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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Which of YEH's drama characters is the most endearing to you? Please rank in the order of preference and explain why.

1. Shin Chaegyung (Princess Hours)

2. Lee Ji Hyun (The Vineyard Man)

3. Go Eun Chan (Coffee Prince)

4. Kang Hye Na (My Fair Lady)

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Guest Peppermint-

^Seriously, do not take in Javabeans review!! Watch the finale, it was really, really sweet! :)

My nr.1 will always be My Chan <3 The other characters all rank as nr.2 in my book, 'cause I can't really choose between them :P Awww... I miss YEH already.. :(

Smr: My thoughts exactly!! :)

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Hello Warriors!!!

I can't believe MFL ended already. T.T But congrats to the casts and esp. YEH who pulled the ratings up to 19!

YEH is the Rating Queen indeed.

smr sis, you read my mind! Can't say that better myself. ^^

I can't choose, rsu618. If it's YEH's drama, it sure gets my attention and I really enjoyed every role she portrayed.

Obsessed much? lols

I hope YEH won't make us fans tortured with her long pause again. ^^;

And for her next project, I'd love to see her in action movie/drama (I'm with you viola actually you made me want action with your idea~ lmao). But may I add... with SJS, please? keke


Thanks all for the goodies. ^^

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Herro Warriors!!

welcome to the YEHouse HC, picpoc16, chee13, edna101763!! :D

fresh oppa, i couldnt agree with you more.

no offense to the other cast members since i know they have done their part to the fullest, but u cant deny that if it wasnt for YEH and her force in the drama field i doubt this drama would have sustained and maintained a consistent 2 digit viewership rating, with what it had to offer in terms of production value - it didnt have a big budget to play with, it didnt have the convenience of time, it didnt have a reliable/trustworthy production company and the scripts were either delivered a night before or on the day of it airing date. Yet it still managed to bring in a huge, loyal fanbase and also managed to fill up the full 30-32 CF slots, unlike its rival series. Given these tough circumstances, it started on top and finished on top.. if this isnt what you call a successful drama, i have NO idea what is.. (and it seems some media outlets are still saying otherwise.. sighs)

I am only left with love and admiration for YEH.. i cant help but support this fine actress.

now.. on a lighter note.. im gonna miss these two!! :(


I agreed with you...Yes...Yes...YEH you are indeed a rating hit maker....despite of the flaws of MFL in direction and script..YEH still managed to bring the drama to two -digit rating and the last episode is the highest ever...I believe in you..how come you managed to create a chemistry with all your leading men? you are really passionate in your craft.. please do'nt make us wait for so long...

Oh your detractors will be sad because, they fail to bring you down..I initially a little bit angry at PD, director, writers for failing to give you an amazing comeback vehicle but your talent really offset all flaws of the drama and this is a success..

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Guest facing

According to the other day smr told us to give an encourage to MFL casts.

These are the books that they gave to the main 4 casts :)

cr: dcmfl





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Guest lovelyfan

Congrats to YEH for another successful drama^^

I really enjoyed the journey with MFL

Looking forward to her next project

YEH Fighting!!!

Our beautiful Hye Na :rolleyes:


credit dc mfl

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Guest kapeadik

I just got done watching and skimming through all that I have missed last night. I'm so happy with the final episode! Except for the obvious editing problems and the hodge-podge character resolutions, yes down to the butler and maid trios (I blame this on all those who request such and such to happen to their favored characters but then still end up hating everything and ranting to the heavens...geez louise, pass the ketchup please! :P ), I loved how they treated the emotional scenes especially gramps' death. I think it became more heartfelt because they didn't milk it for the tearjerker scene that it could have been. I may sound mean but I liked it every time YEH cried in a scene...she's so darn good! :o:D Some people (coughJB&herobviousfanscough) complained of the scenes showing how DC and HN missed each other, and how protective butler Jang and maid Jo were on the 24 year-old HN, but in my opinion they were completely way off-target or they're all just plain cynics. I say good for the others who were so proud to declare that they gave up watching the series :rolleyes: ---these type of people, yes, those who can not or are not willing to suspend their disbelief and cynical views even for an hour should never even get near works of this genre...just go watch the news for your 24/7 craving of reality for goodness' sake! Furthermore, I sincerely pity those people (I'm coughing again here!) who watched all the way through the series just to have something to write or, should I say, whine about on their blogs. I mean, what's the deal?! Not enough real problems in the world to complain about instead?! In fairness, some of these same people don't put any blame on the actors, especially on YEH. I just hope the scriptwriters, the PD, and the other production staff have a good hold on their emotions and psyche if ever they come to read all the (bordering to be extremely) nasty comments directed at them. Meanwhile, some comments were entirely ludicrous that I won't waste my time reading them except if I'm looking for a good laugh...enough said!

