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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest susiiieee

FYI FOR ALL HARUEKOREA FANS... she will not be able to upload tomorrow's episode because she has promised her friends to go fishing.

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Guest junkiluv

omg i loved ep. 11 i love jung eui chul even though he's kinda bad lol but i still love him

joon pyo is going to save Jandi i saw this in teh JP version and i thought it was so sweet. I can't wait for tomorrow to come

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Guest i.said.hi

you guys. since jp is going to go to the u.s soon (perhaps the next episode? or the ep. after that ?

I wish that instead of jp being the one to forget his memory of jd etc.. i wish that it would be JD who is the one stuck up and the one who 'doesn't remember' JP. seriously, I HATE HOW THEY PORTRAY HER CHARACTER AS 'WEAK'. I wish it there would be a change and that it would be JP who i the one who has to try and win her back. Seriously... i hate how JD and GE are always the weak one, and the guys are always the superior one.

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Guest goodnessgracious

I don't understand, why Jandi is so stupid and fickle? First the whole Ji Hoo situation, now she is lying to Goo Jun Pyo again and I spending time with some other guy. I understand that he got her a job, but was it really necessary to do the delivery with him? OK, I know that people don't like comparing BOF to HYD, but I've got to say that the situation with the model guy was much more intense and meaningful in the japanese version. And now we have the jealousy issue ... again, the story is running in circles. It is now the third time Jun Pyo is jealous because of Jandi's stupid behavior.

Once again I understood that this drama is only worth watching for Ga Eul and Yi Jung's interaction.

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Guest rainbow9

For native-speaking Koreans, was that what was said in that scene?

I though JH said this because he does not want JD to break JP's heart. He doesn't want to regret sending her to him if she was going to break his heart. Thus, he would never have let her go to JP if they didn't work out. Is this what he is referring to or is he saying that he doesn't want to regret letting her go because they would have been better off. To me, I think he was angry at what JD was doing to JP. So, he wanted to let her know how he felt about how JD was treating JP.

I think she felt bad after what JH said. It guess it was the first time she realized that she was the wrong doer?

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yes that is exactly what he said :)

I though JH said this because he does not want JD to break JP's heart. He doesn't want to regret sending her to him if she was going to break his heart. Thus, he would never have let her go to JP if they didn't work out. Is this what he is referring to or is he saying that he doesn't want to regret letting her go because they would have been better off. To me, I think he was angry at what JD was doing to JP. So, he wanted to let her know how he felt about how JD was treating JP.

I think she felt bad after what JH said. It guess it was the first time she realized that she was the wrong doer?

Okay. Thanks, guys. This is helpful because I wasn't sure who was the person that let JD go because the subbing was a little confusing. The name changes the meaning of the conversation.

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Guest CrushedDreamz

But I'm confused. How come JP doesn't know JD's family laundry service is no more? I mean, his mom was the one who closed down their business.

I think JP does know that the laundry store is no more. Remember the previous episode near the end I believe, JP asked JD why she didn't tell him about what happened. JP wanted to help but JD told him not to and to just watch instead...

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Guest rainbow9

LMH is doing such a good job in his facial expressions. He is so expressive that I can tell what he is feeling without him being obvious. I feel so bad for JP in these scenes. He is the faithful guy trying his best to do what his girlfriend requested. JD actually put herself in this bad situation because she didn't communicate with her boyfriend like how he requested. So, I feel JP is taking JD's words seriously while JD is not taking JP's words seriously. I think she has it too good with JP and does not realize it. I think the fiance will shake things up and make JD realize JP is more than just someone who tires her. I have good expectations for BOF, especially when I saw HYD Season 2 JP version and the movie version. It's the greatest and I hope, since there are 24 episodes, that BOF will include those great storylines in the JP version in this one.

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Guest anyaluvsmodels

I really have to give arashi.vox.com a shout out in this thread because she is amazing.

I don't how she does it but she subs this drama at lightning speed. I think she is THE super woman of the subbing world.

