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Can I Make It Based On Looks? Talent Too?

Guest sjbbsdancex3

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Name: Anthony :)

Age: 14, my bday is on january the 10th :blush:

Perferred Entertainment Company: SM entertainment all the way keke....

Nationality: Chinese. full.

Height: 5 feet 5 inches

Weight: (if you're comfortable enough to put it) 105 pounds. yea. my grandparents are always like "YOU SHOULD EAT MORE! BWAAAA!!" and i'm like, "i'm sorry grandma i'm full..."

Fun fact/hobbies/anything: (so we could get to know you a little better) well i'm a lifeguard! well when i'm 16 it'll be official... i'm in grade 8! yup, still in elemtary school. i live in canada (and it's not where the moose are... some people say that and it bothers me. you don't just see random moose walking around in your neighborhood... the occasional rabbit i can understand but i don't live in the wild people. i live in the suburbs of markham, ontario).

Any experience in any of the fields in entertainment: i've been playing piano for 6 years, violin for 3 years (i quit :(), african drums for one year, and recorder for one year, haha. i've never had any singing lessons, i just sing everyday, all day, to the point where my family's ears are ringing with my voice xD oh and i'm about to start a break dancing unit in gym, so hopefully by the end of the school year i'll know to break dance. not like "spinning on my head" break dancing, just like "smooth and cool moves" break dancing. and in the summer my friends and i are gonna learn asian hip hop dancing.

Reason why you want to pursue your dream of becoming an entertainer: well, let's see: i love singing, i love dancing, i love music, i love performing, i love meeting new people, i love expressing who i am in more than just my words and i would love to be you know, just a little famous, not to be super ficial or anything. you could also say i have a passion for music! :) and there's this other thing.

from when i was little to this day, i'd get this feeling in me; i never knew what it was. i never knew what that mysterious feeling in me was. i'd hear a motivational song or something and i'd feel like i wanted to do something, but i couldn't figure what it was that i wanted to do. then my friend introduced me to k pop, and SM entertainment from her early obsession with dbsk. and when i started to get into the k pop and SM artists, i started to fully fill up that talent, and i had finally realized what that feeling in me was, since i was a little kid... it was the feeling for my dream to become a singer/dancer/maybe actor and model! and i really want this... i'm not doing this for fun anymore, i'm doing this seriously, but come on, i'm gonna have fun along the way, right? :) i hope you all will make your dreams too. :rolleyes:

OK anyways, onto the other stuff. time... for... PEECTUREZZ!! i self cam A LOT, so it should be easy for me to scratch out a few photos of me recently TAKEN TODAY, and some taken... some other days.


yikes! my room is so messy and little kiddy! meh, the other side has gee posters of snsd though. i stuck one to my ceiling above my bed so i can stare at it whenever i sleep :)



some of my friends say i look like seungri. but i really don't. they're just all in love with him, that's all. my friend looks like jaejoong and my other friend looks like zhang li yin, haha. you know i'm kidding people. no need to get riled up :)



*sighs*... yes, it's the dreaded teeth shot. it looks like my two front teeth aren't connected, but they are (lighting and everything). :sweatingbullets:

and yes, i do need braces. that brings me to one of my questions... you know when you're actually auditioning? will your braces... kinda... turn the judges off? o.O i guess not, right? right?! i mean jessica jung had bad teeth but she got accepted! but she had really good talent... but yea i guess my braces will come off in 2-3 years, so i'll have my braces removed before i debut. hahaha i sound like i'm going to get accepted, but in reality, i have a really low chance, and i shouldn't be over confident. but i still have faith in myself :) and my face actually has some small blemishes that you can't see on camera. but i'll take good care of my skin from now on. drink tons of water. and maybe even see a dermatologist. my skin isn't clear, but almost clear.

my dancing? er... NOT BAD but NOT GREAT. just... average i guess? by the next sm auditions though, i would have learned break dancing and hip hop (since i'll be taking lessons as i've explained earlier).

my singing? er... my mom does not really support my singing at all, and my dad doesn't really mind. i think my parents actually will support me in my dreams, but they're afraid if i go far and fail, my education will fail. :(

they kind of already half-know that i wanna be a singer in SM. they just don't know the details (flying half way around the world from home). i'm not gonna tell them yet. but if i pass the open auditions, i'll tell them. and beg. and cry. and plead. and go on my knees and start saying motivational and inspirational phrases to them until they eventually break and actually support my dreams. :) i love my parents and my sister though. xD love them. God bless!~

oh, and be as brutal as you like. remember. be harsh on me xD but not too harsh >.< please! i'm kind of a sensitive person... :0 but i'll be sure to be confident. i'm having worries just pressing the "add reply" button. D:

i'll add some singing later when i have time. bye everybody! hope your dreams (at least somewhat) come true :)

my goals before the next SM audition:

1. perfectly clear, and light skin.

