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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest Banana Peel

^ that picture must be when Jihoo proposes to JD! O_o;

That's such a ..weird way to give the ring to her. Lol.

Just a little drop on her hand. I was expecting a kneel down or something!

(Btw, Is he proposing for marriage or as a boyfriend?)

I think he chosed the wroooonng timing.

Why now? He knows that JD's into JP, and so is JP into JD!

And plus, with all this marriage canceling, doesn't he know that

this means a possibility of JP and JD back together again? ^^;

*sigh* Oh, Jihoo. You're gonna make me feel bad for you!

Please don't propose to Jandi! Puhhleease?! :tears:

Edit: Ohh, well that's good to hear :)

thanks to those who corrected me!

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Guest lemonsorbet

^ that picture must be when Jihoo proposes to JD! O_o;

That's such a ..weird way to give the ring to her. Lol.

Just a little drop on her hand. I was expecting a kneel down or something!

(Btw, Is he proposing for marriage or as a boyfriend?)

sorry to cut your post short..

but i think he is returning the star necklace.. jk had it, and from what spoilers say, she returns it to jh, saying she hoped the j <3 j was for jd and jh. looks like Jh is being the good guy in the middle and returning it to its rightful owner.

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Guest ainne92

I think the producers or whoever is in charge of the show's publicity just wants to heighten the craze for this drama. The pictures released were probably meant for people to go crazy and really stay in tune to wacth them because forums that are dedicated to the drama that end up sharing ideas go insane (LIKE ME! HAHA!!) and starts to really get into it. Which is what they really aim for. Like they say, Strike the iron while it's hot! With everyone wondering what's really going to happen, more people will want to watch it more, hence with the results of even Higher Ratings.

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Ya ... I am quite dreading that BOF now is coming to an end! I cant tell how much that I am obsessed by it, worried about it, happy as well as angry of it, and above all, really love it! And the thing that I miss the most about this drama is our priceless JoonDi moments :tears:

Anyway, do any of you know when the DVD will be released? If the PD made a perfect ending for our JoonDi couple (a wedding and a small Jun Pyo :D ), I will spend all my savings to buy the DVD :D

I wish the time will just stop at epi 22/23(before JD break off with JP)...... :lol: .... i know i'm going to miss this drama too... I'm going to miss GJD/GJP and LMH/GHS........ :tears:

it depends where you are from. If you are from singapore, Poh Kim will be bringing the english subtitle(only) in April(should be end of april) or early May... The chinese/english subtitles will be in later.......

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Guest re.loaded

^ that picture must be when Jihoo proposes to JD! O_o;

That's such a ..weird way to give the ring to her. Lol.

Just a little drop on her hand. I was expecting a kneel down or something!

(Btw, Is he proposing for marriage or as a boyfriend?)

I think he chosed the wroooonng timing.

Why now? He knows that JD's into JP, and so is JP into JD!

And plus, with all this marriage canceling, doesn't he know that

this means a possibility of JP and JD back together again? ^^;

*sigh* Oh, Jihoo. You're gonna make me feel bad for you!

Please don't propose to Jandi! Puhhleease?! :tears:

i don't think he's proposing there. i'm pretty sure he's returning the kissing star necklace to Jandi in that scene. there's a prior scene where JK meets up with JH and gives the necklace to him so that he can return it to Jandi.

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Guest starlight tears

This will definitely be a JoonDi ending :D it has to be! it WILL be! D<

Plus..Jihoo isn't a really good actor xD

Lol, like those times he acted like he "hated" eating...

Or when he was crying/laughing (?) o__o"; [Sorry Jihoo fans! :P ]

But GJP is just too talented :) He's the best in the show ~

I feel like he /really/ loves JanDi..

Unlike Jihoo who shows one emotion..-__-"

He's only good at smiling. xP

But out of the F4 guys, Woobin is the second most talented :)

YiJung is #3! [he does too much eye bugging. O.O]

Even though I love him more than Woobin...

Wahhh ~~ just a few more hours till episode 22 !! <3

We have the same thought! I know that KHJ is good looking but he doesn't know how to act. Minho & Woobin are natural. Kim Bum is ok.

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^ that picture must be when Jihoo proposes to JD! O_o;

That's such a ..weird way to give the ring to her. Lol.

Just a little drop on her hand. I was expecting a kneel down or something!

(Btw, Is he proposing for marriage or as a boyfriend?)

I think he chosed the wroooonng timing.

Why now? He knows that JD's into JP, and so is JP into JD!

And plus, with all this marriage canceling, doesn't he know that

this means a possibility of JP and JD back together again? ^^;

*sigh* Oh, Jihoo. You're gonna make me feel bad for you!

Please don't propose to Jandi! Puhhleease?! :tears:

I don't think that the proposal, I think that JH will gonna give JD the star necklace that JK pass to him...

