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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest choliese

Sorry to cut your post short..

But I think JP is ignoring JD in the last bit because he probably made another deal with his mother.

If he continues to come into contact with JD, then his mother will ruin her family.

In the japanese version he has to keep his distance a lot because of the deal he made with his mother.

ah, it makes more sense now.

about the upcoming JP-JK kissing scene, i just hope it'll be fast as it is in MG.

are they really gonna go to Jeju island where JK will prove herself to JP again o.0

if so, then hopefully there won't be enough eps to fit amnesia scenes in

can't believe we've to wait for a week to find out ><

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I find it amusing (sometimes annoying, my apologies) to find that many people questioning (or complaining) in ‘unbelievable tone’ how jandi could talk to junpyo like buddy-buddy or as if nothing ‘tragic’ has ever passed between them. Well, just because you don’t talk to your ex f.o.r.e.v.e.r. after a nasty break-up (or being dumped) doesn’t mean the rest of the world treats the same issue likewise. Here’s the news; some people handle it differenty.

What do you guys want? Her wallowing in self-pity? Or hide the moment she sees him? Or go out of her way to avoid the earth he walks on? That would be pathetic.

And about her wanting to become a doctor, she even said it herself that people might say she’s crazy to even think about it. She may not seem bright and some of us think it as implausible. She may agree with you guys herself later on, somewhere along the way, but for someone who has just lost her purpose in life (swimming), to come out with a new dream is really something to cheer about, even if to others it seems an impossible thing to achieve. It’s much better than for her to go la~la~land not knowing what to do next, aimless. Who do you think is sorrier, someone with impossible dream, or someone who doesn’t have a dream at all? Some people dream big, some small. Whether they achieve it or not, the important part is the journey. If you think the whole process and experience that you go through was a waste of time when you fail, then that’s your outlook in life. Too bad. But don’t bash or mock others because they dare to dream. She’s young, she’s allowed to make mistake. I’d rather she pursue this medical thing and fail, than not having any direction at all. For someone like her, even if she fails, I’m sure she’ll pick herself up again.

Sorry for cutting your post. Just wanted to thank you and say DITTO, you said everything perfectly...agree with everything you wrote. One of Jandi's greatest strength is knowing her own weakness yet is not afraid to venture out and try new things. I'd prefer that she focus on getting into medical school than wallow in self pity and like you said have no direction in life at all.

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Guest green.teax

ah, it makes more sense now.

about the upcoming JP-JK kissing scene, i just hope it'll be fast as it is in MG.

are they really gonna go to Jeju island where JK will prove herself to JP again o.0

if so, then hopefully there won't be enough eps to fit amnesia scenes in

can't believe we've to wait for a week to find out ><

Agreed, I wonder if they'll make a season two to this? Probably not, since it's already similar to season two? o_o

Although I'd like to complain, I can't really, since without all this drama, the drama would be boring. Haha, hence the name. xD

Agree about the kissing scene too...> < JD witnesses it right? And then JP witnesses JH kissing JD? Aiiii.

So the Jeju island is the lost desert one? Is that the same as the double date including JP, JK, JD, JH thing?

LOL. It's funny how their names all have J in it. So many questions...teeehee.

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Guest MiyuKanata09

I like episode 16 for some reason. I love the look when JP was jealous of WB. I also see how JD was concern on her bestfriend GE. I can really feel the friendship between this two. in past episode we can see that even GE like YJ she doesn't immediately agree on the plan of bring her friend on JP engagement. It only shows that she's protecting JD, and now JD was trying to protect her from a player. I think its just natural too overact when you know that your friend is going on a date with the best player. JD knows how GE really felt bad when her old bf just suddenly dump her, and that was a player too. I kinda like the fiance but if they ever reveal that she knows about JP and JD before she best friends with JD & GE then i will hate her.

things that i don't understand or i might missed:

-why suddenly JP feel comfortable with F3.. i thought they had a fight but i think i never see them make up or something.

