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Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest shiddough

2PM is a distraction. i got my science test tmr and im only at chapter 1 of 4! gosh. so anywayy...

Mnet Scandal

the girl was rili nice and sweet. she was completely dumbfounded eh. 1 lucccky grl. haha their first dinner, he introduced to the waiter his yeoja-chingu. lol. khun was rili sweet. srsly. are all guys like that? sad, i've yet to fall in love. so anw ahha. day2 was a disaster. minseon didn't notice khun in the car. she prolly prepared bento or smtg for picnic. she must be so crushed.

their date to the amusement part was sweet. khun had to dress all sneakily and the part where she has to buy snacks and khun feeling all bad as a man. gosh, those 2 rili go together.

preview for ep2...i can't wait! isssit minseon's birthday? khun wiping her tears and all. okay imo, IN ALL, MNET SCANDAL IS COMPLETELY WRITTEN OUT FROM A FF. TOTALLY. hahaa.

5th Win!

yesss ah! a hat trick by the boys. and the encore. HAHAHA i wonder who planned to do that. leader jae? ahahhaa. crap i feel like doing the leg-shaking-hand-over-head-dance. LOL.


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Guest lilyami

congrats on their 5th win! they need two more awards to make it 7. one award for each member. :D crazy dance at the end. i love how they're not afraid to act like dorks. hehehhehe doesn't it sound like taek was losing his voice when he was saying his thanks?

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Guest she-smiles

ahhh, taec is sooo adorable!

lol, knowing maknae, i wouldn't be surprised if he does eat it. :P


i was wondering where leader jae was during their win.

he was hiding behind them!

the boys' dance at the end was PRICELESS. lol.

did any else see navi's performance with jae & taec?

it was amazing, as expected!

i loved their coordinating outfits, and the boys just did great with their parts overall.









random picture:

does it not seem like junsu is scolding taec? haha <3


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Guest lorac29

Congrats on the win boys!

Taec's running away with the trophy!


I love this dork


I lovedddd the Navi performance with Taec and Jay. They add a really nice touch to the song. Must get mp3 so I can listen again and again.

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Guest Soapopolous

OH-MO our boys are such dorks! I loved their encore dance haha

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BOYS! I'm so happy for them and they even wished the guy in SG-Wannabe a happy birthday :D


^ Makes me laugh every time I see that, but I agree he does need more sleep. His bags are worse than mine and I'm older than him!

The performance with Navi was so great! I wish I could sing so that I could request for them to rap on my song haha. Anyone else notice Jay's shirt?? It's kinda creepy with the skull!

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Guest foreverasian3

Congrats on fifth award!

They all looked so happy, and Taec's face was priceless.

Honestly, in the beginning I just wanted them to win

at least one award. But, hey, I never said it was a bad thing

to win more. The more the merrier. ~

Jay's and Taec's rap = Triple the sexy, no not double, but TRIPLE!xD

Mnet Scandal, in my opinion was cute. I like how they interacted. I really

like that girl, and hopefully the fans will too! She's not all over him. Usually,

I'd imagine a girl like jumping on him and like trying to smother him with kisses or

something. No she's just chillin' like a normal couple would do. It's sweet.~

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Guest sunmikiwangjang

Can someone explain to me how khun's scandal show works? Does he meet her for a week and then the show ends? anyways i really like the girl. shes pretty cool and comfortable.

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Guest honmai

In Pops In Seoul interview

Taec was like (in English) Chansung went on a diet and got a hair cut so he's much sexier now...*twitch twitch*

Then Udong in the back ground was like Is this something personal....

THEN.... Jay at the end, as the lidja, led them to do a wrong farewell greeting so Taec was like that's ain't it. And Jay was like "OOOH, okay, gomin gomin hajimah" ------> hyori's lyrics in U GO GIRL

They're too cute.. Hilarious

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Guest Soapopolous

Can someone explain to me how khun's scandal show works? Does he meet her for a week and then the show ends? anyways i really like the girl. shes pretty cool and comfortable.

