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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest ethopia

dunlop.. tnx for sharing the article... hahaha that was funny... i hope there was an NG for that... :) .. awww it would have been nice if that was the ending... it would be funny and JP and JD would be fighting and bickering again :)

hahahh i said awhile ago that it will be my last post.. sorry cant resists.. still cant let go of BOF...yet.. :P

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Guest shamien7

thanks to webby for this article: http://news.hankooki.com/lpage/sports/2009...07183391970.htm

New Caledonia ending scene

article from: 인터넷한국일보

translated by: dunlop


The team only realized their mistake after they came back to korea, and eventually decided to redo the scene. Though the new scene still had a proposal and happy ending, it lost that beautiful New Caledonia scenery.

WHY OH WHY...why they re-do the scene...there's tons of irrelevant scenes in BOF, we've seen them in every episodes!Y should they care about that one??

I dun care if the ring was on his finger! Its the ending for crying out loud! I wanna see that ending!!!

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Guest minwoo012

it was a cute ending ^^;

and LOL @ the alternative(original) ending! thats pretty hillarious, thanks for sharing!

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Guest KristyS

No, he's not. Remember the guy lying in the bed? That's Goo Jun Pyo's father.

Ah, thanks a bunch. After all those rumors, I kidna got confused xD !

Anyways, in today's episode, where JP saved JD from the pool, what was the song that was playing ? It's really really nice and I want it ^^

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thanks to webby for this article: http://news.hankooki.com/lpage/sports/2009...07183391970.htm

New Caledonia ending scene

article from: 인터넷한국일보

translated by: dunlop

LMAO..so another mystery is solved!

It would've been awesome to see this alternate ending, or rather I should say the original ending, b/c you know JD and JP would've totally been bickering (playfully of course) over the lost ring XD..I wish it'll show up on the special or the dvd or something..

and LOLs Hye Sun and her food!

Thanks so much dear for sharing this and all of the other articles you contributed here - very much appreciated *hugs*

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Guest soonjap

Illogical literally means not logical. Storyline or plot is a sequence of events in a story. Now pray tell how all the events that happened to Jan-di or the F4 is in any way logical? It's not logical. Do you really think this kind of stuff happens to people? Probably not. This is what I was trying to say. This is separate from poor story-writing or directing. Your argument is about weak writing which did cause gaps in throughout the story but were any of the events pertaining to the plot, ever logical? No. There doesn't always need to be a reason for why it happened and also be logical. Was Jan-di being kidnapped and waking up JP's mansion logical? Or when JP gets selective amnesia? What about how JH is always able to find JD or save her from distress? This makes the sequence of events in a story illogical aka an illogical storyline. However because it was derived from a manga, all the crazy stuff that happened was crammed into the context of this particular drama. I never questioned that the directing and writing was not done well as it could have been.

What does that have to do with how a story flows? Maybe it's because I'm not understanding your point. Yes, the drama is fantasy based. But so what? I proposed that even within a fantasy-like story, there needs to be some consistency about characters and plots within the context of that fantasy, that's all. Perhaps the problem is that we're using the word "illogical" with different meanings in mind. I don't have a problem with the story about BOF and F4 to be surreal. My problem is that once the characters are developed within that fantasy, that they remain consistent.

Then we wouldn't have the maid arc. If JD happened to stay with Ga-eul then there is no arc. The scriptwriter wanted to incorporate the maid arc into the drama because it was also in the manga. There were a lot of moments where JD could have opted to do something else but then it wouldn't follow the manga anymore, would it?

The writers didn't write everything to be exactly as the comic book entailed. There was some creative license there to either leave it out or leave it in. I was just pointing out that it would have made sense for Jandi to reach out to Ji Hoo. If you didn't feel that way, then there's nothing wrong with that.

What does censorship for kissing or violence have to do with random plots? Your argument doesn't hold up here. Poor writing and directing is not a result of the strict censorship in Korea but rather due to... that's right BAD directing and POOR story-writing.

I was just making a point that since KBSTV2 and BOF productions received so many warnings, it might have frustrated the writers and opted to put in scenes that were less than they might have been satisfied with.