-did JK know that JD is the one in the party? if so why is that she look so shock (and happy at the same time) when she saw her in school but not in party?

-if she didn't know that JD is in the party, why the heck she suddenly ask JD about JP, and then figure out later that they were close. for me you will not gonna a person about a person if you know that they don't know each other or they're not close with each other. And why she only ask JD not GE. i mean if she just figure out that JD is a friend of JP then she probably think that GE is JP's friend too. but she didn't ask GE. i really feel someting negative on her.


does anybody has the song I'm Stupid version of Kim Hyun Joong?.. i really love it..

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Guest nysophia_x_ii

I just hope they will follow the manga and JP and JD will be together again.

agreed... and i think that's what they are going to do. there's no other way to do it. I can't imagine that they're going to put JH and JD together and then JP and JK together. that's just...strange...lol

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Guest ldalyassi

hi, i was wondering if anyone had those pictures of jp and jd in their wedding outfits. i don't remember what page it was on. thanks in advance...

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hAHA I haven't caught up reading this thread yet but I totally agree

she was yelling at him and telling him to mind his own business and then what, 15 mins later she goes over to his house and gets all friendly with him asking him to help her spy on GE and YJ's date..

and poor JH, my heart keeps on breaking for him.. the part where he was at his parents' grave.. u_u

I hope JD helps him and his grandfather resolve their misunderstanding! that's the least she could do for him.

Ha ha..dont understand why your guys asking such a question.

Obviously, JP is a leader of F4 and although he is her ex, but she still trusts him and believes that he is useful at that time.

WB is another Casanova of F4. How could Jandi ask him to help?.

Gaeul is so important to Jandi and she could do anything to save her.

God..it's so easy to swallow, why sb just keeps complaining?

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lol I get what you guys mean about all of the inconsistencies.

Hyesun is cute and all, but I REALLY don't like her as the role for Jandi. The Makino in HYD fit better in terms of cuteness - like it seems natural on her. Hyesun seems like she's trying WAY too hard to be cute. I mean, face it, she's supposed to be a senior in high school and she's 26! The oldest one out of all of them, I believe.

I don’t really understand what GHS’s real age has anything to do with her role. You are trying to equate GHS’s real age to her role as a teen-ager in highshool. So in your mind, because GHS is 26 year’s old, she is acting way too hard to be cute. GHS's character is supposed to be overacting to fit the manga including exaggerated facial expressions; she is supposed to be feisty and loud, otherwise how can her character face up to the F4s if she is as meek as a mouse. In other words, she is not trying to be cute. I have seen the Japanese version, I like Inoue Mao for her role BUT I don’t think she can pull off the requirements for the character of JD in the Korean version just because she’s, as you say, naturally cute. GHS’s physical comedy and her ability to pull me in during her most dramatic moments put her above Inoue in my opinion. Inoue was never able to make me shed a tear while with GHS, I was crying bucketsful. The Japanese version’s take was more serious, even their set designs were somber, black being predominant and the use of subdued lighting set the tone for this drama. So the role of Inoue was a lot simpler than GHS’s because she did not have to do any physical comedy. Doing physical comedy is more difficult and complicated than heavy drama. If you noticed, there are a lot more dramatic actors and actresses out there than comedians and the reason is obvious; only a few can be good at it. Many Korean actresses tried out for the role of JD. The producer mentioned that at the outset, he was prepared to refuse GHS, but when he saw her in action, he realized that she was the perfect JD. You are comparing apples and oranges.

