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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest windoze

Episode 24 Soft Subs

Here are rapidshare softsubs for episode 24. I take no credit for any translation works.

http://rapidshare.com/files/215491926/bof24.richard simmons

Source: viikii.

Credits: 9529rmr, Aimini coopereruAube, Akin, Alexia22, Aliye, Anatisha, asukitta, ayyerrlah, champong, earthzy, Giselle, Hanji4, infinityh410, juicyjiggy, lamtrangn, liememei1, lil1508, lilchoiboy18, maighurl, melidda, mihoa, minty, Morihazna, nadai06, nasuk, NaturaL, natureii, pinkyleo509, Riyu, seprienna, snowcookie, Stoofanie, submarin3, teddyangelgurl, tresa, viikii45, xenophilia, yellowbanana, zulaa22,

Note: since this is a bootleg rip its unsynched - hopefully somebody will sync them soon ;)

Although on the plus side, viikii now gives more accurate timing data... if only they did so 15 weeks ago

Edit: thanks to knitoe for resync & editing - see aja-aja.com for the resync
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Guest mysticalz

Oh I loved so many moments in this episode.

But seriously...WHY IS JIHOO (and F3 for that matter) SOO ANNOYINGLY PASSIVE??

I mean they carry on letting JP be under the assumption that JD is JH's girlfriend.

I was so frustrated at the part where JP tells JH he doesnt want to see her again...and he just SITS there not even defending her or saying 'she's your GF!'

And then again when he asks JH why he should remember 'YOUR girl' !!!

How do they expect him to have a clue who she's meant to be to him if they dont tell him anything!

At least if they said 'JD is your girlfriend' it might make it easier for him to recall what he's lost! He'll put more effort into remembering WHY she became his GF because at the moment he doesn't really have an incentive to recover those lost memories.

I don't think F3 are really being very helpful, at least give him a little push in the right direction rather than not saying anything at all.

And I thought JD's attempt to explain she wasnt 'JH's girl' pretty weak.

Although it was so cute how she was trying to tell JP that she's 'HIS GIRL' and got embarrassed by it.

Hahaha but poor JD got cut off by him before she could get it out. ^_^

But my fav scene had to be the high kick and JP going all cross-eyed! Hilarious. :lol:

i hear what you are saying but you also have to consider Junpyo's attitude/character......even if the F3 told him that JD is his GF dont you think he will believe them. JP would just think they are joking and dong some prank. just watch how JP insulted JD. it is so heart breaking. it even hurt me when she called her b8tch and some other nasty terms ....plus its not all F3 and Jd"s fault...Jp is also at fault..he is "entertaining" Yumi (we should all get together and bury her to the deepest hole) and letting her call him oppa........yuckkkkkkkkkkkkk....i need to exorcist her.some demonic creature pretending to be human. :P:angry:

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Guest Shmindy

Ok as much as I am on he JH JD ship that is not going to ever set sail...why the heck does Jp think that JD is JH's girl? If he lost his memory of everything with JD shouldn't his memory put him back to where JH is still in love with the other girl...hello. This is exactly why I think that JP's love is selfish. Seriously his true colors show when he is an amnesiac! The Umi girl character....WTH, its so odd to introduce her so late in the series then JP just takes to her. If he was in his true earlier personality he wouldn't have given her the time of day.

Whatever JD said to him to break up with him was for those she loved including him.

If nothing the three of them should go their seperate ways from each other. I really think that would be the perfect ending. Sometimes love is not enough.

JH finally really just saying out what he feels for her, I wish he would really fight for her instead of giving up. What is the point in having the courage to tell her if you are just going to walk away. You should have let her know what you felt back in Macau or better yet when you returned from Paris. You know punch J in the face when he is annoucing JD as his GF at school!

Why doesn't anyone just tell JP of what has happened in the last year and who JD is. Also, I wish JD would push JH away after he confesses his fellings for her. How can she be as selfish as JP is with his love? If she cared for him as a friend she would distance herself because she knows how much he is hurting, but she has always been like this, only caught up in what she is feeling without considering the other person.

