…. But I hope that you will believe Jaebum’s heart instead… The untrue reporters… the stories… I would like for you not to believe them… those few articles… that it’s making it hard for Jaebum here… I wish that you won’t forget that….

Like the fans, I am also supporting Jaebum and want to give hope to him by writing things like this here, even though I did not write in the “taljon,” I’ve always looked after and gave only good things to Jaebum.

The only way to bring Jaebum back…is the fans…

Please give Jaebum strength…fans too…don’t give up, and please, I hope, fans don’t be moved or feel down by such articles.

Thank you.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits. Copy this whole phrase out.

CREDITS : Daum Starzone (SOURCE) ; Pingoo@2ONEDAY.COM & doremigirl@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)


Wow. This only confirms my latest ideas about all of the craziness that's been going on. There's just been one too many 10 minute posted rumors (before taken off) that have "insider" information. I just am beginning to think that there are people starting rumors to cause problems for hottests and for JYPE. I speak from my own opinion and my own gut as well as experience. I'm an unni/noona fan on 2od. I've worked in the entertainment industry in the US, and I've seen some seriously ugly bad play just to try and cut competition between companies. Now, in the US it's the tabloids and the papers that can destroy people's reputation. In Korea, even the smallest internet post on a blog can cause entire waves in the industry- even if the facts aren't checked thoroughly. Jaebum is case-in-point. So, let's be patient, hold on to hope till the real truth comes out. So please please everyone- don't go emo on me or Jaebum or JYPE just yet. I'm not defending JYPE and not saying everything will turn out perfect. I'm saying these rumors lately are just too much to believe now. And this post confirms my suspicions of foul play in the entertainment industry.


the translator have the same thoughts as mine..

i believe this is done by other company to steal the attention we have on their AM brothers..

as well as give a bad reputation on JYPE(not that i backing them up)

this is my opinion coz the rumors kinda ridiculous,dont u agree??

every one hour we received 'news', what was that?


cr:2ONEDAY forum+as tagged

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[independent] Seattle Korean American... Please read this.


I’ve always just read things that were written…

There were so many weird things said… I mustered up the courage to write…

Dear Fans… I know it’s been really hard… and because of some ridiculous stories I assume that many must be so confused…

Before I write… I immigrated to Seattle 15 years ago. I lived in Daegu when I lived in Korea. The reason why I’m writing this is to encourage you not to be confused by the strange things that are being said, not to give up, and hope that this will help Jaebum return to Korea. It’s why I wrote this on the net. I’m not a really close friend of Jaebum’s…… we’re close enough for us to call each other. I knew him before he debuted in Korea, and he was a well-mannered and sincere person. I live in Jaebum’s old neighborhood. I also liked B-boying so I used to see him out battling and Jaebum and I would support each other.[

In this past few days, there have been several articles regarding Jaebum.

The articles stated that Jay had received an offer from Hollywood movie. Therefore, I called Jaebum and asked him to confirm this. I asked, “Jaebum, did you receive a call to be in a Hollywood movie?” And Jaebum responded, “No…I’m hearing this for the first time…? It never happened.” So, I said, “There are articles, constantly stating weird news about you.” He replied, “……I don’t like that, but….”

Jaebum never received an offer to do a Hollywood movie and he said it was the first time he heard it… and Jaebum… is about halfway to calling it quits…. He’s really tired of it… obviously, he’s probably not as hurt now, but he doesn’t like that he’s still a popular topic and is even scared of it…

So, please reporters, do not write false articles regarding this and disturb or give the fans a hard time…This is coming from a close friend…There may be people questioning whether I am really his friend or not and would not believe me…However, if that were the case, why would I take time writing this in this early morning? Thinking of Jaebum wanting to be alone has made me worry and sleep deprived.

I can’t do anything to help my friend, Jaebum, so to the fans- I’m placing Jaebum’s heart in your hands…even like this…

I can’t do anything about the fans who won’t believe me…. But I hope that you will believe Jaebum’s heart instead… The untrue reporters… the stories… I would like for you not to believe them… those few articles… that it’s making it hard for Jaebum here… I wish that you won’t forget that….

Like the fans, I am also supporting Jaebum and want to give hope to him by writing things like this here, even though I did not write in the “taljon,” I’ve always looked after and gave only good things to Jaebum.

The only way to bring Jaebum back…is the fans…

Please give Jaebum strength…fans too…don’t give up, and please, I hope, fans don’t be moved or feel down by such articles.

Thank you.

May be taken out with full credits. You are not allowed add yourself to the credits nor edit the credits. Copy this whole phrase out.

CREDITS : Daum Starzone (SOURCE) ; Pingoo@2ONEDAY.COM & doremigirl@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS)


Wow. This only confirms my latest ideas about all of the craziness that's been going on. There's just been one too many 10 minute posted rumors (before taken off) that have "insider" information. I just am beginning to think that there are people starting rumors to cause problems for hottests and for JYPE. I speak from my own opinion and my own gut as well as experience. I'm an unni/noona fan on 2od. I've worked in the entertainment industry in the US, and I've seen some seriously ugly bad play just to try and cut competition between companies. Now, in the US it's the tabloids and the papers that can destroy people's reputation. In Korea, even the smallest internet post on a blog can cause entire waves in the industry- even if the facts aren't checked thoroughly. Jaebum is case-in-point. So, let's be patient, hold on to hope till the real truth comes out. So please please everyone- don't go emo on me or Jaebum or JYPE just yet. I'm not defending JYPE and not saying everything will turn out perfect. I'm saying these rumors lately are just too much to believe now. And this post confirms my suspicions of foul play in the entertainment industry.


the translator have the same thoughts as mine..

i believe this is done by other company to steal the attention we have on their AM brothers..

as well as give a bad reputation on JYPE(not that i backing them up)

this is my opinion coz the rumors kinda ridiculous,dont u agree??

every one hour we received 'news', what was that?

Thank you so much for this.

Please guys. let us pay no heed to the rumors. Don't spread them, don't buy into them. Read it and let it pass.

If we believe a miracle can happen, it just might. If we all lose hope now, there truly is no hope for anything in the future.

And honestly, I feel like a lot of people here who are still waiting for Jay after 5 months will continue to be his fan and miss him even if the ending is the dreaded one we fear. So honestly, all these rumors and what may come in the future really means very little if you think about it that way. Jay and the 2PM with him in it already came into our hearts. That's something that cannot be denied or erased by any company statement.

Hottest, 2PM, Oneday Fighting!

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Guest silence457


I want to clear up something:

1/ JYP =/= JYPE. JYP may be a nice man but JYPE as a corporation does not behave as you expect JYP would behave. You can bash JYPE but do not confuse and bash JYP.

2/ Seeing that many people seem greatly emotionally affectedby all the rumors, I have advice to this thread:

+ If anything without source is stated, it should be categorized as "RUMOR" at the top


3/ People should stop being so naive. Jaebeom and Sunmi did not leave JYPE just because they wanted to do things of their own will. The decision is not in the hand of one person alone, and it cannot possibly be made by the artists themselves in this industry.

4/ JYPE's staff is not experienced. That can be confirmed by people in the industry. You can compare how SME handled KangIn's case and how JYPE handled Jaebeom's case. As much as it is hard to believe, entertainment companies have a network of connections and they DO HAVE THE POWER TO STOP ARTICLES FROM BEING PUBLISHED EITHER OFFLINE OR ONLINE. SME's staff did a good job of silencing all the online news site while JYPE failed at stopping the rumors. 15 popular news site reported Jaebeom's return/ press conference at the same time and after 3 days, only half of those articles are removed.

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