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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest tofumui

thanks iJaney and michibangs for the scarf kiss pictures.. OMG OMG OMG.. i can't wait to see JanDi pull him down and smack a kiss on him.. and it would have been nice that while they're walking along the beach to be holding hands as well.. i wonder if it'll be akward again for them after the kiss?? lol

i don't think she was wiping the kiss, but maybe she is still having complications after the injury so she is just pressing it as it may hurt??

thanks blue_angel_1004 for the spoiler dialogue and for the extra spoiler scenes... that's so sweet and romantic.. a day of spending together with no fights, and he finally hears her say i like you and then i can't believe she's going to break up with him.. it's taken them so long to get back together and they had to withstand so many obstacles and now the break up.. and for GaEul and YiJung i'm happy that it seems to be leaning towards a positive outcome :tears:

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Guest pangstar_lOVEs_herojaejoon

*kills herself*

OMGEEE! guys, i am ready to die! If i don't see BOF now, i am

going to errr.....punch my pillow!!

The pictures look soo sweet.

I think this has to be my favorite kiss,

when i first saw the pic, my heart melted.

It's a sweet but loving kiss.

Probaly my favorite kiss so far, so much for my wanting of a crazy tongue kiss :P

is it just me or does Minho look damn hott in white?

haha, i love what hes wearing. Anything is perfect on him.

so, reading some of the spoilers *shame on myself*

there is going to be a time lapse?


does anybody know how long.

it can't be years long, right?

anyway, can't wait for Monday & Tuesday!~

btw, thank you guys for sharing the pictures~!

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Guest Valentin

I was thinking a lot about the speculations that Jandi and Jihoo were the original couple planned for BoF. It It made me think a lot about what happened in New Caledonia about the 'soulmate' and 'husband' prediction. Could it be that Jihoo is going to be the husband (Ex. Foreshadowed by Jandi and Jihoo's wedding pictures...) and that Joon Pyo is actually the soulmate? (That they love one another but can't be together?) I seriously, seriously hope I'm nowhere near the mark.

I think there's a big misunderstanding here. The producers of the Korean drama adaptation of Boys Over Flowers never, ever intended for the "final couple" to be Ji Hoo and Jan Di. Rather, it was the author of the original Japanese manga, Hana Yori Dango, who stated that when she first started drawing the story, she had originally intended to have Rui (Ji Hoo) and Makino (Jan Di) end up together. However, fan response to Domyoji (Joon Pyo) turned out to be so positive that she ended up changing the story to have them end up together instead.

Personally, as much as I understand (on some level) the Ji Hoo and Jan Di shippers out there, I think it's best for all of us that they at least tamp down their enthusiasm or "speculation". Although the producers of Boys Over Flowers have come out and said they are planning an ending that will be different from all the previous ones, I'm 99.99% positive that does not mean that Ji Hoo and Jan Di will end up together. You have to remember that the producers have a contract with the author of Hana Yori Dango, and while I'm sure that the contract permits a high level of creative license, I highly, highly, highly doubt that creative license extends to making the ending a Ji Hoo and Jan Di one, rather than the original Joon Pyo and Jan Di one. Even if the producers could finagle the author into permitting such a drastic change as that, no doubt the resulting contract would end up so expensive that a Boys Over Flowers Korean adaptation wouldn't even have been able to be produced at that point! Yeah, welcome to the world of business contracts, where the more you want, the more you have to pay for it.

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Latest spoiler update from KPculture


1) It is possible that the HYD character of Nakashira Umi is not featured in BOF.

2) Word is starting to trickle out that Han Chae Young will be back for the “__ years later” scene.

Yipee..this is the scene which i'm not looking forward. i do hope the news is true though.

You have to remember that the producers have a contract with the author of Hana Yori Dango, and while I'm sure that the contract permits a high level of creative license, I highly, highly, highly doubt that creative license extends to making the ending a Ji Hoo and Jan Di one, rather than the original Joon Pyo and Jan Di one. Even if the producers could finagle the author into permitting such a drastic change as that, no doubt the resulting contract would end up so expensive that a Boys Over Flowers Korean adaptation wouldn't even have been able to be produced at that point.

sorry i've to cut your post. i'm totally agree with your statement regarding the business contract rules and regulations. Since this series is based on HYD manga, there is a strict limitation to all aspect where the PD could not change the storyline as their wish. Even though the PD did mentioned that the ending for BOF will be quite different from original HYD, but i can highly assure that JD-JP will still have a happy ending. Changing the ending storyline of this drama is going to cost BOF a fortune to pay for the license agreement.

