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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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this might be the birthday present for YEH from k-fans?


credit dceune

grrr yo onni you cheated!

you edit your post after i post the answer~

minus points for you!

btw...thanks for the news~ yup...the lady we talking about back then is Lin Chi-ling..

thanks facing for the bts pic~



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Guest de Jarje

i love games...haha..join in...

1. earing

2. ring

3. shirt color

4. digit number

5. !

about the rumor, as much as i wish them a true couple, i also hope this is not true...

kind of complicated....

If they are a couple, i hope people would stop probleming their age gap....I love YEH&YSH individually, and would be great if they are really a lovers....

If they are not an item, i hope their relationship will keep in good terms, since i enjoyed their bts time, and their on screen chemistry really developing in me, I hope they will NOT avoiding each other in order not to make another smoke....

about her dress, YEH pull out that gown more beautifully than the model...it looks graceful...perfectly fit...YEH is goddess!

wondering whether she owned it herself, drama properties, or borrow them ??

^ ^

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I hope none of you freak out... but this article says that YEH and YSH are no longer just reel lover but are now real lovers.

It says how the staff and crew have already been suspecting the two and when YEH was shedding tears about the adverse critisicm, it was YSH who got out of his way to cheer her up and help her out.


Hi YEH Warriors,

Hi YEH warriors,

I had not visited YEH & MFL thread because I am too busy in my work, church activities as well in the past days...this article disappointed me..not that I do'nt want YSH for YEH after all it's not my business to interfere with YEH life, not even with her lovelife.. another thing YEH does not know me so why should I? ...Where this dating rumors come from? I think not from the Yoon-Yoon couple, but where? Yigim, the production staff? if this is media ploy to improve rating, hey this is very very very cheap..while MFL is not doing well in rating as compared to Goong & CP but MFL is still not a failure (it has still a 2-digit rating)..Please don't resort to cheap gimmick to improve rating...YEH remains a star and she does not deserves this kind of gimmick, not of her stature..

loveline rumors with Kim Jong Kook or Joo Ji Hoon may work for them during their time because YEH is a teenager then..cute cute cute thing, dreaming that the two ending up may work then..but now YEH, she has best actress awards in her belt..please I swear I do hope she will be spared with cheap gimmick...

Well it's good YEH and YSH denied false rumors right away..Please don't get me wrong I am not YEH-KJK or YEH-JJH shipper and I am not YSH anti-fan..what I mean I just want YEH not to let herself be part of cheap gimmick ..If it is not true then deny right away..if the relationship is true then admit it or keep mum (after all it is your right to keep your privacy) but I hope YEH will never lie to the public and I trust her and I hope you will not do many indiscretions ..please..

Well I just hope PD, production staff of MFL will just focus to improve MFL to gain interest from viewers especially the Koreans (because that where rating depend)

If you ask me my preference for YEH..well to be honest while I like Gong Yoo..I still dream that YEH's boyfriend or would be boyfriend is someone not from the entertainment world.(this is a dream) i hope he is a doctor or a lawyer or a businessman or an engineer or architect, a PhD like that of the girl who is the lead of Jewel in the Palace who married someone not from the entertainment world ..because this is good for her privacy but I am not YEH, I can't dictate her ..you can't dictate her heart...so there..dream is different from reality..

YEH warriors keep fighting...

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Looks like the scandal really affected YEH and YSH. There's a scene where they were in a restaurant and thats the first scene since the scandal about them broke out, they seemed normal, but eversince the scandal broke out they are no longer seen hanging out together like they used to during their breaks. So sad that it has affected them making them feel awkward.

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The news about the rumor is quite long...6 minutes...thought it was only on print. YEH has to be strong with all these. Good, she mentioned about resorting to prayer....happy to read it :D

Would appreciate having a translation of the news....

YEH....praying for you....you will overcome all these.

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Can I just praise how wonderful our YEH is ... ? :D

I am well aware that CP finished over 2 years ... and I admit I have seen it thousands times before :rolleyes: BUT I am watching it again ... hehe ... YEH fever is getting me.

I am quite sad that MFL is not getting high ratings ... looking back at the ratings of PH and CP ... WOW ... they did really great. But, that does not put me off watching MFL ... I think the cast is doing great, esp the two leads.

