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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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several filipinos  travelled  hours to see YEH at the airport  they saw her even from a distance.they cant moved even an inch forward because of tight security.they said YEH was tall  but very much covered to see her pretty face.they went to the hotel and left gifts but left when found out there was no meet and greet happening.they were a bit dissapointed and unwelcome.i thinkits too much for them to even expect anything.at the same breath i can understand how they feel.you guys know i am a die hard YEH.but even me dont understand the neccesity of covering her face.she is very pretty anyways.if she is travelling incognito its understandable.but when its an announced visit  they should know fans will welcome her. why cover her face.

in many travels i saw madonna,bette midler.angelina jolie wt kids they just came out as they were even with bodyguards nobody approached them.we saw some KPOP idols walking around Korean Town in LA they were recognized but people did not bother them.as much as i love YEH i know she was not in vietnam for fans but it will be good for her image to   be not accesible at all  but friendlier if only to appear approachable instead of dont touch me.just saying.


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Guest novchime

Hi @momche, I agree with you.  I like YEH a lot, but was also surprised when I saw the airport videos/pictures.  I think of three possibilities:

1. maybe she was afraid of fans who might hurt her.  But why?  I hope she will not be apprehensive anymore but just walk normally and greet the fans who came all the way to see her.  I think there are more fans who hope only what is best for her than those who want to harm her.

2. maybe the brands she is advertising do not want her to show her face/lips in public (except in dramas and films).  But then why would they be too limiting?  Like you said other celebrities could just walk normally....

3. maybe she had edema again and was sort of hiding it?  But then she did not hide her face during the sessions in Vietnam.

Anyway, I respect whatever her reasons were.  I know she is a good person and has good thoughts about others.  But next time, I hope she will just be herself and not hide.

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class="content-title" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 26px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.4em; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 0px; visibility: visible; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Yoon Eun Hye is First Korean Actress to Grace Cover of Vietnam’s Harper’s Bazaar

What a beloved actress!

Yoon Eun Hye proves her overseas popularity by being the first Korean actress to be featured on the cover of the Vietnamese edition of Harper’s Bazaar. She will be on the cover of the July issue of the fashion magazine.

One representative stated, “Yoon Eun Hye is one of the most popular Korean actresses in the Greater China Region and Southeast Asia” and “Harper’s Bazaar took into consideration her high popularity to select her as the cover model for its Vietnamese edition.”

Can’t wait to see the magazine!

In related news, it’s also being reported that Yoon Eun Hye’s most recent drama, “Missing You,” is currently gaining a lot of popularity overseas in the Greater China Region.

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Guest dulcet1430291931

ok I don't post much but I felt the need to do it. YEH was friendly when she arrived she did wave to fans and took their gifts and even while covered up you could see her smiling to them so I don't know how that's considered unfriendly. It was obvious that she was tired and her face was bloated that's why she tried to cover her face. I remember in one of her fanmeetings she said sometimes it's not that she doesn't want to sign for fans or talk to them it's just that she feels sorry if she let them see her all worn out. so you got to understand that yes she is pretty but like all of us she has her insecurities as well especially when  she is the kind of celebrity that one bad pic of her can make news . Also about not meeting with her fans after how can you expect that when she had to finish two photoshoots attend a business dinner and an event in less than three days all while enduring the weather that she herself said could not adapt to. So yeah I think she did her best and as a fan am just thankful that she returned home safely.

@momche I think you meant Vietnamese not Filipinos right..

