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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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YoonEunHye♥윤은혜 ‏@1003Grace

마태복음 5:7 긍휼히 여기는 자는 복이 있나니 그들이 긍휼히 여김을 받을 것임이요 *주님의 그 긍휼히 여기는 마음을 주셔서 불쌍하고 아파하는 자들 그리고 내가족과 이웃들에게 긍휼함을 베푸는 자가 되길 소망합니다. 주변과 함께 하는 복된 주말되세용

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Guest glam0828

too bad i am not in s.korea right now,i would love to buy the samantha thavasa bag and the clothe she wore in MHIYD were she joined the contest.

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Guest ferlydee

I am jealous of those who were able to buy items from YEH's bazaar for a cause.  I wanted the Thavasa bags and one of her outfits, jacket or sweater.  Oh well, Korea is thousand miles away from where I live, perhaps in 10 years I will be able to save money for the trip, lol. Anyway, so glad that the bazaar to raise funds was a success and YEH will be able to help those seniors who live alone or no place to stay, is that right?  Good for her, I hope she will stay alive longer to continue her advocacy, that is helping less fortunate people and make them feel they are loved and not neglected or abandoned.  God bless you YEH and thanks to Jade Choi and some others , you know who you are, who posted the photos above. you make YEH's fans happy.  

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Bts group picture in the set of Chronicle of a Blood Merchant , Can't wait to watch YEH's movie. No confirm date when was Chronicle of a Blood Merchant will be shown, either end of this year or early next year. 
 I'm so sorry if not YEH at the middle. I thought she was. cr:czakhareina

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I thought that the middle person was Ha Ji Won, especially since she's the lead actress....
Anywayzzz, thanks for all the pics and vids of YEH....  Happy that her charity event was a success.  And she looks amazing in the photos.  AND, very happy that she's involved in Hunger Saver....  Really a kindhearted person...

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