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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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LOL @jennaray. I don't know...
However, FYI, it seems like 90% of the people in the Korean entertainment industry, whether they are artists, managers, or executives, are Christians (Catholic or Protestant). Google all your favorite celebrities from South Korea. There are a few Buddhist, off the top of my head I can only think of Kim Jong Kook and Changmin.
Note, this is really interesting, because the plurality of Koreans in South Korea have no religion (irreligious, not atheist). The only celebrity I can think of off the top of my head is Lee Seung Gi. 
Just wanted to put this transition into context... [Edited]

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Guest daysofgrace

@jennaray What you said is quite possible, or if we take it one step further maybe their company will be promoting the careers of Christian artists, that's possible too. Now assuming that is her company's new thrust it really doesn't hurt anyone, does it? On the other hand they may be able to help some artists who haven't yet found the right home because they can't subscribe to ways of doing business that may go against their convictions of what is right and honorable. But let's put all assumptions aside because there's a lot of things we don't know. What we do know is that YEH has always acted according to her personal convictions and sometimes the world may not fully agree with that but it definitely allows her to move about her business with contentment, clear direction and peace of mind. There's nothing wrong with that.

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Guest daysofgrace

@lano Thank you for reading my thoughts. Whether it matters a big deal or not is really the fans' choice. We could turn it into a major issue and say goodbye to YEH because we don't like the new name, or we could put things into proper perspective, focus on the good intentions behind them and worry less about convention or what we have been accustomed to. There is always a perfect time for change to happen. I choose to see the positive things that YEH and her group have envisioned and quietly cheer them on. YEH has a good heart, and out of a good heart can only come good intentions.

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Guest daysofgrace

It could be ages before I can come to visit again so may I just say a big "bogoshipeo" to some old friends from this thread - @lenvalles @santaiah178 @julieng50 @curiousyeh @lhay @chichocs. Are you ladies still around? And to all those who are always here, thank you for keeping this thread going so we can have a place to come back to. We appreciate you! Take care.

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@daysofgrace I am sorry if I misunderstood you when I said that you were concluding it really doesn't matter. I will correct.
I was responding to some people's contentions. I can only surmise that they were concerned that YEH was expressing her faith too much. I wanted to highlight the fact that it seems that the South Korean entertainment industry is a place with a lot of Christians and where a lot of celebrities feel comfortable outwardly expressing their faith regardless of what it is. Thus, YEH would not be alone, and would be in the norm, if this gesture is an expression of that. Moreover, it seems that since YEH is a top star, there is more publicity when she takes those types of actions.
Needless to say, I believe everyone should be able to express their faith, but that is my personal opinion. Further, I don't interpret this action as requiring others to follow her religion or putting other religions down. This is why I do not think it really matters. 
I understand that for some people it is a big deal, and if it is I would hope that they would apply that same principle to everyone. 

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Guest daysofgrace

@lano Oh, please don't worry about what you said earlier - I didn't see any problem at all. :) And I totally agree with you - expressing one's faith and imposing one's faith on others are two different things. I understand how some fans may feel uncomfortable about YEH being too open in expressing what she believes in, but that's really nothing new. People by nature generally feel uncomfortable with anything they don't know much about, be it about religion, philosophy, culture, political beliefs, etc. and will feel alienated, possibly even threatened, when faced with something that's unfamiliar. However, let me just say this and this is coming from someone who shares YEH's faith and totally understands her heart - by her actions YEH is in no way imposing or forcing her faith on anyone, she is LIVING it! Let's give her the freedom to do so just as we expect the same freedom for ourselves, no matter what or who we believe in.

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Guest MarzLaikaL

hi!! i know a lot have been troubled by the change of YEH's company name to JArmy... but it connotes to different names right? for me, as YEH is an independent, strong-willed woman & a fighter of her own... perhaps the JArmy connotes JOAN's Army of "Joan of Arc"? we all know that Joan defied all men in the battle... this is what perhaps YEH is trying to project... that in any endeavors women have a way to survive & succeed... it just my pov guys...

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@daysofgrace ''People by nature generally feel uncomfortable with anything they don't know much about, be it about religion, philosophy, culture, political beliefs, etc. and will feel alienated, possibly even threatened, when faced with something that's unfamiliar.''yes, when people think differently  from us that's only because they don't know much and they feel threatened...i love it when people are so sure that they are right and treat the other people either as children who don't know any better or jut plain wrong

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Although some have raised their issues about the new name of YEH’s fanclub, but for me, all I can see is the positivity that word AMAZING connotes. Imagine, I can now brag that I AM AMAZING without worrying that people might find me as a very conceited person. Since as a YEH fan, I am indeed AMAZING literally and figuratively, isn’t that AMAZING that WE ARE ALL AMAZING?

And if I were to interpret the significant of AMAZING to YEH or Grace I would like to see it this way. AMAZING when put beside GRACE creates AMAZING GRACE, so therefore, if AMAZING will always be beside GRACE, there will always be an AMAZING GRACE, which makes really sense to me. I think as fans, instead of being overly critical about YEH, we should always be by her side supporting, understanding and cheering her on most especially in times when there are changes that she wants to explore so that she can attain success. And also, we should always trust YEH’s wisdom and sensibility that she will not decide on something without putting much consideration into it.  

Just like the rest of you here, I hope that with all these changes and development, we can see a lot of YEH since it has been said that she is also eyeing for a global market.

Cheers and have a great day to everyone!

