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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Did anyone notice, Nichkun's clazy body move to "all night' long piece intro????? @_@ SMeeeeexxy! He is the last on my list yet of the 7 boys...but today, I had never thought of him this way. *covers eyes. Really woowwww, that blew me away. hehe! The outfit on him..damn. Its not right. I belong to WooBum. lol.

I loved it all, great perf boys. :wub: I wonder how Jay would had turned out in the emo concept...1000000x smexier eh? :blush:

I gotta run home after work and watch this famous guy everyone is talking about. lol.

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Guest chimeraspunk

Just wanna say I'm mighty proud of Jay.

That simple act of wearing a bandanna over his face shows his maturity.

Its never been his style but im guessing he didnt wna be noticed for his fame or perhaps he wasn't supposed to participate in public activities (since he's still on contract and thus hiatus.)

But he's still out there, doing what he loves. It really warms my heart as a fan to see that.

I was just watching the other day the interview at mnet 20s Choice.

The interviewer asked the boys what they wish to achieve in their 20s

And Jay said he wish he could find the time in his 20s to bboy before his body gets too old for it(?) haha.

It makes me happy that there's a silver lining behind the cloud, that he now has time to bboy!

I hope he goes on tons and tons of battle.

Because when he comes back I'm not sure he can find the time to do that except for his sparse visits back to the states.

Thanks to asth for sharing the video.

Made my day :D

And - its pretty clear its jay to me. You can tell from his moves. But the biggest giveaway was that grey loose sweatpants he's wearing haha. He wore the same one to the other bboy battle he was in, which was also posted on youtube.

AND! Someone clarify this. Towards the end of the vid, they changed the song to another with a stronger beat. And im pretty sure I heard someone said "HEARTBEAT. FEEL THE HEARTBEAT." Not sure who said it though. But the voice did come from Jay's team's side!

Who can't feel the 2pm love?? <3

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As far as that YouTube video, the only appropriate comment would be a quote from Star Wars:

"This is not the droid you're looking for. Move on."

As for the latest KHottest buy/nobuy continual discussion, I have to say I'm sad and disappointed. I respect the KHottest's decision; they are doing what they feel is right, after assessing the available information. I also respect those who are taking JYP at his word and trusting that all will go well. Everyone should follow their heart on this. It all depends upon your level of trust and optimism, because we do not have all of the information - and we may never have all the information required for a definitive factual answer.

What bothers me right now is the amount of haters there are out there - especially on allkpop, in the forums the invective is just as bad anything the antis came up with back in September, in Korea. No matter where you stand on the boycott issue, the bashing, swearing, shouting should be disappointing; it is obvious that people have learned nothing from this whole nightmarish Jay episode about the Internet's ability to foster hate and mob rule. Sigh.

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As far as that YouTube video, the only appropriate comment would be a quote from Star Wars:

"This is not the droid you're looking for. Move on."

As for the latest KHottest buy/nobuy continual discussion, I have to say I'm sad and disappointed. I respect the KHottest's decision; they are doing what they feel is right, after assessing the available information. I also respect those who are taking JYP at his word and trusting that all will go well. Everyone should follow their heart on this. It all depends upon your level of trust and optimism, because we do not have all of the information - and we may never have all the information required for a definitive factual answer.

What bothers me right now is the amount of haters there are out there - especially on allkpop, in the forums the invective is just as bad anything the antis came up with back in September, in Korea. No matter where you stand on the boycott issue, the bashing, swearing, shouting should be disappointing; it is obvious that people have learned nothing from this whole nightmarish Jay episode about the Internet's ability to foster hate and mob rule. Sigh.

I really agree with you on your last point. But let's face it, even though many people sympathized with Jay, there are also a lot more haters and antis after the incident. Don't let those people bother you. And I can tell that the amount of exposure allkpop give to 2PM obviously make some aggressive fans of other groups jealous. So while fans of other groups mostly support 2PM out of sympathy, some of them actually turned antis. That is why the matter is so complicated: when Hottests discuss something with each other, there are also antis and non-fans, who obviously don't feel what Hottests feel, participating in the discussion. That's why I said that we should be very careful and moderate when discussing about Hottests' action, or the discussion will become an online war between different opinions. Hottests should be one, and if only we could discuss in peace without flaming each other, mocking each other, imposing opinions on each other, then things would be much much easier for Hottest as a whole.