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Guest yoonyoo

To me I understand why YEH covered her face at the airport. Like we all know she has an illness where her face gets bloated really easily when she is tired and of course after a flight, everybody would get tired. During the Burberry event, we can still see her face is still bloated. And you know there are a lot of paparazzi and reporters who would twist the truth to make a headline. You prabably don't know that because of her illness which they never mind to look into and to understand why her face got so swollen, they wrote articles about her getting plastic surgery. Last year, she appeared at an event before IMY airing. I think the event is a prescon where she appeared to be a judge for film category or something like that I don't remember the exact name. And do you know what they write about her? It's a Vietnamese article I read so you probably never came across it. Becaue her face was bloated, They said her beauty is going down because she has gone through plastic surgeries! Just because her face got bloated. And just a few days ago after the Burberry event, I saw a headline saying examples of bad plastic surgeries and I saw her picture (at the Burberry event) along with other actresses who got plastic surgeries. I did not even click on the link to read it but I felt so mad that I swear I would not read articles from that website again because they write about things that they don't even know if it is true or not but just make assumptions. Luckily YEH can't read Vietnamese. What I mean is she is an a-list actress, every little thing about her can become headline and get twisted. And as a face of many beauty endorsements, she does not only take care of her face, her beauty for herself but also for the company and their contract. I feel really bad when a nice girl like her who has her own situation that not many people know about, always got misunderstood and then get negetive comments because people take advantage of her name, and people who make assumption about her without knowing her and her situation.

Now I'm afraid that Vietnamese who are not her fan and who don't really know her would think that she actually got plastic surgery because of those untrue articles.

EH ah, to me you are forever beautiful!! INSIDE and OUT!!!

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 being in the medical field, I do understand YEH's health condition. some ppl  judge whatever they see  in YEH's outside appearance. her health issues is a very private matter that should not be discussed in public, unless she HERSELF will say sth about it. so, to our dear PRINCESS, FIGHTING!!!!!!! wishing you the best of health.

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@momche, I guess you mean Vietnamese fans and not Filipino fans right?

Anyway, if I remember correctly, when YEH arrived in Hanoi, video showed her waving her hand at fans and she only had a scarf around her neck which covered her lower lip and chin so her face was basically exposed and can be clearly seen. YEH even stopped to accept a bouquet of flowers that fans handed over to her. When a reporter fell in front of her, she even reached out her hand to try and help him up along with MSM and her manager (forgot his name). When YEH arrived at her hotel she was shown still clutching the bouquet that the fan handed her at the airport. This being the case, I can't understand how she can be described as unfriendly in any way or form.

In the photoshoot, the tight security of the people in charge prevented fans and reporters from coming near YEH and even taking pictures, I guess this is to prevent leakage of any pictures for the magazine before it is released, which is understandable. At the Burberry event, she also smiled and waved to the people lined up along the red carpet, if reporters or fans could not approach, this is not under her control but the security for the event so this CANNOT be blamed on YEH at all.

Regarding her covered up face upon arrival at Incheon Airport, this I will put to the possibility that her face may be bloated, due to her edema, (especially since, at the Burberry event, there were already signs of slight bloating of her face). As a beauty product/s endorser, YEH has the responsibility of looking her best at all times, hence, should YEH feel that she will not give justice to the product/s she is endorsing, for whatever reason, I fully understand her covering up as part of her professionalism with regards to her endorsements. This does not make YEH an unfriendly person but a professional and responsible product endorser.

People YEH is HUMAN, there will be times when she will feel that she is not presentable enough to show her face in public (although we ALWAYS think she is gorgeous and pretty) so lets give her our understanding during these rare times.

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Guest kevin1320

Just one thing that im going to do for the rest of my fan life "as long as yeh doesnt care about what other people say to her, i wont care either". She is the one who know the best about herself, we cant judge her for anything and noone has the right to say or judge her

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Guest facing

It was early morning when she arrived to Korea and she was probably sleeping on the plane. You know how our faces look during this situation right? Why so surprised that she covered her face? Idk about others but I would cover my face as well in that situation or wearing sunglasses.....and I'm a normal person not celebrities....just saying B-)

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Guest viola010

We are here to support YEH. We all like her. As fans why not trying to understand her instead of complaining. Feel a little bit frustrated when reading some posts here.