And some pictures to share ..

Credit: Baidu 贴吧






Finally some BOF's cute animated icons. Please credit RINA@youcapturedme if you're using it.

myAvatar_17001003_1.gifmyAvatar_17001036_1.gif Goo Jun Pyo myAvatar_17001014_1.gifmyAvatar_17001001_1.gif Yoon Ji Hoo

myAvatar_17000999_1.gif So Yi Jung myAvatar_17001000_1.gif Song Woo Bin myAvatar_17001002_1.gif Geum Jan Di

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Guest F4fan

Latest spoiler update from KPculture

There is word that the drama will actually not include the HYD character of Nakashima Umi.

Yipee..this is the scene which i'm not looking forward. i do hope the news is true though.

Yipeee!!! Yeah!!!! Best news of the weekend.

I am really hoping that make Jandi a doctor. If they don't, I would be greatly disappointed. She would have lost JP, her childhood friend, F3, and swimming. They have to give her one thing.

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Guest Sango2893

I think there's a big misunderstanding here. The producers of the Korean drama adaptation of Boys Over Flowers never, ever intended for the "final couple" to be Ji Hoo and Jan Di. Rather, it was the author of the original Japanese manga, Hana Yori Dango, who stated that when she first started drawing the story, she had originally intended to have Rui (Ji Hoo) and Makino (Jan Di) end up together. However, fan response to Domyoji (Joon Pyo) turned out to be so positive that she ended up changing the story to have them end up together instead.

Thank you. It just wouldn't be HYD without JD & JP together!

I think JD and JH shippers are just grasping for straws...


Latest spoiler update from KPculture


1) It is possible that the HYD character of Nakashira Umi is not featured in BOF.

2) Word is starting to trickle out that Han Chae Young will be back for the “__ years later” scene.

Yipee..this is the scene which i'm not looking forward. i do hope the news is true though.

1. Thank god! I don't think I could watch it fully with umi in it

2. I think Han Chae Young comming back would be good, and finally give JH some love

It's still not fair Woo Bin needs some lovin' too!

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Guest kimngoc266

I was thinking a lot about the speculations that Jandi and Jihoo were the original couple planned for BoF. It It made me think a lot about what happened in New Caledonia about the 'soulmate' and 'husband' prediction. Could it be that Jihoo is going to be the husband (Ex. Foreshadowed by Jandi and Jihoo's wedding pictures...) and that Joon Pyo is actually the soulmate? (That they love one another but can't be together?) I seriously, seriously hope I'm nowhere near the mark.

From the beginning until the end, I've always been and always will be a Jandi/Joon Pyo supporter. I find the writers are dragging out the triangle way too long. There are moments when it seems Jihoo is about to make a move, and then suddenly reverts to 'friend status.' We only have 4 more episodes and 9 days of filming left!

I love Minho's comment about how 'with only 9 days of filming left, every moment gets more precious.' Even though they're all exhausted, this is something they all love. BoF was the first drama I ever followed so closely, and when it ends, I know I'm going to suffer from BoF withdrawal.

I don't think JD will marry JH even when she can't be with JP. This drama is about the story of true love. No matter how difficult, how many obstacles they have to go through, true love will prevail. This is exactly like the love between JP and JD.

If the spoiler is true, JH will kind of propose to JD and she will refuse because the person she loves is JP. JP and JD is very similar, they are very loyal to their love. Even if times go by and JD can't be with JP, JD will not accept JH. In addition, if JD is the one who takes care of JP's dad and he will be the one that can unite JP and JD.

As of right now, they are too young to get married, and they probably want to pursue their dream, so it makes sense to fast forward time in order for them to have a concrete, mature relationship. I just hope the PD will not drag the amnesia arc to forward time, JP still can't remember JD and they meet again, JD will maybe another survival kick that makes JP fall in love with JD all over again.

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Guest polaris

i think jandi using etude makeup

thanks~ I was just going to ask what compact she was using. =)

Seriously today was a good day for this forum with all these goodie pics of Jandi and JP's kiss.. ^^ After the angst of the past two episodes.. I think we all needed this. I wonder when JD will say "I love you" to JP.. from the spoiler she only says " I like you." and that is such an understatement after everything they've gone through.

Also.. i've notice how thin Hyun Joong has gotten recently. I couldnt help but think that Jihoo needed that meat prize more than Jandi's family. Someone needs to feed him some Boyahk. He's had a lot of scenes that require emotional outpour recently so maybe he's really stressed out by that. Poor HJ.