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Guest DongBangShiDae

i think Jay should comeback if he really wants to

dont wnat him to be forced or anything

i mean i really love Heartbeat so i cant say anything

its not like Jaebum is 2PM itself :P

o well i just love Heartbeat so much rite now :D

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lots of heavy topics on this thread nowadays..

let's relax & chill abit.. this young lady had done a cover dance of HeartBeat.. and she is good! She had done one for A&A in the past too.. Check it out if interested:


atm, this is one of the clearest HD of today's or rather yesterday's Comeback Perf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNvrP5EbgxI. At least i can see them much much clearer in this vid. And the sound quality is much better too.

(credit: Symbelmyyne@youtube)

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Max23, thanks for bringing up the point about non-2pm-followers weighing in on the 2pm threads in allkpop; I guess I can see how some people would get bent out of shape by all of the attention focused on 2pm, while I just think it's natural, LOL (of course the spotlight is on them, where else could it be??).

I just wish that more attention would be focused on the larger issues involved, because when you get to thinking about it, this whole story is bigger than Jay, bigger than 2pm, bigger than kpop. It's really all about how we are going to use the Internet, for the rest of our lives. Are we going to let it be a communication tool to bring the world together, to create better understanding, more friends and fewer strangers? Or is it just going to turn into a modern-day version of the medieval village mob out to 'burn the witch'? It was an Internet mob that started this whole mess.

This is one of those things where every post really does make a difference: you can either reach out a hand or feed the electronic hate machine.

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Guest Pook_Pook


and more importantly


That video was not posted up by Jay or his friends. We don't even know if it is him or not.

If it IS him, obviously he did NOT want to be called out, why do you think he's all bundled up and hiding his face?

Like many of you have said, "give Jay his space" and "let's wait patiently until he's ready."?

Many people saw that video earlier already but kept it to ourselves and did not comment in youtube to respect the original poster and to give Jay his personal space. Obviously this is a part of his PRIVATE LIFE in Seattle.

once again. Please DO NOT COMMENT ON THAT VIDEO IN YT WITH JAY-RELATED COMMENTS. You don't know if it's him for sure, so just watch it and leave it alone. Thanks.

You really need to stop telling people what they should and should not do. You are not the admin or a moderator of this forum nor can you control what goes on at YouTube. People are free to give their opinion of the 'famous guy" vid posted if they choose unless stated that they can't by the moderator or until the moderator removes it.

You have made several post requesting that others respect what you and some Hottest have said in your comments, yet this post alone shows that you refuse to give the same consideration to others. As a noona fan, I'm glad that the moderator of this forum has at least tried to make it a place where fans can focus on staying positive and celebrate the success of 2PM. However, again and again dictating post such as yours only serve to turn the atmosphere negative.

It's nothing wrong with expressing your opinion but it's how you chose to do it that becomes the issue. If you want to tell people what to do, may I suggest that you apply for a moderator position or even start your own forum. Until then, show your support without harassing the other fans or telling us what we should and should not do. 2PM Fighting! <3

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and more importantly


That video was not posted up by Jay or his friends. We don't even know if it is him or not.

If it IS him, obviously he did NOT want to be called out, why do you think he's all bundled up and hiding his face?

Like many of you have said, "give Jay his space" and "let's wait patiently until he's ready."?