Episode 16 - I see that a lot of people did not like the direction of this episode; some comments include inconsistencies in the character and storyline, particularly JD who drastically changed in the past 2 episodes. I do agree with you all and I for one have mentioned this in episode 15's piano scene where JD was embarrassingly weepy while singing and playing the piano. Right now, I don't know what to make of JD's character and it is quite painful to watch her change into a person who suddenly lacked self-confidence and can't even speak up for herself, her sense of direction totally lost as she tries to juggle her work, studies, volunteering at the clinic; to add to the list, a spy and watchdog for her best friend GA. She was dumped by her boyfriend and was still in the midst of healing and to make matters worse, the fiancee of her ex wanted to get cozy with her. But then, I have to step back and look at this from another angle. The break-up must have greatly affected her and at this point, she’s still in the process of coming to terms with it. I like this episode because JD is actually moving on with her life. Her attitude towards JP reverted back to the time he was pursuing her and she treated him with detached indifference. On another positive note, the JP/JD, YJ/GA moments were enough to make up for the shortcomings of Mr. pd man; he just wants to make all the shippers of these couples out there happy. Who says that everything has to be logical; every drama has its flaws, some glaring more than others. I’ve decided to cut Mr. pd man some slack and limit my rantings to the barest minimum. This episode was pure entertainment for me, I love JD's over-the-top-attempt to spy on her best friend, JK's date with YJ and WB, JP more than happy to be the driver and co-spy of JD. Of course there were the inevitable sad scenes as well where JP tries to fend off his mother's destructive behaviour.

After his disastrous encounter with JK, JP went straight to JH's home with the pretext that it was the closest. When JP asked if everyone got home safely, JH sensed that he came over to find out about JD. JH replied that if it's JD he's curious about, she got home safely. JP, of course denied the insinuation and asked for his birthday gift. JH handed JD's gift to him; a stuffed toy with curly hair. After reading JD's card, he became somber and reflective. JD wrote, "GJP, Happy Birthday, I'll pray that this year's birthday isn't lonely and a day full of happiness." At first I did not like that she gave him a gift even if it was his birthday considering he hurt her badly, but on second thought, the note was kind of sarcastic as far as JP was concerned because in reality, he was really lonely and miserable without her.



JH was also deep in thought; while preparing pancakes, he recalled his conversation with JD regarding what he told JP at the airport. With JP and JD's break-up, the door is now wide open for JH to enter and try to win back JD.


As if being dumped was not enough, the arrival of JK was like pouring salt on JD's wounded heart. JK approached JD in school very glad to see a familiar face. She admonished JD telling her that she did not seem happy to see her (well ya, you just stole her boyfriend). Right there and then, she decided that she and JD should be big sister and little sister since she's attending university. The way I see it, JK's aware that JD and JP had a relationship; three things, first, I think she saw their conversation at the airport, second, she overheard JP talking to JD at the party when he addressed JD with "....so you have nothing to tell me? But I do so follow me.", third, when JP made a mistake of taking her hand instead of JD's, he was talking continuously while she was being dragged and it was obvious that he was not referring to her. JK already made up her mind that she wants JP so she pretends to be clueless about JP and JD's relationship. At first impression JK's like JD in her demeanor but as one gets to know her, JK is more like the female version of JP; they're both self-absorbed, spoiled and would go after what they want.


JK saw the F4s and immediately rushed to JP and grabbed him in a headlock. JP was embarrassed when JK mentioned about biting his ear and pointing at JP with her fingers cocked like a pistol, she promised him that from that moment on, she'll train him. Way to go JP, you just got yourself a match made in heaven. She'll turn you into a well trained seal, just like mama kang.




A day with the girls was JK's idea of fun when she appeared at the porridge house and dragged JD and GA to keep her company. While shopping, JK asked JD how well she knew JP. It was heartbreaking to see her turn wistful as she described him, almost lost in her own world until she realized what she was doing and quickly snapped out of her reverie. JK was clearly impressed and requested JD to be her love coach. Ok JD, I know that you're a nice kid but c'mon now, do you have to roll over and play dead for this woman whose clearly insensitive? Even GA grimaced when she heard JK's proposition. If I am right about JK being aware of JD and JP's relationship, then I would think that JK's attempt to get close to JD was to keep tabs on her whereabouts to make sure she does not go anywhere near JP.




