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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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gosh we're all going at each others throat again. Peace and Love babies, peace and love

(i'm sucha hippie)

ok so i was right. Personally, "Heartbeat" isn't a BANG! "first impressed" song but after a while and thankfully the eng translation helped me, I've come into terms with it. I've got to admit, i'm actually enjoying the song. Yes,many have said that the rapping is weird or doesn't fit in but i begged a differ. i like the flow of everything from the slowness pace of mix emotions we get from the raps to the building up fast pace of anger(maybe?) and hope of waiting in the chorus.

Aside from that if i look at the song as a whole, logically it seems like it's expressing EVERYONE's mix emotion and ironically enough it seems to be describing the situation we're all in. Angry and confuse if we should let go and move on or wait and keep hoping for a return. i guess i'm trying to be philosophical and don't know if i succeeded but what i'm trying to say is that there's nothing wrong with hoping because "we all believe in the greatest lair. Her name is HOPE but we are her greatest believers!"


ah....i've just read the allkpop article i'm exploing from happiness but there's this tiny tiny tiny thought at the back of my head that still doubts.

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Guest 01elegance

Just listening to their new album.

I actually really like it. Music quality is really high, especially when you are considering the K-Pop realm.

I like the R&B feel for some of the songs, and a more electronic feel for some of the other songs.

It gives the album a lot of depth and feeling to it. I can definitely feel their hard work and energy being put into this album, especially during a difficult time in their careers.

I'm a big fan of Tired of Waiting, Heartbeat, and Back 2 U. It is a definite improvement from their previous work, not to say their work on their songs before was not of good quality, but this stuff is really great.

If you really listen to the songs, and the beat and their lyrics and the construction of the music, its definitely of really HIGH quality. JYP did well with this one for the boys and the boys are definitely working on becoming artists and overall entertainers, as opposed to just being IDOLS.

It is a bitter sweet feeling knowing Jaebum isn't a part of this album, but as with most GREAT artists, there is usually a time of struggle or pain, that helps them become stronger and more amazing artists in the future, and if this is an indication, 2PM will be able to come out of this period, stronger, more mature, and more successful than ever.

5 STARS for 2PM's 1:59PM Album =)

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^ their concept photos are a bit scary...

like their part of a mafia or something lol

and then the blurry members.....

so emo!!

anyways at first i didnt think the songs were that great....

but its sort of growing on me....

but i sort of wish tired of waiting was the title song....

in my honest opinion...its better than heartbeat..........

i wonder what their mv will look like.....

and did anyone read allkpop?

jyp talks about possibly bringing back jay???

credit allkpop.com

idk...his comment doesnt really say anything//////

THIS!! Hottests the world over can unite again I hope! Come back Jaebeom. I'm sick of all the drama associated with this. If you promise to comeback, I'll buy 10 copies of the new album and distribute them to my family and friends :))



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Guest kay01dee

Dear Hottests,

can i just say that i am so in love with the "Only You" acoustic version? it's making me tear up! reading all these comments & hearing the song at the same time makes me sad.the boys worked really hard to get to the place where they are. fighting/arguing won't settle anything. listen to the acoustic version (or any of the new songs) and try reading these comments again, it gets hella emotional.

no matter how much it's hurting me to know that jay isn't there with the rest of the boys, i can't imagine how much more it hurts for them singing these songs while jaebeom is gone. i love 2PM & i know it'll always be 2PM with 7 people, it'll just take some time for all of them to be together. i believe that it's worth the wait, and just like i can't imagine how much they're hurting, i can't imagine how happy they'll be when jay does come back.

this forum has allowed me to share my thoughts and love for the boys. please, let's share the love & respect some more. yeah, this whole thing might just be some "fandom" thing to others, but to people like us, it's so much more than that-it's part of our lives and affects our state of mind. that's probably the reason why there are arguments and so many different opinions/reactions. we're all hurt, shocked, disappointed, and nervous about everything that has happened and what may happen in the future. so please guys, let's get through this together, especially at times like these, when the boys are trying to get through a huge obstacle. as hottests/fans, we should be together - let's laugh and cry, together.

<3 Kendra

EDIT: aaaah snap! i just read the allkpop article! gahd, my HEART does NOT BEAT, it's practically banging & flipping all over the place.

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Guest saranganjali







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Guest bert263

If this is true then my suspicion would have been correct from the very beginning. I had hope that 2PM will start activities as only six members and then when Jay is ready to return they will release a repackaged album like everyone is doing only with new songs that includes Jay's voice and JYP will benefit from both the 1:59 album and the newly 2PM repackage album.

