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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Guest 50julieng
8568.gifThank you Chichocs and Lovelyfan....you are so fast..She looked pretty with her leopard trend coat.  The store's theme and models all dressed up Jungle Fever....lol.. Popular in California stores sell many different animal prints right now..!!..
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Guest lovelyfan

Chichocs ~ Thanks for updating the latest pics :D

YEH will be in HK for a week

Lucky HK fans...will have more chances to see YEH :)


One more pic from MCM event



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I am so excited to see YEH in person tonight!~ Although the reporters / cameras blocked her from my view most of the time....

The pics from various media reports sure are much better....hehehe.

Unfortunately, I tried to wait for her for an autograph but failed, not sure if she left the shop secretly or what....

She is the coolest gal there, wearing MCM clothes. Unlike other local models wearing their own dresses.

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Guest 50julieng

I am so excited to see YEH in person tonight!~ Although the reporters / cameras blocked her from my view most of the time....

The pics from various media reports sure are much better....hehehe.

Unfortunately, I tried to wait for her for an autograph but failed, not sure if she left the shop secretly or what....

She is the coolest gal there, wearing MCM clothes.  Unlike other local models wearing their own dresses.

mone-arbol-navidad.gif I didn't know you live in HK...You are so lucky...I hope you have a chance to talk with her and please telll her many fans at soompi waiting for her next drama and alot of love from us...to her..

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Guest MariYEH

@princessfiana Congratulations for finally seeing YEH in person. :wub: If I one day see her in person, I'd probably need a chair behind me, cause I probably faint from the excitement.

According to Chinese media, there were so many people outside screaming for YEH's name.

Reporters asked her till when she will be staying in Hong Kong, she said for a week. She said she has been in Hong Kong twice already and that she want to stay longer to go shopping and eat yummy Hong Kong food. She cheekily added that infact, she is hungry right now and can't wait to eat...also that by the time she goes back to Korea, she'd probably gain a few pounds from all the yummy food she's about to eat.. :wub:

She also said that last time she was in Hong Kong, she tried to go out in disguise, but the media still recognized her, so she ended going back to the hotel.

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@Lovelyfan...welcome n thank u for the pic.. ^_^

@Princessfiana...u so lucky can see her in person, I wish I live in HK rite now ;)

@MariYEH..thanks sis for the news translation blush.gif

here pics taken by China fan...





all the fans who were at the MCM said YEH so pretty j_0013.gif



here short vid taken by fan


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Guest kevin1320

 i think there r only 2 VIPs attendee since only 2 of them took picture with the owner (i guessed) right in front of the store...

she looked so good last night...

i heard she will stay at HongKong for a week...

wnoder if she has any other project to do

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Guest MariYEH





前日到港的韓星尹恩惠,昨日以主禮嘉賓身份出席德國精品皮具品牌MCM銅鑼灣全新衞星概念店開幕禮,穿豹紋trench coat現身的她型格非常,甫到場就令fans尖叫兼大叫她的名字。她受訪時態度友善,更稱會來港一周,但她未有正面回答有甚麼工作,只說:「暫時諗唔到,因為我好肚餓,想活動完後就去食嘢,每次來港都會肥!我知香港係購物天堂,但亦知會被跟蹤,冇自由。」她續說:「我仲記得初次來港,點知喬裝都畀人認出,最終都要返酒店。」


cr: sammi98@yooneunhye.cn

Some YEH MCM articles (hopefully someone can give a gist of some articles)



韓國女星尹恩惠昨晚為MCM 概念店開幕任剪綵嘉賓,她透露今次會逗留一星期,最想逛街購物與品嘗美食,笑言每次來港也會長胖。兩年前她曾來港,當時她刻意樸素打扮,想掩人耳目出街逛,結果她的行蹤還是暴露,掃興返回酒店。尹恩惠稱,由於在韓國自己不可能自由自在逛街,故最想在香港享受這樂趣。問到來港會否為男友選購禮物? 尹恩惠笑說若有男友,一定會送禮物給對方。但當被問到是否留意韓國女主播韓成珠的情慾片段在網上流傳?尹恩惠的經理人即時終止訪問,並帶她離開。



來港擔任剪綵嘉賓 尹恩惠 望擺脫傳媒購物

香港文匯報訊 韓國女星尹恩惠聯同余文樂一起擔任「MCM全新衛星概念店」開幕典禮的剪綵嘉賓。兩年前曾到香港的尹恩惠,此行將會逗留一星期。難得來到香港,會否四出購物?她表示香港是購物天堂,也很想外出逛逛,但因每次都有媒體跟隨採訪,實令她寸步難移。她又指有一次低調地外出,但仍為人識破,無奈地只好折返酒店。她又直言鍾情香港的美食,每次都會令自己的體重「滿載而歸」。
















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Guest kevin1320

her clutch....

looks so good..so fit her..

i dont know where to search for MCM clothes...on MCM website, there r only purses and shoes

NY Multi Frame Crytal


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Guest MariYEH

YEH said to chinese reporters:

"I'm examining a good scenario (script) right now and I'm hoping to make the fans happy." (so this means, she is already interested in a particular script and that she has pretty much made up her mind. )

Repoters asked: Christmas is coming do you want to buy a present for your boyfriend?

YEH: I don't have a boyfriend so I dont have to buy one. Bu if someday I have a boyfriend, I will buy one. :lol:

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