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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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first i don't think its an official statement. i think jyp is now also just expressing his sorrow. and as his brother, teacher and friend its his good right.

as somebody before said: jaebum did what a leader would do.

a leader has to have the characteristics of being BRAVE and being ready to make a sacrifice. and that is what he did.

give him some time.

i bet if jay wants JYP would immediately take him back, because how often did JYP say how much 2pm mean to him and how they are a family?

calm down guys.

it's all going to be good.

EDIT: ooops i topped a page... hmmm....


"shhhhh... hottest i'll be back"

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i really didn't want to say this but....some of you are being selfish.. REALLY selfish

this is his life and his decision...who are you to tell him what to do? so you want hime to come back so you can be happy as a fan?

leave him be, seriously just let him rest and some peace of mind...as fans you owe him that much

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wow... okay,

so after reading JYP's official statement,

there are several things that run through my head...

1. JYP understands why Jay had to make that decision

2. there's no real conclusion on what to do with Jay's situation except that we should respect Jay's decision and leave him alone -- which I agree with...

3. responding to the criticism that JYP was in any way responsible for Jay's decision to drop out

4. that Jay was a little punk when he was younger and he believed every bad thing he ever said about Korea and that it was expected he would write such things about Korea/Koreans

5. that JYP showed him the "light" and led Jay to become a better person.. brought him to love everyone including the Koreans he used to bash on...

I don't know what to say anymore..

I didn't blame JYP for letting Jay leave... I knew it was Jay's decision...

but the statement also doesn't really ADDRESS anything except for the fact that we should just leave Jay alone

and it's all up to Jay whether or not he wants to come back.. that it's off of his (JYP's) hands

that all those efforts/petitions/projects directed toward JYP would be somewhat useless in bringing Jay back..

I don't know.. it makes it sound SOOOO HOPELESS!

I was going on the Korean oneday room and SO MANY K-hottests sound angry about this official statement

they are saying how JYP is just trying to get the blame off of his hands and also that there is

no real conclusion in this... they also feel very hopeless about the situation..

perhaps JYP is preparing himself for the worst (Jay decides to never come back) and preparing the hottests

for the continuation of 2pm without Jay...

I'm so sad about this situation...

I will support 2pm even without Jay.. because I know now that it was Jay's decision to leave..

and if Jay is happier that way, I respect his decision and I think as fans, we should support that decision.

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I don't know what to say and think anymore...but JYP is hurting as well.

He is not a boss but more like brother to his childrens...what more he can do but let him go because Jay needs family.

ill will continue supporting other 6 members..but i will be really angry if they add the new member.

Please..leave the place where Jay was...and pray for God to change his mind.

Im lost...thanks for translationg the statement.

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Guest love-monster

i really didn't want to say this but....some of you are being selfish.. REALLY selfish

this is his life and his decision...who are you to tell him what to do? so you want hime to come back so you can be happy as a fan?

leave him be, seriously just let him rest and some peace of mind...as fans you owe him that much

a little harsh, but I partially agree.

You guys,

I also honestly full-heartedly believe that jay leaving for america will be good for him in the long run n__n All this has really built up a lot of potential to catapult his career in the future.


Read what I mean: http://www.soompi.com/content/82511

Please, please, please, please, please

Let's all support Jaebum's decision so that he can make the best biggest greatest comeback ever : D

If he decides to~ let's keep our fingers crossed.

Also, he's probably really confused/unsure/afraid of what he wants to do in the future

my heart goes out to him. ):

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Guest KimuraSan

I got faith in 2PM, JYP and the rest.

JYP have been in this industry long enough to see good people come and go, rise and fall. And if he can endure the pain to tame a rebellous child for 4 years, I don't think why he can't wait for Jay to make his come back in the future. And JYP's most precious asset now is still the boys in 2AM, 2PM and the WG. They need JYP to bring them up to next higher level.

If you all ever watch the training videos on the 2AM/2PM boys, you'll know they are trained, not only physical, but mentally to face the cruelty of the real life in entertainment world. And they have been tought repeatedly on teamwork as well.

For Jay's incident, its heartbreaking, but I moved on.

Now I'm looking at JYP and the team. They have to proof they are the strongest. So can the boys and girls make it? We shall see.


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I don't think the projects are useless... Since there is no way we can go picket in front of Jay's house in Seattle, sending the petitions and projects to JYPE (who still technically represents Jaebum right now) is the only way of conveying to Jay that people still believe in him and people still want him back. I'm sure that if there is a significant amount, the management will convey that to Jaebum...

As long as the projects aren't like.. JYP GO LEASH JAY BACK TO KOREA FROM SEATTLE or crazy stuff like that. I think support messages and things like that are completely okay?

