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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest babysweet

we haven't officially hear anything from JYP yet, but i really wish he mean what hhe said before. I wish u will keep his promise to all 2PM fans that u will never let go of Jay & he'll never be the 2nd Steve ..... all we need is just one official sentence from you that "JAE BUM WILL STILL REMAIN AS 2PM"..... we r waiting for this day to come. please fulfill our wish.

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Guest kpopholic

i know this is the worst time to ask

but will this incident delay their comeback

that is to be in october?

jay is prob now at home sorting things out...

our support will only comfort him

but if we all keep telling him to return

it may feel as if he had failed once more

so let's show our faith in our leader and

let him think things thru, recover, and rest

respecting his decisions is the best we can do

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Hottests,LET'S WITH THIS FIGHT->click this link

Time is at the essence,there is only so much we can do!Please ,let us repsect Jay's decision but at the same time show him the encouragement he needs.Go to the link and send the letter before JYPE's official statement.

If jay was so heartbroken to have cried when he met his mum and the constant aplogizing,it just shows he didn't leave because he wanted to.Hottests..let's walk together:)

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Guest haiphuong

Gosh! I felt extremely heart pain after reading the letter from Jay's friend.

Especially the part:

"All those efforts he put were shattered in the blink of an eye. I tried to call him because I was so concerned. He told me he was at the airport and about to leave for USA. I asked if he'll ever come back. He said how could he when so many people hate him this much..."

This part makes me soooo sad, now. I really feel wasted for Jay.

Sigh. All I can think of now is, hopefully those Antis will simmer down & start to think properly.

And forgive Jay @ the same time = by removing the petition?

Hopefully.. :(

I hope they read the GOOOOD COMMENTS by Jay, & forget about the "not-so-good" ones?

“Now I think I have become a real Korean”

“I'm proud to be Korean”

“The Republic of Korea”

“Korean people are like stars, they dress so well comparing to me I dress like a pauper. Oh no, yes I am a pauper.”

“I'm not familiar with English now, isn't it funny? Haha”

These messages were written by Jaebeom in 2006.

I want Jay to be back soon! I miss him so badly.....

I'm gonna cry now seeing these comments.

Why did you think that you were a pauper? You are a little star (because you're 2PM's tiny leader :) ) that shines even brighter than any star in the sky. Just take some rests Jay. We'll wait for you. 2PM's leader role is always yours.

Maybe I'm selfish but I'd rather seeing 2PM with 6 members than a new member will replace Jay.

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^ I guess I'll just do it.

Can we attach our own videos?

Warned for one line spamming. You obvious did not read the rules. Suspended 3 days.

Reminder again:









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Guest dbsg012

what jay did was natural and he was young. i wouldve said the same exact thing he said for sure.

he had sucha hard time being in korea alone with no family, didn't know the culture well, couldn't speak korean well,

he had to leave all his friends behind. give him a frkn break. he deserves everything and he deserves support. frkn netizen dude yall have no frkn life. im sorry to say but, 2pm is NOTHING without jay and i feel like theyre gonna have a hard time gaining fame again after jays departure. i dont want it to be like that but jay kept the group going and put that charisma in there.

im kinda glad that jay can rest in his hometown and be with his family and close friends.

they'll help him get through all this. he deserves plenty of rest for all he's been through.

ill be a supporter all the way fsho.<3

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Guest uh-ohxev

Man, I'm quite disturbed if this petition makes it to 160,000...

Because if I'm correct, their deadline is supposed to be on September 12, 2009 right...there're 3 days left...

If this fails, which I hope not, wouldn't it be another source of pain for JaY???

Wait.. thats the positive petition right? Because you said "if this fails, which I hope not.." so I'm assuming if it fails its a bad thing? Therefore this is the good petition?