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Guest sunshinek

After re-watching the episodes i have come to realize that whether Jandi marriage is to Jihoo or Jun Pyo doesn't matter. She will make either man happy and either man will make her happy, so both can be either soulmate or husband to her. Jihoo is the only one that has confessed his love honestly to Jandi not once but twice but he keeps ending his confession with i only stopped because of my friendship with Jun Pyo. The first time he is telling her he would have never stopped if it was going to happen like this so don't let him regret his decision. The second time he completely tells her that after he saw her kneel down and beg then got on the plane he came to his sense which means he wasn't in love with SH anymore but with JD. My goodness if that is not straightforward then she really is dumb.

Jandi however never confessed she loved Jihoo until she thought he was sleep and even then she was confessing so she can leave JH for JP. Jun Pyo knew from the very beginning that Jandi was in love with Jihoo oh the priceless moments when JP ask her to the party and she rejects then JH ask and she couldn't say yes fast enough, then the rescue from the 3bullies, the kiss on the forehead at the airport, then kiss in Caledonia, date on the town, bringing her back to his house and those are just the moments that JP knows about. When JP rescued JD after she saw JH and SH kissing JP knew how JD felt about JH but he was trying to steal her feelings away with all the playboy romance telling her that he won't wait long. He gave hint after hint that he knew that there was something between them. Poor JD the only reason she was going along with JP was because she thought JH was totally into SH. If she knew she had a chance she would have went with JH.

But in many ways JP and Jae Kyung are just alike they were willing to wait until that person recognized them and fell in love with them. That is the main reason even after the kiss in Caladeonia JP kept wanting JD he was waiting until she settled her feeling for JH. Whats funny is that JH could have taken JD he made those comments about i object to you dating and telling JD lets date, then laughs and says lets date behind JP back LOL!!! JP was hoping that JH was still stuck on SK but he knew JH liked JD because JH always was rescuing JD that is why JP gets so mad when he sees them together he knows that JH was JD first love. JP also knows that if he had to give JD up he'd only want to give her up to JH that is why everytime she needs rescueing he calls on JH. THat is the same reason why JK behaves the way she did knowing all alone that JP and JD liked each other she would wait for JP because she know that JD was a good person to love and that he would be a good person because he loved JD. (TWISTED little fate!!!) JK was wrong for not being honest but JP wasn't that honest either in the beginning when he was liking JD but his persistence won over JD. The only reason it would never work out between JK and JP is because JK does to many things that remind him of JD so he'd never forget JD or at least feel something more for JK. Plus his stubborn that why she likes him.

JH and JK are the same they are thinking do I give up my love to my best friends and JP and JK are the same in the way they approach love. Its interesting that there are really no obstacles for JH and JD to be together but that little thing about JD loving JP always gets in the way because when you think about it even the grandfather mentioned to one of his patients that JD was already picked for marrying someones grandson of course we all know he was talking about himself. JH is very honorable, nice, kind guy because he knows that JP was always a lonely child and JH had SH so if JP want his first love JH doesn't want to stand in his way because he doesn't want him to have any regrets like he did with SH he waited to long to confess his feelings and once he did she was leaving and he was really in love with JD. JK is the same

Just like the Gaeul and Yijeong love story that poor boy is messed up from his first love but I love the way the first love phrased it that she was not his air but a breeze and once its gone it can't come back to the same place. DEEP statement is JH, JD breeze just like SH was JH breeze? or is JD, JP breeze

Yijeong knows he likes Gaeul but has he gotten over the brother and his first love being together?

Jandi knows that its time for her to stop depending on Jihoo because its a slippery slope back down to her old feelings, but as the previews show there will be drama in the drama to help solidify JD and JP love for each other

So now it all comes down to who will choose thier first love or second love?

-Jandi first love was Jihoo

Jandi second love was JunPyo

-Junpyo first love was Jandi

JunPyo second love maybe Jae Kyung

-Jihoo first love was Seo Hyun

JiHoo second love was Jandi

-YIjeong first love was Eunjae

Yijeong second love maybe Gaeul

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Guest lemonsorbet

i also think jp and jd will ultimately end up together..

in ep 8, at the end of jh and jd's date they are sitting on the couch and talking.. towards the end of the conversation, jh says " i think i can let her go now..my first love"

jd replies "they say in this world, there's some ties that no matter how many times you break up/separate, you always meet again"

at this time i think she was saying this to comfort jh on his first love, but dont you think she couldve unknowingly predicted her future with jp?


no matter how many times they break up, separate, they'll always end up together.

p.s are there any spoiler pics floating around of the supposed bus chase scene?

