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Biggest Turn Ons On The Opposite Sex?

Guest dream_angel

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Guest cherryfloss

purely physical:

I get hot for guys of the typical "tall dark and handsome" variety, especially if they're latino. unf. dark hair, tanned skin, sharp jawline, at least 180cm/5'10", looks mysterious = yes please LOL. I like guys who can dress well, as in they wear clothes that actually fit them (instead of sagging or, God forbid, too tight >.<) and generally have a sense of style. I live in the US and it's hard to find a guy that has something in mind other than a wifebeater over cargo pants or a v-neck with jeans so I admire 'em as I see 'em ;D

and I think any guy looks amazing in a fitted suit. especially a three piece suit. when they take off the blazer and show the waistcoat and button-up over a pair of slacks... mmmm.

if they smell nice too -- I'll like them regardless of what they're wearing. never underestimate the power of cologne, indeed.

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Guest Milk--

A very built back and veins popping out on the arms and hands.

I also like guys that wear basketball/gym shorts, a simple tee and running shoes, that is the ultimate turn on for me.

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plain tight shirt. (abercrombie or whatever) makes their boobs look bigggg.

Just to be concise, it's the man boobs that turns you on not really the shirt, right?

I'm just curious to see if I'd actually have a shot with someone into that because I could just do away with the shirt altogether.

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Guest narsha-doll

Taller than me, hair isn't too long, intelligent, nice voice, nice eyes, looks good in a suit...

Ummm I'm probably forgetting something...lots of things ;-;.

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Guest iamvick

Tall, broad shoulders and big hands ... you know what they say about big hands, right?

You need to buy large sized gloves?

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A very soft, gentle, and warm embrace and touch.

Soft, sparkly eyes when looking at me (only).

Thick hair that is styled to have longer bangs parted to one side.

Lean but thin body build.

Fairly tall or at least half a foot taller than me.

I have VERY detailed turn-ons, huh? XD;;;

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Guest LalalandXX

I think I would like a guy 

- cute smile 

- smart but not smartypant GAWH hate those

- small gestures that make me smile :) 

-fun personality + sometimes can be serious 

last but not least tall

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I love it when guys have long hair! If they guy's face is eeeehhhhh but they have long hair, they get a couple extra points in my book haha. But no other girls I know seem to share my feelings T_T Anyone on the same boat as me???

Also, guys who are naturally charming are so irresistable! They constantly flash their charming smiles that you can't help reciprocating. They always say clever charming things that make you laugh. Sigh

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Guest meiming8_1

Intelligence, confidence, hot body, tall, six pack, tattoos, badboys. Went through a phase of super cleancut, gentlemanly intelligent business types but now I'm leaning towards cool and sort of dark/shady.

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A gentleman who smiles with his eyes, dazzles with his overflowing confidence and charm, kind and respectful to everybody, knows when to speak up and when to shut up; who is intelligent but does not need to be book-smart.

Being funny, goal-oriented, dressing cleanly and well is a plus =)

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