Let's see if my prediction comes true in the future. In the meantime support the rest of the boys until his return!

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Guest toto101

Wooohoo this is such an awesomne album I love it so much and the fans bashing the cd need to stop cuz if Jay was here it would be OMG the best so yea anyways so good xD Im buying for sure ! Hope Jay rlly comes back soon ^^

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Guest realization

If this is true then my suspicion would have been correct from the very beginning. I had hope that 2PM will start activities as only six members and then when Jay is ready to return they will release a repackaged album like everyone is doing only with new songs that includes Jay's voice and JYP will benefit from both the 1:59 album and the newly 2PM repackage album.

Let's see if my prediction comes true in the future. In the meantime support the rest of the boys until his return!

I totally agree with you! That's a brilliant idea, and honestly if Jaebum does return I'll buy the repackaged. I'm not boycotting or anything cause I never really bought the albums anyways.. I just listened to it on streaming websites or something. But yeah I'll buy the repackaged ones. And I'm not being "biased" because what's the point in buying an album that doesn't have all of them singing instead of the album where all seven are singing the same songs :P

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Guest bizcotti

mikanpuriname that was a extremely well thought out and written response, kudos and I agree with you 100%. Also anyone writing in all CAPS immediately weakens anything they have to say lol.

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Guest DongBangShiDae

i like Heartbeat 0_0

dont know whats so bad about it

i enjoy the whole album actually

well news about Jaebum coming back maybe true maybe not

then i wonder how will he take part in the activities for their perfs.

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Guest prncssptri

Hi people! I've been lurking this thread since this morning when i just heard their new songs.. I found that the songs were all a bit rough around the surface, but if you listen to them again you'll fall in love with the songs (i love Heartbeat now! awh heck, i love all! xP). I think in this album, all the members are allowed to express their true feelings - it describes all those painful experiences they're going through, at least that's what I'm getting from listening to each of their voices.

kay01dee, i love, love, love Only You acoustic version too! I'm really glad they re-did the song! it's always been one of my favorites, and this acoustic version just take it to the next level :D

I know it's hard to listen to the album without Jay in it, but we also have to respect the members' hard work recording and preparing this album. They did it for us Hottests, didn't they? :) so, let's show some love for 2PM shall we? can't wait for their comeback this week!!

o, come to think of it, Heartbeat (Red Light Mix) sounds awesome! (i'm writing this thread while listening to the songs lol)


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I am not asking the Mod to take a side, but I believe we should at least be allowed equal playing field.

And the thing is, there are really Khottest in Korea who are boycotting them. I don't understand why mods agreed to censor calm conversation about something that's actually really happening. It's like Germany denying the Holocaust ever happened. We can't talk about actual current events that is going on? I'm not asking anyone to support one side or another here. I never have in the past and I don't plan to in the future. But I think that forced censorship on calm, informative, sincere discussion just because some fans choose to adopt the ostrich (I'm going to bury my head in the sand and pretend like it's not happening, or "out of sight out of mind") attitude is very amateur. I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ALREADY MADE THE RULE, BUT I wanted to give you my insight and feedback for future situations that I'm sure you will encounter as a mod on a busy forum such as this.

Thank you for writing this. I am in agreement with you 100 %. As the mod made it very clear in bold red letters who is a fan and who is not a fan, I thank you for standing up and writing this. It seems many of loyal fans to 2PM will not be able to share their thoughts, frustration, happiness etc. Since the new rule has been dictated, and a decision has already been made... so until 2PM is complete again, it appears pro-boycotters are not allow in this thread. This will be my last post on this thread until LEADJA's return.

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Guest chopper!

wow, haven't been on this thread for ages, but just heard 2pm's album and i personally love it^^

i have heartbeat and back 2 u on replay~ they never failed to impress me (:

they better bring back the nergy ont hat stage and rip it! but kinda sad that i won't get to see jay's bboy moves x)

[trying to put the peace back in here LOL]

omo, that golden fishery ep might be one epic show on wed. with fans all gathering, damn the ratings will go up!

i have high hopes and no more doubts (; all i'm anticipating now is 2pm's comeback, whether with jay or not.

i want to dance to their music man! LOL gahh i wanna buy album now! sadly, i'm broke as a mule XD

they've really worked hard non stop this whole year<3 no break or vacation for them~ poor boys, they must be exhausted.

i wonder how the title song will work out if jay comes back. probably have a hidden track saved somwhere in jype with jay's voice in it haha.

keep the peace people (:

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Guest knochen

i saw an article about jay might come back at allkpop....but i still cant believe it...but i'm happy

all the song seems like its not dedicated to a girl but to Jay...haha....i'm lovin it...