Besides that no one is happy in this drama...the only one that seems quasi ok is WB and they even made him have his suicidal moment.

YJ and GE...seriously he should have grabbed her and told her what he was feeling. Why can't these stupid boys say what they are feeling?

I am just venting at how this drama is being played in the last two episodes! I have enjoyed it a lot but there are so many things that are not expressed well. argh argh argh.

edit: they should bring back JK to kick JP's but....weren't they suppossed to get her permission before breaking up! That would be some comic relief or else put the umi girl in her place!

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Guest F4fan

Just finished watching the Episode 24 and GHS owned this episode. Props to LMH but GHS was so heartbreakingly fantastic from her tearful rejection of JH to her emotional scene at JP's bedside to trying to stay optimistic in the face of JP's hatred. Of the three major criers in this episode, GHS won it hands down. Her wrenching cries while holding JP's hand, OMG! Its as if she pulled my heart out along with hers.

Every little slight from JP to JD was a blow -- her eyes flinched and filled with pain each time he insulted from calling her gangster, cheap, to whatever. Yet, she took it all because she was fighting for him. I was worried that she would be passive from the previews but boy, was I ever wrong. Time and time again, she came back after being thrown out or derided.

I don't know if you guys notice but GHS has this ability to make JD seem smaller than she is when she is vulnerable or hurt. She shrinks right in front of your eyes as if she makes herself so small to ward off any pain or maybe hoping that the pain would not reach its intended target. I saw this during the Macau breakup, dinner at JK's villa, and now in this episode. Every time JP told her to get lost, she shrinks inside herself, leaves, gathers her strength to does it all over again.

I think F3 and JD are not suppose to tell him who JD is but let him remember naturally. They can help trigger his memory but telling him -- you don't know if he remembers or just accepts what they are telling him. I am a annoyed that they aren't saying JD is not JH's girlfriend like someone posted.

JH and JD -- I don't know about you guys but in this episode JH has really stood back. He might be there physically by JD's side but emotionally, he isn't. He has finally yielded to the fact that JD loves JP and there is no way she is going to forget JP. He wants to help JD and JP because he knows how much she loves JP and how much JP loves her. He and really only he knows how much JP and JD have gone through and how much hurt has occurred between the two. He defends JD because he knows that when JP eventually does remember, he is going be hurt for being so insulting to JD.

I also think the reason why Mama Kang isn't stepping in is because she has lost that ability to control JP. JP doesn't remember JD only -- he probably remembers everything his mother has done to him and his father being in the coma. Also, maybe now, she is not stopping JP and Yumi because her actions have led him to this accident. Let him decide who he is going to date.

Lastly, I am upset that on the second to last episode, JP hates JD. My heartbreaks for JD and for them. I hope his memory occurs within the first 15 minutes or I am going to scream. I can't take seeing more of JD's eyes fill with tears of pain with slight after slight.

EDIT: This is one episode where I can definitely say I won't ever watch again. Its too painful.

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Guest funkindagirl


It’s been widely announced that final filming took place on the night of March 29th, ending a 5-month long filming period. The production team has announced that fans will be “appeased” with their finished product.

The end brings the cast on a whirlwind-gruelling filming schedule from all over Korea to Macau and back to an aquatic centre in Incheon. Everyone in the main cast was involved.

Post-BOF, Lee Minho was first to express his afterthoughts. On location he had been numb to end-of-filming and all that goes with it but upon reaching home it finally struck him that everything Goo Jun Pyo was no more. Met with a heavy heart, he had this to say on his web page on the 30th:

“This is the last time I’m writing as Goo Jun Pyo. Filming ended today and it didn’t hit me that all has ended till I got home.

I don’t know why but there’s this empty feeling and I can’t sleep. From Autumn 2008 to Spring 2009, it’s been neither a long nor short duration… and it’s been a difficult time for everyone. In the time that filming was ongoing, accidents on and off set were especially many therefore when I felt like I was having a particularly hard time I would wish for filming to end quickly. But everytime this happened, I thought of the fans and all the support they’d given me which gave me the strength to spur on to the finish.

