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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest ByEWaNeY

Dear JAY,

Eventhough I'm devastated by the news of you leaving 2PM, I'm praying for your safety and health which is more important right now

Please take care of yourself Jay..Have a good rest and for now,just forget the bad things that had happened

May the comfort of your family and friends will give you more strength

I, as a HOTTEST will wait for your return whether it be as 2PM or Jay Park

My support for you will never fade away no matter how many years it will takes for you to come back

An Angel will always get their wings back to fly up high again

And you are definitely an Angel that has bring happiness to many hearts around the world

And as youu wish, the remaining 2PM brothers will always have my support..Now and forever


I hope that the 6 of you will be strong for Jay and 2PM

Please take care of your health and don't think too much about this situation

2PM will shine again. We, the HOTTEST will always be here to support all of you

Please forgive your leader for leaving you as I know he did that to protect all of you

Always remember him as the great Leadja and the hyung that love the 6 of you so much



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SEND THAT TO andrea.cassandra.laurel@gmail.com

hottests time is at the essence,there is only so much we can do before they release an official statement!Please participate in projects,it will noot in any way bring pressure to Jay,but let us be his support pillar at such a time.


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Guest rentrule

dear hottest i am devasted by the news that came out recently wow 2009 is looking like a year of sadness for music fans all over the world why don't we show our support by buying all 2pm albums from itunes it will show that they will always be one i will play all their songs now

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i miss Jay so muccch DX

it's like...my world came crashing down when i heard this news.

and wikipedia just made it worse D:< kflw!$%!eljb?!!! >___>


even tho i'm not really a hardcore fan, i understand the HOTTESTS D:

my tears almost fell when i was watching

the vid when he was leaving for Seattle~


really, really heartbreaking < / 3...

he kept bowing to the fans...

and,,,the fans were screaming and crying and like

begging him not to leave ><

(i would have def done that too.)

aigoo~ but i agree with you guys, let's give him time.

let's just hope he gets a good rest while he's there~

he needs it so much <3 he's been thru a lot of emotional stress DX

and we must stay strong for him & 2pm !!!

HOTTEST FIGHTING ! you guys are solid <3 ;]


--- from a vip

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Guest churvaness

Saw this from 2pm-online.com...Credits to them and to Symbelmyns for uploading this...

"2PM. Let us not walk together as 7, but as 1."

-woochan/chanwoo (I kinda mixed it up)

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Guest XxSwt Lilo LuverxX

'You Might Come Back' on repeat all day .

i still cant accept this . such bright futures, ruined over something so petty .

im glad he arrived safely, hope his resting and having time to think about what he should do from now on

always look to the future, not past jay !

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Guest foreverasian3

Right now he's resting in Seattle and needs all the

support he can get. We love him too much to let him go,

I want him to return so badly. But he still need time to

think it through. Though I will respect his decisions, but

it would be such a waste of good talent. I've sent the email,

I really am praying that he'll comeback.

About the girl and the netizens, let's put all the hate

behind us. I mean we must think positive and love each other.

Or else we won't be mcuh different from them. Also, some have regretted

it and the girl also made an apology. I think we have to set an example.

Once somebody says they're sorry. We must forgive them.

It's true 2PM is not complete without him, but 2PM

will still need out support because they're 2PM.~

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Guest mbjn1234

I think everyone should get over it.

He left Korea already

We should give him a rest and let him forget about all this madness for a little while.

I think that's the only way we can help him now.

And the decision is made.

So I don't think any petition, website or anything will make them change their mind.

Doesn't mean if we keep quiet, we're not showing him any support.

So, let it rest for a while. :)

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same here.. i wnated to cheer up and jammed to "10 out of 10"

but then i was like *ang..ang.* sniffles*

"1 out of 7" *sniffs*

but still i hope when they (remaining 2PM boys) do perform.. i hope they leave jae's part as is.

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Guest alccbingina
QUOTE ahmints

i like your post. if your want to post letter to jay... here it is

andrea.cassandra.laurel@gmail.comsend email to andy, which is the email add guy. he compile the email tgt and pass it to YOON.

YOON i guess it's his friends or relatives. ya... yoon will give it to jay!

Thankyou hottests!You guys are amazing!PLease people,participate in all projects and help spread the love to Jay.He needs to know how much we love him!

-tweets,petition letter to jype,messages,websites

We'll win this fight!

i sent an email into it.

nomatter where are you,Jay.

we all support you!