As if torturing JD was not enough, JK had the gall to invite herself for the night with JD's family. She confessed to JD that she really likes JP and asked her if there is a special someone she likes (well duh, yay, its the man you're planning to snare). Jandi confessed that the person she like makes her dull just watching him. JK wondered if JP has a girl he likes (JD of course, you pretending-to-be-cluless twit). JK resolved that she will make JP like her. It would have been easy for JD to let JK know of her relationship with JP but what girl in her right mind would openly admit to the fiancee of her ex that she was unceremoniouly dumped.


Love this scene. I felt that it brought back the old JD who can leave JP speechless (welcome back girl). JP was waiting for JD and when she passed by, she suddenly turned and for a few seconds, they just stared at each other, almost as if they were trying to read each other's mind. JD's expression changed to annoyance; she then turned around and walked away. JP followed her but JD did not like it.

JD: "What? Do you have something to say?"

JP: Looking embarrassed asked, "Why aren't you swimming?"

JD: "I quit."

JP: "Why would a swimmer quit swimming?"

JD: "None of your business. Did you follow me just to say that?

JP: "I don't have the personality to just let things go, since I have to uncover what needs to be uncovered.

JD: "What."

JP: "Engagement or whatever it does not concern me.

JD: "It does not concern me either. Gu Jun Pyo, you've gotten really friendly. explaining stuff like that to the stain you wanted to erase."

I am so glad that finally, JD had the guts to put JP in his place and remind him of the despicable way he insulted her. She, in effect, was telling JP that she no longer regards him as a boyfriend and whatever relationship they had was over. Good girl JD; this is the closure that I wanted to hear from you.




JD saw JK and informed JP that his fiancee is headed their way. JP remarked, "Why is that monkey showing up again." (he was trying to impress JD that he was not interested in JK). JD did not buy what she thought was an act and with a look of disgust, went on her way, however, JP continued to follow her. JD approached JH and asked him if she could hitch a ride. JK finally caught up with them and remarked that JP and JD looked really close. She was introduced to JH and, as if a lightbulb popped in her head, JK gleefully concluded that JH must be the guy she likes (ouch, JP, it hurts to hear that right? Now you know how it felt for JD when your evil witch of a mother announced your engagement). Oh, the expression of jealousy on JP's face just made me grin from ear to ear. JD attempted to explain but JK cut her off and suggested that the four of them should hang out together. JP and JD simultaneously said no; too bad, it would have been great to see the two of them squirm around each other. JD made up an excuse and suggesting that JP and JK should just go ahead and have fun, she hurriedly left with JH. JP just stood helplessly watching the girl he loves run off with another man. Yes, yes, yes, I wanted to jump up and down with this scene because JP just tasted the bitter pill that he shoved down JD's throat when he dumped her in Macau.




JH dropped off JD at the clinic and decided to go inside with her. He was shocked to find himself face to face with his grandfather and hurriedly rushed out, ignoring his grandfather calling out to him. Finally, the old man in the porridge shop was revealed and he turned out to be the ex-president and JH's grandfather. His grandfather later told JD that he caused the death of JH's parents.



At the porridge shop, JD related to GA and her boss about the old man's true identity. Her boss told her that they could not see each other and requested JD to help them. JK suddenly appeared with an exausted YJ and WB in tow. These two were trying to use their playboy/casanova tactics on JK, however, their plans backfired when they discovered that she's one tough cookie. She drove them almost to the point of collapse when she went out with them eating chicken feet (to WB's horror), drinking soju until both of them threw up and karaoking. Notwitstanding, JK is one cool chick but too much of her will be very annoying and I hope the pd wraps up her presence ASAP. She has the ability of getting in everyone's skin in a bad way, unlike JD who subtly grows on people around; after a while they suddenly realize that they have fallen in love with her just like JP, F3s, Jun-hee, Mr. Jung, Jae Hae and JH's grandpa.



