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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Guest santaiah178

YEH gave a comment about why she's turned down the Chinese movie (Tong Que Tai) offer in her fanmeet recently :

She said that false reports and articles came out when she was only contemplating over the Chinese movie. She explained that after careful consideration, she decided that the role wasn't for her as she couldn't see herself 'owning' the role.. Mainly due to the fact that there were too many factors that just didn't mesh together, such as the voice dubbing and the overall flow in the story telling.

cr : yeh.net 

Her comment make me think that she didn't signed up for that movie yet when many report said otherwise. Like many YEH's fans I'm a little bit sad when she decided not to take part in this international project (especially a chance to collaborate with CYF), but in the other hand I'm also glad that she's not the kind of person/actress who always grab every chance she's got for the sake of money or fame. It makes her special in my eyeswub.gif  

Just take the offer when you're sure you can "owning" the character. Wishing you the best YEH smile.gif

Anyway, thanks for the pictures & reports about her fanmeet guys, I really appreciate that happy.gif


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Guest MariYEH

Please dont quote me on this until we get an official confirmation ok? Will YEH be signing with EMI Japan?

YEH's Japan home page says:"The Home page will be closed in October. Other news will be updated at EMI music japan later. http://yoon-eunhye.com/01_information/information01.php?board_code=view&no=149&page=1&key=all&searchword=&tbl_name=info&i=0&category=

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Guest santaiah178

YEH signing with EMI Japan is a high possibility IMO since she's so popular there. It's just a matter of time she will venture to that lucrative market. Signing up with EMI Japan doesn't mean she will release an album (although I didn't left out that possibility too) cause according to some sources EMI Japan has been expanding their business (since this year) by managing actors also. If this rumor is true, she will be under the same management with Gong Yoo & Park Shi Hoo and also Utada Hikaru biggrin.gif

BTW, heard that she's selecting many script right now for her next project. Hoping to hear a good news soon cool.gif   

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Guest MariYEH

YEH signing with EMI Japan is a high possibility IMO since she's so popular there. It's just a matter of time she will venture to that lucrative market. Signing up with EMI Japan doesn't mean she will release an album (although I didn't left out that possibility too) cause according to some sources EMI Japan has been expanding their business (since this year) by managing actors also. If this rumor is true, she will be under the same management with Gong Yoo & Park Shi Hoo and also Utada Hikaru *quoted image*

BTW, heard that she's selecting many script right now for her next project. Hoping to hear a good news soon *quoted image*   

I really suspect that she will be signing with EMI. I guess we will know at the end of the month or first week of November. There's been rumors going around for the longest time, that major Japanese companies were eyeing her and making offers.

EMI JAPAN,is the Japanese subsidiary to EMI Ltd., a global music and recording company based in Britain. World-class musician such as the Beatles and Utada Hikaru also belong to EMI :) It is the fourth-largest business group and family of record labels in the recording industry and one of the "big four" record companies.

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Yes now i remembered sometime earlier this year saying that she was offered by emi japan and still in negotiation, hopefully it turns out smoothly for her.

After the movie project was over and now the emi japan...our yeh really fanastic always keep us in suspense. Now still waiting for the W magazine shoot....Bravo!

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Guest MariYEH

Jae-Hyeon Sung (jaystick)

RT @yeojy 1.파티중 장근석군이 우리룸에 놀러왔다. 들어오고 인사하고 얘기하고 나갈때까지 잠시도 쉬지않고 춤 추던 상큼한 소년 2.퓨어아레나에선 윤은혜씨가 생일파티를 했는데 실물을 본 셰프한명은 아직도 상사병을 앓고 있다. 잘생기고 예쁜사람들 부러워

22 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

1. Jang Geun Suk came by our room during the party. He came in and introduced himself and spoke with us for a bit. He danced the whole time until he left. A refreshing young guy. 2. Yoon Eun Hye held a birthday party at Pure Arena, and one of the chefs who saw her in person is still lovesick. I envy handsome and pretty people.

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Guest zanessa

hello all I'm sooo out of the loop very hectic life these days thanx Mari for the trans. I luv Jang Geun Suk hes super cute.

the fan pic is really awsome she looks really pretty cant wait for pix of the FM aw wishing her an amazing Year:) thanx all

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Guest MariYEH

^its ok zanessa, I think everyone have been as well. Important thing is you still made time and dropped by.



cr: crstinne@tumblr and aishcheyface@tumblr

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Guest santaiah178

Fan's note of what YEH's said about her next project at her fanmeet recently (thanks to chichocs) :

She said that she's read some scripts but it not easy to make a decision cause there are a lot of thing to be considered such as the role, the PD etc. She also said It's not easy to find a good script. It needed an element of luck blink.gif

It seems she's aware that a good script is important to make a good drama/movie. Learn from her lesson I guess phew.gif

Wishing YEH the best, hoping she will get a really good script & good script writer for her next project.   

Anyway I made a poem for YEH. I made it for some time a go so I re edit it. Hope you guys like it sweatingbullets.gif


Your acting made a great first impression

Your beauty makes me in awe

Your poses makes me speechless

But it’s you personality who impress me much 


I’m glad that I know you

I’m glad that you enter into my life

I’m glad that you always brighten my days

You’re my sunshine 


I’m happy when you’re happy

I’m sad when you’re feeling sad 

To know you is a happiness

To know you is a relieve 


I know I’m just a fans

But I’m glad that I’m your fans

You will always be my idol and my inspiration

So thank you Yoon Eun Hye for coming into my life

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