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Guest kiwi18

If the spoiler holds true, I find it disturbing that Ji Hoo would consider the thought of proposing to Jandi. While, I admire his kind gestures and determination in trying to win her heart. I do not admire an individual who would on one hand, appear's to support his bestfriend in his quest for love, but on the other hand, want to seek the opportunity to take the girl away. It would be understandable if Jandi feels or expresses herself in the same manner, however that is not the case. With a friend like Ji Hoo, who needs enemies. I cannot wait to see Ji Hoo's expression when Jandi rejects him. I have never dislike Rui's character sooooo much. I find it disturbing myself.

denise31 I ABSOLUTELY agree with you. For a while I really appreciate the support that Ji Hoo offered her in a time of a lot of trouble. But I'm ready for him to go away. Well, not completely, but to stop making his own heart break. If he really proposes to her, he's stupid. Really stupid. Are we sure he wasn't the one in the coma during everything that's happened for the LAST EIGHT EPISODES?!?!?!?!?!?!? :D

[begin rant]Honestly, Ji Hoo, you get grandpa and your love mobile. That's more than you've gotten in any other version. Live with it. Have you seen how she looks at Jun Pyo??? She may be pissed at him, but the girl still loves him very much. Go find a new chick, or break up the engagement of the old one. Perhaps you should find a new instrument to learn. You seem very adept at that. All I'm saying is that at some point, you need to move on. Better now then at Jun Pyo and Jan Di's wedding (which I very much want to see...) Anywya, Ji Hoo, you're an awesome friend. But that's all you are. So keep the ring for your true love and let. Jan Di. GO![/endrant]

*Phew* I feel better having gotten that off my chest. Is it Monday in the states yet????????

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Guest tofumui


for this article, the reporter was actually at the scene, so this is a first hand account

4th time's the charm?

written by: 김형우 cox109@newsen.com / 정유진 noir1979@newsen.com

translated by: dunlop09

thanks dunlop09 for the translation.. i really am looking forward to the kiss scene but i'm also sad knowing that it will be the break up scene for them.. it's good to know that both are still able to joke around with each other prior to the kiss scene.. it must have been stressful on them both having to film the scene and too bad about the bad weather..

The final scene to be filmed was their kiss at Yungjong-do Wangsan Beach. Jun Pyo asks Jan Di, “Aren’t you going to tell me that you like me? What kind of person am I to you?” and she responds, along with a kiss. The first take was an NG because they didn’t know where they had to stand for the kiss. The second NG was due to the wind messing up their hair during the kiss. Lee Min Ho then loosened some of the tension on set when he told the PD, “Jan Di has to wipe her runny nose”. The loud sound of the wind caused the third NG. At this time, Lee Min Ho made Ku Hye Sun laugh by remarking, “Ah, the left side of my face should be shown [on screen],” (implying that the left side of his face is his best side). They finally got an “OK” from the PD after seven takes. However, this wasn’t the end of filming for the day. A staff member called out, “Move to the Hyatt”, upon which the crew packed up to go to Seoul Hyatt Hotel where Kim Hyun Joong (Ji Hu) was waiting."

haha that's so cute that MinHo would say to film his left side since that is his best side.. and that HyeSun needs to wipe her runny nose.. glad they can still joke about it after the intense filming.. hope they wouldn't be feeling akward around each other for the last bit of the filming..

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Argh!! I had such a long post and then my computer crashed down and now I forgot what I wrote..... :tears:

Ay.....anyways....thanks baby_angel_1004 for all those spoilers!! I can't believe that Mama Kang did that to JH and GE! I hope everything gets resolved in the end. It's too bad that JD wasn't there to see the stabbing. I wonder where she went? The conversation between YJ and GE is too sad, at least the last part give me so hope. I don't mind the time jump as long as it has to do with JD getting pregnant or something. I really don't like to see them separate for a long time and get reunited when they are older. What a waste of time!

Umm...so many people posted so many stuff that I don't even know how to begin. Thanks to everyone who posted spoilers, pics, and translations and am very sorry for not being able to remember everyone.

It's so funny to hear how many times they had to NG for that kiss scene. Their dialogue is funny!! It's so sad to hear that after that, they have to go to the hotel to film KHJ scenes. I can picture them having to pack everything and run to the van with them.

I don't think that JH would propose to JD too. Even it is to give her his mom's ring, I think he just wants her to have it, not that he would propose to her because I think it would be really weird to try to convince JP to go meet JD at the fishing village and then going behind his back and proposing to her. Or as another poster said, he is probably giving that necklace back to her. I hope it is the necklace though.

Hmm..late revelation....I was rewatching Ep. 13 and realized that the song that JH was playing on the piano while JD was recording a video for JP was the same song that JD sang at JP's birthday. Haha....very late revelation..:P

Anyways, I really hope that the ending isn't rushed because I hate rushed endings. I want my ending to be JP and JD together. YJ and GE together. JH with.....SH....hmm...not possible, but I guess he has his grandfather. I want WB to have a girl at the end too, like coming in at the end and saying I'm dating a girl. Hey, they are having a time jump so anything can happen. Then, I would be really happy.

