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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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thanks for the heads up facing!! :D

[MFL] Preview - Episode 9

hehe, i think Hyena is starting to feel some jealousy towards DC and EJ - not that theres anything going between the two ^^ at the last part, DC says: what do you want from me? *leans in for a kiss* is this what you're after?

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Guest kapeadik

Oh my gosh! Episode 9 is probably what we've all been waiting for to shush up all those critics! The preview alone sent goosebumps up my spine...(shaking in excitement)! YEH will surely bounce back 1000-fold better than ever in the eyes of her detractors...and when that day comes...bwahaha! (Getting too ahead of myself yet again haha!)

Take heart, warriors! (haha I sound like we're really going into battle :lol:)

Go, go, go YEH! Go, go, go MFL! :)

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I'm so sad and can't lurking after reading Eunhye's interview

I 'm not good about express my feeling.

Just want to say YOON EUNHYE FIGHTING!!!

I'm always support you without condition.

I know you work hard to everything you done.

Please take good care of yourself.

You mean a lot to your warriors.

Thanks smr and 윤은혜 for interview translation and hello to all warriors.

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thanks for the heads up facing!! :D

[MFL] Preview - Episode 9

hehe, i think Hyena is starting to feel some jealousy towards DC and EJ - not that theres anything going between the two ^^ at the last part, DC says: what do you want from me? *leans in for a kiss* is this what you're after?

Thanks smr05 and what a spolier here!!!!!!! hehe

Thanks 윤은혜 for your caps. Their faces look fabulous ^^

Oh my gosh! Episode 9 is probably what we've all been waiting for to shush up all those critics! The preview alone sent goosebumps up my spine...(shaking in excitement)! YEH will surely bounce back 1000-fold better than ever in the eyes of her detractors...and when that day comes...bwahaha! (Getting too ahead of myself yet again haha!)

Take heart, warriors! (haha I sound like we're really going into battle )

and kap, you're so funny. I laughed so hard reading you post,such an evil laugh. bwahaha!! :D

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Guest fatlouie85

Ahnyong! :)

Did something bad happened again in the MLF thread? I didn't go there 4 a while hoping tt things will mellow itself down bt seems like those ple r sure enjoying themselves isn't it? we should really just ignore them unnies...if we c just one word/sentence tt is bad & nt constructive, we should just skip the whole thing or else its us who suffers <_<

Ah, YEH's interview really make u fall in love wif her again :D she is such a admirable person....always others before herself :) which is worrying coz ple wif dis selfless personality often get affected more from criticism :unsure: i hope she dun get to affected by it & change it to motivation...& smr sis u r nt the only one...most of us doesn't want her to experience failure coz we r too protective of her & we know wat is going to happened once she experience failure...those neitizens & haters will b ready to chomp her alive...look how vocal they r already wif MLF wat will happened if its something worst? Geez...they should get a life :angry:

thanks for the preview too! Looks like HN really did find out abt DC being a gigolo & his plans to get $$ from her :huh: & I think she help him settled it by getting those crooks into prison & destroying the contract, bt is still angry wif him :mellow: I guess she oso fires him? & goes to the night club to find him, & tell him to b her gigolo in a mocking way? I think she is slowly starting to notice him & care abt him only tt she is oso angry wif him :blink: my 2 cents haha


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credit dceune and as labeled

thanks smr onni and mari sis for the articles...

that's make me feel even more depressed...a depressed day...

its definitely hard for YEH to take those criticism..but at least she can learn from the mistakes...

the article is my heart heart heart heart heart breaker T.T

and i can feel her stress and burden on her shoulder...after a consecutive of 3 success..

failure is just a step to success...YEH..its okiez if you failed..we still love you..



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The thing is though, My fair Lady is not even close to being a failure,

It may not be the most well received YEH series but no it is not a failure.

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HAHA! Finally, I saw the caps for ep9...AAEEE! i feel giggly seeing those caps!!!! My heart jumps very happy!!!! I LOVE IT! w0oh0o... :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Guest pinkyulet

hi everyone.(sigh) whoa! a lot of negative stuffs coming out to our YEH. but no matter what they say...YEH will always be dear to us. YEH fighting.

am sad for visiting the other thread...they keep on bashing our yeh..about her acting...i think yeh's acting as hn is really fine. she projected it well....you can see hn on that acting.

i just hope that people will not blame her. it's not her FAULT. it's nobody's fault. everybody were doing there job as an actor... i hope detractors would see that actors/actresses are human. they are on a process of becoming GREAT. and YEH is also human. she has feelings as well. i hope that these people would give her the room to grow in her way...may they allow her to have the freedom when it comes to her craft.

but well, as a fan of the warrior...i see the brighter side of that bashed...

why do they keep on bashing our YEH?

answer: because she is YOON EUN HYE...it's YOON EUN HYE! :D the BEst among the REST. she is YOON EUN HYE that... a lot of people adore her...love her...support her....and will always stay by her side...no matter what.

yeh warriors, just want to air out what am feeling right now...these are just sentiments coming from me..

a fan of YEH.

thank you.

hi smr onni...thank you so much for the the help last time.

way to go...YEH FIGHTING.

