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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest starlight tears

OMG! i just want to thank you all the people who are so resourceful in giving us pictures, spoilers and would say that i am so looking forward on my monday & tuesday though i hate working huh! Thanks blu_angel! JOONDI Forever! Please there are some people that says this two doesn't have chemistry but i definitely disagree - they are so cute together and i think their personality is right for each other too...love them. :)

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Guest Shmindy

I don't think the chemistry between JanDi and GJP was all that great. It seemed more like the kind of love that his mom said, a love that burns fiercely but burns out quickly in a few years. They're always fighting, and their personalities don't match. I think it's a case where opposites attract, but could hardly create a deep long lasting marriage. Whereas i think a Jihoo+Jandi relationship would be more heartfelt and longer lasting.

I couldn't have put it better. I have been on the JH-JD ship because I just didn't see the chemistry between JD and JP. Honestly I couldn't imagine choosing someone like JP over someone like JH who gets me in every way. Someone who gets me even when I don't know myself.

JK I never hated her. If nothing else I felt sorry for her. When she see's it useless she does let JP go so that the two most cherished people in her life can have a chance. She only tried to make JP happy and love him. Now if she did mean things like the evil witch Mom then I would feel differently about her. In all honesty the only two people who really lose out in this story line is JH and JK.

I would love it if this drama would end with no body matching up at this point!

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Guest boabest

Hi i'm new here^^

Thanks for all the pictures! OMG I love JunDi then i'm so happy to see them together :wub:

I can't believe there are just 4 episodes before the end :tears:

Anyway i'm exciting for the episodes of tomorow and thuesday :D

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Guest Sunlight_zero36

:w00t: OMG soo many pictures! I cant wait for this date scene, the kiss where JD pulls JP by the scarf is so sweet!

I love that they're both wearing white.

Especially JP, as I dont think we get to see him wear light colours that often, he's usually in black.

But damn, he looks good in everything and anything! ^_^

He looks hot with that scarf :P

And his hair's almost lost its curls now...but I like the subtle waviness to it.

AWWW YAY!...JD still remembered & kept her promise with BOTH the lunchbox and the picnic date.

Haha JP looks so happy...

Im so looking forward to JP's reaction at seeing the food made into his face, I was sad that he didnt get to see the first one she made because he had to go to Macau.

Lol, i guess it would still be quite embarassing to do kissing scenes as they're probably used to bickering and joking around but then they suddenly have to get serious to film this part. Especially for GHS cos she's so shy.

:D Thanks for the spoiler!

Im so glad JP picked up on the fact she's never said it and then she finally does!

Aw and JP must feel like the luckiest guy on earth to get such a treat from JD....its gonna be so sad when he finds out why she's done it.

How come she doesn't say I love you instead?

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Guest doremii*

the scarf kiss looks so cute ^_^ I hope it won't be ruined by bad editing/music lol

and JH fans.. hey, at least he's got his grandpa in this version.. Rui in the other versions had no one

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Guest bieroe

if group 8 was originally wanted a JH/JD ending, i must say they really did a lousy job on casting. how can they expect KHJ who had no acting experience to play a major role. it is as if they dont take the casting seriously. i dont have problem now with KHJ acting bcos he's the supporting actor, although a better actor is always welcome. no offense to KHJ fans here of course. i mean, i know him as a great idol and i like him in person. he excels in other field of entertaiment, just not this one, or maybe not just yet. although there are lots of JH/JD moments, more than other version, im not focusing on those, that's why i never complain on KHJ plain acting. BOF has my full attention only when JP and JD are around. is not bcos that im JP/JD shipper, but simply bcos that's where the story is, for me at least. and also bcos the ability of the actors to pull me down into the plot whenever they are on screen.

actually before BOF, when i read the casting, the only name i knew was kim bum, for the rest i had no idea. and then my friend told me that KHJ is a big idol in kpop and KJ also. LMH and GHS? no clue. later i read in dramabeans that F4 consist of 2 real actors (young and with minor roles) and 2 idols with no acting experience. she's glad that doumyoji will be played for at least someone with acting experience eventhough not so much. well, same here for me.

ever since MG to hanadan and lately even the manga, to me domyoji and makino are the centre of the story and the rest are people who are entagled/involve in it. it will be very awkward if the ending is JH/JD bcos i thought the story is abt JP's and JD's love. well anyway, let see what's going to happen.