We can constructively criticize till we're blue in the face but it doesn't change the drama. It's already been filmed and aired. I like many others do wish it had great moments all the time, unfortunately the PD and SW were not able to deliver that. It wasn't all a miss though. There were moments where we laughed and had a good time, no? As much as there were obvious flaws in this drama, you just take it as it is. People are allowed to criticize, I never said that was wrong. Please don't make assumptions that are simply not true or take words out of my mouth and twist it. My point was and..? Everyone is allowed and entitled to their own opinion, I was merely putting out mine. There has been a lot of negativity but if you only focus on the negative aspects, does that solve anything? It doesn't hurt to constructively criticize and put out what went awry but again it won't change anything. So why not just look at the positives of this drama. No drama is perfect. Each has their own flaw and while BOF definitely missed a lot of marks, it wasn't a complete bust. I choose to be optimistic instead of trying to solely focus on all the negatives. Then I wouldn't have enjoyed the drama as much and I would have stopped watching ages ago. Again with the assumptions. Do you know me personally enough to say that I have only seen bad dramas? You know what they say about people who assume. If you want to argue then do it without going off tangent. Why don't you name me a drama that had a logical storyline, where every single event, person, action, etc made sense 100% of the time. Most dramas I guarantee will have many moments that seem or are illogical but because it's part of the script and later is incorporated onto film. Again let me reiterate "illogical storyline" vs bad directing/script is not the same thing. A bad script can set itself up to an illogical storyline but a bad script does not equal illogical storyline.

I'm not going to respond to this at length because (1) you've clearly done the same thing as assumed things about my post; and (2) as you yourself stated, the drama is over, so I don't think there's a need to rehash things. But I would like to state that I never said that BOF was a complete bust, nor did I imply that you've watched only bad dramas. WE clearly differ in how we're choosing to use the word "illogical" so let's just leave it that we agree to disagree. If you choose to be optimistic about all things BOF, then good for you. If I choose not to be, that's also my perogative. I don't think I was going off tangent, since I was basing my points from yours.

To anyone else who is reading all the negative comments, if you disliked the ending at the end on your own accord, then that is fine. Don't let others discourage you or make you think your opinions are any less or wrong. If you liked it, then you liked it. If you didn't, then you didn't. As long as you came to that conclusion and it wasn't swayed by others. Opinions are not facts. Remember that.

I second that.

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Guest F4fan

So then according to that article, Group 8 always intended for a JP-JD ending. What's with all the JH-JD ending that folks keep talking about? I get that the production said they were going to have a different ending from the manga and the other two live action series but that don't necessarily mean JH-JD. I understand that the manga author originally wanted JH/Rui to be the main lead but changed it while she wrote the series.

I was on KHJ's thread and someone said there was an interview with the writer about her plan to have KHJ be the lead actor based on his popularity. If that was the case, then the writer and the production company were at odds or something.... or they let her have her way during the fiancee arc but intended to steer it to JP-JD ending as the final outcome with JP and JD pining for each other during that time period.

No wonder some folks were confuse and the fiancee arc dragged on. Internal battles, maybe? Or am I reading too much into this?

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Guest Starry NIgHts

i have a question for the special next week.

is it going to be an actual episode? (like epilogue sorta thing)

or is it just going to be like interviews with the cast ( or something like that)?

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Guest dreampryncezz

Ok....you know how people are always making funny comments about the gay-bro relationship b/w woobin and potter guy?

Well, in the last scene, Woobin had his arms on potter guy! lol! Just like Jandi & JP!

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Guest iJaney

i have a question for the special next week.

is it going to be an actual episode? (like epilogue sorta thing)

or is it just going to be like interviews with the cast ( or something like that)?

There's going to be a special next week?

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Guest kdramasrthebestest

I, myself, HATE the ending. I'm thinking it's because I'm over-analytical, therefore, since a lot of it doesn't make much sense to me, I'm finding myself hating the end. The one thing thought that makes me hate the end is the fact that we have NO clue what the hell WB is up to!! :angry: SO I'm just going to assume that he goes to Italy to learn the ways of a real mafia boss so that he can take those skills to Korea to become the greatest gang boss ever. :P But seriously, it's great he's happy at the end on the beach, but what the hell is he doing during those four years where everyone else he knows is pursuing their lives??