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Guest sllforest

hi everyone,as a famous and public stars whose every little thing will be made use of by  the media and to get eyeball.they always twist the truth. we can watch the pictures and videos from the airport in Hanoi of YEH,SHE IS SO FRIENDLY AND WAVED HANDS TO EVERYONE,although she looked so tired and unwell!

so we need not care some bad articles about YEH,most  articles are postive and good ,we can not control the media,media is such,it is impossible to write good things always ,they need twist the truth to get eyeball and make money,our people mostly never trust in the media,they just regard the media as a  entertainment.so we need not worry about it

as YEH'fan,meet with so many things.For me,i think i just need to  support her and like her all the time like before and ingnore everything bad.I think our YEH hope we just do such,because every star just hope when they meet with bad things,they just hope their fans can understand them and like them like before,that's enough~

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Guest santaiah178

With the way people or media always making random assumption about her act despite how innocent it may look like I don't blame her if she took that action by covering almost her whole face at the airport. I mean, just take a look at how she's deemed as ugly compare to other actress when her picture with 2 other actresses came up on an event (I think you all know which pic is that) just because the angle of her pose. Or how her tweet were twisted which making impression that she's a selfish person (remember her bus tweet accident everyone?). And it saddened me that now she rarely post a personal tweet again, mostly about some events or her store 84 over e now, because of that. We don't know the real reason why she's covering her face. Maybe because of her health condition or a reason that can't be explained. But I think we should refrain from drawing a random assumption here.And contrary to some warriors here who said that YEH didn't read news about her recent event in Vietnam, I think she read it (by using a translator of course). That's how a celebs always keeping a track about how people or media respond to her/his latest works/activity. So maybe because of reading those negative news she decided to shorten her visitation in Vietnam ? I'm not really sure but seriously with what Kevin has said, why should Vietnamese medias bash her (or blame her) just because they didn't allowed to take picture with their camera inside ? Just blame it to the organizer who make the regulation not YEH. Sigh. It's not easy to be YEH. Every action she takes always been scrutinized by magnifying glass. Anyway about her reaction toward her fans in close range I think people should take into consideration of how she's not comfortable with people she barely knew. She said it before on her interview. Besides she has had bad experience before with some antifan who's disguised as fan to attack her (in her Baby VOX days)
Anyhow, CONGRATS to our YEH for being chosen as best actress on Dramafevers Awards. Although it's not as prestigious as BA but it's still meaningful since 500,000 people in US & Canada choose her :-bd

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Guest yoonyoo

Just want to make you guys feel a little better. There was only one negative article about her after the event in Vietnam, which they general make false assumption. It is only one among many many articles that praises YEH for her friendliness and down to earth when they see her actions of appreciating the fans' flowers and when she helped the reporter up. There were no article saying she was unfriendly and hard to reach. I don't remember where i read it, maybe here when somebody update about the burbery event, but there was an Vietnamese actress who got to be close to her during the event said YEH looks pretty, elegent, nice and very well manner on her facebook. So there is only one negative article that they bring her name in to make more viewers. And plus this article is generalized to many other actresses, even some from China. It is not specific pointing to YEH only (but i still hate it). Just like @sllforest  said there are a lot of good Vietnamese articles about her regarding her visit. So don't let one unworthy article ruin your mood.
Edit: I can collect all the good articles and post here so you guys can compare to only one-that-should-deserve-to-be-ignored. But i'm too lazy lol.

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Guest 50julieng

Don't we just rally the RANTING several weeks ago and it seems we going to rant every months from now on...Hooray we in same pms cycle for this month...but PLEASE PLEASE Business And Marketing Overview |YEH is a STAR with angel wings she can dust off the nonsense those writers wrote about her.  I think she is at the age not care anymore about her appearance or what ppl comments.  The more you famous the more you get bash, but there are always true fans stand by her like us  so PLEASE let this topic drops than we can cheering for her latest news!  Group hugs you all T4624


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Her face is half covered but even if she's probably tired she still managed to wave and smile to the fans, acccept flowers, helped a reporter who fell, wave even inside the car, and still clutching the bouquet given by her fans. wp201304281.jpg
and in the Burberry event she greeted her fans by smiling and waving, and still waved and smile to them before she left the event venue. wp20130428.jpg
As we all have seen in her previous photos she doesn't always cover her face when travelling, so I'm sure there's a need why she did that in Vietnam.

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i read @ hyun bin soompi that he is going to comeback to the small screen with bipolar role ( hyun bin singapore fan meeting 2013 )...& yeh news that she is in the middle to choose her next projects...i hope this 2 talented actors & actresses can works together in the small screen this year...sorry for bring it that news here guys...

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