WB and YJ decided to continue with their emergency plan to bring the two idiots (according to WB), JP and JD, together. They approached GA to help them by having her call JD to inform her that she's going out on a date with YJ. JD, instinctively refused and tried to dissuade GA from going. She knew that YJ was a playboy and, still reeling from her break-up with JP, wanted to spare GA from being hurt. She could not reach JH so she went to JP's home to seek the help of JP. I guess she finds the situation desparate enough to give her the courage to go to JP's home, forgetting the fact that JP and his mom hurt her terribly. At first I was thinking, what the heck, does she not have any pride going to her ex and asking his help? Then I realized that, once JD decided that their relationship was over, it was now easy for her to look at him as another friend or acquaintance just like YJ and WB. She found WB dancing (in the cutest way) and asked JP's whereabouts. In her haste, she caught a half naked JP and screaming, she immediately left the room and scolded WB for not warning her. WB answered that she was the one who asked where JP was not what he was doing. Wait a minute, did she not spend a night in the cabin with JP who undressed her and put his dress shirt on her, and did she not also kiss a half naked JP then? So why is she so shocked all of a sudden. You're not paying attention to details Mr. pd man. WB was just hilarious when he demonstrated YJ's 5 second kill approach to seduce women. And the look of jealousy on JP's face really cracks me up; he is quite possessive.





WB was grinning while JD was whispering her plans to JP. I'm sure that if JD approached WB to help her, he would have concocted an excuse not to do so.


JP was more than willing to help JD, giving him an excuse to be with her. She turned out to be a bumbling spy whose prey could smell her presence a mile away, the red sports car of JP so conspicuous that it screamed, "here we are". JP did not even attempt to hide, totally indifferent and just allowed JD, who was taking her assignment seriously, to do her spy thingy. GHS was so funny in this scene, her antics reminded me of the bumbling detective, Inspector Clouseau of the Pink Panther films. LMH and GHS should just make a movie together like "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" cuz they're just both so hilarious and at the same time, they would surely light up the screen with their awesome chemistry when it comes to romantic scenes.



At the skating rink, JD was so into her role of a spy that when she turned, she actually ran into JP who wasted no time and wrapped his arms around her. JD did not like what he did and immediately withdrew from his embrace.



Although they were just playacting, YJ and GA seemed to be enjoying themselves, especially GA. YJ is just so cute and sweet that I'm sure all the women out there heaved a collective sigh when he removed his jacket and put it on GA.


JD remarked that it would be hard for anyone not to mistake YJ as a player; JP asked her whether she preferred that YJ just ignore GA and let her freeze to death. He added that JD's lips were also turning blue so he unbuttoned his coat and wrapped it around JD basically hugging her from behind; JP remembered how he hugged her also at the ski lodge. The sky lit up with the fireworks that YJ included as an added touch. JD remembering a similar scenario in New Caledonia asked why they were always showing fireworks. JP admiring YJ's "coolness" asked JD whether she found it cool when he did the same thing. JD, sensing where JP was going, pushed him back and asked for the last thing YJ said to him. I like the way JD was showing JP that it's over between them; YJ and WB's plan worked in her favor as it allowed JP to see the change in JD; she was no longer the teary-eyed girlfriend he left standing on the bridge in Macau.


They both ended up in a hotel room next to YJ and GA's. While JP was full of admiration for YJ, JD was trying to listen to any sound from the next room. JP looked at her with amusement asking if she's aware how many stars to hotel has and does she think she can hear anything. JD asked him what she should do and JP advised that she should go outside and stand guard. She put on her spy eyeglasses and dutifully followed JP's advice (so funny). She saw that YJ ordered dessert and prevailed on JP to intercept and bribe the hotel staff to have the order sent to their room instead. Unknown to her, YJ was also spying on them.