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Guest ephemeral.

Their concept solo pics.. LOL.

I would have spilled milk if I was drinking some when looking at Khun's hair. <3


As for the album, I don't know about you guys.

I really like the name 'Heartbeat" for the whole album.

Though the title song might not be the best out of all 13 songs, it's fine.

Nevertheless, I admit I laughed when I heard the rap. xD

I mean, after this much absence of 2pm, I miss them loads. I'm enjoying it to the max.

This is how I've been longing for them.

I'm liking how they're experimenting with different styles, mostly leaning towards Rn'B.

Personally, being biased of course, all their tracks sound amazing.

LOL omg, total cheesy Taec in the beginning of All Night Long.

Taec's narrative talk in My Heart is so.. hot. Always love his shmexy English. <3

Gimme The Light could easily be on top for my fave ballads. Really like Junsu's voice in here.

I really like the acoustic mix of Only You. :]

I think my top 3 would be Tired of Waiting, I Was Crazy Over You and Back 2 U.

You know the album cover......which picture is Taec? The 2nd and 4th picture both look like Wooyoung to me.

This picture


Pretty sure it's Chansung - Taecyeon - Junsu - Wooyoung - Junho - Nichkhun

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Guest photodaisy

Wow, Jay might be coming back?

I'm kind of sad between the division of Hottests in here. The meaning of 'fan' is so blurry now. The only right way of being a Hottest is loving 2PM.

o___o; If you're boycotting 2PM, why are you in this thread? Why did you even listen to the album? What's the point of boycotting if you're still going to open your mouths and say something about 2PM when you've...well, boycotted them? Honestly, I'm taking Edward's stance here. Granted, some pro-boycotters are definitely mature and very civil but the point of boycotting ... is to give up 1:59PM for the sake of 2PM.. When you boycott, your silence is what says something. ;) Just my thought on the boycott. Please don't stab me or anything because I don't intend on hurting anyone's feelings. ^--^

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Guest Banana Peel

Does anyone like the song 'Heartbeat (Red Light Mix)' better than the original version? lol, the remix is definitely more catchy in my opinion. To be honest, I'm quite disappointed in their title song 'Heartbeat' , because I was expecting a lot since their teaser sounded epic, buuut I guess not. Why are all the teasers for this album better than the regular song? .______. (oh, and I was SO hoping for the teaser version of 'tired of waiting'.)

Anyways, other than the title song, the ones that I really like are Only You (acoustic), & Gimmie the Light. Especially Gimmie the Light, I loved the different feel of the song (Taec's rap was goood there, hehe).

Oohh, and 'You Might Comeback (Bossa Nova Mix)' made me LOL because of the beginning how it all of the sudden started to sound all happy which is the total opposite of the regular song's mood, hahahahaha. It's calming, that's for sure.

Hm, this album overall, I'd give it a 5.5/10, just because the title song killed it - just my opinion ):

and regarding Jay MIGHT be coming back, I think it's a huge possibility he'd be back. And does the album cover really say '1:59'? Because that's another huge clue. If Jay comes back, maybe JYP would release another album cover - or whatever it is that includes Jay in it. Maaaybe? I mean, why would JYP use '1:59' in their album when it's clear that the group is still going to be calling themselves 2pm with or without Jay? hmmmmmm.

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the new album is GREAT. It's been a while since I like every song on an album like this! i was actually disappointed with their 2nd miniabum "Time for change", but this album restored my faith in JYP's R&B style.

Heartbeat is, I suppose, a love it or hate it song. I think it's great. It's original, different (using heartbeat as actually (music) beat? genius!), and I just love that the boys got to sing AND rap at the same time :) thats the 2pm I knew when they were first introduced at the Hotblood fanmeeting! Also...as all of you here, the lyrics hit me the hardest, because it just bears too much implication. In all this chaos, I feel more pain for the 6 boys - they're the ones who were left to deal with the mess, they're the ones who had to muster their courage to face boycott and being a 6-men band and being without leader to put together their very first album - and a great album at that!

"I was crazy over you" has been on non-stop repeat on my mp3. Such a great melody! "Back2u" and "Gimme the light" might have generic/familiar R&B beat&melody, but they still sound great!

"Tired of waiting" sounds a tad like their old songs - "I hate you" in particular, I guess that's why it gains favor with more people :)

All the remixes sound FANTASTIC! If you find "Heartbeat" a little bit too hard to swallow, listen to the Red Light remix -its more conventional.

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