I will always remember the love and support everyone has bestowed upon me and this will make a better Lee Minho in the future. I hope you guys will keep anticipating more from me.”

(End of filming)


Kim Hyun Joong, on the other hand, has been only too happy to share his goodbyes with fans. After reportedly spending a bomb on gifts and a personally organised “Goodbye Yoon Ji Hoo” session, fans are reciprocating by forever cementing “Korea’s sunbae” in history. The whole lot of them got together on March 27th to organise a special fund-raising event that amounted to 3.5 mil won. As a final ’send-off’, fans donated the hefty cheque to a charitable organisation under the name of Yoon Ji Hoo instead of KHJ.

credit seoulbeats

i hear what you are saying but you also have to consider Junpyo's attitude/character......even if the F3 told him that JD is his GF dont you think he will believe them. JP would just think they are joking and dong some prank. just watch how JP insulted JD. it is so heart breaking. it even hurt me when she called her b8tch and some other nasty terms ....plus its not all F3 and Jd"s fault...Jp is also at fault..he is "entertaining" Yumi (we should all get together and bury her to the deepest hole) and letting her call him oppa........yuckkkkkkkkkkkkk....i need to exorcist her.some demonic creature pretending to be human. :P:angry:

Yeah I dont think he would believe them, but at least the idea would already be planted in his mind.

So that when he remembers the star gazing, JD might come to mind as the person he was with because F3 have told him about her at least.

And at least tell him JD is NOT JH's gf.

I get the PD is doing it this way though because then the BIG revelation when he finally remembers everything is going to have a bigger impact. But still...F3's lack of help is frustrating in the meantime.

It was really sad hearing JP's harsh insults which is why I cant wait till he regains his memory and then he'll begs JD for forgiveness (or something like that). :)

LOL. JP seemed to only pay attention to Yumi at first because of JD though, he did it just to annoy her and so she'd leave him alone. But then I think Yumi's personality does kinda draw you in. Obviously not for us because we know what her little scheming is all about. But from JP's point of view I can see why he would.

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Guest xsilentangel

Finished 24 and I thought it was unsatisfying. The finale must be packed full of action then.. but the preview doesn't seem like how I imagined. There is still Ji Hoo and Jan Di moments.. seriously there is too many of those. Everything seemed so rushed and unfinished in this episode. Jun Pyo's inability to remember Jan Di combined with Yumi's clingy nature, Ga Eul and Yi Jung's complicated relationship, Jan Di and Ji Hoo's even more complicated relationship, Jun Pyo's father, Jun Pyo's maniacal turned-emo mother.. I really hope the ending will be fulfilling. I hate open endings! I think it would disappoint about 99% of the viewers too. I doubt it will be an open ending.

I loved when Ji Hoo neglected Yumi's handshake. Hah..

I'm really excited for tomorrow!

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Guest musicsmylife

lol now that i read your list of all these problem i realized that is alot to cover in like two episodes?

i forgot is there only 26 ep in total? ahhh i hate yumi. her character is just so evil. i know her evil-ness doesnt show yet but blah. oh yea they do show alot of jihoo and jandi moments. its too touchy. makes me feel more sorry for jihoo since he doesn't end up with jandi. i really hope everyone gets a happy ending. i really hope that super model/ lawyer chick comes back and she gets together with jihoo. i still dont understand why she left after she did kiss jihoo. anyway onto a more recent ep XD ep 24 was so emotional. my eyes were all watering at the father scene. i actually felt sorry for junpyo's mother when junpyo's sister was yelling at her then i stopped when she just walked away from jandi at the hospital. so cold hearted.

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Guest Shmindy

lol now that i read your list of all these problem i realized that is alot to cover in like two episodes?

i forgot is there only 26 ep in total? ahhh i hate yumi. her character is just so evil. i know her evil-ness doesnt show yet but blah. oh yea they do show alot of jihoo and jandi moments. its too touchy. makes me feel more sorry for jihoo since he doesn't end up with jandi. i really hope everyone gets a happy ending. i really hope that super model/ lawyer chick comes back and she gets together with jihoo. i still dont understand why she left after she did kiss jihoo. anyway onto a more recent ep XD ep 24 was so emotional. my eyes were all watering at the father scene. i actually felt sorry for junpyo's mother when junpyo's sister was yelling at her then i stopped when she just walked away from jandi at the hospital. so cold hearted.

