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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest Debbie1633

based on the clothes jd is wearing, it looks like this might be the last date before they break up? based on the preview for ep 23, she's wearing the same thing when she goes over to jp's house and wants to go on a picnic. jp's clothes are different, but he couldve changed or something..

if thats the case, what a bummer.. they look so happy together ;[

edit: :o but did you guys notice? he's wearing a scarf! could it be...?!

Yeah... I'm thinking it's the last date. They look so happy, and to think what Jan Di is going to do at the end of the date. so sad...*sigh* I do notice the scarf. I hope it is what we are all hoping for! ;)

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Guest Banana Peel

Behind the scene Yoon Ji hoo

Credit : khj0606

oh my~ Hyun Joong looks so much skinnier! :(

Poor guy! Maybe it's because of his change of weight,

but he seems like the most tired actor in the drama ! lol.

Anyways, I just read a 'supposed' spoiler

saying that there's going to be a gaeul&yijung 'almost kiss scene'

like how JP & JD did wayyyy episodes back when they were in JP's car.

I hope so! But I highly doubt it, from the previews, nothing seemed to change

between their bitterness. :/

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Guest shamien7

That made me LOL. :lol: And I totally agree.

Hmm...I thought they were going to follow the manga and keep the connections of the two companies since it was "JK" who broke the marriage..

Well...we cant expect much from someone so selfish n oblivious can we?? <_<

its ok monkey, just go away...leave the 'saving Shinhwa' to JD

Goo Junpyo and Jandi at the fishing village?

some more

happy Jandi and JunPyo

KYAAAAA~~~aaaaaaa....those two radiate too much happiness aura!!! My eyes gone blind!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeap!! The scarf!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

*Gone blind and mad at the same time*


Is my eyes still blinded or GJP has finally lose his curls?????

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Guest seonnie

hee, im sorry, this is my last post for tonight, :]

but i really want to share something with you all, and its

pretty interesting, its the translation of the selca pics, e.g f3 restuarant, minho dozing off,

and hyunjoong "balancing" on the tip of kimbums hand, etc. etc.

if your not sure here is the series of selca pictures:


i'm pretty sre it wasn't uploaded here, if it was just let me know.


With the filming starting at dawn, lunch will be at 11am.

Entering the restaurant, not caring about what would come to the table, director would shout, “

Ajumma, bring what is the fastest food here, thanks!”

Lee Min Ho, who has been working overnight for 2 days, will finish up his food quickly and doze off in his seat.

The truth is that, with the filming schedule tightened up these days, the cast normally are not able to finish their food.

Actually the cast would look forward to that little power nap during meal time than the food itself, be it only just 5 minutes.

This has also had the F4 members losing 5kg during the course of filming for the drama.

But still, the scene of the goodlooking F4 eating and dozing at the restuarant has roused many passers’-by attention.

Going back to the filming, fans can be seen everywhere.

Sometimes it gets as serious as having 4000 fans present

at the filming scene hoping to get a glimpse of their idols.

They would also need up to 100 police officers around to keep the situation under control.

But with the filming starting again, the cast are back with energy and vibe.

During short breaks between filming, they would pose and play around in front of cameras around.

This will continue into the night. Most of the times filming late, no one knows when exactly the filming will end for the night.

Everyone will start getting sleepy uncontrollably.

In one corner you can catch a glimpse of Kim Hyun Joong playing on the piano and singing, “

Today’s song title is ‘School Bell - Deng Deng Deng’ kkk. Ah, our filming’s never-ending story!”

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Does anyone know if we are going to see the character Umi in the upcoming episodes? According to the previews, she may not even show up or if she does, it's only for one episode or maybe one and half. If Umi is going to be around for one and a half episode I am going to be so mad because that just means less time for the ending and less Jundi moments. They took way too long with the fiancee arc and therefore I think that they should ditch the whole Umi idea. As we all know, Chairwoman Kang or Witch Kang :), is enough of a hurdle for the two lovers, so why not make the witch look even worse by trying to make sure that Junpyo never remembers Jandi (but in the end we know that he will). Pleas PD! Don't bring Umi into the show!!! We all have cried enough and have witnessed the worst events on this show! Bring Junpyo and Jandi together!

Who knows, maybe Group 8 is lying about the whole Umi idea. They did lie about that the second season not being like the previous versions of BBF, so whats to say that they are not lying about Umi being casted?

Also, if they give Junpyo and Jandi an open ending, I am going to go to korea and protest to re do the ending or make another version, about the life of BBF after Junpyo and Jandi get back to together.

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Guest ManekiNeko~*

this drama was only good for the first couple episodes in my opinion

its getting too dramatic and leaning to its own story rather than following the book

I guess it could be a good thing, but I'm actually starting to lose interest

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I like this picture alot especially when their back is facing us with the scenery in front of them. This could be their most beautiful memory before junpyo's amnesia . No matter what the finale will be, they give us the best memories of BOF. 4 episodes to go!! i will miss them.


credit: mydaily

f4fan: i agree !! will the pd die if they hold hands?

lol . i think there will be a scarf kiss for this hopefully since junpyo is wearing a short knitted scarf. The scarf is quite short , i wonder how jandi kiss him? lol :P. If there is no scarf kiss, then i think all of us are gonna be disappointed..

More pictures: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?z=554908221&c...%D7%D3&pn=0

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Guest F4fan

Seriously, why don't they hold hands? What does the PD have against holding hands? Most of the time its, JP dragging JD rather than just holding hands.