I guess they're a couple for the week and then after that week is over they decide if they want to continue their relationship or not

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sooo proud of our boys. :D so they really are taking turns holding the trophy, that's just love. :wub: and their new dance step nyahahahaha ~ they're the only ones i know who can make fun of themselves and still manage to look cool. :D

thanks for all the eye-candies and links! i had to go back 10 pages since my last visit, and all the goodies you ladies brought just made my 2pm-deprived soul happy, sooo happy. :D

on arirang pops ~ really made me miss the idol army days. you can really see how close they are and how fun it must be to hang out with them. junho's intro and "natural" were ultimate wins for me! i'm seriously falling for him more and more. i honestly don't see any change in chan's weight, i mean, for me, he never did need to lose weight. :mellow: i just hope he doesn't overdo it cos the boy looks tired recently. channie, eat, eat, eat! and wooyoung too! cos i miss those cheeks!!! the NGs were hilarious! oh jay...:lol:...first in english then in hangul then he just says what's really on his mind (ohhh yeaaah B) ~ junsu's whine cracked me up so bad, but see he's also starting to take off his clothes too - no more neck covers! wheeeee cos i love that sexy neck!) then finally taec just takes it from him. :lol: sighs... i wish they'd do a "week in the lives of 2pm" show or something. i seriously miss their easygoing interactions.

on dankuk festival ~ i wonder what taec and jay felt performing for their schoolmates. and if you listened closely some were hottests cos they did the chants in the beginning. :D does anyone know if they actually go to the university or just do online courses? they're really busy nowadays so i don't know how they manage to squeeze in classes.

on free hugs ~ awww... is maknae the only one giving hugs? :Dwooyoung would make a very good salesman! i can just see it now: if you don't buy, he'll whine like he did on the popularity mission episode of idol army. :D sooo cuuute! and jay, yes, he does have that lip-licking habit. my sister is prolly imagining all sorts of things when she saw that. :P (yeah, you are, booie).

on mnet scandal ~ i was smiling while watching it! i don't know why, but i felt protective of the girl. she seems really nice and sweet and you can really see how happy she is. just imagine yourself in her place: you know it's highly unlikely to have a real relationship with khun at this point in his career so you try to make the most out of your 1 week with him. i bet she was torn up between happiness and dread cos each day brought them closer to the end. i dunno. i'm just weird, i guess. :P but i just feel bad for her. khun seems really sweet wiping her tears and he looks sincerely sorry... sighs... it really is hard to lead that kind of life. so more power to you khun and to the boys!

keep the love coming, hottests!

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2 PM on pops in seoul was hilarious!

omg taek's english makes me drool

i love you Jae!!.....one time my friend was like "why does Jae even bother with clothes? it's such a waste of money"

the hyori thing was cute

man junho and his random spurts of english are the best! 2 PM fighting!

congrats to our boys on their 5th win!! OMG

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Guest stalkingfraud

WOO 2PM!! (: They totally deserve it! I'm so happy, it made my day (:

Is it just me... or is Nickhun usually like... quiet when they win? Like he seems happy and all but the members never really hug him X)

He's usually at the back... getting hugged by other singers.

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CONGRATS!!! OMG THEIR THIRD WINS ON MNET~!~@!@~@~@~#!#!#!!!!!!!!!!

i am so happy but yeah i think that it for them on mnet , isn't mnet you can only win 3 times & that it? if i remember


^junho & changmin(2am) on a radio show , i hope it wasn't posted yet I also don't know when this was either

blahh sorry it got resize lmao (but baby junho is the one in the bright blue jacket, yup he know how to stand out x])

cr. bestiz

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random picture:

does it not seem like junsu is scolding taec? haha <3


she-smiles: i had the exact same thought when i saw the pic haha

the weirdest thing was the picture after that was the one below, looks like taec's really sad he got scolded by older brother junsu lol



some random university festival pics

OMG, junsu looks smoldering hot in this pic, his EYES! :lol:


no idea what these two brothers are doing haha


a lil something for jay's (and his chocolate abs ;) ) lovers


credits: NOTION & 2pm-3j.com & bestiz

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