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Guest misspinky

woobin (ji hoon) is seemingly playing a bigger part, i believe he has some connections to the mafia or what not. i think his side of the story will soon be revealed (as to why he's a player--his younger sisters wanting to marry him and childish mother). i'm really curious as to how and if the director will show it as even yijung (kim bum)'s story has been slightly revealed.

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Guest rainbow9

The previews of ep 12 where JP is leaving is similar to the JP version. Oh, I can't wait for JD to tell JP that she is in love with him before he leaves to Macau.

Also, I would like to give praise for more scenes with Woo Bin. He's a cool character to have around because he kinda lightens the mood. YJ and Gauel are pretty cool characters too. I hope they end up together. I also like how the storyline is getting with the guys. They seem so close and comfortable with each other now. Its kinda like each one of them knows when to begin and when to end. They are so in sync. It's admiring how they help each other out, especially JP when he is emotionally distraught. They care for him a lot.

JD is great. She makes me angry and frustrated at the present time. I haven't really been moved by her yet. But, I know that she will make me cry later on when she struggles with the mom, the fiance, and the amnesia. It will be her turn to move us how JP moved us in the beginning to now. I love BOF. Thanks a bunch!!!

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1 thing dat i really want to understand is dat...

y Jun Pyo told Yi Jung bout Ga eul's b'day at da 1st place...

he wants Yi jung 2 celebrate it on his behalf...??

since Ga eul is Jandi's best friend, n he's Jandi's boyfriend...

or...Jun Pyo know something????

Yi jung seems happy to know bout it also...

his reaction after received da phone call from Junpyo.. ^_^<_<

Edit:tiki sg

thanks...I thought about that possibility too…

That they only show it on KBS America…

What a waste…they should let da whole world watch it

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The BOF special on KBS world…can anybody tell me what time it will air according to Korea time…

all post here state the time for US…but I’m living in Asia…an hour late then Korea..

It seems that the BOF Special is only shown on KBS World America, not KBS World Asia.

Hopefully someone is kind enough to upload the programme.

Someone posted that the BOF schedule to air for KBS America tonight will be a rerun? Could someone confirm it? For I know KBS World and KBS America are pretty much different.. :sweatingbullets: On the schedule for KBS America it only says BOF..

It's not rerun. BOF Special still airs tonight (NOT the premier one, but it's like a 1hr 10 min. promo for BOF) on KBS World - America. They will air it twice, tonight and tomorrow. So, I guess, the tomorrow one will be the rerun. You got the right schedule (9:50 pm ET/ 8:50 pm CT / 6:50 pm PT).

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Guest CrushedDreamz

wan't thing dat i really wan't to understand is dat...

y Jun Pyo told Yi Jung bout Ga eul's b'day at da 1st place...

he wants Yi jung 2 celebrate it on his behalf...??

since Ga eul is Jandi's best friend, n he's Jandi's boyfriend...

or...Jun Pyo know something????

Yi jung seems happy to know bout it also...

his reaction after received da phone call from Junpyo.. ^_^<_<

I think JP told YJ that it was Ga-eul's birthday because he senses that YJ might have feelings for her. just like JH borrowing YJ's phone to call Ga-eul.. GP really believed JD when she said it was Ga-eul's birthday, so I guess he wanted to inform YJ about it...

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Guest icecreamy

Come on all the Yi Jeong and Gaeul Couple Fans let's celebrate. it seems like Gaeul and Yi jeong relationship will take a step up . They'll probably gonna go out !!!!!! Did anyone see the preview when Yi jeong was like so worried when she fell to the ground . She was like laughing . Also he said something in the eleventh episode that he overdid it . It sounds like he reallly LIKES HER !!! Yeah !!!! :D

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Guest dunlop09

I think we have to give JD a break. Now I havent watched the epi yet but the girl is under extreme duress because where literally it is a matter of her family surviving by what they bring in from the odd jobs they are procuring. Can you blame her for being stressed out over that, JP and all of the other stuff that is going on.