Many people saw that video earlier already but kept it to ourselves and did not comment in youtube to respect the original poster and to give Jay his personal space. Obviously this is a part of his PRIVATE LIFE in Seattle.

once again. Please DO NOT COMMENT ON THAT VIDEO IN YT WITH JAY-RELATED COMMENTS. You don't know if it's him for sure, so just watch it and leave it alone. Thanks.

crazy talk.

the only one whose posting comments there are Jae's fans.

nobody else. and everytime Jae's name pop out the owner removes it.. (cause he knows the famous guy.. and "famous guy" remains as is.)

basically, it's for his fans to see (you've seen the owner's vid putting "famous guy right?").. if you read all the comments i so know it's Jae..Jae charging his friend for 1000 moolah to record him.. lol! yeah~ that boy needs to

find a way to get income.. the only people that knows that it is him are the JAE bias *high five to all JAE fans*

we totally got the Jae instinct. we know it's him.. we saw his eyes.. the only tiger eyes we know..

and his ending in the end.. totally him! and when he hit his shoulder on the floor... totally him! all those bboys move (been watching tons of his bboy-ing).. totally him!

commenting on that vid is not even close to his personal space.

his doing what he loves while we sit back, watch, smile, and type our support for him. (not like all the comments are saying "COME BACK".. all i read was "we miss you.. when your ready to return.. etc.)

and that is clearly not invading his personal space.

the owner of that acct/vid didn't even question or wonder "who the heck is JAE?" right...

so clearly that owner of that vid knows...

so peace!

the vid officially became private.. lol! maybe he couldn't take how much fanslove and misses Jae.

and his inbox must be filled w/ question.. oh well, now he could tell Jae how many people supprt him.

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^^ She is not against people giving their opinion, only requested they not comment directly under the video since Jay (supposedly) is all covered up with beanie + bandana and does not want to be identified. There was no harassment of other fans in her post not sure why you are accusing her so.

Another previous video he didn't cover his face at all so I thought that was okay to comment but for this new video perhaps he covered to show he did not want to be known. But then again comments are just inevitable and cannot be stopped But I don't know, just a thought. Maybe that isn't even him at all.


Their Heartbeat is growing on me, but the red light remix is better than the original.

I wonder if Jay had not left, would they have performed differently, different video concept or makeup

I love Wooyoung but the flip at the end is a bit awkward to watch

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Guest Banana Peel

Their comeback was amazing, and even more amazing because of the loud fan chants :D

I'm always somehow resistant in watching the very end when Wooyoung does the flip and lie down thing because I'm afraid to see him slip drastically, lol. Must be so hard doing that at the right timing.

Does anyone know the exact fan chant to their performance? I know that they shouted out 'Park Jaeboem" but I really want to know when they say his name.

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Guest MR. LEE'S

i love their come back stage on music bank. haih, i even have missed their performance on tv. if i didn't sleep- i bet i must be smiling for all the times by watching their faces on my tv's screen. thank goodness wooyoung didn't fall, and their performance was epic. they even sang the song in live. that's what i like about them. i really can't wait for the album to be released on yesasia.

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Guest papiroflexia

Taec I believe just went by Taec. As for Jaebum, his english name is Jay. Jay Park. Lol, I have no idea where you guys got Thomas from but that's not his name.

Remember, JYP said "If" not "When". Besides, Kang Ho Dong didn't look too convinced by JYP's words. Hahah.

2nd post.

I remember reading somewhere on the 2OD forums one of the members was Thomas, LOL. Maybe not then.

I don't know why ppl angry because of the "IF". I mean do you really want jype to force jay come back now? is that what you want? or do you want jyp to say "yes, jay will come back in jan 2010". think again. it will make this whole jay's departure looks like one big liar created by jyp. ppl will angry to them "oh, so this is all fake? just an act? to gain sympathy and publicity???" "this is all planned?" they can't make it looks so planned. yes, I believe jype already planned all of this. he's taking an advantage from this misery. he's one smart man and I don't care if it's just a publicity stunt. coz it's for our boys' sake too. and ppl won't forgive jay if he doesn't leave for a while. jyp is smart he can turn korean ppl from hating jay so much to sympathy and feeling guilty towards jay... so all, let's be patient

btw,, taec?? spider web???? lol feels like Halloween

People aren't angry about the word IF, they were just reminding people that don't take that as a definite answer because it's not. It's not a clear answer so people shouldn't be celebrating already. That's all people wanted to say, people who are questioning why others are worrying about the word IF are making a bigger deal of of it more than the people who say "don't be get too happy now over "IF"

Just relax, it's a reminder that's all.