I think she left because she wanted to do things away from her family's identity in Korea and that Jh had been talking about JD to her. I think she realized JH's feeling for JD before JH knew them. My guess is that is why he came back from Paris.

It only goes to ep 25,which is tomorrow's!

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Guest calinla01

This is my first time to post on here. Unfortunately, it is at a sad time when BBF is about to be over. I just finished ep 24 and I am so sad. I LOVED when Ji Hoo walked right past Yu Mi. At this point with all that JD and JP have gone through I almost want to see her with JH. He can give her a calm, peaceful kind of love. I don't think I have ever seen a guy love as much as JH. You could see the pain written all over him. My heart broke for him. I don't think I could ever forget all the hurtful things JP had done if I were JD. I think I would have to go to JH where I would have him and his sweet grandfather!

In the end I just want a happy ending with a wedding. I don't care which one just so long as JD marries one of them.

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Guest Ahr3um

i felt like today's episode was rushed..

but the outcome wasn't bad :]

kinda wished soeul scene would be longer

and loved JP expression at JD kick to the face

mann i going to miss this series soo much!


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Guest Valentin

I watched up until when I knew that Yoo Mi would appear and then stopped. The Jae Kyung arc dragged on for so long and so unnecessarily that it gave me a headache, and so I really couldn't tolerate yet another girl appearing on the scene and contributing even more angst to the show. I realize that the Umi arc in the Hana Yori Dango manga is an integral one, but I despise how they undercut Joon Pyo's character here, in that he actually cozies up to Yoo Mi almost instantaneously. Hell, man, maintain some (character) integrity here, will you?

I've had conflicting feelings about the characterization of Joon Pyo/Domyoji's character here. On the one hand, I appreciate how Lee Min Ho has brought subtlety to the character, where there previously was none at all. On the other hand, one of the things that I loved about Domyoji's character was that he was incredibly straightforward and simple-minded when it came to his love for Jan Di/Makino; in the manga, he never, ever wavered in his conviction. Here, though, he keeps hopping back and forth, and I find it all incredibly mind-boggling and frustrating. Mind you, I don't blame this on the actor, as I think Lee Min Ho is a first-rate actor with incredible prospectives ahead of him. Rather, I'm exasperated that whoever came up with the lousy script and possibly also the director and producers of the drama couldn't manage to stay true to the spirit of the original manga. While the Japanese adaptation didn't stay all that close to the original story line (one of my beefs with that particular adaptation), I think one thing they did manage to do incredibly well was to capture the spirit of the story, and of each of the characters. Here, though, it seems that by bending themselves all over the place trying to satisfy fans (or at least, that's what they think they're doing), they've lost sight of the actual meaning of the story itself, so now, it's just meandering along.

Still, it's been a good watch, and I'm looking forward to the last episode tomorrow. Please, please, please, director and producers, make it highly worth my while. Can we at least go out with a bang? Thanks.

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Guest clauds

I thought JP wouldn't like YuMi? And what the heck, I'm feeling blue, now that the show is going to end TOMORROW. UGH. Today, lee min ho's acting stole my heart, once again. I felt really bad for JD, and you know what, I felt like taking YuMi's crutches and sticking it up her richard simmons, that will teach her something. From the preview, it seems like the ending will be rushed, I wish tomorrow's episode would be like.. 6 hours long!!

When Junpyo put his arm around Yumi's instead of Jandi's, I was like.... "OMFG, WHAT THE HELL."

Also, in the preview when Junpyo said 'I remember' ... I was freaking out and waiting for Jandi's name, but no. Stupid YuMi popped up and JP is like "I remember, it was you who I forgot right?" and she smiled!!! She's a mfjhueyr9748y79!