2. 6 pack abs (haha if possible).

3. increase my singing range and imporve my voice.

4. successfully learn break dancing and hip hop and actually try to be good at it.

hahaha if i can actually accomplish the first 2, i could try out for modelling too :)

edit: i have edited this post 93207418923567894265 times in the past 10 minutes. haha xD just little things, here and there.

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Guest omgit'sme

^ i can totally picture you with sm, especially in the fourth pic. i really like your eyes, they're nice. yeah, you need braces but your teeth are not like HORRIBLE or crooked anythiing, i think it's just an overbite. so yeah, you're good to go... oh but also one more thiing is your nose, it's kinda round at the bottom. so basically everything above nose and mouth is really good (i wouldn't worry too much about teeth, i knew someone that got braces w/ an overbite and now you can't even tell) when you put up talent stuff i'll critique more.

*was that too harsh? it's good that you tell people to not be too harsh b/c then people will know what you're asking for and how much sugarcoating is needed while still telling the truth.

stay confident! and good luck! :]

ps you kinda look like michael wong, a chinese singer, or taiwanese, i can't remember

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hahaha thaaaank you :)

and yea my nose is a bit screwed up.

my family friend: "those make up ladies will probably make your nose all better after they drown you with cosmetics."


i don't wanna be drowned in make up!!! >=O !!!

i've seen some male singers just have SOOOME touch ups before live performances though. they looked so comfortable putting on the make up! i'd be like squirming all over the place...

MY VOICE is starting to get deeper, and it's really starting to bother me. i can't go as high as i used to in my like uh... what do you call it... let's just say my talking voice. i can't go as high, and my uhh... you know how the thing in your throat flips and you do this higher voice thing? i can't go as... uhh... you guys probably don't know what's coming out of my mouth right now so i'll just... oh forget it. thank you once again :) and i hate how when some people see me before knowing me they're like, "he's probably stupid." NO! my average is an A- thank you very much!!!! i hate it when people call me dumb. i guess i kinda am sensitive, aren't i? :blush: k i really should stop talking.

thank you so much!!!

yea it's an overbite. you're really smart o.O

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Guest omgit'sme

yea i know what you mean by the flippy thing, i have the same problem, so annoying, like your voice goes into falsetto and it gets really light right? that's what people who belt do, they don't have that falsetto and they sing the notes in chest voice(talking voice) or mixed voice and still make it powerful. there are ways to strengthen the higher part of your range but i just haven't found it yet lol, i guess just keep practicing and as long as nothing hurts then keep doing it. since you said your voice is getting lower, you probably shouldn't try to strain too much on the high notes right now b/c if your voice is changing and you strain it it could damage it pretty badly. but what do i know, i'm the same age as you(well for now) and i think that's happening to me too, [not getting lower!! lol] but guys get a more drastic change than girls.

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Guest omgit'sme

haha for ur goals how is it possible to get "light" skin? =D i mean i understand clearing up your skin

anyway yea i'm 14 now but turning 15 =[

i don't live in toronto, i'm in nyc

i bet some soompiers are in my school but i'd never talk to them outside soompi, that's just weird, soompi is a place for me to be anonymous lolz. no one knows about this "other side" of me or SM or anything

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nobody is perfect

but can't we embrace them??

yes its also true, entertainment industry is a harsh place

gotta see how long a star can stand...

true beauty..now what IS true beauty?

really, can we make it based on looks and talents solely?

i don't really think so, sometimes there's that luck factor...

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Guest omgit'sme

we SHOULD embrace them but we(as in anybody who is not a celebrity) don't and the entertainment companies surely dont. fans are pretty harsh... and that's why companies are so strict w/ looks

yeah, that's what i was saying before about the x-factor that talent scouts can see. it's kind of like just something you have that makes them think "you can be a star"

and unlike what everyone thinks, it's not confidence. lol watch american idol auditions, the confident people don't always have that x-factor but some people just do and sometimes you can feel it when you're watching.

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i'm scared now D:


my poor voice is... changed... and... not as good... and... like 2 months ago it was fine... and then it started going deeper... and it sounded more nasal-y.. and... errrgh something's just wrong with my voice. D:

i hope you guys make it to your dreams :(

hahaha i finished watching american idol with my sister too. there was this one girl that sang bubbly and she was amazing. i think she had it :)

let's see.. i'll probably be kicked out of sm in terms of how long -.-

but i'll try my best... now that my voice is... erggh... i'm gonna have to see if it gets better and focus a lot on my dancing and acting and maybe even consider rapping since it requires less vocals... i hope my voice will get... smoother again..

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Guest omgit'sme

^ are you acting in korean? 'cause i thought you were chinese. and yeah i wanted to try for acting too but i can't speak korean =/

and dancing omg i dunno where to learn so i'm screwed there lolz.

