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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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this is my first posting here... :D

i am in love with this drama, and i cant think what will happen if this drama end.. no more exciting monday and tuesday :(

episode 24 is one of the best episode to me.

Jun Pyo acting is very heartbreaking.. At first i very upset to Junpyo that let go Jandi very easily. But i think i can understand now. Junpyo is very frustrated with his mom and the fact that he is Shinwa Group's GooJunPyo. He know that he can never make Jandi happy and never will keep his promises. So he willing to let her go to his own best friend :( poor JunPyo..

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Guest dreampryncezz

One of my friends went to Korea this past week for Spring break and brought me home a BOF poster of min ho! :)

I am so sad it's over soon, but it's still fun to have a poster to remind me of my obsession :) :) :)

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Guest dae5ung

im sad but excited that today's the last episode!

but yumi reminds me of ga-eul, look-wise. haha

and did the crazy dude that almost killed jun-pyo, die?

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episode 25 (last epiosde) being updated :tears:

back to the pool: JD is standing alone. she takes the necklace out. suddenly, JP comes! she asks him if he knows the J-J on the necklace or not! he says no and gives it bakc to her! she throws it to the pool! they talk! (cant understand any word! i hate myself now)

he seems to realize sth. JD moves near the pool and falls to it. ( i dun knwo why but i find this scene very funny)

sorry to cut your post dear,

if i not mistranslated,

JD talks about the necklace which ever dropped on the pool, and she tried to take it but she drown and JP saved her. but JP denied he can swim. JD said yes he can.

that's why JD moves near to the pool, and falls to it.. you know, it's part of make his memory comes back.. ^^

anyway, i more love N tower!! B)

btw, after the 'surprise party' ended by JP's memory came back, then Yumi left?..that's all?? JP should slap her before she leaves!! @_@


another kiss, now at the cable car!!~~~ love it! love it! *scream*



yep.. that's a very sweet kiss..^^

- the jump year.

- YJ comes to GE's pottery place, with his new hair style. a so sweet moment^^

- JH-JD as doctors, helping people around the beach

- JP comes with a chopper! xD

- JP-JD meet again after 4 years.. talk, and JP proposes her *sweet*

- F3 comes and object it since the couple haven't ask their permission yet..haha... this is so cute!

- F4 reunite + JD

happy ending story... :wub:

but, aigooo... the scenes kinda quite rush,

each moment only took around 5-10 minutes with so many beautiful moments *sighs* >,<

they better airing this epi in 2 hours!



- JP dad's meets JD, and Mr. Jung tell everything about JD to him when he's in comma.

- Mama Kang says sorry to JD * i wont ask her to lick JD's shoes...kkk*

- JP-JD wedding party

- little JP-JD... hehehe

and i know it only in my dream....+_+


and epi 25 is ended NOW... T_T

eventho i dont post enough comments here, but

i'm definitely gonna miss F4, JD, GE.. and you guys.... >,<

i hope this thread will keep continue exist, so we still could talk about our beloved F4, JD & GE.

i'm waiting for flower_pot & sheherizade3's funny and lovely reviews ^^

thank you for all the posters here... ans especially our mod, REBBY, LOVE YOU! <3333

lm_87, im gonna miss your LIVE REPORT!! T__T thank you so much, dear *hugs*

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Guest scarlet135

Sorry to say...

i feel that you guys highlight the words in black and wording in white color...

do you know it's kinda hard to read?

as in eyesight feel painful

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Guest cutegit

^ we have to highlight the spoilers for those who dont want to read them when they havent watched the ep yet

omg lots of important conversations i cant understand D: (thank you in advance subbers :P)

i loved the pool scene when JP suddenly remembers JD!! <333

sucky internet got cut off right after JP tells JD something in the park and the noise from the motorcycle interrupts LMAO

omggg namsan tower!! thank God my internet is back!!!!! <333333 but that was the kiss? XD aigoooo.. wait... is it the 4 year jump already? :o

omg the dad's well and watching tv with mama kang (who looks very happy!) :o

i can already see the happy ending~ but i'm becoming saddddd :( only a few more minutes of BOF!!!

-last edit-

it finally ended... there wasnt even a 10 minute extentension in the last episode :( so sad but i have to say that everything worked out in the end? i think all the dilemmas were answered... but i agree that Yumi just disappears? i want JP to shout at her (i was neutral at first but she got so annoying!) or something! arrrr

since this is the last ep, i just want to say thanks to all the posters. this thread wouldnt be the same without you guys :)

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Guest lucky_moon

Sorry to say...

i feel that you guys highlight the words in black and wording in white color...

do you know it's kinda hard to read?

as in eyesight feel painful

It's the rule if you are writting a spoiler you must use the spoiler tag..