And guys PLEASE do not Spam! I beg of you! This is really all we have left... just let us talk about Jay here, and don't spam and post stupid things. PLEASE! FOLLOW THE RULES! >,<

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Guest kiwiflavour

So now people are blaming JYP or JYPE for Jay leaving. Honestly I don t think he/they would ve let Jay leave if money was what he/they was after. Jaebeom is one the most popular members and pulls alot of attention onto the group, if he/they are as moneygrubbing as you believe they would ve put him on a break and brought him back at the end of the year once things died down. Don t forget, it could be that Jaebeom asked to go back to the US, we don t know if he was really enjoying his life in Korea all that much. We know he had a hard time as a trainee, I remember during HotBlood he said he didn t have any friends in Korea, and at that time he d already passed what, 3 years in Korea? Outside of the other trainees who had family and friends already in Korea who did he have? Add to that Uni, and then being famous he s probably been unhappy for a while. Not enough to leave, but this might ve pushed him over the edge. Personally I hope he ll take time to study in the US and then go through JYPE USA. He ll still be under contract, I believe that JYP, the man, cares about his stars and would nt work them until they broke, but he is a business man aswell and Jaebeom still has responsibilities to fulfill. If JYP treats this like a break for Army Training then Jaebeom has two years to get his head sorted.

I m personally devasted that Jae chose to leave , I wish he could ve stuck it out. But I don t know everything he s going through and in the end all i can do is accept his choice. I m not leaving 2PM though, the boys worked too hard, and Jaebeom loved them too much for me to let them fail from this. That would be the ultimate slap to Jae, if his brothers never recovered from this and never again reached the top.

2PM Fighting! 2PM we re with you to the end!

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Guest churvaness
Wait.. thats the positive petition right? Because you said "if this fails, which I hope not.." so I'm assuming if it fails its a bad thing? Therefore this is the good petition?

And guys PLEASE do not Spam! I beg of you! This is really all we have left... just let us talk about Jay here, and don't spam and post stupid things. PLEASE! FOLLOW THE RULES! >,<

Yes, yes..It is a good petition...It's something like...We can't let Jay leave like this ..I don't know korean but it is basically...Pulling Jay back to Korea...It's a support petition...unfortunately it's for the Locals only...

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Guest cheezychunnie

i never knew it wud affect me this much...

i wake up with a swollen face coz i cry like a baby before i went to sleep...

i have test today,i cant answer the question properly..

supposedly i have korean class last nite but i skipped coz i cant even hear the word 'korea'

i cry everytime news about jay come out...

hope heis heart feels at ease wif his family and frens


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Guest prncssptri

Hi Hottests, I haven't posted anything in this thread before but been lurking once in a while, but like others, what happened yesterday triggered me to write something in this thread just to share my feelings.

What happened in the last couple of days was just boggling to me. I have no idea that antis can give that huge of an influence to a person and worst even causing the person to leave the country. I must say that it's the first time i see this kind of thing happens and it's really heartbreaking to see Jay's face at the airport. I haven't known 2PM for that long but they've entertained me so much through their music and variety shows. As a Shinhwa Changjo, it's really refreshing to see 2PM because they have similar energy to Shinhwa and I really hope they can last as long as their sunbaes in the K-music industries :) - still do btw, i still believe in 2PM and i hope this is one of the hurdles they have to go through so that they can become a stronger team.

We can't deny that this unfortunate event happened. I wish Jay can have a safe trip home to his family and friends who know him more than anyone else. It's a good opportunity for Jay to just rest and relax for a while because we know he's been so crazily busy since 2PM debuted. I wish nothing but the best for him and will never stop wishing for him to go back to Korea and to 2OneDay (i believe they're like family now). But we also should not forget about the remaining 2PM members (taec, khun, wooyoung, junsu, junho and chansung) - we have to keep supporting the guys in every activities they're doing cause they'll need our support more than anything right now.. we have to protect them from future antis :)

sorry for writing so much, i just need to share my thoughts.

i hope nothing like this ever happen again to any other k-pop artists.