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Guest silverdreamer

I heard the original ending for the korean version was JD-JH, thats why it seems that JD and JP arn't really suited for each other. However with the popularity of JP, i guess the ending had to be changed

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what JP going to loose his memory becos he was stabbed??? so rediculus....more likely he pretended so that JD won't leave him or at least she'll be by his side to 'help' him revive his memory...probably another 'brilliant' ideafrom the F3...especially JH since he's 'debted' to JP

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Guest kimngoc266



The farewell date was intiated by Jandi who decides to leave good memories behind with Joon Pyo for the last time after Joon Pyo's mum made life difficult for Ji Hoo and Gal Eul.

Joon Pyo was however clueless about the whole situation and told Jandi, "What day is it today? Either it's someone's birthday or someone strike lottery. You (Jandi) initiated the date and didn't pick a quarrel the entire day. It would be great if everyday could be like this." Joon Pyo then said, "I have a request. Why do you not say you like me. I have already said that many times to you", hoping to hear Jandi confess her feelings to him.

Jandi does adhere to his request, "I like you", "I like you to the point that I tried really hard to not like you, and hoping to forget you. But I just couldn't do it no matter how hard I try", which was followed by Jandi leaning over to kiss Joon Pyo shly on the lips.

Sorry for cutting your post. This sounds so sweet but at the same time, we know what is going to happen next.

Thank you for your spoiler. At least now JK is out of the picture, and we have more JP and JD moments.

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Guest peanutboy

I believe that the ending has always been JP+JD, this is their love story after all, and everything from the manga, anime, MG, and HYD all had the same ending. I actually doubt that Group 8 would have tried to change the ending. BOF so far has been pretty true to the manga, details have been altered or expanded on here and there, but the core of the story remained intact.

This drama just had the right formula for success: compelling love story (filled with drama and heartbreak), handsome guys, expensive clothes and settings (production value alone was quite high), and masterful marketing.

The downsides were poor editing and flawed story/character development. My biggest gripe is how they had so much skinship between JP and fiance, but JP+JD don't even hold hands or touch each other. JK was all over JP in every scene, which I personally objected to because it wrongly conveyed chemistry or attraction to the viewer. It made JP appear to waiver when he should have been steadfast and true. Same thing with the many JH + JD scenes, I think that connection was overplayed and again became confusing for the viewer. I'm sure that this ambiguity between the couples was all intentional to play up the angst. Problem was that it was too drawn out and became tiresome to a degree. Sorry, just my opinion.

It's nice to see the cute scenes between JP+JD, the kisses are sweet, but too brief and as many have mentioned, lack passion. Overall, BOF has been an enjoyable distraction and I've never seen a cast and crew work so hard or experienced so much hardship during the making of a drama. Hope that they all enjoy a nice vacation when BOF wraps.

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Guest bieroe

what JP going to loose his memory becos he was stabbed??? so rediculus....more likely he pretended so that JD won't leave him or at least she'll be by his side to 'help' him revive his memory...probably another 'brilliant' ideafrom the F3...especially JH since he's 'debted' to JP

in the manga domyoji loss his memory of makino bcos of the stabbing. apparently after the stabbing, he lost too many blood that the blood circulation to his brain was shortly disturbed and cause some side effects. i dont know if the medical explanation makes any sense, but that how it was written anyway. why it was only makino he forgot, the doctor said maybe bcos he's thinking abt it too intensely that that part of his memory blocked

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UPDATE Spoiler courtesy of KPculture

# The reason that Jan Di decides to break things off with Jun Pyo:

Chairwoman Kang hits her where it hurts - the chairwoman victimizes both Ji Hu and Ga Eul.