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Guest ferlydee

Let's all just be positive.  I really don't mind the change of her agency and the official fans club.  I am solely independent fan, I like YEH so much starting from Lie to Me and all of her dramas so I started exploring fans blogs and this where I found the biggest fan base, here in soompi forum.  But regardless, I just want to see her happy, healthy and lots of business opportunities.  Oh, I remember, I used to be a member of chunhye group, they're so much fun and friendly, same as here.  Ad long as YEH is happy, I'm happy, so let's just be happy for her, okay guys?  Thanks.

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AsiyeK said: j army- jesus' army?to be honest i don't like the namei know yeh is super religious but making her religion apart of her business is kind of weird to mei felt that way about her coffee shop too
i don't want to anger anyone but i strongly feel that religion is VERY personel and i feel uncomfortable about people who is too vocal or too expressive(?) about their religioni am not sure about how to word it but feels awkward or weird or sth :-S
again !i am not trying to start a fight, i am a fan and i feel i have a right to express how i feel about the subjecti am still a fan and i love YEH

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Guest santaiah178

daysofgrace said: @lano Oh, please don't worry about what you said earlier - I didn't see any problem at all. :) And I totally agree with you - expressing one's faith and imposing one's faith on others are two different things. I understand how some fans may feel uncomfortable about YEH being too open in expressing what she believes in, but that's really nothing new. People by nature generally feel uncomfortable with anything they don't know much about, be it about religion, philosophy, culture, political beliefs, etc. and will feel alienated, possibly even threatened, when faced with something that's unfamiliar. However, let me just say this and this is coming from someone who shares YEH's faith and totally understands her heart - by her actions YEH is in no way imposing or forcing her faith on anyone, she is LIVING it! Let's give her the freedom to do so just as we expect the same freedom for ourselves, no matter what or who we believe in.

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Guest daysofgrace

@santaiah178‌ Hello, I missed exchanging POVs with you! Hope all is well in your life? I'm on vacation briefly so I had time to visit the thread. Believe me, I know the subject of religious differences is not only a complicated one but more so a very sensitive one, but since this is not the right venue for discussing these things in depth I tried to simplify it as best as I can without stepping on anyone's toes. I hope nobody misunderstood my comments or thinks I'm trying to act all-knowing or condescending because that's really not our objective when we share our thoughts and opinions here. It's always good to see different sides to an issue and be open to hear other people's perspectives which may be different from ours. It helps us to think more intelligently and form healthy and well-informed opinions. There's always something to learn from one another as long as we know how to respect our differences. Having said that, we can either beat this name change issue to death or together we can decide to embrace the change, trust YEH's intentions and allow her to exercise her prerogatives freely. Now we know why she hasn't been as visible lately, she's busy reorganizing her "house." In my professional life I do a lot of these things so I can appreciate the amount of time, planning and effort it takes to complete it. Lately I have been watching a few dramas which I find quite entertaining, but am looking forward to seeing Yoon Eun Hye's cuteness grace my screen again. But all in due time... when she's good and ready. :)

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@daysofgrace 'Yes, I do think when you made this statement that you did not know any better, were IGNORANT, or INTOLERANT...' '...people make improper assumptions without any factual basis and ignore cultural differences to reach GROSS conclusions.'Well you do disagree so respectfully indeed. you don't want to sound like  a know it all but you are behaving like  one and belittling different opinions you persitently say my discomfort is from my ignorance, on the contrary l know highly religious people too well especially the ones who keep talking about religion all the timel know how close minded they are in spite of claiming to be otherwise(I am talking about people and their behaviors not the religion itself)to me, faith is ONLY between God and the person himself, it is in your heart, it doesn't need spectators
whatever, this is my opinion and the conclusion my experiences lead me apparently your experiences led you to a different conclusion l don't want to offend you or anyone who shares your beliefs about the subject
l still feel uncomfortable about it but it doesn't stop me from loving and supporting YEH :)>- (unless she goes cray cray then l am out:D)

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Thank you for proving my point about gross conclusions.... AsiyeK said: @daysofgrace 'Yes, I do think when you made this statement that you did not know any better, were IGNORANT, or INTOLERANT...' '...people make improper assumptions without any factual basis and ignore cultural differences to reach GROSS conclusions.'Well you do disagree so respectfully indeed. you don't want to sound like  a know it all but you are behaving like  one and belittling different opinions you persitently say my discomfort is from my ignorance, on the contrary l know highly religious people too well especially the ones who keep talking about religion all the timel know how close minded they are in spite of claiming to be otherwise(I am talking about people and their behaviors not the religion itself)to me, faith is ONLY between God and the person himself, it is in your heart, it doesn't need spectators
whatever, this is my opinion and the conclusion my experiences lead me apparently your experiences led you to a different conclusion l don't want to offend you or anyone who shares your beliefs about the subject
l still feel uncomfortable about it but it doesn't stop me from loving and supporting YEH :)>- (unless she goes cray cray then l am out:D)

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 @lano yep, freedom of speeh and everything but when someone expresses a different opinion they are ignorant and intolarent and grossyou must think you are very knowledgeable and tolarent, well we have differing opinions on that one as well
and people do ridiculous things when it comes to religion when  korean christians were praying that lady gaga concert doesn't happen they were cray cray , when a man stops me on the on the road and asks me if l know the Lord he was disturbing and imposing, when so many people are against gay marriage thinking they have a right to decide how other people should live they are obnoxious...l can go for daysI RESPECT PEOPLE and their rights- all of their rights-but l can't respect all their beliefs and the stupid stuff they do in the name of godone of my favourite quotes: I've got nothing against God. It's his Fan Club I can't stand.

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