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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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"If you love something, set it free. If it was meant

to be, it will come back to you ."

I know it's hard and it hurts.

I don't think that JYPE or the other boys will continue their activities and "move on"....they continue because they SUPPORT Jay, they continue because of him.

Of course, Jay will ALWAYS be a part of 2PM. 2PM has 7 members. no more, no less.

As i already said. Giving Jay a CHOICE is the best thing they can do. You shouldn't force somebody to do anything.

Jay will come back...I have faith in him...but he will do it when he's ready and under his own conditions.

Until that day we HOTTEST shall support 2PM (all 7 of them)!

This is just my opinion, Of course everybody has different feelings and nobody's denying you your right to feel how you feel. I understand you fully but I just wanted to show you that you can see everything in a different light too.

(Did that just make sense?)

*I topped a page....

Some of the sweetest 2PM moments:







Credit to the people who made these

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Message to Jay:

You've brought many smiles and tears to my eyes. You've brought hope to keep on going. You've also brought the feeling of hopelessness to my heart.

You've shown light for people to understand. You've sacrificed yourself and your life for everything to your family and friends. You were admired by so many despite the situation.

You've fallen but I know that's not the end. The irony of it all is, I don't even know you.

You've made me eat less and sleep less. I've cried so many times for you. Even now, when thinking about it, I still cry.

But like I said, I don't even know you.

Right now, I don't care if that's my case. I've never felt strongly for anything unless I truly believed it.

And I believe in you. It really hurts my heart when someone with so much talent had his dreams that he worked so hard for, be taken away from him in a blink of an eye. Because of one bored jealous lowlife.

I also know the feeling of not fitting in. I know it all too well.

Someone said that when you say something thrice, a person will remember it.

I believe that this is not the end for you. I believe that this is not the end. I believe in you. I believe.

I miss you so much already. You're so close to me, yet so far.

Other than that....

Welcome Home Jay.

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this is my third comment here i always come here and see all these comment then i don't feel like writing

but i feel like i have to cuz its killing me not to write since my last comment here was too much and i apologize to 2pm fans cuz i just wrote it out of anger without thinking i was really angry for me loved 2pm cuz of jay but yeah i love the other members too actually i was so into wooyoung but i don't know what happend and i'll support them until jay comeback even if i have to wait 4 years i believe he 'll cuz he loves what he do and he loves jyp family and to the korean fans who wont support 2pm now i know how u feel but this is not the right thing to do it will make our leader more sad and guilty and the other members need us as much as jay need our support

they didn't anything wrong and i believe they are more heartbroken and angry about this i 'm actually worried about how well they 'll do on stage without jay so that's why they need us it will be sad watching them in shows too i hope they do well until he comes back.

"I asked if he'll ever come back. He said how could he when so many people hate him this much..."

i really understand him i mean he won't be the same if he stayed and performed on stage and he knows that there are ppl who watching him and want him out he 'll be not the same on stage

at first i was really angry when he said he is leaving i was like how can u do that to us to ur fans i wasn't thinking again but when i used my brain (the little thing inside my head) now i find it really brave of him to leave he thought about the other members and jyp family before him self how this will effect them too cuz anti's are crazy

i'd rather let him be with his family and be happy.

instead of going back and putting on a fake smile,

while the country he truly loves continuously hurt him.

i agree with u and not only that i fans should realize that anti's in korea are really scary they 'll do anything to make him go away who knows maybe they 'll try to kill him like other artists T____T so yeah we should be happy that he went back home to get the love he deserve (korea don't deserve him sorry but this is what i think right now )

i really hope that we stop telling him to come and stop telling jyp to bring him back he just lost one of his kids and tell him we 'll wait for him , take the time u need , i'm glad to see him happy with his family and things like that

since that happened i cried a lot every day watching videos and pix and ur comments its just hurt how they destroyed his dream after all this he went through and after he gave us an amazing stage performances and so much laughter i just cant bbbbbelieve there is some that evil to do this to him "crying"

its kinda of sad how he always say conspiracy and it really happened :(

i'm really happy to see a lot of ppl love him and support him and stars too that just prove how great guy he is , i just hope that he see that the ppl who loves him are more and think about coming again after this thing go away

and JYP statement was really nice and it made me cry but i'm glad he didn't say that jay won't come back i'm sure if jay said he wants 2 come back again jyp 'll be really happy about it

i listened to JORDIN SPARKS yesterday and it was like it was for our leader T_____T