# Jun Pyo gets locked up in a detention centre after getting drunk and trying to destroy property:

On the way home from drinking at a club, he sees one of those game machines where you try to grab a toy with a claw. He gets upset when he can’t grab one, and thinks back to his double-date with Jan Di. Upset, he smashes the machine and gets caught. Secretary Jung and Jun Hee come to pick him up from the detention centre. Jun Hee is extremely sad to see her brother’s emotional deterioriation.

# The reason for Jun Pyo’s memory loss is probably in episode 24:

He takes a blow that was directed towards Ji Hu. Jan Di is not present at the time. (Actually, there are rumours that someone attacked Ji Hu with a knife THINKING that he was Jun Pyo. Then, Jun Pyo stepped in to protect Ji Hu. This has not been confirmed, however.)

# Ji Hu fans beware - he is going to be temporarily miserable:

- His grandfather is sick.

-Jan Di rejects him. (KP’s note: It is being assumed that he tries proposing with the ring - not confirmed.)

- Jun Pyo gets hurt on his behalf.

# Regarding Ga Eul and Yi Jeong’s scene at Namsan:

The photo of the scene filmed MIGHT have been to attempt to mislead viewers because it is not a date. Yi Jeong shows up at the porridge shop and goes to Namsan with Ga Eul. First, they discuss the sudden disappearance of Jan Di. (KP’s note: I assume that she left without telling anyone so that Chairperson Kang would leave Ga Eul and Ji Hu alone.) Then, Yi Jeong asks to speak personally to Ga Eul. However, she cuts him off and tells him not to feel burdened - she will leave him alone from now on and she doesn’t regret anything that happened with him because she tried her best. From there, she leaves alone.

Some information to share..

Sneakpeek into Boys Over Flowers eps 22

The highlight to episode 22 of Boys Over Flowers set to air on 23rd March - another of Joon Pyo and JanDi kiss.

JanDi had wanted to leave Joon Pyo with the best of their last memories together and had went on a farewell trip to the seashore with Joon Pyo.

Regarding this kissing scene, there was actually many NG cuts to it. Reason being that because they were filming by the sea and the sea breeze kept blowing at Goo Hye Sun’s face, she had the trouble of running nose and that impeded on the progress of filming of the kissing scene.

When asked who he would choose, between JanDi and JaeKyung, Lee Min Ho said, “I’m actually more like JanDi in real life in terms of character. Both of them have their own charms and it is hard to choose. But if I were Joon Pyo, I would go with the 2 of them. I would have to two-time.”

With the last episode to the drama to be aired on 31st March, actor Lee Min Ho revealed, “With just 9 days of filming left, every remaining days gets more precious.”

When asked about the thing he wanted to do most after the drama ends, Lee Min Ho said, “I want to sleep for a whole day. And then go on a trip. Definitely not New Caledonia. I want to go to places I haven’t been to. And I want to do loads of shopping too. I will want to do a photoshoot in London.”


And finally...

Can someone kindly translate this 2 videos please. I'm really interested on what Min Ho and Hye Sun said during the behind scene interview.

Min Ho's Interview

Hye Sun's Interview

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Guest betchay

When asked who he would choose, between JanDi and JaeKyung, Lee Min Ho said, “I’m actually more like JanDi in real life in terms of character. Both of them have their own charms and it is hard to choose. But if I were Joon Pyo, I would go with the 2 of them. I would have to two-time.”


Thanks for the spoiler.

^ ^ his comment was funny, a two-timer Jun Pyo! :lol::lol:

Naughty MinHo.... :D JunPyo belongs to Jandi ONLY! :rolleyes:

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Guest flower pot

Minho's answer is so safe! Wahahaha!

He might give out something if he answers either way... :D

Anyways, there's no denying that Minho and Hyesun's chemistry is sizzling...

I collated some of the sweetest oncam and offcam moments from the pictures today in a slideshow and it made me even more giddy... Hope you guys can check it out...

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Guest F4fan

Oh, LMH -- "two-time them"? LOL! You player, you. You are not as suave and as diplomatic as GHS when answering a similar question about which F4 she would choose to date.

