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Worst Rejection/break Up Ever

Guest DarkAngelInLove

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Guest xsakurahanax

First break up: I met him through a mutual friends of ours. We went for like 3 months? I liked him alot. TTxTT! For me he was my first love. One thing that really did sorta bothered me was the fact he was so indecisive. He couldn't make up his mind about his feelings towards me. So we took a break, after the break things just didn't seem to work out. I asked him what was wrong, and whether it was possible for us to work things out. He told me no. That he doesn't deserve my love etc. D;! I told him I didn't care, I was willing to wait for him to work his feelings out. He told me he didn't want me to wait. So we broke up. .__.

Second break up: I was going out with another guy. I met him through dance practice. Over the course of like two months we got to know each other and started to like each other. We went for 4 months (I SWEAR I can't keep long term relationships >w>;;!) Towards the end, I noticed he stopped talking to me, wouldn't even try to talk to me. I had asked him what he wanted from this relationship and whether he wanted to continue it. He told me he'll call me back later in two days time. I gave him that time to think it over, he called me and said we needed to talk. By then I realised his feelings were gone for me. I still thought we might have had a chance. We met up, and the first sentence he said to me. "H, I need to tell you something. Done. We're done" That really cut me. It was so hard. @_@;; I asked him why, and asked him could we have worked it out. He kept on trying to distant me. I just wanted some ANSWERS from him >> Sigh. In the end I got so angry at him that I walked off.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest KyuLee

mine isn't really a rejection, but it has rejection in it.

So i ask this girl to be my girlfriend.there is this loooooong pause and she says a simple no. That's when my heart just sinks to the bottom and i feel embarrassed. after a couple seconds, she gives me this grin and says just kidding, of course i will be your girlfriend. should've seen that coming haha.

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Guest XxTwilightSecretsxX

Worst regection?

Facts to know.

My best friend didn't like him

I liked him

He said he liked me.

-.- I went away for a week and we'd agreed to go out once I came back. He stopped texting me.

Next thing i know I have a call from my other friend, '___ and ___ are going out~!'

*Dies* He didn't talk to me for 6 months and then said he was 'sorry' . -.- BS

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Guest margarette14

worst BREAK UP  for me was the recent one... we broke up because of my best gal in an org. whom he has to be his long time crush....it was odd because it is almost a day that the three of us where together because of an out of school event then that night he texted me that he have something to tell me and I have the feeling that he wants to break up with me thats why even its already midnight I go to my best friend in high school and cry all night,,,waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah,, I feel crap because I accompany this best gal friend of mine to the bus station to went home...and I received the text message right after she ride the bus....fate is not good to me that time vicx.gif and I was torn knowing that my gal was the reason...BACK STUB!!!!!!!!!!!! but they where never gone together because my friends hated them...I forgive the girl as she was also a victim of this flirt guy! and now I see that my ex flirts everyone... <<now asking myself...does he really even likes me for what I am or WHO I AM AT school...my mom hates him because she believes that he just uses me>> gone to be BITTER! excl.gifsad.gif

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It was when I confessed my feelings to a friend (but loved him ever since I met him) through a text and got a reply "What?".

Ugh. I accepted the fact that before confessing, I am already REJECTED.

I AM A GIRL and it's the first time I confessed. HAHA. Anyway, it is both happy and sad. At least, he is aware of my feelings. HAHA

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Guest mochacookies

I liked this guy for 9 years :)

i finally told him i liked him, and he told me he liked my best friend, and tried to hook me up with his friend that liked me...

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Guest leeseohae

So this is how my friend rejected this certain guy via msn:

Guy: Oh hey, I just wanted to tell you that I've always liked you. I think you're amazing and I'd like to know you more. Will you go out with me?

(It took my friend several minutes to reply. She kept on typing and erasing, thinking of the right words to reject him without sounding harsh. After thinking thoroughly, she came to a conclusion and wrote)

Girl: Mom's calling for dinner. Brb.

She logged out, blocked the guy and never went online for two weeks. Now thinking back, I never laughed so hard and felt bad for the guy. It seemed that my friend wasn't impressed with his approach since it was through online. It may come off that he wasn't sincere in the first place. As for me, haven't been there yet. Haven't confessed nor rejected for that matter.

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Guest J.YAM

having someone who has wanted to break up with you so many times its unbeliable.. when you finally accept it you cant even do it. had to wait until he went back to his own country.

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Guest Iron_Maiden

I have always been rejected, i always seem to pick someone who has somebody else in mind.

- bad times-

Primary school, i crushed on this guy but he liked my close friend.

they went out a few years later then broke up. 4 years later they are back together now.

im happy for them though. it made me smile when i saw it on facebook [ i moved away when i was 12]

Then i got rejection after rejection, mind you i never confessed. I just found out that they liked someone else

and i was just a friend.