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Guest pr1ya

o god.. not jp jeakung ending man.. i wont watch it if so..god ..no..! she asked she will have chance part is ringin on my mind now..

afta jd marries jihoo ..afta a while.. junpyo will marry jeakung n understand her lob..

o god no.

PD plz make it false.

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Guest audreyhepburn

Oh My God. If they change the ending to Jandi JiHoo I´ll die - that is IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Seriously I enojoyed this drama so much, watched it closely and stuff, like no drama before - and its soooo goood! BUt they CANT change that ending!! Its not appealing at all - JP and JD just HAVE to be together...

ohgod... i´m fearing the next eps... - and: how can they, in those little time left, end the story? god, its really a hadr part...

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Guest snowqueen00

the couple JP nad JD defin be together. im 100% sure of that..

cause this all about drama..her life and his life . how can they be together.

im watching this drama beacuse i love the main two charater...

if the ending will be JD and jihoo im gonna burne this drama from me laptop ..hahaha;)

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Guest betchay

I enjoyed reading your post, great analysis. :D

I knew JH was already inlove to JD even before going after to SH in France.

So sorry for him coz he was late when he came back & realized it. :phew:

Anyway.. SH didn't marry her fiance.. so in the end, they can be together again.

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Guest funkindagirl

Someone mentioned before about the music playing during the date kiss scene.

And I was listening to the 2nd OST and I have a dreaded feeling that its gonna be Kara's Love Is Fire >___<

That would completely destroy a wonderful moment in this drama if they used the song. :(

But I can somehow see them using it in that scene & when they ride their bicyles or something because its all light and happy and carefree, while the song is bubbly and 'cute'.

And the lyrics really FIT their situation...talking about how much they've fallen in love and loving forever etc.

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Guest KristyS

Omg >.< ! I cannot wait until tomorrow to see episode 22 and 23 ! I want to just fall asleep right now, wake up tomorrow morning, not go to school and not go to swimming practice ! I feel like skipping those just for BOF... <_< Luckily tomorrow is a minimum day *YES ! Thank YOU!* .

All those kiss scenes between JP and JD are so cute :lol: She grabs him this time ^^'', which episode will that be in ?

Aww, poor Jun Pyo is trying to get a little toy from the crane :sweatingbullets: - Fail -

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Guest soonjap

I don't think the chemistry between JanDi and GJP was all that great. It seemed more like the kind of love that his mom said, a love that burns fiercely but burns out quickly in a few years. They're always fighting, and their personalities don't match. I think it's a case where opposites attract, but could hardly create a deep long lasting marriage. Whereas i think a Jihoo+Jandi relationship would be more heartfelt and longer lasting.

I have more sympathy for Jaekyung since she's pretty much the victim i think. She tries hard despite everything...i think Jaekyung would be the perfect girlfriend...i wish i could find a girl like her. *sigh*

I'm not sure about the chemistry between JanDi and GJP but the chemistry between GHS and LMH are undeniable. Maybe it has something to do with KHJ's acting, but there is an awkwardness between the two and it doesn't surprise me that KHJ has expressed the same thought on another variety show about this awkwardness between the two actors. Quite personally, I think KHJ is a very nice person and he's a good singer/performer but out of the F4 members, his acting needs the most work. There is an awkwardness to it that makes me flinch from time to time. LMH, on the other hand, has surprised me completely. He and GHS were great from the get go. I really didn't anticipate liking this drama very much. But they took me in. And interestingly enough, Kim Joon has really surprised me with his naturalness - particular in the fighting scenes. Has this boy had some experience? He was totally natural when in those scenes. I can picture him in future action movies.

I do find chemistry between JanDi and GJP and that's why I believe that the spark will continue to hold them together. JH and JD's relationship is more like an older brother-younger sister one. And while this kind of relationship is placid and comforting, there's no spark or spontaneity to it and after a while, it begins to be burdensome and quite frankly, boring.

I think Jan Di has come to see that even though JP acts childishly or tyrannically, he's actually very crazy about her and his commitment to her is real. And that's why she puts up with his craziness because underneath it all, she knows he really cares about her. And ultimately, it is this that makes her love him. Of course, there's no guarantee that this is enough to carry them through the "forever and ever" fantasy, but then what relationship does? Love, on any level, requires work to make it sustainable. And I think that they have enough to see that happiness isn't one-dimensional. In the end though, I guess only JanDi and JP would be able to determine their destiny toward happiness. We can conjecture to doomsday but only they'd know the answer. As do we for ourselves.

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