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YEH recording the duet? the duet title is "Romance"? yes, it is "Romance"


'아부해' 윤은혜, 윤상현과 노래로 입맞춤…듀엣 '로맨스'

sigh..YEH should be very tired...

she don't even have time to change for recording...

she's still wearing one of the dress from mfl right...

yesterday ep was great!

and i think tonight ep will be greater~

welcome pp25k to the YEHouse~



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Guest -kazutoshi-

Thanks very much for the translation, ellayeh. Yea, I'd like to see YEH in a Japanese drama. That should be good, huh?

Shout out to smr sis - how's the sky? still blue? jk Hope you're doing OK there under the red sky.

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love this!


credit dceune

don't warriors think our YEH is so so so so cute!

her expression is hilarious~

laughing eyes...cute bunny teeth..upper facial dimples..*melts*

kaz bro! yea..it will be great if she star in J-drama..

her popularity in Japan is quite good right..its a good chance to expand it!


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hello everyone no subs yet on ep11

looks really good

as for all the gossip i hope they get thru it

and really let us have it

they r soooo talented it has to be awsome and i know they know

it allll eyes r onn them now

so even if it was a tactic to get people to notice

i hope they can continue to bring it

DC and HN r really doing an awsome job to bring it on MFL

thanx all

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waves to all warriors

ella I coundn't agree more. Her expression is so damn cute. :wub:

I wish smr05 is fine too. I heard the condition there is very bad.

Anyways I love this scene last night ^^

cr: dcmfl


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Hello~~ warriors ^^

Answers to the photo-hunt game.


elle~ you got one wrong! sorry~~~ :P

congrats! viola, face and De Jarje! But since no one here spotted/mentioned the significance of the ring, I'll save the points for my next game. :D

Call out for smr!!!!!!!!! I've got a present for you. Don't vanish into the orange dust!


Thanks all for the goodies. OMG, I can't stop listening to the 'Romance' song. ^^

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Herro Warriors!! :D

omg.. yods onni.. u know i wuv u right?!?

gosh if only!!

elles!! thank you so much for the translations!!

a message to YEH: young guys are so so so much better in every way! why cant you see that?!

haha just jokes!! YEH is such an oppa-lover! :P

lols, kaz bro, haha the sky is too blue ^^

but sky will be sprayed with fanta again this saturday, grrr.

i have yet to watch an J-dramas, but hey if YEH's for it, then it must be worth a go ^^

Spoiler for you all!!

After hearing of DC's car accident, Hyena rushes off to the hospital where he's at.

When she see's that he is alright, Hyena calms her nerves and then they.. they... KISS!!!

(source: Edaily SPN)

kekekeke :wub:

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Spoiler for you all!!

After hearing of DC's car accident, Hyena rushes off to the hospital where he's at.

When she see's that he is alright, Hyena calms her nerves and then they.. they... KISS!!!

(source: Edaily SPN)

kekekeke :wub:

Waaaaaah cannot wait for tomorrow. I have been waiting for this moment and finally tomorrow I get to see that long awaited moment! ^_^

Yods thanks for the yehshop. I saved your beautiful artwork.

ella sis thanks for the translated articles. Love reding them.

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Guest fatlouie85


SMR unni ur back! We missed u! :lol: Everyone was worried 4 u yesterday, glad u r ok :) & thanks for the spoiler! *scream in excitement* AHHH!!! FINALLY!!! I hope its really a kiss, nt some lip touching massage like movement <_< i wonder who makes the 1st move? heehee...

Hope to cya all tonight!!! MLF + YEH + WARRIORS FIGHTING!!!

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Thanks for the pics yodya

WOW ... our YEH is really great ... can't believe she looks great in whatever she wears.

Confession time ... I was a regular follower of this thread about 2 years ago ... then my final exams came up so I stopped following the news of YEH and this thread altogether. Now, being addicted to MFL and of course YEH ... I am here again under a different user name 'cos I don't remember the last one.

Getting excited about today's EP of MFL :D

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ahhhhh!! finally its time for another YEH kissue scene!!

we all know YEH is no frozen statue when it comes to kissue scenes so i'm super excited!!

im just hoping mr. yoon doesnt eat her up like how oh man seok did lols!!

hmm.. im getting confused with what words i should hide and what not to.. hehe ^^;

pp25k! i'm not sure if we've welcomed you here with ur new soompi ID, but welcome to the YEHouse!! :D

MFL and the long awaited kissue in an hour!! :D :D

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