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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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i really didn't want to say this but....some of you are being selfish.. REALLY selfish

this is his life and his decision...who are you to tell him what to do? so you want hime to come back so you can be happy as a fan?

leave him be, seriously just let him rest and some peace of mind...as fans you owe him that much

omg, i kinda agree to this!!!!

wow, u guys can relly type very long.lol.




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Guest ushii-soo

my dear hottest

...at this time of grieving...

i just think time is key~~

in time, they will be one

the 7 will become 1 again!~

but it will take time...

only you can make them come back as the 10/10 they really are...again&again w.o hating them


and as jyp stated...

it was his decision...

jyp is openarms for jay's comeback...

his jypfamily is openarms...

but jay needs space...

space from the many eyes that watch/criticize his every move

he just needs the comfort of his own family to "watch/criticize"...if you know what i mean...

things will heal...

all in time

and if i may quote Buddha

“The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.”

“To understand everything is to forgive everything”

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Guest churvaness

What these K HOTTESTs are doing is TERRIBLE

It's just putting more problems into JAEBEOM's sorrowful heart... I want Jaebeom to return to Korea too...AS SOON AS POSSIBLE...I want to see him perform on stage...I want to see him in variety shows...I want to hear him laugh and see him act like a richard simmons as usual...


What use is his COMEBACK..if it is NOT HEARTFELT?

How can I want to selfishly see him performing again when



This will hurt Jaebeom more...


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Andy Laurel September 10 at 9:50am Reply

Within minutes after I sent the message regarding Jay, mails started popping in my email, and when I woke up this morning I was really surprised with the number of mails that I got. There were about 300 messages from you guys wishing Jay to come back and be strong, and to just keep on fighting. I'm very grateful to everyone who had sent in their messages for Jay. It means a lot.

I've actually emailed Yoon yesterday with the first batch of messages and will email him again today. I'm starting to reply to everyone who sent in their emails, thank you very much again:-)

Jay said he will come back when he's finished with studying music conservatory. But he didn't say if he will come back as a member of 2PM:-(

Love & respect.

I don't know if this has been posted yet but it's from the fb group supporting Jay. If you guys remember.

I'm a bit bummed by some of the comments made here. Fans boycotting 2pm, JYP's cliffhanger statement, debates of whether all the efforts will be recognised, debates whether we're selfish... *sigh* I'm sick of this. D: Going back into lurker mode. Supporting jay morally!

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I saw pics posted at a Korean board through a link a fan provided of the petition and post-its at NYC office. I'm so glad the support of international fans is getting out!! ^^

I'm still in mourning over Jay's departure and went into a mad overdrive to release my emotions... T_T

2PM's 1st & 2nd Single Song Titles One-shot

J-A-Y (Poem)

Charred (Graphic)

2PM - I Hate You (English Version)

CREDITS: http://wackycashew.wordpress.com ^^

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Guest jaejoongiefied


"shhhhh... hottest i'll be back"

This makes me want to cry T___T .

I don't wanna force Jay, but I hope he'll be back once he's ready .

I read JYP's letter ...

I feel like there's no more hope, but I have a feeling Jay will be back .

Let's support the other six boys and Jay for now .

The other 2PM member AND 2AM members must be in way more pain than us .

As a fan, let's support them and not force Jay to do anything .

It was his decision, and it that's what makes Jay happy, us, as a fan, should respect that .

I hope Wooyoung gets well soon, and 2PM & Jay & Hottest forever <3 .

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Guest uh-ohxev

I really must say I love JYP and I can't expres how thankful I am that JYPE is 2PMs company... if this were to be some of the other companys, they may have made Jay stay. Do you know how horrible that would've been? To be forced to stay, when your heart is no longer feeling the same? It'd be cruel.

You may not understand it NOW, but what JYP did was a gift. I'm so thankful that he was able to understand Jay and say "Ok... go back home." because Jay needs that right now more then anything. Being in a country where people said those kind of things that were said would've been really sad for Jay... can you imagine him walking down the street? What kind of comments would he recieve? JYP did this with only good intents. He did it for Jay, and not Jay from 2PM like he said. I can't even thank him enough... HONESTLY, that's so sweet of him to do. To understand him and let him be happy.

Do I want Jay to come back? Hell yes! But, before that I want him to be happy. And if being in 2PM causes him to be unhappy, then so I guess Seattle it is. I'll support him til the day I die. I just hope if hes done with 2PM for good, that there will be some way to see what hes up to. Maybe a website? So that hottests can see how hes doing. I just can't go from knowing about Jay, to knowing nothing, you know? That'd make the situation only harder.