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Guest scarlet135

omg 4 years jump???

when JP save her from pool... is before 4 years jump or after?

cute_girl, ooops..sorry i did'nt know about this spoiler tag.... so sorry.. i will try to copy to notepad and read ba...

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omg 4 years jump???

when JP save her from pool... is before 4 years jump or after?

cute_girl, ooops..sorry i did'nt know about this spoiler tag.... so sorry.. i will try to copy to notepad and read ba...

It's before the 4 years jump.

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Guest lizyap

oh my god...cant believe its over...i want more. should of been at least 30 eps. But overall it was well done. Should of given woo bin more stories. three characters have but not him. Apart his a gangster and a good friend nothing much about him. But you can sure expect the actors in BOF will definitely appear a lot more in drama, cfs, movies. Whoever acts in BOF will definitely receive a lot of fame. Its the same to all countries. Its a typical pattern. Really looking forward to watching ending. wonder about ga eul and yj!

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Arghhhhh, why the hell wouldn't she follow Junpyo to go study abroad instead of all that "You come back and become a man" nonsense????!!!!!!!!!!

And then maybe after four years, they would have been already married with kids!

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Guest tchq90

Whats about GE- YJ relation?

Looks like they have a happy ending also... The Kindergarten scene when he came back from abroad and they smiled to each other....

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Guest heosuautit

end of E25

No Wedding scene of JJ after 4 Years

No Conclude of YJ-GE Relationship - no kissing scene

I love the pooling scene with JJ. GHS looks glamous :P

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Guest ginny_potter

Oh well, since Woobin's was never given a proper "four years after" explanation... then it's off to the fanfiction world for me. Who's up for a Woobin/Jaekyung fanfic? Hehe!

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please tell me that today wasnt the last episode

im so dissapointed




PD.. whats up? give 1 more episode.. a special its ok too..

but.. this?

aaaaah im so mad..

i was expecting a good ending

they dont make justice to the story, the cast and the fans

when i see it subbed it will share all my toughts..


WAAAHHH :angry:

KBS sure will have a fan-terrorist attack soon..

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Guest BigHeadDog

Arghhhhh, why the hell wouldn't she follow Junpyo to go study abroad instead of all that "You come back and become a man" nonsense????!!!!!!!!!!

And then maybe after four years, they would have been already married with kids!

i think cos she does not want to use his money to go abroad or else his mum will look down on her more and more...how come the ending is like that???

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Guest zaizai_f4_only


the day i dont want it to happend it actually happening right now T___________________T

may be i'm still in a shock moment where i cant really say whether i love the ending or not..

but IT's DEFINITELY a happy ending!

but i wanted the ending to be more cuter where they have small JP hiihi...

and plus SEOUL scene T_T it's doesnt really say that they are together ...

*lol may be it's because i dont understand!*

but i also want GE to stand together with f4 and JD... why didnt they make it that way :(

GLAD UMI doesnt last long! i feel like slapping her!

SEOUL scene at the stair picture last time when tthey seems to play around...

that's definitely for a CF yeah?? not included here at the last ep T_T

GOSHHH it's ended and im so SADDD!!!!

ONCE AGAIN!! thanks to all the people who contribute for this drama... such as CAPS, SUBS, SPOILERs etc2...

u guys are the best!

and it's time to say good bye :tears:

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Guest funkindagirl

episode 25 (last epiosde) :tears:

he seems to realize sth. JD moves near the pool and falls to it. ( i dun know why but i find this scene very funny)

JD stays in the water a bit long. F3 and everyone come there but JH stops people from saving JD. Jp looks shocked. his memory comes back! he calls her name: " Jan Di ah" so romantic

JP does CPR. :D JD wakes up and she asks him if he can remember her or not. he says " i'm sorry" and they hug the other! Umi leaves quietly

beach: JD is very surprised to see JP ( 4 years already). they hug the other .

JP kneels down and proposes to JD ( paradise song here). OMG, JD hasnt answered yet but F3 appear!

F4 and JD look at the sunset!

-the end-

Thanks for the live recap!

OMG Im really looking forward to seeing the pool scene when he finally remembers.

And hooray for the apology....

I dont think Umi should be allowed to just leave so easily. JP should've definitely made it hard on her after telling lies.

HMM guess there's going to be a lot of disappointment from a lot of fans over how it ended. I for one am slightly sad at the open ended finish, although I had a feeling it was going to end with the proposal at the beach!!

And I cant believe YJ & GE didnt even get to kiss!

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