Actually, for me, I see more chemistry between JP and JD. They light up the screen when they are together. I feel they are of equal footing. There is more give and take. During the maid arc, JP looks like to have all the power because he is the lord and master. However, JD takes some of that power away when she pushes JP to apologize or having JP cover her with a blanket and just cherishing the moment.

Whenever I see JH-JD, I feel sadness and friendship. Its been tilted where JH is always comforting and giving and JD is always taking. In the JK-JP relationship, its also one-sided. JK always taking initiative and pushing the relationship while JP is just a presence. Skinship and the amount of time spent together does not = love. JD and JP for the last 10 episodes spent no time together on screen but when they do come together, except for the awkwardness of the state of their relationship, you can feel their longing and their desire to to be near one another. Their short moments together seem to surpass the length of time that they spend with the JH or JK.

Neither JH-JD or JK-JP relationship moved forward. It was static because JH and JK were waiting for JD and JP to return back the feelings. JD and JP were too wrapped in their own misery of missing each other to return JH and JK's feelings. For JH and JK, maybe having their presence is sufficient for the relationship.

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thank you for all the pictures

the scarf kiss is cute, reminds me of hana yori dango...

I like the fact that Jandi is the one who initated everything on this date and the kiss

although it seems he's puckering his lips more hahaha.

GHS is one lucky gal.

wow the fans went all out on lee min ho and the cast eh?

how sweet of them - very thoughtful that each person got their own set of things

I wonder how she's going to break up wit him...O_O

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Guest saewol

i was just wondering since they filmed the scene for 7 times because of th e strong wind,does that mean they kissed 7 times?

please reply me

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Guest 이야기

I was thinking a lot about the speculations that Jandi and Jihoo were the original couple planned for BoF. It It made me think a lot about what happened in New Caledonia about the 'soulmate' and 'husband' prediction. Could it be that Jihoo is going to be the husband (Ex. Foreshadowed by Jandi and Jihoo's wedding pictures...) and that Joon Pyo is actually the soulmate? (That they love one another but can't be together?) I seriously, seriously hope I'm nowhere near the mark.

From the beginning until the end, I've always been and always will be a Jandi/Joon Pyo supporter. I find the writers are dragging out the triangle way too long. There are moments when it seems Jihoo is about to make a move, and then suddenly reverts to 'friend status.' We only have 4 more episodes and 9 days of filming left!

I love Minho's comment about how 'with only 9 days of filming left, every moment gets more precious.' Even though they're all exhausted, this is something they all love. BoF was the first drama I ever followed so closely, and when it ends, I know I'm going to suffer from BoF withdrawal.

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Guest pr1ya

I was thinking a lot about the speculations that Jandi and Jihoo were the original couple planned for BoF. It It made me think a lot about what happened in New Caledonia about the 'soulmate' and 'husband' prediction. Could it be that Jihoo is going to be the husband (Ex. Foreshadowed by Jandi and Jihoo's wedding pictures...) and that Joon Pyo is actually the soulmate? (That they love one another but can't be together?) I seriously, seriously hope I'm nowhere near the mark.

From the beginning until the end, I've always been and always will be a Jandi/Joon Pyo supporter. I find the writers are dragging out the triangle way too long. There are moments when it seems Jihoo is about to make a move, and then suddenly reverts to 'friend status.' We only have 4 more episodes and 9 days of filming left!

I love Minho's comment about how 'with only 9 days of filming left, every moment gets more precious.' Even though they're all exhausted, this is something they all love. BoF was the first drama I ever followed so closely, and when it ends, I know I'm going to suffer from BoF withdrawal.

WHEN tht caledonia scene came up..i had that feeling already..that jihoo will be husband n jun pyo soulmate..

since we are hearing that we will c old jandi..tht may mean that jun pyo takes too long to remember everything..hence jandi marries ji hoo.. too sad but m scared of the last ep..i will not come to soompi..afta tue to stay away from bof spoilers..

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