For now - I will keep wishing that Jay returns. I think the reason its bothering me most besides the fact that 2PM is incomplete is the fact that he worked so incredibly hard for this. That's whats bugging me most... because God, it hurts that in 4 days - 4 years of non-stop hard work and pain from being away from home can just go away just like that.

I'm thankful for JYP though. And I hope that if Jay does decide to return one day, JYP will be there with open arms willing to accept. If 2PM continues without Jay.. I do hope that JYP doesn't add someone though... that'd be a mistake. I hope he just leaves the 6. Adding someone will hurt even more and only bring more memories of Jay.. but anyways, it'll be hard. And 2PM isn't going to be the same, but I guess we'll just have to live with it. Life isn't fair, and sometimes you just got to adjust to changes even if it hurts... no matter what, I know one thing. Theres only one leadja... one leader... JaeBum... <3

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Guest thehazyfiasco
팬들은 "박진영은 자신의 책임을 모두 재범의 선택으로 전가해버렸다"며 "탈퇴 이후 별다른 입장 표명이 없다가 결국 생각해 낸 방법이 이런거냐"고 했다. 또 "재범을 감싸주지는 못할망정 내쳤으면서 그것만으로도 모자라 쐐기를 박아버린다","안일한 대응과 발빼기가 극에 다다랐다"고 안타까운 심경을 드러냈다.

The response of Korean fans in regards to JYP's recent statements remain harsh and bitter. "After his leave, the only solution you can come up with is this?", "You put Jaebum out on the streets," "You were quiet and now the only response you give is washing yourself clean of this situation."

The underground movement of aged 20+ fans will continue to boycott all 2PM 6 member activities and releases.


오히려 팬들은 박진영이 공식사과 글을 올린 후 책임을 회피하려고 든다고 공개적으로 비난하고 있다. 팬들은 “재범이 4일만에 탈퇴를 결심했다. JYP는 재범에게 반성할 시간은 줬나?” “박진영은 재범의견을 존중하자고 하면서 자신의 잘못은 없다고 말하고 있다”고 격분했다.

Fans believe that JYP is avoiding the consequences and the current situation at hand. They are criticizing him with his recent statement by saying "Jaebum has made the decision to quit within 4 days. Did you even think to give him the time to reflect on his thoughts within your grasp?"

Other opinions are along the lines of "JYP has asked us to acknowledge Jaebum's decision, but at the same time, JYP is stepping back as if he has no wrong in this matter."


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I guess I am selfish...I am so broken over this! I know I did not know him but I still got to at least seem him through videos from youtube.

I feel lost and hopeless!

People said he will come back but after reading JYP's letter, he probably will not! :(

I know it is his choice but it is sad to see someone and then next thing you know they are gone. :(

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Guest lilangel966

i agree with you all that jyp's statement was a huge cliffhanger. however, hope is not all lost. we still have the 6 remaining boys to support because jay would not want to see them lose our love because he is not currently with them. additionally, i think jay has not given up on his dreams of being a singer. like many have said before me, after all this craziness, he most definitely needs time. time to think about his next move, time to think about his future, and most importantly, just time to think for himself....re-evaluate things, reassess things. a LOT has happened these last couple of days. look at us HOTTESTs, look how our emotions have taken a huge roller coaster ride these last couple of days. now imagine what a roller coaster it must've been for jay.

also, this might help pick up some of our moods.....it is another reason and viewpoint as to why we should support jay's current decision and anticipate that he will come back to us even bigger and better.


**thank you love-monster for saying a lot of things that are actually very real for this current situation and give HOTTESTs another viewpoint (an optimistic viewpoint, i would like to think)

guys, please continue to support taec, woo, nickhun, chansung, junho, and junsu. we need to make sure we give jay something to come back to....his 6 shining brothers!

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Guest chattaboxie

Sorry if this is kinda random -

but it's really going to break my heart to see Taec & Wooyoung as MCs this weekend.. i can't imagine how they must feel, having to go back to their ordinary routines with such a burden in their hearts.

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Guest churvaness

Netizens are really freaking me out....

They created a


from ENTERING the country....

If this succeeds....I dunno...Maybe even if Jay wants to be back, can not....

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Guest xdaisiesx3
I don't know if anyone brought this up but

people are saying it was so easy to find

all the good things that Jay said about Korea

in his myspace, I don't understand why JYPE

didn't just show those comments to the public...