Also, I mean, it can't hurt to keep reminding JYP that HOTTESTS will always see him as part of 2PM. Like Khottest president mentioned, as fans what we can do is make a comfortable road for him to comeback (should he choose to.). So I think for those who want to put their effort into making petitions, sending messages, tweets whatever, just keep it all SUPPORTIVE and I think it'll be alright!

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This is Jay's decision, guys.

I'm glad that a lot of you are getting that we need to accept and respect Jay's decision, and whatever path he chooses to take.

JYP's official statement was actually very good. Gave us some insight into him and also Jay's past and transformation, which makes me love JYP and Jay even more.

Petitions? I don't think this is what Jay wants for himself and the group in this situation.

Like JYP said, he needs some time as Jay Park himself, and not as Jay Park, 2PM's leader.

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Guest I<3SunSunYeMi

people should not blame JYP,for me he's always acting like the father or role model to his artists,Jay suffers a lot from the pain,he's right to let him leave,which is something he should do at the moment to cool down the whole incident

i trust JYP to get him back if Jay wants to :)

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first i don't think its an official statement. i think jyp is now also just expressing his sorrow. and as his brother, teacher and friend its his good right.

as somebody before said: jaebum did what a leader would do.

a leader has to have the characteristics of being BRAVE and being ready to make a sacrifice. and that is what he did.

give him some time.

i bet if jay wants JYP would immediately take him back, because how often did JYP say how much 2pm mean to him and how they are a family?

calm down guys.

it's all going to be good.


JYP is doing this STEP by STEP. Slowly and publicly expressing his feelings and now going into organization of things.

JYP first needs to let people realize that JYP and JAY are not just CEO and CLIENT.


They have a special bond that no one seems to care to know.

this was not an official statement regarding the matters at hand.

JYP loves Jay, if JYP released an official statement right away, that would just conclude that JYP doesn't care about JAY.

& Jay as a rebellion and for him to say JYPE sucks. and wanting to move to another company..

you can even see it in HOTBLOOD.

Jay was really quiet, really distant

& went off to do his own thing alone while the other HOTBLOOD guys did something with another HOTBLOOD member.

Even when Jay was on his way to the gym, he took a shot at WG's poster on a store and said "I've seen those girls a lot, are they SNSD?"

You guys srsly have to see this whole situation from HIS POINT OF VIEW. <3

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I will support 2pm even without Jay.. because I know now that it was Jay's decision to leave..

and if Jay is happier that way, I respect his decision and I think as fans, we should support that decision.

sorry to cut ur post..but i agree with what u wrote..

jyp know jay more than us..he is like a brother to jay seeing him growing up in front of his eyes..

from a rebellious boy to someone who lead a group..

from somehow who laugh at others to someone who think bout others first more than himself..

for now..all we got to do is respect Jay decision..

he still hurt and feel bad for what had happened..

all the things that happened cant be heal in a week or two..

it tooks more than that..he need to gained his confidence once more..

it hurts to accept it..but we need to accept it

respect jay decision..just like what jay said..LOVE & RESPECT..

dont stop loving him and supporting him

and dont forget that there is still 6 brothers of his that needs our love and support too..

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This thread is an outlet for fans who wish they could do more, an outlet for fans to share their ideas, an outlet for fans to share their sorrow and comfort each other.

Of course, people are going to be selfish because, although this whole mess happened to Jay, it's as close as happening to a friend and we just want to restore things to how they were. That's the natural instinct of a human being. Calling each other "Selfish" is sorta harsh at the moment.

We all need time to move on from this slump, but as of now, let's help each other with compassion instead of being critical.

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Guest fifi yang

=) I knew JYP wasn't the person to point fingers at. He knows what's going on.

He isn't that heartless. JYP let Jay do what he wanted because he knew how

Jay was feeling. But the sad thing is, if only most of us here could accept that

this is what Jay wants. But I do see a few changes which is good. ^^ And I do

hope fans stops bothering JYP. The man has enough on his plate right now to

deal with.

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Guest xiaomaii

I'm in awe of JYP's post

it so heart wrenching

and now I'm more than sad...

I could feel the pain he's been going through

but I know it'll get better

Jay needs time to clear up his mind, I know for sure a lot of things are troubling his mind right now

and this incident is so traumatic that he's distracted physically and mentally...

things happened so fast and reactions of the Korean citizens are just too much to handle

Jay needs some space, he need healing

I love how all the artist and his JYP Family supports him.

This is Jay's decision and we should respect that.

We miss him so bad, but we've got to have patience.

Things will clear out in time.

And those concerned people who made this to Jae.. You don't know what you're doing, consequence and guilt will always follow you through.

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I agree with JYP that we need to respect Jay's decision.