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im jk :)

anyways IM CHINESE TOO!!





im sorry i like to spam.~

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Guest kittychang


im jk :)

anyways IM CHINESE TOO!!





im sorry i like to spam.~

hahahaha!!! count me in xD

anyhow, i posted wayyy earlier... and yea...

so anyhow i tried to improve on the critiques of my singing and pictures and such ><"

so reposting =O

hope no one minds.

Name:kitty chang

Age: 16

Perferred Entertainment Company:any =O (actually sm)


Height: 5'3

Weight: (if you're comfortable enough to put it) : 118

Fun fact/hobbies/anything: (so we could get to know you a little better) : ummm.... i like cheesecakes xD

and dancing singing... and drums..

Any experience in any of the fields in entertainment: chours count?

Reason why you want to pursue your dream of becoming an entertainer:

i really love singing and dancing and i dont want to disappoint my parents and grandparents.

so anyhow new laptop so i dont really have many pictures +_+

so i guess ill post some that i have.............


after i had my hair cut +_+


when i had long hair =O


anddd... just a close up +_+

again, sorry new laptop doesnt really have that many photos that are like naturally there.. ><"

and new singing clip =O

CAUTION : i dont really know this song that well when i recorded it so.........

-the tone sucks at most parts

-i start err... rambling half way...

-and yes i know i need to practice...

but here goes,


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hahahaha!!! count me in xD

anyhow, i posted wayyy earlier... and yea...

so anyhow i tried to improve on the critiques of my singing and pictures and such ><"

so reposting =O

hope no one minds.

Name:kitty chang

Age: 16

Perferred Entertainment Company:any =O (actually sm)


Height: 5'3

Weight: (if you're comfortable enough to put it) : 118

Fun fact/hobbies/anything: (so we could get to know you a little better) : ummm.... i like cheesecakes xD

and dancing singing... and drums..

Any experience in any of the fields in entertainment: chours count?

Reason why you want to pursue your dream of becoming an entertainer:

i really love singing and dancing and i dont want to disappoint my parents and grandparents.

so anyhow new laptop so i dont really have many pictures +_+

so i guess ill post some that i have.............


after i had my hair cut +_+


when i had long hair =O


anddd... just a close up +_+

again, sorry new laptop doesnt really have that many photos that are like naturally there.. ><"

and new singing clip =O

CAUTION : i dont really know this song that well when i recorded it so.........

-the tone sucks at most parts

-i start err... rambling half way...

-and yes i know i need to practice...

but here goes,


with long hair you really look like Sunny from SNSD. to me, anyways.

and you're singing is ok. i'm sure you can make it :)

never give up!~

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Guest kittychang

with long hair you really look like Sunny from SNSD. to me, anyways.

and you're singing is ok. i'm sure you can make it :)

never give up!~

thanks =O

i thought i was going to get chewed hahaha xD

thank you though! =O

aza aza hwaiting!

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thanks =O

i thought i was going to get chewed hahaha xD

thank you though! =O

aza aza hwaiting!

hahaha XD

i never chew people, don't worry :)

i'm serious though, especially with the last picture. i thought you were comparing you with sunny but it was actually you!!! XD

you look fine ;) it just depends if you impress the judges and everything with your singing ^^

if you sing amazing, then i guarantee you you'll make it ^_-

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@ kittychang

my speakers are screwy so i'm gona solely critique you on your pictures ;)

ack you're such a cutie,

your nose is so cute ;)

i think you would actually fit the SM image...

unlike me. i'm too rough xDD

crtique me too if you like.. i think i'm a few pages back =X

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Guest kittychang

hahaha XD

i never chew people, don't worry :)

i'm serious though, especially with the last picture. i thought you were comparing you with sunny but it was actually you!!! XD

you look fine ;) it just depends if you impress the judges and everything with your singing ^^

if you sing amazing, then i guarantee you you'll make it ^_-

awww... thank you xD

i think it was a good angle and ......... make up =O

so.. yea...xD ughh!! the singing im not like AMAZING BAM!

so x.x i definitely have to practice super super more?! xD

@ kittychang

my speakers are screwy so i'm gona solely critique you on your pictures ;)

ack you're such a cutie,

your nose is so cute ;)

i think you would actually fit the SM image...

unlike me. i'm too rough xDD

crtique me too if you like.. i think i'm a few pages back =X

lol your not missing out><"

it wasnt really good....

awww.. thank you!! i think its just the camera angle and the make up?!

-goes back and looks-

aha! page 9!

wahhhhh your really pretty =O

and nice hair!!!

and big eyes =O

for a minute i thought you were trying out for sm cause you really fit their looks.><"

but i think you should fit in to yg too =]

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