Also, what happens with JH grandpa? Does he die? Is he chilling at his foundation headquarters? Perhaps he plays golf everyday. We will never know unless they make a season 2.

And why wasn't Yumi reprimanded? No one told her that what she did was wrong. It was like every one forgot there was some stupid girl who convinced JP that she was his forgotten love. Is her name even Yumi? haha

see...i'm over-analytical. Ugh. However, the beach scene was cute I suppose. I mean, they did end up together. That's nice. :)

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Guest toomuchsmiling

I guess I'm one of the few as well who was actually somewhat satisfied with the ending. :mellow:

-Sure, I didn't get that passionate kiss I had REALLY wanted. But I was glad that in the end it

was Jun Pyo and Jan Di!

-While watching the last ep., as much as I wanted to freaking CURSE at my computer screen and by that

get my HANDS ON YUMI'S THROAT, I didn't.

b/c i was like, "she's gonna be gone soon...it's not about HER...blah blah".

-In the end they were all happy. fa la laa~ at least there was THAT.

Yeah, sure it did suck when there was,

No wedding scene. No passionate kiss. No "YES" from Jandi even though we pretty much KNEW the answer.

Like yeah right, after all that she says no. come on ppls. even though it would've been nice to hear but still. :)


so maybe that ep. would make us more happier. :)

ANNNND, the cast? They're gonna be on a ton of interviews and shows now so we get to see more of them right??

so it's really not bad at all!!!

Imagine them on some show like Star Golden Bell or whatevs! Besides all the news and interviews they have to do, there

should be fun things too!

personally i liked it, except minus cool points for the no passionate kiss part. but i'm buying the box set. it wasn't bad at all. not really. :D

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Guest ahsieee

no new caledonia scene :[ read dunlop's article~

thanks for that dunlop :D

i watched the ep and everything was so smushed together in it..

but we got the happy ending..

gaeul + yi jung


Woobin.. Ji Hoo..

our cute boys :[

and can i just say.. ji hoo + glasses = swoon~

sad it's done.. but now time to go sub the ep :D

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Guest KristyS

Hey ! Does anyone know where I can download the music from today's episode where Jan Di was drowning ? it'd be great if someone told me. ...

both would be nice ... boy and girl one.


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Guest Mei'stargirl

boys over flowers is over... :( i feel as though there's a big hole in me right now :tears:

ahhhh now i have no meaning in life...


I'm so sad Ji Hoo didn't end up with Jan Di :tears: . like seriously he was always there. dang man. i was waiting 25 episodes for them to end up together *huge tear*

but wait. what's up with Jan Di's last dance with Ji Hoo where she says, "I will never forget you. Ji Hoo, my soulmate, thank you."

soulmate? so did she love him?

And dang! Woobin needed a story plot!

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Guest super piggy

EHHHHH. the ending was FJALFJLAFJASJF. it sucked. i forgot how the other 2 endings went but yeah.

jun pyo & jan di .. ehh. iono they just didnt seem like a couple to me..

its like.. its not full of emotions... yenno?

poor jihoo i guess :/.

jun pyo started to grow on me. he's not bad looking .ahhahah.

& Yi Jeong is cutee when he smiles. haha.

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I haven't read any posts yet and well haven't watched the full show, but wanted to say. Ay....the ending was so so. I agree with many people that the ending was kind of rushed. So, JH and JD learning to be doctors right? What about his other businesses? Is he going to take care of that too? Um....was it ever indicated where WB went? I know YJ went to Sweden and JP went abroad and well JH stayed in Korea, but what happened to WB? I may have to rewatch everything to figure that out.

It's nice to see Mama Kang relax and be a nice wife and I guess if JP's sister is running Shinhwa, then all will be well.

I kind of knew that YJ and GE's would be an open ended ending I don't know why. I sort of had a feeling. Although, I would love a kiss or better yet, a hug. Ay...got nothing from it. I have to imagine that part too. Well, at least we know that GE still thinks about YJ considering she told the kids who her boyfriend is. Apparently, the kids narrated their happy ending to the audience. Still, I wanted at least a hug from them. I really hate open ended endings.