Edit: Hmm...first it was JK getting the rant, and not JH is getting the rant. All I do is feel sad for him, I really blame the PD for making his character so....I can't even find the words to say it. I'm sorry...but I really don't like to hear about who acts better and who doesn't. I think they all act very well. The character JH is 4 dimensional which means how much emotions are we going to see from him? I think I would be happy if there are some. KHJ is trying his best to be emotional considering he himself is like emotionless. Overall, everyone is good at in their characters and I am really sad to hear that so and so is not good at acting. Considering the fact that everyone is tired, there are times their acting could be not right. I think it is better to enjoy the show as it is and just because the character at the moment is doing something that everyone dislikes, we end up bashing their acting. I'm sorry to have offended anyone.

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Guest emfkrx

i really hope this drama ends in a "my girl-esque" way. what i mean is, in the drama my girl, the main character yoorin and gongchan separate after yoorin runs away, similar to what jandi's gonna do. they meet a year or two later and then yoorin tries to push gongchan away. but then everyone else starts fighting for them: gongchan's ex-gf, the guy who has a crush on yoorin, gongchan's aunt and uncle, everyone.

i think BOF should end like that :) even though jandi tries to push junpyo away, gaeul, F3, gongshi, junhee, and maybe even JP's dad?! the fact that JP's dad is still alive is really exciting to me, because he's the only one that holds more authority that mama kang. if he wakes up and supports JD and JP, everything will be resolved. that would be a different ending from the manga, but still yay for everyone :D

but that's just a dream for me lol i don't know what's really going to happen T.T

haha i agreee.

i was thinking after the rainy day break up! then like a year later? jandi is someone succesfull? and gets mama kangs approval or like has JP dad's backup and yeah :D haha

that'll be cuteee

i cant wait for JP's dad to wake up!

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Latest spoiler update from KPculture


1) It is possible that the HYD character of Nakashira Umi is not featured in BOF

yeah !!im really happy about this!!


how about JD shoes ? curious about this ,,

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maybe JH would propose to JD when JP gets an amnesia or.....JH would propose to JD to test her love for JP since she just quickly ran off and broke up with JP..maybe she lied saying she doesn't like JP that much to stay in the relationship so maybe JH proposed but rejects him--which truly means that she really loves JP that she can't move on that quickly..hahaha i don't know..i love BOF it makes u think even though i've seen so many versions..

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Guest jhessy

Oh I sure wish there's such a thing as a special 2-hour last (25th) episode at least. I think I would be the happiest, well.... including the rest..... hehhehe. Oh please please please PD-nim...... ~_~" hehe

Hey there's no harm in wishful thinking.... and hoping...... and BEGGING...... LOL ^_^Y

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:D I second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, etc etc etc. that motion jhessy!

Would love for that to happen as it seems like it is ending so quickly now. Will really miss F4 and JanDi !!

Can't believe what a big part they have played in my life these past weeks!!!

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If JH ever propose to JD when JP lost his memory, then I think JH is Umi's character, and PD nim, I don't want that to happen ... JH already has lots of pain, himself, don't make him suffer anymore and don't dare to destroy his angel character ....

JH is best friend to JP and JD, he himself will never do anything like that ........ what a mess! Korean PD and writer are out of their mind if they make JH ever look bad ....... as if it's not enough to change JP, they plan to destroy JH as well .....

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Guest choliese

can't believe the happy and content picnic scene is a prelude to the historic break up scene T_T

nevertheless can't wait to see tonight & tommorow's eps <3

the kissing pics are too sweet, really, i love LMH & GHS' chemistry

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Guest F4fan

Am I assuming that their will not be a BoF special with GHS along with F4 and maybe KSE? They did one already so it might be re-hashing the old stuff.


Its rumored that JP will get stabbed when a crazy Shinhwa hater attacked JH thinking he was JP and he pushed JH out of the way. For me, I think this is a perfect setup for JP, JH, and JD meeting again after the time jump. That is assuming that JD does become a doctor. How else are they suppose to meet again without one of them going to the other person after the time jump?

If JD saves JP, Mama Kang will have to accept her because she saves Shinhwa (JP). We are assuming that since JD takes care of a vegetative state man rumored to be JP's father and maybe gets him to wake up from his coma. Thus, Mama Kang can no longer deny the JP-JD relationship because JD saves Shinhwa not once but twice (father and son).

I also don't think JH will propose in the strictest sense. I think he will try to gift the ring to JD but she won't accept because it will be like accepting a proposal. Though, I can also see a proposal after thinking that JD dumps JP because she doesn't love him.

Time Jump: Best time is after JP sees JD in fishing village and maybe discovers the reason why she runs away -- MK going after GE and JH via his father, assuming that JD works a miracle to wake him up from his coma state. Papa Kang makes a deal with JP -- give it 4 years to finish school and learn the business. After 4 years, if JP still loves JD, then he will support JP regardless of the mother. JP resolves to learn and work harder while JD goes to medical school.

I really want closure to this drama -- it could be JP proposing to JD, wedding, or kids. I just don't want them to just stand side by side and look lovingly into each other's eyes. I just want something that indicates a future and not a moment.

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