Hey there sad eyes

What's on your mind

Don't look so down

Give it sometime

You don't have to be

So hard on yourself

I know the world can be a brutal place

Please don't let it steal your smile away ( i really miss his smile )

this one too

Hush little baby, don't you cry

Yeah, I know she hurt you >>> shinee fan girl

But it ain't the end of your life

I hope jay 'll rest and stop thinking about this and take care of him self and don't lose faith hottest 'll always support u

I hope the other members 'll stay strong and show us a great comeback that 'll make ppl forget about all this and i hope they take care of them selves

I hope jyp stay strong he is really trying his best for us

omg i wrote a long comment i never did that in soompi

btw right now i really hate my self for writing here at this time i always wanted to write here after all i am a hottest anyway i feel like i didn't say everything i want to say

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FANCAM 090905 Incheon Concert 2PM Jaebeom Bows


FANCAM 090905 Incheon Concert 2PM Again & Again Taecyeon Focused


FANCAM 090905 Incheon Concert 2PM 1o out of 10 Taecyeon Focused


FANCAM 090815 2PM 1st Fanmeeting Come Back Chansung Focused


credits: as tagged + cyworld

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Guest scherzando

first, sorry for my bad English but I really want to say something

I can totally understand Jay and always respect his decision but one thing I just can't understand is how come Korea let neitizens have so much power over them? I don't blame Korea as a whole but I just don't get why they let this kind of tragedy repeat itself over and over again... they need, no, they MUST do something with this issue

how many celebs have taken their lives because of these heartless neitizens who just sit behind computers and hurt or even kill people with their fingers. How come the government let their people kill each other... and if someone says something bad about Korea, they just blame and ban that person? Korea is not perfect even my country is not perfect. NO country in this world is perfect.....if people say something bad about their country, I understand that it's normal for them to be angry but they need to consider what their flaws are and improve it to make a better country...they need to solve the problem at its cause, not when the damage is done

Sorry to cut your post short. I totally agree with you and have been wondering about the same thing. About how come these netizens have so much power over the industry, over the artists. I just do not get it. Sure there are haters out there, but why give what they want? This kind of stuff just made them happier and if it continues, it'll make them more powerful. Until when are the artists going to listen and 'obey' these haters? Isn't it time for them to stand up for themselves? I mean, if this kind of attitude towards haters existed in Hollywood, Angelina Jolie would have committed suicide or sth. Point is, I just don't get why they give these antis so much power. They have been doing in for too long, it has to stop. If Jay marks the turning point, so be it. It has to change. I wonder when we're going to really understand about this.

The ones boycotting are not from the official Hottest fanclub, am I right? Anyway if they're really in their 20s, shame on them. How could they be so immature?

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Guest joecesjohncual@yahoo.com

ahhmm.. hello hottest.. .. im a cassie..

and bout this issue flowing in the air..

i know what hottest feels right now.. its just the same as we casies feel..

we feel woried on what would happen to our beloved groups.

coz we have gone with this situation and are under somewhat with this situation.

the only thing i can say coz i just recently read all the articles related to the issue.

is the same as we cassiopeia say to each other..



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Guest ejunkebox

I wonder if there is any of the k-hottest that have the same mindset as us?

Because i know they felt betrayed and depressed over this issue

I hope those khottest could do something about the petition about not allowing jaebum to come back to korea

Its pity if those nonsense people were to win

Dammit ,these are the times where i felt that why couldnt the goverment enforce stronger laws

Like banning of harassing people after they have said sorry or Banning of cyber bully

For BOTH ARTIST AND NORMAL CITIZENS cos we are all human

ARTIST are NOT GOD and they have feelings too

Jay <33 alot

Sheesh ...

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Wanting Jay to come back

As I said I respect Jay's decision and it's not about our happiness but jay's thats the most important thing.

But i don't think that it is a bad thing for fans to want jay to come back. of course we shouldn't push him. i think that a lot of people want to say with "please, come back" that they will be there, waiting for him, showing him that he is wanted and loved, that there are people who support him who will be always on his side. that's just how i would interprete it.

i want jay to come back too but only when he feels that he wants it too.

Fans boycotting 2PM

This is the most ridiculous thing i ever heard! why would they do that? jay left for the sake of the other members to continue unhindered by what he thought was his "mistake". and now they shatter all his efforts?

2PM has 7 members. no more, no less. we should support 2PM as a whole, as one!

radical hottest doing that really makes me sad and a little angry because that will shed a bad light on all hottest. i always thought of us hottest as reasonable and civilised fans who will support 2PM no matter what.

2PM as a whole needs us more than ever!

I'm actually really worried about Nichkhun, Junsu, Taekyeon,Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung? how hurt must they be? how devastated and afraid of the future?