And about the web thing on Taec's head, wtheck. I didn't notice that in the performance but dang, that is weird.

sorry for cutting your post short, but i agree with everything you just said.

it seems that people aren't happy with anything that they are given, it's like they want a reason to make JYP look bad and continue to do what they are doing.

i thought people wanted to know whether or not Jay would come back to 2PM if he does decide to come back or not. JYP pretty much answered that question.

I don't know for sure if there are people Hottests out there who find reasons to hate JYP, because they shouldn't. But even if there are some, it wouldn't be so that they can continue what their doing, from the way you word it makes it sounds like they enjoy it, which I'm certain they're not. (I honestly don't think there are people out there who actually really hate JYP, that's kind of pathetic don't you think? But then again we can't be sure.) I don't know though, you can't blame them because he's not giving them clear definite answer. They kind of can't be happy with what their given because he gives them confusion, haha. There's so many IFs and BUTS and MAYBE. He actually didn't answer that question if you think about it. He just answered where he'll be if he was to be back. But even I find that one step closer to the answer, because at least we know he won' t be going solo, and even though I don't believe JYP 100% I believe Jay will be back one day.

Hey everyone, just thought I would share some 2pm graphics I've been working on!



and here is a retouch I did of khun's photo because I cannot STAND that hair


LOL, thank you! Haha, I still think Wooyoung is the only one who looks ok with it.

^ Exactly. Quote from what khottest want: "What fans want now is not Jaebum's return. What we want is an official statement that clearly takes back Jaebum's withdrawal from the group and the promise that his spot as the leader will be left in tact. Even if Jaebum does not immediately return, the fact that his spot remains open will be of great assurance to the fans." I too want that reassurance too.

Si si. But JYP answered that didn't he? He said if Jay was to be back it would be with 2PM. I know he said IF Jay was back.

What bothers me is that people are assuming some Hottests hate JYP and want Jay back now, that's not the point, guys.

There is a "famous guy" (just a FAMOUS GUY w/o name thx) who made his come back too =D

Our famous guy dances well right? ^^

The video is private oh wells.

i agree on the "2PM is not just Jay" part.

People still don't understand why KHottests are doing what they're doing. It's definitely not to show that 2PM belongs to Jay, guys. There's more to it, but I'm not going to repost what those reasons are, there's too much. O:

They never said it was that way, people just assume it was from the KHottests' actions and stuck with it without trying to figure out why exactly.


I think the boys will make looking emo and dark a new trend just like they did with beast image.


The suits reminds me of Joker though. O_o

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Guest yoomster

2PM members are amazing performers. The comeback performance was awesome. Junho become hotter. I think the singing was amazing and Wooyoung's flip at the end was good too. I hope they will win some awards with the song Heartbeat :D

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Guest shingg06

There is a "famous guy" (just a FAMOUS GUY w/o name thx) who made his come back too =D

Our famous guy dances well right? ^^

HW can i see it ? cz i can't view it. the vid is private ?????!

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Finally Famous guy vid becomes private.I personally thanks the vid owner's decision. It's hard for general to just enjoy watching without comments. :ph34r:

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Guest ephemeral.

Okay, okay.

-fangirl mode on-








OK DAERI. Oh my god Taec.

.. umm, as I was saying, the boys are hella sexy tonight.

The ponytails are growing onto me, it's so cute, lmao. Totally doesn't work with the concept. <3

My god, I don't know for how long I've been longing for them by now. It felt like forever. ;___;

I'm so proud of HOTTEST, the fan chants were amazing. I mean, just listen to them, 2pm. <3

Did anyone else laugh when everyone were crawling on the ground while Junho sang?

I mean, seriously. Buttshots. You've gotta be kidding me. xD

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