^ Because those comments won't do anything but cause more controversy. At the end, it doesn't change the fact that he said those things about Korea and is not an excuse. I don't blame him at all for those because I am a Korean-American and a "banana" as you may call it, but (most) Koreans will never understand because they've got too much pride, and I'll never understand them.

edit// churvaness: That's simply disgusting. They've just got to stop.

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Guest Chalk-Bandits

I'm glad JYP released a statement, even though I still don't have complete closure like I was expecting.

His statement was really touching and it made me teared up.

It's not an official statement, otherwise he would talk about the status of the other 2PM members and Jay himself.

JYP seems like he really cares about his artist. Everyone should respect it as Jay's choice and what's best for him.

Nothing is definite just yet. Everything is all up to Jay.

I just found out that there is a petition for expulsion and prohibition of entry to the country for Jay on Daum.

It disgusts me on so many levels. It upsets me that there are people out there that behave like this and put so much effort into hating someone like that.

A lot of fans plus people who were previously 2PM haters will be looking to 2PM to rise above the loss of their leader. A lot of people will be aggressively supporting them through this difficult time and in the future. There's nothing that haters and antis can really say to bring this group down because they're already down. I really miss Jay and wish he didn't leave, but his departure is making a lot of people wonder what 2pm's next move will be and all eyes are on 2pm and JYP.

All we can do is just wait and continue supporting the other boys. ♥

He was a leader until the end. He should be leadja always.

2PM and Jay, Hwaiting!

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Guest Banana Peel

thehazyfiasco, thanks again for your continuing translations :D wheeee.

Ugh, hearing how the fans are still mad at JYP is pissing me off. I wish I could just translate some of our meaningful comments, or better yet, the whole 2pm thread and post it @ a korean website so that they can at least try to understand.

I guess it's reasonable that they're upset and all, but some of them are taking this way too far. -_-; If I were Jay, I would be too burdened to go back to Korea, lol.

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Guest xtoxicpinkx

a line was crossed that should never have been crossed, and we can never go back to the other side.

i fell completely in love with jay a week before this entire fiasco.

i had a dream, and in it something terrible happened, but then all seven boys of 2PM were by my side, like family. thats when i realized how much 2PM means to me - more than them making me smile and laugh, its the courage and hope they give me to follow my own dreams &never give up.

then, this all happened.

&jay gave up, &i know why he did.

it just made me love him and respect him more, because he sacrificed himself for the boys he loves more than himself. but, hes gone, now... like a flash of light that gave us such sweet vision, only to fade and leave us in the dark again.

&i swear my soul left my body 5 days ago, but i haven't seen it since...

... if i tell myself that he'll return, then i can go on without bursting into tears at awkward moments in public or while im trying to fall asleep...

suddenly, like a storm without a warning, our lives and loves got blown away.

now all of us are shipwrecked, wandering aimlessly in search of a way to find OUR home... our home in your heart, but you're gone... gone from all of us.

& i dont even know where to start building a new one.


to make things worse...

people hating on jyp & jype? on jay? on his decison? why?

we are just fans.

2PM does not exist because of US, but because of the dreams inside of each of THEM.

we have NO right to tell them ANYTHING. we can only GRACEFULLY support ALL of them through thick and thin... thats a true fan.

a true fan realizes they are niether friend nor family, but a stranger graced with a glimpse of greatness.

embrace it when it comes, let it go when it leaves.

but, most of all, a true fan always remembers to do ONE thing:

keep the faith.

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Guest candyapple1111

After reading that statement I thought it was over but It just made me care for Jae more. I love that he was real and honest. That even if he was punk he was never stepped on. He always said what he thought was right. How many people would have fallen and given themselves to become famous. But he wasn't into jyp music or style, skinny jeans, poofy hair and cutesy acts. He let it be known. And I can't help but give him credit for that. Because he put everything on the line but still maintained himself. I can't say that I would have done the same.

When I started watching HOTBLOOD I did notice that jae was on the defense from the begining. He had so much attitude and swagger. But I thought that's how he has to be, a group of boys that have already clicked, he didn't know much korean and he was smaller than everyone else. What I really think is telling, Is that TaecYeon is happy to see him runs over gives him a half hug but Jae pulls away. I just always thought that was Odd.

In Wild Bunny you can really see how much he's changed. How as a leader the group really follows him. When Jae does even the silliest things they are right behind him. First Jae makes the "Caw" sound then taec tries and lastly chansung who can't seem to get it right. Or when Jae is talking about girls dancing with them and Chansung agrees. Like it's the most reasonable and best plan ever. I tried looking at some of their old shows but it hard knowing that they will never be this way again.

Jae Bum fighting all the way

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