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the least we can do right now is give our full support to the other boys in their other activities and wait for Jay to come back.

We have to show all 7 of them that each and every one of them is important to us.

So now along with the Jay projects, we have to support the boys' activities. Especially dream concert - they are still performing as of now, right?

It's through incidents like this that we learn and grow as a fan club, and them as a group.

I can cite examples from my other fandoms

- Andy from Shinhwa when he couldn't take part in one full album

- Kyuhyun from SJ when he got into that horrible accident.

This will only make us stronger:)

So let's look forward to whatever upcoming activites the boys have, and wait to Jay to come back from his break!

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Guest c'tin tje

OMG!! I was off for 3 days and today i got really shock!! Jay is leaving?? TT_TT

hope he'll comeback. 2PM will never be the same without him!

JAY, pls comeback. we miss u!

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Guest Aqasha83
the least we can do right now is give our full support to the other boys in their other activities and wait for Jay to come back.

We have to show all 7 of them that each and every one of them is important to us.

So now along with the Jay projects, we have to support the boys' activities. Especially dream concert - they are still performing as of now, right?

It's through incidents like this that we learn and grow as a fan club, and them as a group.

I can cite examples from my other fandoms

- Andy from Shinhwa when he couldn't take part in one full album

- Kyuhyun from SJ when he got into that horrible accident.

This will only make us stronger:)

So let's look forward to whatever upcoming activites the boys have, and wait to Jay to come back from his break!


- Jaejoong from dbsk with his DUI incident and injurde his ankle which make him can't join the concert

- laeder Yunho from dbsk being attack by anti-fan with glu-water..

all of this incident,,, now the idol already success with their group and gain much more love from fan and popularity... i still believe from this horrible situation... they will be a great news from Jay... just keep support Jay and other 2pm member.. because the time is always 2PM..again & again

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Guest choco|HOLIC

it's sad to see him leave.. i do wish he had stayed behind with 2pm..

bt i hope he gets enough rest with his family and friends by his side supporting him always..

Take Care Jay!! :)

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Guest Love_TVXQ_SuJu

I'm not hottest but I listen 2 their music, and I like their style especially Jay, I like him the most in group coz he dances very well and his power is high when I c on other clips. I've just known 2day that he leave of group coz Anti K fans n now he's living in USA with his family T_T. It makes me shocked when I 1st heard. I hope that he'll come back in group again n I'll continue 2 support him. Fighting hottest n JaY PaRk

Miss u T_T.

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Guest kahtreenah

i listened to Only You all day yesterday... so sad...

but we should'nt give up or lose hope! we gotta

believe in JYP, Jay, & the boys. there are people

who are blaming JYP for some of this...but we

have to have some faith in the guy...he's been in

the industry for a while now..he knows what he's

doing... and im glad Jay is in Seattle right now..

he needs time away from all of this...gosh, i dont

even want to imagine how the other 2PM boys are

feeling </3 but for now, we gotta stay strong, support,

& dont lose any hope for them! "we are one!"

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Guest nicolet


Jay, i will support u no matter what. u will always be 2pm's leader and no1 cn replace you as it can never be the same for all seven of ya. I hope the other 6 members dont get too depress bout it. you guys can do it! FIGHTING!

And to all anti-Jay/2PM, way to go making jay leave. I will forever hate u guys and lemme tell ya something. it is LIFELESS to hate an IDOL. Go do something else instead of upsettin ppl and making such wonderful person miserable.. GET A L-I-F-E!! If other members are hurt too..I will find something to HAUNT you!!!! ^.^

~Forever support HOTTEST!~saranghae ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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Guest sballet06
Have you guys seen this?

It's a video of all the post its at JYP in Seoul.

Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Fdin2MqUM

Can someone translate the JYP notice at 0:35min in the video? Is it like some kind of warning for Hottests to remove the post its?

In any case, it's really touching, this outpouring of love.

So thank you kHottest and NYCHottest for doing all these for the rest of us who are incapable to do so, thanks to our geographical locations.

I hope Jay sees this. Just so he knows he is very much loved.

There's a notation on the video that says JYP takes the post-its down every night at ten but they're keeping them in a safe place. Hope that helps :)

Man You Might Come Back has been on repeat for like the past three days. No matter what happens I'm glad Jay is surrounded by family and friends who love and support.

As for the rest of 2PM my heart breaks for them and I hope they make it through this by leaning on each other.




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