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Guest glfishy24

im listening to all of 2pm's songs

and.. not to be pessimistic or anything..

i realized that these would be the last songs with jay for a long time :/

unless he comes back

im going to miss his voice, his smile, his laugh, his BODY, the other member's joy.

so much was lost through this

i cannot believe this is still happening

it hasnt sunk in yet

i dont think it'll sink in until 2pm starts performing without jay

which will be nearly unbearable for other hottests as well as me :/

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Guest xoxoxox

hope somebody can translate this

TV리포트]재범 팬들의 구명운동이 확산되는 가운데 미국의 한 음반 소개글이 눈길을 끌고 있다.

한국활동 전 미국에서 Yoon과 함께 힙합듀오 그룹 'ydOubleOnie & jay park' 을 결성한 바 있는 재범은 지난 2004년 3월 미국의 음악전문 웹싸이트 'PureVolume' 을 통해 그들의 디지털 싱글앨범이 소개했다.

소개글에 의하면 재범은 '이 노래를 음악을 사랑하는 한국인들, 특히 힙합을 사랑하는 한국인들에게 이 노래를 바친다. '며 이번사태의 발단이 되었던 한국인 비하발언과는 사뭇 다른 소감을 밝혔다.


또한 '그들의 목표는 단순히 유명해 지는 것 보다 음악산업 발전에 기여할 수 있기를 바라며, 자신의 음악을 통해 많은 사람들이 음악과 힙합을 사랑할 수 있길 바란다' 고 한국 뿐만 아니라 음악에 대한 그의 애정을 드러냈다.

한편, '한국비하발언'으로 2PM 전격 탈퇴와 동시에 미국행을 택한 재범은 그의 팬들의 해명과 구명운동에 힘입어 다시한번 재평가 받고 있다. 특히 9일 오전 재범의 오열 동영상이 퍼지면서 팬들 뿐만 아니라 모든 보는 이들로 하여금 안타까움을 전하며 '구명운동'에 대한 힘이 더해질 전망이다. (사진 = PureVolume 화면)


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Guest mika.16

*can someone post a link to Yoon's letter?? i haven't read it!! *

While i hate that Jay left...

i really wonder if he will come back...

I mean, what he went through is going to scar him for life,

How can one person gather courage to face haters again?

It might sound easy "just come back",

but even if Jay returns.. he'll be a changed person...

things cannot just 'go back to normal' ever again.

Of course i want him to rejoin 2pm,

and i want him to live his dreams,

and give money to his parents like he wanted,

and provide a good future for himself,

but if he's really uncomfortable with coming back

and he really thinks that everyone hates him,

i think it'll be a very hard choice =(

the worst part is..

korean netizens tend to be crazed fangirls..

aged between like 10-15.

they dont even represent a proper korean population..(therefore i hope he sees that its not EVERYONE that hates him.. but just a very small demographic were pissed off and wanted their own idols to be more popular... thats seriously what it comes down to)

its so insane how one little incident (no matter how offensive) can change someones life in FOUR days wtf.

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hey guys, i've been a silent reader for awhile but after this whole incident and feeling hopeless i stumbled upon a song on my ipod. It's such a beautiful song and if I had been connected to jay somehow i would have loved to send him this song to listen to, or even upload a youtube video dedicated to him with this song. if only i had better computer skills. :huh: anyways, it's called faith by jordin sparks and i'm hoping at least one of you will listen to it and get inspired to make a super beautifullll video dedicated to him so he can watch it sometime soon and realize that you know, everything will be okay. i think it pretty much sums up the message that i, or actually all of us fans, would prbably want to get across to him. :)

Faith-Jordin Sparks

Hey there sad eyes, what's on your mind?

Don't look so down, give it some time

You don't have to be so hard on yourself

I know the world can be a brutal place

Please don't let it steal your smile away

*'Cause when the sky's the darkest

You can see the stars

And when you fall the hardest

You find how strong you are

Close your eyes, rest awhile

It's been a long, long day

So come on baby-baby, have a little faith

Let those tears fall, you gave it your all

That's all you can do, I'll be here for you

There goes your pride, crushed on the ground

Sometimes it takes a wall to tumble down

For you to see who's gonna stick around


Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better

And it takes so much to be brave

Sometimes you're afraid it will hurt forever

But when all the lights begin to fade


Have little faith

Ooooh Have a little faith Have a little faith

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