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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest ladyelhisa

Harrr....... I've just finished watching Episode 24 and Dang I JUST WANT TO PUSH JANG YU MI DOWN THE STAIRS!!! Grrr..... acting like she's someone very close to JUNPYO and JUNPYO what the heck!!! She's not the one who made the DOSHIRAK!!! :angry: JANG YU MI!!! * DDIIIEEE*:ph34r:

JIhoo.... Jandi really makes you crazy doesn't she? Imagining her.. :wacko:

Nice... Mr.PD finding Jandi from the TV. hahah WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!!

Jihoo...nice thing you didn't paid any attention to that Yumi girl when she introduced herself.(in your face girl!) :lol:

And the part I hated the most in this episode is when YUMI claimed and called JUNPYO AND HER HC(Hospital Couple!) :ph34r: I'd rather have it as HOSPITAL CATASTROPHE!!! Because you're a catastrophe!!!

EP. 24 hottest episode! hehehe :P Junpyo and Woobin sauna scene made me drool.... :w00t:

(The chocolate bar hahaha!) And did Junpyo wiped tear before he leaves... :)

THE ACTING in this episode SO GREAT!!! five stars to the cast!!!

HWAITING for the last episode tonight!!! (but I'm watching it tomorrow!)

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Guest talksound

we shouldn't be hating on yumi too much. i mean if she didn't play that character in the way of junpyo and jandi getting back together, i don't think we'd have too big of a problem with her. she's not that bad, to be honest.

are they gonna do a "___ years later" thing? how could jandi's hair have grown that much, and from the spoiler pics, that white thing she's wearing looks like a doctor's robe?

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As for the amnesia, I think the reason JP forgets JD is because his last memory is of letting JD go. For those of you wondering what WB and JP were talking about in the sauna, JP was saying that he's letting JD go bc he loves her. JP was talking about how he hates his Shinhwa background and especially being related to Darth Mama and how JD is probably just sick of it all now. He says that if he himself hates the fact that he's Darth Mama's son, how much more must JD hate it. WB tries to tell him that may be with anyone else, but JD being JD, she probably feels differently. And (sob) JP says that's why he must let her go. He says that he doesn't even have the confidence to tell her that he'll make her happy and that he'll protect her. And bc he loves her, he must let her go. Then we see him stalking JD and JH and remembering his poolside (unfortunately fully clothed) conversation with JH where he says he could only give JD up to JH. And I believe his last words to JH right before he passed out after getting hit by the car was to remind JH that he had said he could only give JD to JH. So, the memory of giving JD was so painful for JP that he erased all traces of her from his memory.

Sorry for chopping up your post, but I agree with you. I was thinking that JP's partial amnesia regarding JD was his self defense mechanism kicking in. We know that JD rejected JH, but JP doesn't. From where he was the only thing he saw was JH giving "something" to JD; JD smiling and JD hugging JH after he pulled her into an embrace. After JD and JP's last date, JP thinks that she has truly give up on him and that JD has accepted the uncomplicated love of JH. JP can't consciously give up JD no matter how hard he may try and he can't bare to see JD and JH together. No matter what he said to WB in the sauna, he just couldn't let go and that's why he had to go to the fishing village. He had to see her, be near her and hope for one more chance. So..., after he hit his head during the accident, his mind forgot the one person and thing that could bring him pain and destroy him emotionally. It's amazing how his mind automatically assumed that JD was JH's girlfriend. It's as if he has given up on her even though he doesn't know it.

On another thought, I can't believe that the ride that is BOF is nearing the end. It has truly been one helluva roller coaster. I've watched, re-watched and watched again some episodes so many times that I feel as if I know these characters personally. Coming to this thread everyday, it's like coming home. I've enjoyed reading all of your posts and ignoring those that were just too negative to be believed. I've enjoyed all the spoilers, news reports and pictures. I hope that I can meet you guys again in another forum on another great show.

flowerpot, I think I will probably miss your recaps the most. I had one of them up at work and was laughing so much that my older clerk came to see what was wrong. I printed out your recap and now every week she comes looking for them. It's funny because prior to this she had never seen or heard of a Kdrama. Now she is hooked on BOF and wants to buy a computer so that she can watch (yes, there are still those who don't own a computer, lol). In any event, thanks for sharing in my love of Kdramas and spreading the love of BOF all around the world.