Of course, I love the impromptu ending scene (aside from that in the airport...particularly, "you're supposed to pick me up and carry me off at this point" :wub: and how YEH tried to exact revenge on YSH when her butt got whacked again) :lol: ! There clearly is an awesome "relationship" between YEH and YSH that they are able to easily and effortlessly translate it on-screen... loved how they broke off-character in the end!

Although our YEH had a difficult time with this drama, in the end she gained a lot of admiration not only as an actress but as the exceptionally kindhearted person that we all know and love her to be. At the very least, no one can doubt her status as a STAR, E-V-E-R!

Will patiently wait again for your next project...go, go, go YEH! :)

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Guest facing

Great statement kape Thumb Up!!!!!!

You spoke exactly what on my mind!!!!!**cough cough that blog** :D

I don't know why some peoples are acting this way. If they didn't like it, why bother wasted your precious times to write, read or comment anythings relate to it. I would never waste any of my time to read or watch anything that I disliked.

The only reason I still visit **cough that blog** is because I knew how they were going to criticize the drama that I like and adore very much.

And just look at the responses of the article, there were tremendous compared with other articles.

Who said this drama was such a failure, when people are so interested in it??!!!??

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Guest bokchi

i've never posted anything before in the forum so sorry if this post comes up as an error.

it's 1.15 pm my time, just finish last episode of mfl, keep repeating the impromptu screen over & over again, falls deeply deeply in love with yoons couple, listening to mfl ost & pouring my heart out.

to me it's like i'm in a journey with yeh...

starting with goong when she is just this new face actress a girl young innocent green inexperienced in acting but tried her best - love her there & make a note to watch her drama.

followed by cf (i skip vm) she's grown up a little here but boy what a big leap in her acting skills - totally & unconditionally love her, will follow her every step of the way, whether is up or down, no question asked.

now in mfl... watch the girl becomes a woman, she got courage, takes risk. applauded yeh for being strong, despite all the critics she didn't leave & break down but finish what she started, really admired her for that. not too sure what the next step in love is if there is any. i guess love & respect.

so... agasshi please remember that you are loved by lots lots lots lots of us here & by ysh too of course.

keep the good work & i'll see you in your next drama.

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Guest Fresh02

Does anyone know what YEH's BFF's cy url is?

This is YEH's friend's (PGY) cyworld:


She's YEH's long time friend and also works for her as an assistant/photo manager. She periodically posts pics of YEH on her cyworld. She was actually at the wrap party, she's the woman in black sitting next to YSH (check MFL thread for the pics).

Thanks everyone for the pics from the wrap party!

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I just finished watching MFL (with sub).

First, I am sad that it has ended :(

Second, I think the whole cast did a great job, esp after reading how the resources were limited for MFL (from smr's comment) and still did well, esp with the online fans. (I don't really know how well it did in Korea.)

Third, our YEH has done a superb job again ... I will be honest here. If it wasn't for YEH, then I probably gave up watching it mid-way; no offence to other casts. But, I am glad that I have watched the whole series because I have grown to like TY-EJ esp in the last 2eps. They were cute and I like how they were able to let go of those they loved. I have a dislike of how the second leads turn nasty and get really emotional.

Fourth, as for the recappers (in other sites), although I am thankful for their effort, I think they should have kept to constructive criticism, rather than trying to downplay the actors/actresses or PD or anyone, who have entertained us with their hard work. So, when I visited these sites, I have stopped reading their personal comments and I just tried to get to the plot (but it was very difficult to avoid their comments <_< ).

Finally, THANK YOU, YEH!!!

I have thoroughly enjoyed your work again. I hope to see your work (including your art work) soon; of course you have to rest well first and recharge your energy before another project. Stay healthy :)

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Guest MariYEH

source: http://www.allkpop.com/index.php/full_stor...s_parting_gift/

Yoon Eun Hye Gives Puma Shoes As Parting Gift

Shortly after ending filming for her drama, My Fair Lady on the 8th, Yoon Eun Hye showed her appreciation for everyone on the production team with a meaningful parting gift in the form of Puma shoes.

It was reported that in the middle of September, Eun Hye had secretly enquired about the shoe sizes of everyone on the production team before placing orders for 112 Puma shoes.

Eun Hye then personally handed the shoes one-by-one to each production staff to show her appreciation for their hard work and many of them were touched by Eun Hye's thoughtful gesture.

According to someone from The House Company, "It has been a very tough period for the production staff who has to work overnight most of the time and some of their shoes are already pretty worn out. Yoon Eun Hye thus prepared these (shoes) to thank them and hopes that they will be able to find work in other good productions after this."

My Fair Lady ended it's run this past Thursday, 8th October with a final rating of 18.3%.



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