Both JP and JD found themselves in an awkward silence as they looked at the cake and candles that they hijacked. Both of them spoke at the same time with JD congratulating JP for his birthday and JP thanking JD for the gift. JD added that although its late, she'd like to congratulate him on his engagement. JP was visibly upset and told her to stop, however, JD continued on and stated that JK was a good person and that she likes him a lot. JP commented that she's still nosy and if she did not drive him crazy, then she would not be Geum Jan Di...awwwww......He asked her if she would be happy if he just up and get married the next day. JD did not seem to like where their conversation was heading so she stood up to check on what was happening with GA. JP looking so dejected just bowed his head. It's beginning to dawn on me that the pd wanted JP to experience all the emotions JD felt when he broke off with her so he allowed JP to go through the same journey with him at the receiving end of JD's coldness and indifference.




Unfortunately for JP and JD, the evil witch mom found out that they were at the hotel and confronted JD, accusing her of seducing her son. She was about to slap JD when JP stopped her; she turned her anger on JP and slapped him hard (I don't think the slap was fake) and ordered her men to take him away.



It was agonizing to watch JP as he struggled between asking JH's help or not, knowing that JH was also in love with JD. In the end, he made the decision to send the message to JH and filled with rage, he threw his cell phone, smashing it into pieces. In order to protect JD, he had to let her go.



This was another beautiful and touching JH/JD scene. JD lied to JH when he called and told him that she was at home instead of the clinic. JH tracked her there and asked her whether the clinic was now her home. JD was mopping the floor and without a word, JH stood in her path, she changed direction and again, JH did the same until he wore out her defences and she started to cry; JD reached out and hugged her. There was no dialogue but the impact of that scene was very powerful. JH's action was clearly telling JD, "I love you, I am here for you, please don't ignore me."





As was expected, JP ignored JD again in school and passed by her without so much as a glance.


JH stopped to look at JD who had more pressing matters in her mind than JP when she received a call from her mother. Upon reaching home, she found out that her father acted as a guarantor for a friend and now the bank was repossessing everything in their home. Because of this problem, her parents were unable to report to work so JD went in their place.



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Guest mysticalz

Seriously, in this version, my heart is really breaking for JH. He keeps telling himself "what are you doing?", but he just can't help himself. Unrequited love can be so painful!! :( I always pitied Rui, but it's painful watching JH's pining.

Oh, I hope it is the deserted island scene. I want some real kissing!!! But I have a feeling we will not get a "Goong" kiss at all. Stupid director told LMH to shut his mouth while kissing. And LMH looked so humiliated.

lol.btw where di read that the director asked LMH to shut his mouth while kissing........dumb director......fans wants hot deep kiss.what is his problem

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when the notice that GHS,KB & KHJ will be appearing in 'Happy Together', i was wondering where do they have time when they are busy filming.........now i know that it's because they have to film JP/JK scenes.........i hope the JP/JK scenes will be over ASAP....i do not want to see them together........ or if they have to, i hope there will be scenes of JP telling JK that JD is the gal he loved...

gosh...this is really torturing moments for us....... :(

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Guest mysticalz

i read somewhere that ji yung's brother will be his rival to Ga eul's love :rolleyes:ga eul will enroll to a pottery class and ji yung's brother is teaching the class and some sparks will fly......maybe this tym ji yung will finally realiz ga eul's importance to him :tongue2:

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Guest your_sheroe

i read somewhere that ji yung's brother will be his rival to Ga eul's love :rolleyes:ga eul will enroll to a pottery class and ji yung's brother is teaching the class and some sparks will fly......maybe this tym ji yung will finally realiz ga eul's importance to him :tongue2:

I cannot wait for that part!!!

I'm excited that Im Joohwan will be playing Yijeong's older brother~

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Guest misspinky







i've seen a couple of posts that says JD is being wishy-washy about her love to JP and JH but how i took it in is that they are pretty young (excluding nowadays how people say they love each other like it has an alternative meaning) but love to them is pretty innocent. JD doesn't know if she likes JP but she likes his existence and his warmth being with her. she doesn't know yet if she loves him but she is willing to try harder to find out.

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