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actor/actresses who get lots of bashing are the one who are the most popular and it makes sense why YEH is being bashed..coz she is the popular one out there..people always try to dig out small things and try to bash about it..but all these criticism make our YEH strong...YEH fighting..much luv

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Aww... That interview was really.... heart-wrenching. But then again, YEH's genuineness has always come across in such interviews and that's one of the many things the fans adore about her. Poor YEH I think really suffered from all the hype surrounding her comeback but then I hope the support she gets from her family, friends and fans would remind her that though there are people out there braying for her blood, she does have people who would allow her to learn from her 'failures'. And I use the term 'failures' loosely cos yes, MFL is not a 'failure'. It's not as big a success as OTHERS have made it out to be. But I think the next few episodes will show Hyena in a different light and people will appreciate YEH's acting more.

Continue with your acting YEH! Enjoy your craft! Ultimately, that is what matters because your family, friends and family will continue loving you as long as we see the dedication that you put in your different crafts and the enjoyment that you get from them. (And I shall now use my non-existent birthday coupon to wish that YEH somehow hears these words... Heh...)

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Guest de Jarje

though i'm not a BIG fan of her, but she is always on my top list K-actress besides Kim Ha Neul.

I love her projects and i found her personalities is sweet ( from X-man and love letter )

I feel bad also to read that YEH cry...

I watch MFL, first because it is YEH's project and second..i loved YSH....

YEH, hwaiting.....your real fans will always support u no matter what!!!

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This has become a humbling experience for YEH, and she is at the age where she is sure of herself, and wants to show her unique charms and talents, however people are not giving her the time to fail. She believes failing is big part of learning, however people are not allowing her the time do so. People are so quick to point out faults and not allow her to work on them, and would very much appreciate it if they would give her the chance to fail and turn that failure into success.


thanks smr dongsaeng for this!

only found time today and was surprised to see this development.

i believe no great actor has started as GREAT. everyone was once a newbie, a junior, a struggling artist wanting to improve their craft and stretch their limits. there's nothing wrong with failure because life is not a fairy tale. whatever Eune is going through now is part of her journey and whatever pain she has to endure will make her stronger and wiser in the future. Eune in fact, is humble enough to acknowledge this shortcoming and that is the most important thing. Because without realizing one's weakness, there would be no chance at all to perfect one's skills. it is just sad that because of her magnitude as a star, her flaws are in turn, magnified too.

being criticized for one series does not make her a bad actress. being picked on for poor ratings does not eclipse the star that she already is. if there is one advice i'd give her right now is to look at the brighter side of things. not everyone goes through the same amount of pain. those who suffer, have only so much to gain.

let everyone wag their tongues now, but when everything's cleared out, Yoon Eun-hye will still be standing strong.

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hello all

we've seen this before people critisize but in the

end she shines sooo bright

she spoke from the heart and with much dignity

shes a true inspiration

we all have busy lives but when it comes to YEH we stop

and support this very talented girl like she said she wanted to

evolve but people wont let her '

she believed in this story KH has to seem out of control she's KH

bratty,young confused hello

(i really am upset that shes upset)

we're all dying to see MFL

shes sooo hot they have to keep watching her, they watch every episode

and critique her because she was the youngest to win such a prestigous acting award

I believe in her talent and i see it in KHNand in all she does

YEH were proud of you Fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanx smr and facing this wed ep looks exciting cant wait

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Guest sittie2009

OH! THAT INTERVIEW IS MAKING ME SAD,cry,cry cry :( so sad she really love her parents so much....i don't know what to say,,all i know is she great actress and i m so sad that she sad...stay strong yoon eun hye you are my warrior no matter what...FIGHTING!

love the ep 9....its that a kiss mmmmm....

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Reading the Chosun article make my heart break too, so I want to encourage YEH by giving her some words. I hope she read it (I don’t know where to post it so I post it here). At least that’s all I can do…

Words of encouragement for our beloved YEH

Behind your exterior expression I know that you keep your pain

Behind your smile I know that you’re sad

Behind your laugh I know that you’re not happy

It’s all because of others who want to make you down by their criticism

But you know what…

We, your fans won’t let that happened

We, your fans will always support you for whatever you’ve been through

So please be strong YEH

Don’t let them (the antis) make you down or sad

You still young

You still have so much ahead of you

And you still have a long journey to come

I know that that journey is sometime so difficult and painfull for you

But it can make you stronger, braver and wiser for whatever will be coming to you

It can make you a better person

So please be strong YEH

We, your fans will always be behind you

And no matter how low MFL rating is I still will watch it.


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