Junpyo loves Jandi. Jandi loves Junpyo. CASE CLOSED.

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Guest luvtoluv

sorry to bother everyone, but does anyone know how to watch BOF online live ?

i tried TvAnts but it hasn't been working =(

I would LOVE to watch the last episode live as it's playing in Korea.


Jundi FOREVER !! :D

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Guest betchay

sorry to bother everyone, but does anyone know how to watch BOF online live ?

i tried TvAnts but it hasn't been working =(

I would LOVE to watch the last episode live as it's playing in Korea.


Jundi FOREVER !! :D

Try these two links.

Choose KBS2




smiley7.gif ----> kick.gif

I hate Yumi whenever she calls JP Oppa. <_<

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Guest starlight tears

Just finished watching the Episode 24 and GHS owned this episode. Props to LMH but GHS was so heartbreakingly fantastic from her tearful rejection of JH to her emotional scene at JP's bedside to trying to stay optimistic in the face of JP's hatred. Of the three major criers in this episode, GHS won it hands down. Her wrenching cries while holding JP's hand, OMG! Its as if she pulled my heart out along with hers.

EDIT: This is one episode where I can definitely say I won't ever watch again. Its too painful.

Sorry to cut your post...but i am so thankful that you write what i wanted to say! GJD makes me cry in this episode and for a moment the witch Mama also made me feel heartbroken and for the first time I don't hate JH. It's really hard to watch it again.

So i guess what will happen next is that JD makes the lunch box for JP and will trigger him that whoever made that is the person that he can't remember then the preview where F2 will tell JD that JP released from the hospital and JD will visit JP and will learn that the bish Umi took the credit from that lunch box (it's ok to be nice but not lie and took advantage of the situation bish Umi).

So i think at that party where Umi announce that she and JP would like to go the US to study ...(for sure thick face Umi suggested that) this time JD will throw the necklace to the pool and that's when JP will remember JD. Then GOne Umi Gone... At last we will see JP&JD moments after this but of course the another heartbreaking scene from the cable car where our favorite couple will part their ways to grow us independent individual. And of course YJ and GE too...they want the time to test their love hahaha....i think in a way this is why kdrama is so addicting! I am so looking forward for the time jump seeing the proposal pictures. But i hope the writer will also show the importance JP's dad showing up if not I will believe in flowerpot that its just a practice for JD hahaha! I just can't believe that Junhee left again. If only the scriptwriter is not so in love with JH, i think that it will be nice if JD getting consoled from Unni Junhee. I will surely miss this thread and i still don't know how will i handle BOF withdrawal after tomorrow. Please do not take this seriously this is just my guess of what i think will happen. :)

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Guest XiahxTiffany

ok so far seeing pics of the newest episode it looks funny annd good

soo JP realy does have like memory loss 0_0

gosh im so curious rite now!!! but for some reason

videos wont work on my comp so i have to download this thing to fix it

and it seems JP's mom cries!!! wow!!! 0_0

who wouldve thought a woman like her would cry lol

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Episode 24 090330 TNS Ratings

30.2% (Nationwide) [2nd]

29.2% (Seoul) [2nd]

Credit: TNS Ratings

It’s A Happy Ending For ‘Boys Before Flowers’

Supposedly. The KBS “Boys Before Flowers” team has finished filming their last scene of the drama yesterday (29th), bringing an end to this 5-month long production. And according to the news report, it is going to be a happy ending.

The finale scene was taken on the 29th night at a bathing beach in Incheon. As this particular scene contains content about the finale, the entire filming was kept in secrecy unlike previously. According to the details given by one of the crew members, all the leading casts participated in this filming and the ending will also be what the majority of the fans had wished for.

“Boys Before Flowers” began its production from November last year and the team has since travelled to several places for shots, including Macau, Seoul, Jeju Island and Pusan etc. Though the schedule was tight, the team still managed to complete it two days before the broadcast of the finale episode.

credit: hanfever

New Pics from Lunar Sea

Lee Min Ho Etude CF Vs Goo Hye Seon Teen Ring CF


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