I give her a lot of credit because i would have caved under her situation, called it a day and and signed the contract. Now the girl has pride but really, in her situation, i would have taken the money given to her by his mom and ran.

Sorry, but I just don't get it. Jandi had already "realized" how strong her feelings for Joon Pyu are when she went on the date with Ji Hoo. Now, she has to "realize" them again? And of course, once more when Joon Pyu's fiancee comes into the picture. It frustrates me to see how she might be so uncertain about her feelings for Joon Pyu when, for him, there's no one else. Honestly, I don't know anyone in real life who would do what Joon Pyu does constantly for Jandi without question. Heck, I'm pretty sure Jandi doesn't know anyone else like that either. I love the facial expressions Lee Min Ho has when Joon Pyu is thinking about Jandi, whether in a whimsical or in an angry way. Sometimes both at the same time. Wonderful acting.

LMH is doing such a good job in his facial expressions. He is so expressive that I can tell what he is feeling without him being obvious. I feel so bad for JP in these scenes. He is the faithful guy trying his best to do what his girlfriend requested. JD actually put herself in this bad situation because she didn't communicate with her boyfriend like how he requested. So, I feel JP is taking JD's words seriously while JD is not taking JP's words seriously. I think she has it too good with JP and does not realize it. I think the fiance will shake things up and make JD realize JP is more than just someone who tires her. I have good expectations for BOF, especially when I saw HYD Season 2 JP version and the movie version. It's the greatest and I hope, since there are 24 episodes, that BOF will include those great storylines in the JP version in this one.

I do definitely feel for JD. Of course she shouldn't have lied to JP, but JP has not been that great either. People are saying that he's so faithful and he is such a good boyfriend but JD just keeps hurting him. I applaud JP for trying to hard, he really is trying his best.. however, he only does what he thinks is best for JD(which is still sweet) But he doesn't know how hard JD has it. He seems to be upset that JD doesn't spend enough time with him, but it is because she is working so hard for her family and she never complains once. She must be so tired, but JP can't give her comfort from that (he even said so himself at the swimming pool). JD finally breaks down in this episode, when JP beats up the model guy. She says "I'm suffocating(at first we think it's because he's grabbing her collar) but then she says "I'm tired". It's not because JP beat up the model guy, it's because of everything that is pressuring her(which is a lot for one girl) And later while she's delivering newspapers, she really breaks down. And no one is there for her through all of this. So I think they were both a little in the wrong, but by the end, they understand what they've done wrong, and how much they really mean to each other. We know JP really cares for JD when he goes after her, even after he thinks JD betrayed him. And when JD confronts the model, she sticks up for JP even after all the evidence against him. This part really stuck out, we always see JP and the better one of the two. But back when all evidence pointed at JD, he didn't believe her until he found out she was innocent. But in this situation, all evidence points toward JP, but never once did JD believe in the evidence. I think JD is a bit more trusting towards JP, or it could mean that their trust has grown by that much since episode 4. I hope people are more open in the future, I see so many people just bashing JD when JP was also in the wrong. I think both of these actors did an awesome job in this episode. You can really feel both their pains, and understand both their sides. :)

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Come on all the Yi Jeong and Gaeul Couple Fans let's celebrate. it seems like Gaeul and Yi jeong relationship will take a step up . They'll probably gonna go out !!!!!! Did anyone see the preview when Yi jeong was like so worried when she fell to the ground . She was like laughing . Also he said something in the eleventh episode that he overdid it . It sounds like he reallly LIKES HER !!! Yeah !!!! :D

count me in...let's celebrate together!!!

as much as i'm in love with Junpyo...but i'm in love with Yi jung more...

i watch KBS entertainment news...where da 'F3' had interview while filming da LG CF..

GHS said dat her ideal man is some1 loyal like So Yi Jung...

so yi jung as an example for loyal man?

she's kidding or what...or da gurl from yi jung past also goin to make her appearance soon???

how bout ga eul den??

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