That last picture with their backs to us.... if they held hands it would be so different.


snowy22: Oooohhhhh, you are right. Does he unravel it so it hangs on his neck instead of around it? Its hard to pull it down the way it is now.

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Guest Yvonne

I know, as I was looking at these blissful pics...NOT once did they hold hands! Why won't they hold hands for once, like REALLY hold hands. Not just JP grabbing JD's hand, and pulling her along. But like fingers entwined, holding hands, and walking together. *sigh* PD/writer do hate our ship! lol

Btw, could anyone please tell me about the big meaning behind the scarf??? Thanks in advance!

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Guest ml_87

maybe those pix are just behind the scenes. i think JP and JD need to hold the other's hand when walking togther.

snowy22, it's very beautiful pix. ths a lot. i have to say HS' smile is very beautiful, especially when she's beside MinHo. their chemistry offscreen is undeniable :D

Yvonne: Jd will give Jp the "scarf kiss" by pulling the scarf down and kissing JP . u know, he's too tall. this's exactly the same as manga

who says that JP-Jd wont end up together! :D





we're looking at the same thing from the same spot

cre: as labelled

kitty99: i myself think that JG should propose to JD. i cant bear that until the end he has never confessed his love to JD. they need to face their emotion. JD needs to tell JH straightly that she loves JP 4ever. and Jh, he wont regret later that he hasnt shown her his love :D and i also think that it's a good way for the PD to creat a happy ending. he meet the demand of all fans (including who loves JH). ^^

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Guest leahtran

I think they aren't holding hands just because their relationship still waver. They just enjoy their time together like in the manga when they start dating, they never hold hands because they always end up at snapping themself. The last minute when the evil mum approves their relationship and they both confirm their love for each other then they go out and hold hands like nomal couple.

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Guest oanhdinh

To Soonjap : You're ssssssssssssooo great!!! I highly appreciate your hard work!I hope you will have more perfect translations.

To Michibangs: thanks for the beautiful photos. JP and JD were born for each other. :)

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Jandi and Jun Pyo's bike riding photos appears serene and beautiful, like two kids enjoying a nice summer's day together, before the big storm moves in and crashes upon them (in this case, amnesia and mommy dearest). :tears:

*** JP & JD held hands once after the much toned down highway sunset blocking kiss. It would be nice if they would hold hands in this particular scene.

{Go Hye Sun has a very cheerful and beautiful smile. Min Ho and Hye Sun have great on-screen chemistry, with 4 more episodes to go ... I'm going two miss these two.}

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Thanks michibangs and aum_guy for those pics!! KHJ does look really tired..even more tired than the other actors. But, in a recent preview...I find that KJ is a lot tired too.

Thanks Tw1nkle for Ep. 23 translation!! JD sounds so cute when he asked JP to play. I can't believe that Mama Kang hid the truth about their father to her kids. She is such a great mother figure!! I really don't want to watch the break up part after their last date. I really can't bear to see them sad again, but if that has to happen, then oh well....just gots to endure it. But if the break up scene is really the bus scene, ay...the bus scene was so much nicer in Meteor Garden I. So, I guess JP gets stabbed for JH? Hm....I think it is nice to see him do something like that for his friend. But, he did say before that JH could live without him, but he knows for sure that he can't live without him, so that is probably why he saved him.

I can't wait to see how GE will get YJ to potter again. So, I guess he can potter, but he just doesn't want to because of his first love? Well, that's good!! I thought that he can't potter any more and I was really sad about that.

So, I guess Mama Kang goes after anyone that stands in front of the target that she is going after? Oh...that sounds so confusing! So, she doesn't succeed in ruining the Su Am Art Center right because I think I would really be annoyed. I really want to push that lady either in front of a car or push her down a 10 story building. Her evil ways are driving me insane. I remember seeing something similar in Meteor Garden I where Lei's company was having a problem and Dou Ming Si's mom asked him to like date her or something and in return, she would help his company, but he turned her down. Nothing happened in the japanese version for this character, so I was hoping nothing would happen to JH in this version, but that had to occur...ay.....

I really like the kid in Ep. 22...he was so cute!! JP is cute too! He just picked him up in one arm and ran off with him. That is so funny!

I really had wished that JH had never proposed to JD, but knowing that the PD loves to torture JH, of course that is going to occur!! What exactly is the PD trying to do by making JH such a sad person? I really don't like him.

I hope that there is no amnesia arc because there seems to be no new news about it. I hope they put something in place of that. Hmm...I can't wait for the next two episodes because they sound so cute, but after that, we only have 2 episodes left......ay.... :tears:

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edit: sorry... Tiffany is talking about her ideal character

Thanks Suz07 for sharing. This is what I'm scared of; with only 4 episodes I have a feeling the ending will be rushed.

Thanks snowy22, Michibangs for the pics and Soonjap for the translations.

Love the pictures of LMH and GHS, their smiles are just radiant and they really looked like they're enjoying each other's company off cam.

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Guest seonnie



thats, surprising. OMG XD

that'd be kinda awkward, omgomg! lololol.

omgomg, sorry. this is so spam, i rly need toexpress my feelingsright now.


wait, so no? eh, never mind NOT TIFFANY XD what the..sorry ^^

anyways it would be a shock if she did get cast!

and btw people, :]

anyone have a link to the certain scarf kiss?

to make this less spammy, i made some banners,

there very simple, but if you want to use them go ahead,

credit not neccesary but appreciated. NO hotlinking!




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Guest scarlet135



Just ordered online...

Price: $23 inclusive of paypal fee, shipping fee, normal postage, handling fee, bubblewrap

I think i am really BBF crazy fans !!!

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