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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest lilangel966

Although it has been confirmed that Jaebum will be returning to the states, the fate of the remaining 2PM members have not been decided yet. Whether or not they will be adding a member or if they will continue as a 6 member group remains up for discussion.



We can't even be sure that the rest of 2PM will remain anymore...

i love the other 2PM boys too, but without jay (if this really does turn out to be true), i do not think i can call myself a hottest any more. it would just make me too sad to look at the rest of 2PM or listen to any songs in the future and think about jay. and the other thought of even adding another member.....that would just automatically be asking for antis for that 'new person', as all of jay's fans will turn against this guy automatically. i pray this is not true....jyp i'm waiting for you to give us hottests something positive, some hope.

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Guest lilies_009

Oh HE^^LL NOO!!!!


this is freakin ridiculous!

NO Jay! u ain't quiting.... i don't care what the reason is.... YOu just can't quit!!

2pm will never be the same without you!!

it will be like a hamburger with out the patties

or my Sundae with out the hot fudge

or my sneakers without the shoe laces

it's like 2ne1 with only 3 members..

or dbsk with only 4..

and ain't liking that idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang it!!!!

NO way!! i refuse to believe such news...

i am just starting to enjoy and like 2pm bcoz of wild bunny

and please i just saw Jay's version of bellie jean... i am just starting to like him... TT_TT

[well this is my stubborn fangirl rants]


on the side note... my logical mind tells me that i can just support Jay with wahtever his decision is...


but still...............

i hope there's better way to solve such problem....

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I was on the verge of just giving up but after reading everyone's comments I've decided to just keep the faith and pray that this takes a turn for the absolute best. I hope everyone else does the same. Jaebeom, 2PM, and Hottests fighting!

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Guest thehazyfiasco

8일 재범이 한국 비하 논란으로 2PM에서 탈퇴한다는 '극약처방'을 내리자, 그를 비난하던 네티즌도 잠시 당황한 기색이다.

이 날 오후 소식이 전해진 후 네티즌들은 "몇달 자숙해도 될텐데 안타깝다", "잘못은 했지만 탈퇴라니 너무 심하다" 등 안타까운 심경을 전하고 있다. 사건 발생 이후 일각에서 재범 탈퇴 운동이 있긴 했지만, 실제로 이런 일이 벌어질 줄은 예상하지 못한 것이다.

또 다른 한편에서는 "잘못에 대해 책임지는 모습이 뒤늦게나마 멋있다", "당연한 결과다" 등 그의 결정을 반기기도 했다.

Although the opinion agreed upon by all at the beginning was that Jaebum should leave 2PM, now that he actually has, netizens are taken aback at his rushed decision and are stepping back on their words.

"He could have just taken a break... leaving is a bit much."

They had hoped and cheered for Jaebum to leave 2PM, but after he officially has, netizens are shocked and speechless.

The majority are still considering this to be a definite result.



Yeah, I applaud you netizens. The results of your efforts. Didn't think he'd actually do it? Too late to retrace your steps, the water has already spilled.

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Guest Simply_Beautiful x33

o.0! I can't believe its happening. Jay is such a great leader.

You guys probably read it already, but I just wanted to re post it:

"Hello, I'm 2PM's JaeBum.

I'm sorry for giving you my last greeting through this letter.

I think it will be hard for me to see you all on stage because of my sorry heart.

I'm really sorry to everyone, and I'm even more sorry to the fans who have shown me love.

From today, I will leave 2PM.

2PM boys, I'm really sorry to the boys and I'm sorry I couldn't be strong as a leader and a hyung and have to leave like this.

However, I hope you will be more cool and charming.

Again, I'm sorry.


His heart must be in so much pain right now. =[ I feel so sad for him.

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Guest 2pmlove

as much as i dont want things to go this way, i have to learn to accept.

2PM is not the same anymore without Jay.

jay, why do u let the netizens get u?!

u still have our support, dun disappoint us and take back ur words pls!

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Guest hindsight2020

i've always been a silent participant in this thread, but love love love 2pm for so many reasons.

as someone whose occupation it is to make asian artists more visible and accepted in the united states of america, this

whole thing disgusts me!

after working so hard and trying to get the american entertainment business to understand the asian cultures and making great progress, this kind of **** happens.

it's not just about the netizens who are making a really bad name for korea - because they definitely are, but that anti's and

netizens can get away with this **** and that these companies that make all this money accept it is the saddest part!

until the management companies and the korean music business stops playing in to the hands of these idiots - unfortunately

the kpop industry will always play into the hands of the netizens, the anti's and nothing - nothing - nothing will ever change.

for a country that is really very very good at sharing their country with the world - --- no one wants to embrace a country that doesn't protects its own.

i'm disgusted!

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Guest candyapple1111

Omg already talk about adding a new member. He's irreplacable. Charisma, stage presence, personality If jay leaves I will no longer be a 2pm fan. All the boys are unique and amazing in their own way but I really started with 2pm because of jae.

don't leave jae bum

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I feel so devasted.. upset.. sad.. mad.. but Jay... really? You gotta be kidding me.

I thought you weren't gonna let your guard down.. eh ? what's this.. ? Why am I crying ..?

How could you do this ..

Without Jay, I am not a Hottest, without Jay, I'm not going to support 2PM.

Without him, 2PM is not one, it's nothing. 7-1 = 0.

I will believe this once I see it with my own eyes.

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I really can't believe this. I read the headline for allkpop hoping it was another one of their misleading headlines to draw in readers, but it wasn't.

I wasn't a full blown fan of 2PM yet, but Jay was my favorite out of the group. Watching Wild Bunny and seeing him was so great.

I wish JYP could get on twitter and tweet something about how it's untrue and that an anti meanly hacked Jay's account to hurt fans.


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Guest xazngurl

i've always been a silent reader but i seriously can't take this anymore!

Jay worked so hard for how long? four years? five years? six years? their taking all of that hardwork and throwing it away as if it was nothing? He struggled for so long! the hard training, the different culture, a strange place, no friends, no family around for support and encouragement! How could they possibly just take away his hardwork, his goal, his dream and pretty much everything he has worked for in a like a second with no regrets? Do they not have a heart? All he ever did was try to please them, make them laugh and he always did his best on stage so they could watch a good performance but they are not taking any of this into their horrible, hatred filled minds!

If he leaves, i'm leaving kpop too.

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All of this is just Nichkhun



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Guest CornFlake1430262937


im not hottest but THIS JUST CANT BE HAPPENING!!!

why cant ppl learn some forgiveness? sighs


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Guest love-monster


this thread is going to get closed down.

also, I'm glad that some netizens are realizing their mistake.

this is definitely too brash for a 4 year ago comment.

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Guest lorac29

Hottests, PLEASE IGNORE THE TROLL. Don't waste your time responding to ppl like that.

Jay, whatever your decision is, Hottests will always support you.

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