As for JP and JD, that was really funny how he yelled from the helicopter to get JD to the beach. It was a nice moment even though we really didn't get a nod from JD. Either way, they love each other and eventually, if not now, they would marry, so I'm not worried about this couple at all.

I think 4 years is too much. So, I guess JP and JD never talked for the 4 years or they do talk, but the missing you part meant not meeting face to face? I still think that they could have just ended the show even before the 4 year jump considering I don't think the 4 year jump really accomplished anything. We didn't get a definite YJ and GE ending and we didn't get a JD and JP wedding. So, what was the 4 year jump for? I guess to show them grow up? But, was that neccessary? If they weren't going to give us a wedding, they could have ended on them bickering. I think I would be more satisfied with that. What a waste of 4 years if nothing was really accomplished. Hmm..just my opinion anyways.

Oh and I forgot to say....JH with glasses makes him soo.....:blush:

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Guest Saiyu

What a lightning speed wrap-up. :mellow:

Everything was so fast paced, I was left confused and rather saddened.

On a side note, did Ji Hoo's grandfather pass away?! Jan Di mentioned Ji Hoo should get the clinic up and running again, suggesting it closed down prior to that. As the credits were rolling, I wished to see Goo Jun Pyo put the ring on Jan Di's finger, but that scene never happened. ; _;

Yu Mi was such a moron; Umi in Hana Yori Dango wasn't nearly as bad compared with her. Plus, Yu Mi '玉米' literally means "corn" in Chinese, so I got a good laugh out of that, hahah.

This was the best drama I've seen in a long time.


OH YEAH I forgot to point out that Goo Jun Pyo didn't do CPR correctly, hahah. I know I'm just being extremely picky, but I just had my CPR certification done so it's on my mind. Goo Jun Pyo didn't plug Jan Di's nose, and when the casualty's nose is not plugged the false breathing fails because the oxygen escapes through the nose rather than travelling down to the major organs. ;)

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awww =] its over...

i really think they crammed everything in, but it could have been worse, so im not going to complain. they did a pretty nice job wrapping everything up. its sad how the grandpa died but it had a really happy ending and just a happy mood throughout, minus yumi, but i dont even wanna think about her b/c shes annoying..



i had a really great and amazing time watching it. im probably going to watch episode 25 tomorrow again , haha. this drama gave me alot of memories and alot of times to look forward to.

i cant even pick a favorite out of f4 ! EVERYONE had their own personalities and not one of them was annoying. even though woo bin had the least amount of story in his character , i loveeee him ! haha. I think Ji Hoo deserves his own show(haha.. i meant the actor. i know he has that newly wed show though). Goo jun pyo is soo fine !!! muahaha. Also, Ee jung was sooo cute.

im really going to miss this drama. it made me cry and really really happy. i havent watched a drama in a long time like this one. its one of the best and due to everyone being sooooooo HOT and FINE ...



boys over flowers is over... :( i feel as though there's a big hole in me right now :tears:

ahhhh now i have no meaning in life...


I'm so sad Ji Hoo didn't end up with Jan Di :tears: . like seriously he was always there. dang man. i was waiting 25 episodes for them to end up together *huge tear*

but wait. what's up with Jan Di's last dance with Ji Hoo where she says, "I will never forget you. Ji Hoo, my soulmate, thank you."

soulmate? so did she love him?

And dang! Woobin needed a story plot!

Remember the episode where they went on a vacation on that really pretty island? there was a fortune teller who said "Theres a man here who is your soulmate, but your husband will not be him" or something along those lines. Ji Hoo was her soulmate all along, and she did love him, but her love belonged to Goo Jun Pyo. Do you get what im saying? Its really really sad how Ji Hoo was Jan Di's first love also, but i liked how she ended up with jun pyo, it felt right. Lol. so to wrap up what im really saying, Ji Hoo was Jan Di's first love, but her heart had moved on and her fate became Goo Jun Pyo.

poor Ji Hoo =[

Ok....you know how people are always making funny comments about the gay-bro relationship b/w woobin and potter guy?

Well, in the last scene, Woobin had his arms on potter guy! lol! Just like Jandi & JP!

HAHAHAHHAAH. how did you notice that? i just went back to go and watch that scene. LMFAO. so cute

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