One time i thought i was going to hit the jackpot with this guy, he was like the dream guy....at the time

( my preferances has changed now) he invited me out for his birthday he paid etc it was really cool.

the whole weekend i was on cloud nine. The following monday..he is going out with my friend. *OUCH*

that was  2 and a half years ago.

i just recently got rejected too..indirectly again.

i liked him for a good 6 months or so... talked on the phone a few times..txts etc.

but he then told my friend he didnt like me and i was the one chasing him =_= it was just for fun

whilst he was working things out with his ex. double ouch! i was more embarrassed then hurt.

but i've learnt a few lessons from these...

that im silly and fall for guys easily.

now i see guys as friends, i dont dream up anything crazy either. no potential boyfriend kind of ideas.

its time for me to grow up a bit hehe!

Yeah...I feel for you. Your case sounds a lot similar to mine. Except now I moved on with focusing in school and crushing on fictional characters who can never reject me. (teehee) :lol:

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Guest ms. rachellica

the worst break up would prolly be my first heartbreak. he basically did the whole "fading process" and slowly stopped texting and calling me. eventually, he called to say he wanted A BREAK. idk abt u guys, but the last time i checked, a break means temporary and if they don't see it go anywhere, then break up for good. he never called bak to tell me if he wanted to end things for good. so basically, he left me hanging, not knowing what was to become of us. nd to top things off, he was already in a relationship with someone else once he left me

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Guest Pinkychan

hmmm for me.. wasnt really a break up it was like rejection?

i used to be totally boy crazy in gr 8 and 9? then i was liek wth... screw boys.. then never liked anyone since ...

then back in gr 12 ish? i forgot it as a while ago... but there was a guy i really liked... its like i never liked someone that much? i really thought we had a thing...?? so for prom i asked him to be my date ( total regret) he agreed then a few weeks later... he tells me hes goign with someone else... * i died*... that was like the worst? it sucked.. but im happy that it happend. i learnd a valuable lesson.. he turned out to be a flirty jerk anyway...

its funyn cuz i was talking to a guy friend of mine about what happend since i needed to tell someone and that guy friend of mine now has been my first boyfirend for almost 2 years now going strong~! hehe i'm glad someone with a genuine pure heart would accept me. where all the other guys back in high school rejected.

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Guest HavenInMuse

There was this guy I liked soo much, but he didn't like me when I liked him, then I didn't like him when he liked me. Finally, we got together, but it wasn't as great as we had anticipated. I wanted so much for it to work, but he ended up cheating on me. I just remember those times as being dark, angsty and depressing. I think I was a living zombie for a month.

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Guest Iron_Maiden

hmmm for me.. wasnt really a break up it was like rejection?

i used to be totally boy crazy in gr 8 and 9? then i was liek wth... screw boys.. then never liked anyone since ...

then back in gr 12 ish? i forgot it as a while ago... but there was a guy i really liked... its like i never liked someone that much? i really thought we had a thing...?? so for prom i asked him to be my date ( total regret) he agreed then a few weeks later... he tells me hes goign with someone else... * i died*... that was like the worst? it sucked.. but im happy that it happend. i learnd a valuable lesson.. he turned out to be a flirty jerk anyway...

its funyn cuz i was talking to a guy friend of mine about what happend since i needed to tell someone and that guy friend of mine now has been my first boyfirend for almost 2 years now going strong~! hehe i'm glad someone with a genuine pure heart would accept me. where all the other guys back in high school rejected.

Truth is, most of those guys in high school are losers. They only want one thing...

I'm probably not going to ask anyone out to prom. lol too scared, probably have no chance anyways but oh well whatever, I'll just go with my friends if they're going. :P

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Well I don't really remember any other times I've been rejected except this one time when I confessed... I think I was 18 or 17...idk.

I had been talking with this guy online for some time...and before when I would like a guy, i would act mean to them...so I was mean to him a lot but I didn't really mean to...we met in person but nothing happened. But we still kept talking on msn and I just found myself liking him more and more and since he wouldn't say anything I just had to confess one day, and he just told me, "I know. I kinda liked you before but then i just got over it...=/". Yeah... dry.gif I don't blame him for that though...why would he keep liking a girl that would always be mean to him xD.

My break-ups...have been simple I guess. They just tell me a cheap excuse and I end up crying..LOL. 

Just one sucky break-up once...after we break up we were like in a war with each other...we would always keep fighting and being mean to each other. I have no idea why we were like that....cause it's not like I ever did anything bad to him...but after we broke up he would keep on telling me really hurtful things. And it took me a long time to get over him....I tried really hard to get back with him...to the point that I was even begging him once...I can't believe how pathetic I was back then -.- but I'm glad that I didn't stay with any of my ex-boyfriends... cause the boyfriend I have now is 100x better than all of them :D

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Guest mukinsvivi

Worst breakup: The guy leaves you without any notice or reason, even though you guys had a good relationship :mellow:

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This was way back in grade 9. This guy didn't exactly full out confess to me but it was obvious he liked me but i didn't feel the same. I started making friends with him in the first place because we had some group projects together and he was a funny guy but i think he got the wrong msg from me, maybe thought i liked him or something so he started doing obvious things that gave away his crush on me. and being totally immature back then I just started ignoring and avoiding him...and that was it. I wonder if that was his worst rejection, who knows.

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Guest dot.1430279747

I think the worst break ups would be if you broke up with your significant other and you still have a lot love for each other. 

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