Yes, Hottests want him back badly. I know how that feels. I cannot stand the thought of seeing 2PM without Jay. It rips me apart. But let's not be selfish here. It was Jay who made the decision to leave. It was too painful for him to bear so he had to leave. We want him to come back, but does he? At least for now, he doesn't. Let him stay there as long as he needs to. I find the whole "boycott JYPE" thing ridiculous. It's not going to help the situation at all. JYP isn't gonna force Jay to return because of that. As you can tell in the letter he wrote, he truly cares about Jay and his future. Let's not be selfish guys. Be more understanding. How would the other six members feel?

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Guest Naviswtngl123

I have been thinking about this. Yesterday people had gone to NYC to put the post-its on the JYP building and some of the workers had come out to take pictures of it and take an interview. I am wondering if they might show that to Jay. After reading JYP letter it seems the decision is Jay's to come back or not. Maybe if Jay sees the messages fans are leaving him and the support he is getting from people he might rethink his decision and come back. I am hoping he comes back.

I think the boycott is harsh. This is going to harm the other guys. The others might feel dejected if they see ppl are not supporting them.

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Guest spiral_flare


That statement also made me sad, it breaks my heart. We all wish he could come back but it's because we want to be happy. If he came back, he wouldn't feel the same way on that stage and HE wouldn't be happy. And thinking of the other 2PM members, I'm crying again right now. They must be hurting.

I still have hope though.

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Guest littlechocolate

i understand that everyone is hurting. even JYP himself is hurting, the man who build 2pm. He loves the boys like his own family. So, please dont blame JYP.

But the statement made me realize it is all up to Jay. We have to understand that he is hurting mentally,physically and emotionally. what he needs it is rest and to relax his mind and sort out his feelings. Let him be at the moment.

I think by now, what most important is to clear his name from bad reputation. i think thats the main reason JYP wrote this article. To clean Jaybeom's name.To clear everything's up.

I am sure there will another statement regarding the status of 2pm. we just have to wait for it. Be patient. Do not rush and let everything calm down a bit. Everything right now is so fast, and need to be tone down a bit. One at a time. If JYP is rushing, things could get worst. So, be patient. JYP is smart. Let him do the thinking.

As a true fan, our roles is to support the boys.

If Jay wants to rest, let him rest. If he thinks quitting is the best thing to do,let him be. Dont put any burden to him anymore. If we force him to come back when his mind is not ready. i'm afraid it'll be worst for him. How can he lead the boys when his mind is not stable and his body is weak? So,give him time.

I believe there will be meeting between Jay and JYP. At least, he would see him face to face. Not let him go just like that. I think JYP is giving Jay time to think. Thats why he kept silence. Not to hurt Jay even more. I am sure jay will see JYP when he's ready.

So HOTTEST,please be patient. and support him. Dont force him to do what he dont want to do. This is his own future.

He will come back.I am sure of it. Music and Dancing is his life. He wont quit that easy.

Pray hard guys. Hopefully things will be better soon for everyone

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Guest gamekyube

In order to show our support for Jaebum, we've decided to make 1000 paper cranes from (an attempt at) 1000 international fans across the globe. We will be doing this by taking a picture of each crane and the fan who made it and compiling it in a DVD/music video to be sent either to Jay directly and/or to be put on Youtube and have the link sent to his facebook or something similar. To keep the cohesive trend of post-its, as the Korean hottests are doing, we will also be allowing the inclusion an easy-to-read post-it in the picture.

The main message of the DVD will be something along the lines of the following (this is more or less an example at this point; further revisions will be done!):

Our dearest Jaebum,

There's an ancient Japanese legend that promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane. Your international hottests have taken this to heart and folded you 1000 cranes, as shown in this DVD, in order to fulfill our greatest wish.

Your happiness.

Our hearts are hurting for you, and the only thing we want more is for you to be happy. I know a lot of us would love for you to return to 2PM and continue to create music and bring joy to thousands of people, but if it is not where your heart truly lies, we also want to say we understand. We just hope, from the bottom of our hearts, that whatever path you may choose you stay healthy and happy and have no regrets going into your future. We love you so much and we're wishing you the best. I hope your heart becomes warm with the hottest of thoughts we continuously send.


Your fans.

Your Hottest.


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Ow iyeiluj, ow.

Maybe I am selfish. Cause I really do want Jay back and I'm not going to change my view. Of course, I want Jay to be happy and I do respect his decision. I can do the big talk and everything, but deep in my heart, I still want Jay back. I want to prove those disgusting knetizens wrong and I want 2pm to reunite. And I'll still continue to stalk the forum, make comments now and then and sign whatever supportive petitions I can find. It's the least an international hottest can do. D'oh I feel a bit hopeless right now.

There's just so many things I want for 2pm cause I love them so. Love is selfish.

So yea, you're right.. I'm probably the most selfish person on Earth.. D:

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