If fans stop supporting 2PM and even boycotting them...have those fans ever thought of the fact that the remaining members will lose the confidence and motivation to go on? so there won't be a band for jay to return back to.

sorry for cuttin ur post.

im just came back from class...and i saw your post...

im shocked. why the fans boycotting 2PM?? i know 2PM wont be the same without Jaebum but they need our support too.

they must be very shocked, it's just last week everything was fine, they can laughing together. but suddenly in just 4 days jaebum sacrifice himself for them, suddenly Jaebum is not with them. Boycotting 2PM isn't a good way, the other 6 members has family to take care; they want to be a good kid to their parents for sure. So, pls don't boycotting them...

i totally agree with your statement 'we should support 2PM as a whole, as one!'

. Although JAY already stated that he's quit from 2PM, but in HOTTEST's heart he's still the leader of 2PM, he may comeback anytime.

I dont blame JYP, i totally understand what he's trying to say in his latter. he's a very kind Hyung to Jaebum. i don't want Jaebum being push, it's will make him even worst n stress. The decision to leave the group, to sacrifice himself for his 6 bro in 2PM was not an easy decision. Let's give him some times more, when he's fine he'll definitely hear to his fans voice.




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090910 Baek Ji Young ft. 2PM Taecyeon~Ear's Candy @ M! Countdown



I have to admit. That was pretty painful to watch.

Taec did a GREAT job. Everyone knows this whole ordeal is nothing, but a headache.

But he still brought the performance must go on feel to it all.

I may have watched it with, "DON'T OVER ANALYZE AND DON'T ASSUME" mode.

I hope people don't because Taec or the other members don't need that.

They need support.

Although the sound quality sucks at mcountdown. What in the world? It's bad quality if the fans screaming actually overtakes the singers. Not to mention awkward...

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i dun even have the courage to watch their performance...

i hope the other members are doing well...

at least taec looks okie to me...

nonetheless, he did a good job again!

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i read all the testimonials and my heart has cracked for the billionth time....how h could be SO hardworking, so genuine, and have a good heart....what did he do to deserve this? he deserved nothing but the best, given how much of his energy and soul he put into everything.....and i really cry for him T___T

its true. noone should push the boy to do anything, although t breaks our hearts....im just keeping him in my thoughts and prayers and hope that he will one day in the near future return to korea and our 2pm boys. words cannot express how i feel...

be strong jay and know that you'll ALWAYS be our LEADJA

we LOVE you and SUPPORT you understand how much we NEED ya

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*crazy fangirl ~

I just got a tattoo today. ~

( and if plus my birthday's numbers together, it's 7 =) )

People may think I'm crazy. Yep , I'm crazy now. I've been crazy for 4 days and maybe for months, for years in the future when thinking about the day Jay left.

Truthfully, I'm selfish. I want Jay back. But now there's only usless hope. 4 days with many emotions, sad, shocked, disgusting ( kor netizens ) , hopeful, hearbroken, impotent then hopeless now...

No one can replace you.

Nothing better than you , Jay ah .

Be happy =) .

(sorry for my bad English, I can't express all my feelings = (((((((( )

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please come back...dont mind those netizens bashing you..they dont understand and they will never understand those things you've been through..please come back...we need you..2pm need you..jyp need you..your friends need you..we trust you and support you..please remember those people who loves you and believes in you...

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HEY GUYS!!!i was silent reader...but i was shocked that JAY leaves 2PM!! it's really sad....and i want to do all things that i can help to our leadja...and i want to send a letter to this address: JYP center, 123-50, Cheongdam-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea.

Postal Code: 135-955

..if i will send letter into this address it's ok????and i can't decide send or not to send ???pls help me??(SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH)

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Guest blu_berrie

firstly..sorry for my grammatical error..

i jz want to express what i feel rite now..its really hurt 2 thinking about what happened to jay..

this morning i woke up quite early just to noe what's the jyp's statement..but after i noe..

suddenly i cried.. i feel if jay really quit from 2pm, 2pm is nothing to me anymore..

how bad my feeling at that time..

but now i realize, whatever happen, i need to support all the rest members of 2pm..

bcoz they're also hv the hardest time.. and may be jay took a rite decision to left korea and met his family..

rather than stay at korea with stressful and tension environment.. i jz hope someday he'll comeback as a better person and

continue his career as an entertainer..

and to the rest 2pm members...b strong..all of u still have a good career to go on..

to jay..whatever decision u take..we still support u!!!

tanx!! :D

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Guest falloutjane

Seen this?

Testimonials from Jay's Korean High School friends.


Sorry if it had been posted. The pages are flying off this thread.

And oh how I wish the pages are flying with happy spazzes. :(

In any case, things can only get better from here. So let's all have that little faith at least.


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