Download Love, I really wish they wouldn't make an American version. I'm in the US, but I don't think they can do the manga justice. I'm really not looking forward to a sleazefest BOF. The Kdramas are so much better and tastefully done. For those who wanted to see those passionate kisses, I can foresee all of that and more in an American version. And I have no doubt the Makino in that will not hesitate to tell Mama Kang off.

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Guest XiahxTiffany

ok now it seems that from reading commments

that Yumi is like a major annoying character

why would they put her in ... like in the last minute -_-

o well 1 episode that sumarizes all how awesome!!!

gosh the writers definitely went dumb like at episode 14 :P

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Although Lee Min Ho was brilliant yesterday but I can not stand the script anymore

How come GJP could smile and touched other girls quite easily like that?

In the manga, and even our drama, he never smiled with other girs but Jandi, his sister and MSH. And now he not only smiled but also got really close to her?

And tomorow he is going to ...say love Umi? going abroad? after eating the lunch box of Umi?

My God..I am going to..die

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Guest toomuchsmiling

Ok, since flower pot (thank you very much ;) ) summed up the whole ep. perfectly as she always does, I have nothing to say, HOWEVER

I WILL say their better be a satisfying KISS. a proposal, that's all great and everything, but i really want a kiss that'll have even the amnesia Jun Pyo remembering like "whoa!"

catch my drift?

It's not completely over! there's still...

(after the last episode tomorrow)

-The after-series talk show that they always have with dramas. whoever watched Goong would

remember. Where the whole cast is there and it's all nice and dandy which leaves you with a it's-not-so-bad-and-sad-then feeling..

-The DVD box set which SHOULD include SPECIAL FEATURES! :w00t: don't most drama DVD sets do? and i'm sure MOST of us will be buying it.

Flower pot- i'll bet my money and say ur definitely gonna buy the dvd box set am i wrong? xD

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Guest Zoehara

Jihoo, darling, when there is an accident:

-Don´t move to the person who had the accident!!!

-Call to the ambulance BUT you have to say WHERE the accident was!!!! This is very important, Jihoo. Don´t cry and say "my friend is going to die!!!". Tell them where you are!!!!


By the way... yes, I hate Yumi... but I hate JK too... she was cruel with JD and she (JK) gave up JP because their love (JP-JK) was impossible... JK knew JD and JP were in love (yes, she knew it) a lot episodes ago.... she had the necklace because she knew it!! Sorry, but I think the fiancée was a very bad person with JD...

OMG!! Woobin!! I love you!! I hope watching you in other dorama!!!

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Guest IDrinkOranges

so can anyone tell me where jandi's boss went? i always thought he had something to do with jihoo's grandpa since he was so afraid of him in the beginning, and i thought there was going to be some storyline with him, but he just disappeared. what was the whole point of that? cooking the food and whatnot. i'm just so confused.

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Guest dbart001

Omo...Omo...I still can't believe tomorrow is BOF's last episode...I had so much fun watching this kdrama and so much fun reading all your posts here on this thread...I will have a major BOF withdrawal but at least I can still watch all the reruns on KBS world...Again, THANKS to all of you who translated, posted pictures and who made some captions and summaries of this kdrama. I will never ever forget you all...I hope to see you all on the next kdrama after BOF....F4 and Geum JanDi, FIGHTING!...

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Guest Download Love
i heard this Rummors that everyone is that they going to do america version of story.
Yes, American one is gonna have all the 4 guys falling in love with the main lead girl character.
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Guest funkindagirl

Jihoo, darling, when there is an accident:

-Don´t move to the person who had the accident!!!

-Call to the ambulance BUT you have to say WHERE the accident was!!!! This is very important, Jihoo. Don´t cry and say "my friend is going to die!!!". Tell them where you are!!!!

LOL. Its so typical of kdramas. They always get hysterical in these kind of situations and in times like these, nothing they do really makes sense. Its always more important to make it as dramatic and shocking as possible.

The ambulance will always find its way somehow.

so can anyone tell me where jandi's boss went? i always thought he had something to do with jihoo's grandpa since he was so afraid of him in the beginning, and i thought there was going to be some storyline with him, but he just disappeared. what was the whole point of that? cooking the food and whatnot. i'm just so confused.

Oh yeah I wonder where he's gone, its a pity I thought he would definitely come into the storyline with the grandfather.

This is just bad plot development & planning again like with WB's storyline.

They introduce it and then leave you hanging.

I thought the porridge owner would have some important revelation because of his dad working in the blue house and all the secrecy surrounding him.

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Guest lea11


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Guest F4fan

so can anyone tell me where jandi's boss went? i always thought he had something to do with jihoo's grandpa since he was so afraid of him in the beginning, and i thought there was going to be some storyline with him, but he just disappeared. what was the whole point of that? cooking the food and whatnot. i'm just so confused.

He was the connector between JD and the Grandfather, which then eventually lead to the reconciliation of JH and his Grandfather orchestrated by JD.

He knew who the Grandfather and JH were. He just couldn't reunite them without JD. You have to remember that he indirectly lead JD to her future career when he sent her off with porridge to give to the Grandfather. He has done his job and can now go back to being a porridge owner and part-time psychic.


On the emergency call -- there are cellphone trackers now so they pinpoint where a call is coming from.

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Guest danaisVIP

i know it's kind of how the story is supposed to go, but ...

i don't get how junpyo can easily befriend yumi, and treat her nicely,

when he couldn't do the same with jandi when he first saw her .

since he lost all his memory about her,

shouldn't it just be a new start,

as if he's meeting her for the first time ? - though he's not . XD

and, yumi has a cute voice . LOL .

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Guest betchay

I liked the way Woo Bin said, Yo my bro welcome back!, that was cute. :P

He has a happy-go-lucky character but at the same time F4's problem solver. :lol:

He even suggested the reenactment thingy to regain JP's memory of JD.

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Guest kje_chocolate

Thanks to PD nim and writer nim, we have a very weird Jun Pyo in Ep.24^^

I know that he is lost his memories about Jan Di. But I just can't understand why he is so friendly to Yu Mi when he meet her in first time?

and why Jun Pyo always affirm about Jan Di and Ji Hoo's relationship?

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Guest kriza_09

It's amazing how his mind automatically assumed that JD was JH's girlfriend. It's as if he has given up on her even though he doesn't know it.

I think it's because before he was hit, what he knew was Jandi and Jihoo are together. Remember Junpyo's last words before he went unconscious (it's shown in Jihoo's flashback at the end of the epi): "It can only be you". The PD didn't really emphasize on Junpyo's reaction to his assumption of Jihoo and Jandi getting together. But I think we can safely assume that he really believed in that and it hit him really hard, much harder than the PD shows us. When the doctor said he forgot only one person because that particular memory was extremely painful, I think it was referring to the chasing bus scene when Jandi broke up with him (remember that Junpyo still doesn't know that it was because of his mom and that what Jandi said was a lie) and also the scene where he saw Jandi and Jihoo hugging together from his car.

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Guest krngirly123

can someone tell me whats going to happen in ep 25?

like a preview of JP with Yumi and JD?

and how are they gonna do this in 1 episode left!!

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Guest mysticalz

i liked the reactions of the F3 when GD tried to kick JP with her flying leg lol... So hilarious. Damn YuMi Damn... Good for you JH for not shaking that damn woman's hand... First time see JH looking so angry and violent and wanting to whack JP. I was thinking why dun they change the script to let JH have the accident instead of JP then let GD and JH be together lol...(i am also JP and GD fan's also) Or else better still have 2 endings or let ppl vote which ending they prefer. I want GD to be with both JH and JP. *sob* today will be the last day of BOF... So unbearable...

i read somewhere that they did that in one drama......i dont know which drama or asian drama it is......the point is the producers and writer let the audience decide who they want the girl to end up both ...the scenario is that both guys are good for her just like junpyo and jihoo...in the original script guy A is ging to end up with the lead actress but the ending changed after they did audience voting....so the girl end up with the guy B instead..........HOW I WISH THEY DID THE SAME THING WITH THIS DRAMA ( i would have voted for Jihoo gazillion times ) but i guess they have to follow the manga ending version :angry:

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